Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 91 Angel with broken wings! (5, strong order!)

On the 29th day of survival in the wilderness, a strong wind roared, and before dawn, Lin Han was awakened by the strong wind.

He was very fortunate that he had found such an excellent shelter from the wind. The strong wind blew over his head, but it did not have a great impact on the bamboo house below.

The wind above the head is at least seven or eight, but the wind of the ground, after the weakening of the woods, is at most four or five.

Lin Han's bamboo hut can withstand the eighth-level strong wind at most, so this night, Lin Han didn't even notice the slightest shaking, and slept very peacefully.


Big and small flowers!

Lin Han thought they were outside the house. After all, it was a typhoon and it hadn't rained yet, so it was possible to get up early to play outside the house.

But when I came outside, I still didn't see the shadow of the big flower and the small flower.

"Big flower! Small flower!"

Lin Han shouted loudly, but received no response except for the whirring of the wind!

They are gone!

"Bad, I forgot to tell them last night, they must be hunting again.

Looking at the sky that seemed to have been pulled into a black screen, with the dark clouds just above his head, within reach, Lin Han couldn't help worrying.

It's raining, let it fall!

The big flower is okay, it has jungle survival experience, and generally there will be no problems. But Xiaohua, which is around four months old, is too fragile.


Netizens are also anxious,

"Seven seven seven" "Ha, Lin Shen, have you lost my daughter?

"Those who talk about the big storm are so terrifying, isn't Xiaohua dangerous?"

"Xiaohua, it's hard not to do anything. 99

"It looks like it's going to rain soon, Xiaohua won't get wet and get sick with a cold, right?


Xiaohua has been following Lin Han's pet since the very beginning. It can be said that it has brought a lot of joy to everyone.

Mengmeng's appearance, plus some naughty, soon became countless fans.

Therefore, the people who care about it are no less than those who care about Lin Han.

Everyone is not complaining about Lin Han, it's just that the big storm came too suddenly, no one expected it, just simply worried about Xiaohua and Dahua.

"Friends, I have to find them."

Lin Han checked the equipment, only brought a miniature camera, and a handheld wireless camera to hook his hair, and traveled lightly.

Netizens have feelings for Dahua and Xiaohua, but they are definitely not as deep as his.

In Lin Han's eyes, they are no longer pets, but amazing!

So, he had to find it.

"Animals have an instinctive fear of dangerous natural phenomena. If you have raised pigs and sheep at home, you should know this very well.

Usually, Dahua knows the way and will definitely bring Xiaohua back safely. But once it rains or even thunders, they may get lost. So, before it rains and thunders, I must find them.

Lin Han turned the camera towards himself, with a tiny camera on his head, so that the audience could switch between two perspectives, Lin Han and the front.

According to the weather forecast, it will rain in an hour, and there will be thunderstorms in two hours at the latest!

Therefore, he must find the big flower and the small flower within two hours.

"Xiuyuan, Zhengguo, the two of you watch you and let other animals approach.

Lin Han is worried that when he leaves, panicked animals will come to the bamboo house to take refuge and destroy the things here. As for the rabbits, they were all kept in cages. The fish pond is covered with a bamboo willow woven lid, which is pressed with stones. Even if it rains heavily, there is no need to worry about the fish inside.

After the arrangement was made, Lin Han immediately triggered and did not dare to delay for a moment.

“Animals, like people, leave traces wherever they walk, and if you are careful, you can find these traces. 99

Lin Han pointed to a row of footprints by the lake,

"These footprints are all new, one big and one small. At first glance, they are left by big flowers and small flowers. They got up early, and after drinking water by the lake, they headed north. I remember watching there often. On the trail of the goat, I think the big flower must have taken the small flower to catch the goat.

Dahua and Xiaohua have been obsessed with it since they ate lamb tripe last time, and they go to Jimen to catch goats every morning.

However, goats are not so easy to catch, and even the large flower thrips have tried many times and failed.

In addition to catching goats, Lin Han thinks that they have a reason to go to the door so early in the morning.

Also, with small flowers.

The goats have a wide range of activities, and Lin Han can only determine the approximate direction and look for it according to the traces left by the big flower.

Worrying about the beasts he encountered on the road, he brought his saber and military shovel with him.

A military shovel opened the way, and the speed of walking through the forest was much faster.

"Everyone, there is urine on the leaves here. It smells of jackals, indicating that the little flowers passed through here. The direction I'm looking for is right!"

As Xiaohua's shit shoveling officer, Lin Han is very familiar with the smell.

You don't need a dog's nose to smell it.

Of course, no one laughed at Lin Han at this time.

There is only worry about Xiaohua, and Lin Han's admiration.

"Lin Shen is really powerful, not only has the ability to train animals, but also has the ability to track!

