“Chu Feng, it turns out that we really have a chance to meet!”

“I was in the chat channel just now, and I saw someone say.”

“He saw the other survivors!”

“Since other survivors can meet on the vast sea.”

“Then we must be able to too!”

“Emperor, the concubine misses you!”

Seeing this information, Chu Feng couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

It was all speculation before.

It is now basically a fact.

Be able to meet other survivors.

Then he who has a god-level selection system will definitely be able to meet Yu Xiaoyu Qin Xiaoqing.

And this time, definitely not too long.

Chances are, you’ll see one of them tomorrow!

When such information appeared, both Chu Feng and Qin Xiaoqing were very happy.

Especially Qin Xiaoqing’s last sentence made Chu Feng even more happy.

“Concubine, where did you miss me?”

“Concubines miss you everywhere!”



“Chu Feng, the excellent grade fishing rod you gave me, use it well.”

“It didn’t take long for me to catch a fish.”

“I’ll send it to you when I’m done baking later, okay?”

“Let you try my craft of grilling fish?”

Qin Xiaoqing’s barbecue grill is ordinary, while Chu Feng’s barbecue grill is excellent.

Needless to say, it must be Chu Feng’s excellent barbecue grill, and the grilled fish is even more delicious.

It’s just that the royal sister with long legs wants to do something for herself.

Chu Feng did not refuse this.

Before I knew it, it was almost evening.

It’s time to prepare dinner.

Qin Xiaoqing grilled a fish for Chu Feng, and Chu Feng himself grilled a fish.

They gave each other their own grilled fish.

Soon, Qin Xiaoqing said embarrassedly:

“I’m sorry, Chu Feng, I thought the fish I grilled tasted good.”

“It’s just that without contrast, there is no harm.”

“The fish you grilled is much more delicious than the fish I grilled!”

Chu Feng told his concubine that it was mainly the difference between the barbecue grill.

“When you get on my raft later, my excellent barbecue grill will be handed over to you.”

“Every day, you have to serve Xun to bathe and change clothes, wash and cook, make the bed, fold the quilt and warm the bed, is the concubine willing?”

Qin Xiaoqing’s reply was not unexpected by Chu Feng:

“Concubines are honored!”

“It’s just that the concubine has a reluctant request.”

Chu Feng smiled and said, “Talk.” ”

“Your Majesty, if you find Xiaoyu in the future, the emperor, you can’t spoil Xiaoyu alone!”


Song Dabao’s rain and dew were all out.

Chu Feng was in a good mood and had a good appetite.

He ate three fish in the evening.

In addition to Qin Xiaoqing’s grilled fish, he also ate two good-grade grilled fish.

This graded food, after eating, is full of comfort.

For the body, there is a subtle improvement.

Chu Feng felt that his strength was greater than together.

After eating and drinking, he chatted with Qin Xiaoqing, who was very likely to become his own woman soon.

“Chu Feng, I saw someone selling a good-grade hook throwing blueprint.”

“I’ve bought it, and that’s for you.”

[Good Level Gutter Blueprint] Trading [None].

Refusal of Transaction.

“I don’t need to, I have a perfect-grade throwing hook, you keep it for yourself.”

“Oh, okay, then I’ll make it.”

“Go ahead.”

At this time, Chu Feng also confirmed a lot of transactions.

The previous shark meat has all been sold.

In addition to this, there are two fish, three pounds of water.

So Chu Feng obtained a lot of resources again.

【Get wood*1180】

【Get palm leaf *300】

【Get plastic *88】

【Obtain metal sheet *60】

【Get glass*50】

The raft is the top priority, the foundation of everything

Chu Feng continued to expand the excellent raft.

Fifty-four pieces of wood, built into an excellent grade raft plank.

Chu Feng took a breath and built twenty-two pieces.

All wood, depleted.

As a result, Chu Feng’s excellent grade raft became 6*9.

Compared with other survivors, it is already far ahead.

And his is still excellent, more durable, and the safety factor is higher.

Looking at the raft that he had expanded a lot, Chu Feng said with a smile

“Now even if it rains and there are wind and waves, I don’t have to worry.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Feng felt two raindrops fall on top of his head.

“Do you want to be so clever?”

“By the way, if you know if you will meet Qin Xiaoqing tomorrow, then ask her if it is raining over there.”

“If she’s not very far from me, then she’s probably raining lightly over there!”

When Chu Feng thought of this, he immediately picked up the survival manual and asked Qin Xiaoqing.

“Xiaoqing, is it raining there for you?”


PS: The author Jun worked hard to burst into the middle ……… Kneeling for flower evaluation data support……………………

The more support, the more updates….

Old irons, come, hurt each other!!!

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