Chapter 102 Ultra-temperature superconductor get√


The "It's easy~" that I originally blurted out turned into a vertical upward pitch after I saw the specific content of the renovation plan.

(service centre)

(Option 1, Nano Recombination Station, requires materials x20 superconducting materials, x20 nanomaterials, x10 Lv.7 maintenance robots, increases energy consumption by 300%, and can perform nano-level flaw detection, repair, and reorganization.)

(Option 2, quantum recombination station, requires intelligent core x20 (physical electronic neural network, plays a key catalytic role in top components, interstellar league entry prize.), normal temperature superconducting material x20, quantum chip x20, energy consumption increased by 5000%, can Repairs all types of equipment.)

‘. . . ’

I just finished praising the plug-in for being awesome and the transformation plan was down to earth, but the result was a slap in the face right after.

Good guy, looking at the exaggerated demand, Zhao Feng decisively selected the most conventional [Repair Station]

He could only express his opinions on those two transformation plans.

"I don't deserve it... Farewell!"

Staring at the three buildings being built in front of him, Zhao Feng did not accelerate them all.

After some consideration, he chose, [Drawing Analysis Room].

His operation can be said to be a special chicken thief. It's not that he doesn't want to build the building in seconds, but he just wants to figure out the drawings. It may take a long time. He can take the opportunity to let the other two buildings be built slowly. After all, he can save some money. That's right~

Along with the deduction of hope value.

The construction site in front of me seemed to be a video played at 64x speed.

The process of melting, reorganizing, shaping, and solidifying materials is completed instantly after bursts of visual distortion.

The entire construction of the [Drawing Analysis Room] takes no more than 5 seconds.

One word "quick" is highlighted throughout.

Entering the drawing analysis room, the metal door opens to both sides.

As Zhao Feng completely entered it, the door of the room was closed and completely isolated from the outside world.

The originally dark room slowly lit up, along with the few drawings he owned.

[Inscription: Astral Disguise] (Purple)

[Equipment Blueprint: Shield Neutralization Field·Change] (Purple)

[Architectural Drawings: Underground Airport (Small) (Analyzed)] (Blue)

[Material drawing: room temperature superconductor] (green)

[Equipment drawing: Pioneer Type I exoskeleton] (green)

'Um. . . Did you have 5 drawings without realizing it? ’

The two green blueprints were obtained in the underground city A09.

There was also a mental shielding field at that time, which looked better, but Zhao Feng didn't choose it.

His idea at the time was simple. The shield generator itself had the effect of resisting mental attacks.

It may not be as strong as the special defense like the mental shielding field, but the effects of the two are actually duplicated.

The Pioneer I exoskeleton can be worn as a space suit. At that time, he chose the exoskeleton considering that the space suit had more application scenarios.

Moreover, he can't always rely on biological shields, right?

Thinking about it now, this choice was indeed quite correct.

'First analyze the normal temperature superconductor, and then the exoskeleton. Since this thing can be used as a space suit, it presumably also has high resistance to nuclear radiation. In this way, including the special skill [High Energy Resistance], we will go to the core area of ​​the Titan Laboratory. The safety of digging nuclear fuel is even higher. ’

Although the plug-in complained about its defense, but what the heck~ at least it is practical now.

Try clicking on the floating drawing of a room temperature superconductor.


The drawing he selected was instantly highlighted and enlarged.

On the left side of the drawing, the finished model is shown in constant rotation.

The right side of the drawing shows various data.

【Normal temperature superconductor】

One-time parsing success rate: 10%

(Green quality drawings, initial success rate: 0%-10%)

Each analysis requires: Silver x5, Copper x7, energy consumption is 50 units each time, time required: 1 hour

(The materials required for analysis are 1-10 times that of the finished product. The normal materials required for finished silver-copper superconducting alloy products are: silver x2, copper x4)

(For green quality drawings, each time the analysis fails, the success rate increases: 1%-3%)

(Tip: You can increase your success rate by using hope values)

(Note: For white quality drawings, every 500 hope points increase the success rate by 1%)

(Green drawing, every 1500 points increases the success rate by 1%)

(Blue, 1% increase every 11500 points)

(Purple, 110,500 points, an increase of 1%)

Staring at the information in front of him, Zhao Feng felt waves of headache.

Copper is okay, if you collect a lot, it will definitely be enough.

But there really isn't much silver in the base.

Even if the mining robot has been mining, including the silver ingots he collected last time he went out.

The base's silver reserves are only 1022 units.

Even if they all become normal-temperature superconductors, the gap will be huge.

Of course, he can also analyze it bit by bit, slowly increase the success rate, and wait for the mining robot to dig out more silver.

But that would take too long, and the rhythm of rapid development would be completely disrupted, which was not the result he wanted.

Staring at the success rate column, Zhao Feng made calculations.

‘The success rate is still short of 90%. If you are unlucky and only improve by 1% each time, you will have to consume 450 units of silver, 90 hours of analysis time, and 4500 units of energy. ’

‘This is really, not just ignorant, but shocking. Isn’t it too wasteful? ! ’

‘It’s really better to just speed up, but it’s only 55 hours in total, go! ’

At the same time that Zhao Feng finished selecting the desired value and received it, the drawings were analyzed and completed at the same time.

You don’t even need a countdown, it’s just so efficient.

[Congratulations to player Zhao Feng for successfully unlocking the green quality material, room temperature superconductor]

[Silver copper superconducting alloy]:

Materials required: Silver x2, Copper x4, energy required per unit: 5 points, production time required: 10 units per hour.

Building required: Mineral Refining Workshop Lv.2

He nodded with satisfaction and continued to click on the second drawing.

[Pioneer Type I Exoskeleton]

One-time parsing success rate: 15%

Each analysis requires: alloy x20, fiber x5, copper x5, silicon x5, energy consumption is 100 units each time, time required: 2 hours

Required buildings: Equipment manufacturing workshop or armor manufacturing workshop

'Um? The success rate of green drawings is actually different, seconds! ’


While increasing the success rate to 100%, together with the analysis time, another 53 hours of acceleration time were consumed.

Calculating the drawings and the acceleration time used for construction, it has taken more than 170 hours.

And these are not the big ones.

Looking at the two purple drawings, Zhao Feng swallowed and clicked [Inscription: Astral Disguise]

【Star Realm Disguise】

One-time parsing success rate: -70%

(Purple quality drawings, initial success rate: -50% to -100%)

‘Oh my god, can this thing be negative? ! ’

He was really shocked by the Xinghai System's showy tricks.

‘See what this means, the initial success rate of astral disguise is -80%? What a trap. . . ’

This was nothing. When he looked at the required materials, it was the beginning of his pain.

Each analysis requires: Alloy

(Purple quality inscriptions, the success rate increases after each analysis failure: 0.1%-0.3%)

Looking at the harsh request, Zhao Feng fell into a brief silence.

‘. . . ’

No, I can't make it past 5,000 words, my brain is overloaded, I can't! Plus, little hands are not very fast.

It’s still 4,000. . .

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