Late at night, Pansi Valley, quiet as always.

However, at this time, if you pay attention to the deepest part of this canyon, you will definitely be able to find that a black spider the size of a basketball is lying quietly in the nest, thinking about life like a human being.

Yes, think.

However, Liu Zimo is not thinking about life, but about the planning of his own practice.

“Use a blood pool to enhance highly toxic resistance, it is best to use it once a day or two, and some of them can’t eat more…”

Whispering softly, Liu Zimo also raised his sickle foot.

Faintly, he actually felt an indescribable numbness in Kazu.

This should be the sequelae of bathing in poisonous blood.

Fortunately, this sense of paralysis, with the passage of time, is slowly improving, otherwise Liu Zimo will scold his mother.

And this is also the reason why Liu Zimo is unwilling to bathe in poisonous blood again.

More than enough is too much.

Until this sense of paralysis does not completely disappear, Liu Zimo should not be bathed in poisonous blood again.

This is not like a previous life, there are hospitals.

If something happens, or leaves sequelae, he will be in big trouble.

So, be cautious and cautious.

Be careful, finally make the 10,000-year ship.

Moreover, Liu Zimo also vaguely understood that his natural adaptability should have a disadvantage that was not a disadvantage.

“If you are eager to improve your resistance, you are likely to play with fire and set yourself on fire…”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also had some understanding.

This is not a disadvantage.

But it is necessary to be vigilant.

However, after simply planning the cultivation plan, Liu Zimo also began to polish his god-level ability, spider silk, on a daily basis.


With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also spit out a huge net the size of a millstone in an instant, shooting towards the boulder not far away.

This is a cobweb, capable of binding the actions of others.

If it is covered by this cobweb, enemies of the same level are afraid that they will be in big trouble.

It is worth mentioning that the size of this cobweb depends on the speed of willow ink weaving.

The larger the net, the longer it takes to weave.

According to Liu Zimo’s estimate, a ten-meter net, at his current level, would take half a minute.

At this time, it is also doomed that the current ten-meter-large giant net cannot appear in the fleeting battle.

And this kind of millstone-sized cobweb, it only takes a few breaths.

Therefore, in a conventional battle, Liu Zimo spits out a huge net the size of a millstone… As for larger cobwebs, there is no need for that.

Moreover, Liu Zimo’s spider silk is limited.

For a short time, it can no longer be replenished.

If it is too expensive to weave a spider web, it means that Liu Zimo cannot use other abilities that borrow spider silk.

For example, now….

“Elastic wire…”

There was another murmur, only to hear a sound of breaking through the air, and there was an extra bullet-sized hole on the far boulder.

And this is another way to play Liu Zi ink spider silk.

Like a bullet, a spider silk shoots out… It has extremely terrifying lethality, enough to penetrate the flesh and blood of the enemy and even smash the bones of the enemy.

Cobweb master control,

Bullet wire main attack.

This is the current usage of willow ink spider silk.

Also, using spider silk to move… Shoot spider silk on trees and stones to drag your body and quickly cross various obstacles….

This should also be a usage.

It’s just that the current Liu Zimo has not yet sorted it out.

Simply put, Liu Zimo is not skilled enough to become a housekeeper.

When I get used to it in the future, I estimate that this will greatly improve Liu Zimo’s agility….

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also looking forward to the arrival of that day.

But that’s not all.

Because the god-level strengthening of spider silk gives it infinite possibilities.

Therefore, in terms of development, Liu Zimo’s spider silk is also different from the spider silk of ordinary spiders.

As for why so sure….

That is the spider silk of other spiders, can they move their hearts at will like Liu Zimo?

For example, now….

When his mind moved, there were actually several crystalline spider silks, constantly rotating around Liu Zimo… It’s like dancing, it’s like cheering, even cheering.

Not only that, Liu Zimo also had a feeling that he seemed to be able to manipulate these spider silks more subtly….

“I can keep straightening like a piano line…”

Suddenly thinking, Liu Zimo was stunned.

Just because, these few crystal spider silks really began to straighten continuously…


In a moment of silence, Liu Zimo also tentatively manipulated these spider silks and streaked towards the distance.


Just listen to a crisp sound… In Liu Zimodu’s somewhat stunned gaze, a branch of the tree not far away was silently split in two.

At this time, if you look closely, you can definitely see that at the break of the branch, several crystalline spider silks slowly trembling.

And this is also their masterpiece, like a piano wire, straightened, without other objects fixed, and then in the high-speed movement, cut this branch…

Fast and terrifying,


It’s just that… After doing this series of operations, Liu Zimo rarely felt a touch of exhaustion.

Yes, exhaustion.

That’s not physical exhaustion.

Rather, spiritually.

“Could it be said that such a casual manipulation of spider silk consumes my mental power…”

Whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also a little puzzled.

Spiritual power, invisible and touchable, really exists in this world.

At least, in the chat channel, Liu Zimo saw the word ‘spiritual power’ more than once.

ps: ————- ask for tips, ask for flowers —————–

Ask for tips, ask for flowers….

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