"If it was such a large forest, I would have fainted. 11

"Go on, Lin Shen, be sure to welcome Xiaohua!

"I believe that my husband will definitely find our daughter back!

About two more brown rices were tracked forward, the traces of the big and small flowers became less and less, and then they disappeared!

broken branches, footprints, smell

All disappeared.

"What's the matter, there's no trace at all?"

"Could it be that Lin Shen was lost!

"No, look for it carefully, if you can't go back a little bit."

"Xiaohua is definitely fine, I believe in Lin Shen!"

Unlike everyone's nervousness, Lin Han is much more relaxed.

"Friends, I have followed all the way here, and Fang must be right. I can't see the trail now, but it shows this.

When the big flower is hunting, it will be very slight and completely hide itself in the environment. The trail suddenly disappeared, indicating that this is its hunting ground, and it may still be around here!"

Lin Han also suddenly slowed down and spoke as quietly as possible.

In case, Dahua is hunting here, he can't disturb the prey and mess up Dahua's plan.

Another point is that if he guesses wrong, it is not the big flower that is hunting here, but other beasts, then he can hide himself and protect his own safety by doing so.

As he moved forward slowly, Lin Han did not find any trace of the big flower and the small flower. Instead, he found many messy footprints beside a small water pool.

Two deep pits, apparently sheep's hoof prints.

Many, at least twenty or thirty goats.

"Well, it looks like we're late, the big flower hunt is over. And, it failed again.

Lin Han stood up and shrugged helplessly, "Now, we need to follow these footprints and we should be able to find them.

The closer the distance, the greater the hope of finding.

Netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, it started to rain in the sky.

- When it rains, a hazy fog will rise in the tropical rain forest, which is very impressive!

Fortunately, it is not a real tropical rainforest, and the fog only has a very thin layer. For Lin Han, it is fortunate...

I followed the footprints for more than a kilometer, but still no big flower was found.

However, the hurried sheep's hoof prints did not disappear, indicating that the beasts were still chasing them. So as long as you keep looking along the footprints, Fang must be right.



A roar of a beast came from directly ahead,

"What's that sound?"

Netizens also heard

"This is the roar that the leopard makes when it is in danger, is the big flower in danger!

"It's a big flower!

Lin Han heard it, it was Dahua's roar.

Moreover, a voice that followed, confirmed this, "Hi--"


The sound is much weaker than the leopard's roar.

But the leopard's roar and the wolf's howl rhyme together, who else can there be other than the two sisters in such a group?

"They are dangerous!"

Lin Han's heart lifted, and he rushed in the direction of the voice,

The body is as fast as an arrow from the string!

This is the first time he has shown his speed in front of netizens. Powerful explosive power and strong muscles make him extremely fast.

A few hundred meters away, in the blink of an eye.

"It's a big flower!"

Lin Han suddenly raised his head and saw the big flower with a taut body, ready to go in the rain.

Its body is very low, it is an offensive stance,

Sharp fangs, exposed to wind and rain, ready to bite the enemy at any time!

What danger has it encountered?

Lin Han can't think about it anymore, even if the opposite is a lion that is several times more ferocious, he must pass!

However, when he took a few steps forward, he found a wonderful scene!

Beside the big flower, the one standing is not the little flower,


A girl wearing a gray vest, showing a half-smooth belly, wearing a pair of hot pants, and revealing slender and beautiful legs!

"Another challenger!"

The camera around her has already explained her identity.

Lin Han's head is a little confused, how could Smallpox stand with the police? Could it be that Dahua is protecting her?!

The girl was not lightly injured, and a long slit was cut in her left calf, such as white jade splashing blood, which was particularly dazzling!

Ordinary people suffered this kind of injury, and they would have fallen 3.4 times long ago.

but she,

Bent over like a big flower, the fit body is tight and ready to go!

She was holding a "fish mark" (similar to Lin Han, a sharpened wooden stick) in her hand, and stared straight ahead with her eyes fixed on the front.

Lin Han appreciates this concentration!

What surprised Lin Han even more was that at her feet lay a shot that was more than one meter long.

There was a blood hole in the abdomen of the shot, apparently the spike was pierced, and he was killed in one hit!

As for what was killed by what, the fish mark with blood dripping from the girl's hand has already answered the audience!

Drops of blood fell on that face as smooth as jade,



"It's actually her, Li Shuixin!

After three days of training together, Lin Han didn't speak to her,

But her perfect appearance and perfect figure, even if it is just a glimpse, will be deeply engraved in my mind.


she actually,

Killed a vicious one!

However, Lin Han knew that if Dahua hadn't rescued her in time, she would not have survived!

Because, never a loner!

PS: Guys, do you like this kind of heroine, she is very strong, definitely not a vase!

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