This acquaintance, no one else, was exactly the object of Chu Feng’s first transaction before.

At that time, Chu Feng used a fish to trade an excellent seawater purifier.

This person sent a private message to Chu Feng:

“Hello, can I trade this fish of yours with a secret?”

The secret of this thing, the value is difficult to say.

Some secrets are worth a lot, even priceless.

But there are secrets, worthless.

Moreover, everyone has some secrets to a greater or lesser extent.

Just like Chu Feng, he came to this world and obtained a god-level selection system.

That’s his biggest secret right now.

For this person’s so-called secret, Chu Feng was actually not very interested.

In fact, he was really interested in the private message that this person sent again:

“This secret is related to great white sharks, and I think you are the same as me, facing the threat of great white sharks anytime and anywhere.”

Secrets related to great white sharks?

Chu Feng touched his nose.

Well…… It’s kind of interesting!

“By the way, the secret she said, shouldn’t it be that the great white shark will finally attack the nearest raft?” And generally destroy a raft board will leave, and after a period of time, it will come again to continue destroying. ”

Chu Feng felt that if the man said something about this.

Then this secret about the great white shark has no meaning to itself.

Because he already knows.

At this time, the person sent another private message:

“It is estimated that you will not believe me, so, I take the initiative to tell you, if you feel some value, then please give me a little food, just fought with the great white shark, and now I am weak.”


This man is so tiger?

Actually fought with Jaws?

It is estimated that she should not have won, otherwise, a great white shark will definitely be enough for her to eat for a while.

[It is said that it is the secret of the great white shark, but in fact, it is only a little of my own experience. 】

[Before me, a great white shark attacked my raft. 】

[At that time, I happened to be standing next to the raft. 】

[In a panic, he fell directly into the sea. ] 】

[I heard that great white sharks attack rafts before, and I have personally experienced that when you fall into the sea, great white sharks will attack you first! ] 】

[I was so dangerous that I was directly eaten by a great white shark! ] 】

[I finally escaped on the raft, but the fish you traded for me earlier fell into the sea. 】

[Originally, before I came to this world, I chased the bad guys all night, and I was hungry. 】

[The shark escape not long ago also exhausted all my strength. 】

[Hope this information is helpful to you, if you find it helpful, please trade this fish to me, thank you! ] 】

At this time, it was not particularly far from Chu Feng on the sea.

Long-legged royal sister, lying on her back on a raft with only three raft boards left.

She now felt like she didn’t even have the strength to move her fingers.

The shark mouth escape just now, she has even stimulated the potential of her body.

At this time, the whole body is out of strength.

“In the past, I saved a lot of people and helped a lot of people.”

“But in this world, I have contacted many people, and none of them are willing to help me.”

“Maybe, this is my life, right?”

This inspector’s flower smiled miserably.

I have no hope for the rest of my life.

She closed her eyes and thought back to her twenty-one years of life.

A lot of things from childhood to adulthood come to mind.

The first time I went to school, the first birthday, the first time I was called the school flower, the first time I received a love letter, the first time I was confessed, the first time I was chosen as a goddess, the first time I went to the inspector school, the first time I was called the number one inspector’s flower…

There are many firsts in life.

Long-legged royal sister, have all experienced.

But there were quite a few firsts that she hadn’t had time to feel.

For example, the first time there is a boy you like, the first time you hold hands with a boy you like, hug, kiss, etc. and so on.

The long-legged royal sister has been an orphan since she was a child, and she has no relatives.

But she has a good girlfriend.

The royal sister, who thought of a lot of things, also thought of her good girlfriend at this time.

“I don’t know, did Yu Xiaoyu also come to this world?”

“I don’t know, is she still alive?”

When a man dies, his words are good.

The long-legged royal sister decided to do something before she died.

She said in the chat channel:

“Be careful not to fall into the sea, otherwise the great white shark will attack me directly and preferentially, not the raft.”

“Okay, goodbye to the sea, goodbye to the raft, goodbye to my good friend Yu Xiaoyu.”

“Yu Xiaoyu, you must live well!”


PS: Thank you [worry-free] Lao Tie for rewarding 588 for the third time, thank you thank you thank you!

This chapter is a !!!!!!!!!!!! for the old iron

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