Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 1001: The purple-robed lord of the Dragon Worship Cult

Hill didn't care to calculate how many enemies Amaunata would have in the future... Anyway, the account between Vera and him had been settled, and no matter how unlucky Amaunata was, it would not be related to their Aglaia people.

Although these red-robed old lichs are not mainly from the necromancy school, who is born in Seer and would not recruit a few undead as followers?

They don't dare to let their apprentices serve. What if one day someone gets lucky and gets in touch with Talona, ​​the Queen of Diseases!

Liches don't seem to be afraid of poisons and diseases...but in order to prevent anyone from escaping her threat, Talona naturally developed many unique undead viruses for these seemingly immortal guys.

For example, a kind of bacteria... can take root and sprout on bones soaked in the power of death. As long as it gets a little bit of it, if you don't move it, many bones will be destroyed.

Even if these lichs who have lived for tens of thousands of years can get rid of these poisonous bacteria, they will still be afraid of those spare bones!

Therefore, the bald men in red robes, who were always harsh on their subordinates and disciples, did not dare to let these brats enter their private space.

So basically all the small things around us, and even the main protection work, are done by these undead creatures.

Although they can't create a natural disaster of the undead, it's still easy to get something like a bone dragon... There are so many white dragons!

Alustriel, who had divided into seven clones and acted at the same time, rushed toward a bone dragon that looked dull.

Hill wouldn't be surprised that she would find out where the real enemy is.

Exorcism, seeing through invisibility, true vision, understanding language, and seeing through intentions are Alustriel's chosen talents. She can become the Supreme Lady because she can rarely be deceived... Just because she doesn't care doesn't mean she doesn't know.

It's just that as a ruler, Alustriel doesn't care if her men are divided into several factions to fight with each other. Anyway, it's not like she can't see the truth.

He looked thoughtfully at the pale bone dragon... Knowing that he had been exposed, he instantly surged several times, but it was still full of bones. The eight ghostly fires directly faced the eight figures that rushed towards him. .

Alustriel snorted coldly, and the seven clones began to switch shapes constantly... and finally turned into two unicorns, two Pegasus, two pseudo-dragons and a creature that was difficult to find in the main material plane. The radiant mephit appears above.

It can be seen from their blue eyes that these creatures have a little power of the magic network.

Alustriel is worthy of being the chosen one who received the most power from Black Eye Mystra... Maybe this has something to do with the fact that when she was born, Black Eye had just recovered from her mother, and her power was not completely restrained. There were many The energy of the Ley Line merged into the newborn baby.

But this is also why Black Eyes possessed Alustriel in a soul state when he encountered trouble later.

Midnight couldn't do it, not only because she didn't trust the seven sisters of the North, but also because the difference between her and Heitong was quite big.

The radiant magic bats following the two pseudo-dragons emitted brilliant blue-white light forward. The red-robed mages cursed angrily and avoided... Although the light of positive energy of this thing lasts for a long time, it can only be used for almost a day. Used it twice, but when it showed up, it was really no different than dropping an Inspire Dawnstone among the undead.

No one expected that the incarnation of Alustriel could turn into such a creature... This supreme lady of the Silver Moon Alliance is really well-informed!

"Eh? The bats in the radiation plane turn out to look different!" Lansander looked at the bat with great interest... Even the mouse-like face was set off by the bright and shiny skin. , can also show a little cuteness.

Not to mention that the faces of these radiation mephits look more like squirrels... Maybe it's because of the radiation of positive energy that the creatures become more beautiful, right?

Ransander instantly became interested in these bright bats: "I'm going to the radiation plane to catch a few and bring them back to the Kingdom of God!"

"Didn't magic bats... always change colors according to the environment they are in?" Selune asked puzzledly, "When we arrive in your kingdom of God, this kind of green, blue, and purple skin will soon turn into gold, Yellow and pink, right?

How is that different from those creatures in your kingdom of God? "

"At least I can see other colors for decades!" Ransander's bird face was full of confusion, "Can't I catch it again? Anyway, as long as there is positive energy, this bat will not die. "

"It's useless for you to talk to Selune. She's lazy and a homebody, and she wants to have everything put to her mouth." Shar sneered and said, "The most powerful moment in my life was when I listened to Shang. Thea's request went directly to find the endless fire that can give birth to a waste like Amaunata."

Lansander was horrified... He would never participate in discussions of this kind of content!

After all, when the sun was formed, the first light gave birth to him, the Lord of the Morning!

If the two sisters continue to quarrel, sooner or later they will bring him into it.

He is here to have fun, not to be entertained!

It would be okay if I had time, but now I don't have the time to quarrel and practice with them!

Besides, he couldn't beat it.

Lansander said loudly: "That dragon! It has turned into a human form! Huh? Purple robe?

Tsk! This is Meng, the leader of the human dracolich!

Damn it! It’s the Dragon Worship Cult again! "'s not that unusual.

Hill thought long and hard that the so-called purple-robed ones in the Dragon Worship Cult were actually those who chose to turn into dragon lichs.

However, since that Sammaster... ah, died under the killer of fate, the power of the Dragon Worship Cult has been taken away by those undead dragons that have been patient for a long time.

One of them is Drogothos.

But at the same time, it also brought some benefits, that is, compared to the dracolich transformed by humans, these dragons in the past were more interested in the accumulation of wealth, and each had their own interests. They were no longer always in the presence of humans like in the past. There have been endless murders and evil sacrifices in the city.

And those high-ranking human dracolichs of the Dragon Worship Cult who have lost their power can only look for the next opportunity in the wild... Of course, they have to avoid the attacks of the giant dragons who have lost countless relatives and friends because of dragon madness.

Probably only when dealing with them, the metal dragon and the five-color dragon can cooperate without any scruples. Even the five-color dragon queen does not step forward to prevent such revenge for her former loyal believers.

How could the tools he used be put on the same scale as his own descendants?

It's useless anyway, Tiamat doesn't really answer their prayers now.

After losing control of Dragon Madness, those Dracolichs who no longer worry about the misfortune of their relatives cannot help these former colleagues.

So basically the two factions of dracolich have been doing their own thing for a long time... Although one faction is getting beaten everywhere, the other faction can stay underground in Waterdeep City and play his life creation game.

But although these two groups of dracolich basically go their separate ways, if necessary...for example, if they can reach an agreement on certain interests, it is not impossible for them to cooperate.

What Dogothos needs is some protection from the Lord of Storms, and what these purple-robed fake dragons need is someone who can allow them to live a normal life, instead of having a bunch of dragons rushing over to spit fire, smash, and rob. 's place of residence.

The red-robed mage... is not a red-robed mage from the Necromancy School. For them, he is also someone they can barely cooperate with.

Anyway, even if the barbarians suffered a severe blow, they would not be able to seek help from the humans within the Spine of the World.

As for Tempus, as long as he doesn't provoke the people in the Ten Ice Wind Towns, he probably won't make enemies of them because of his barbarian son... He doesn't care about it at all. After all, most barbarians still believe in The God of War, but these barbarians scattered in Icewind Valley are probably not worthy of the God of War sacrificing his divine power.

Not a believer in the Red Knight.

The red robes are not so bold as to want to destroy the foundation of Uthgar's faith, but there is no problem in dividing a large enough territory, right?

As for those guys who want to get a God of War... anyway, the red robe will only do what they want to do, unless there is enough benefit for them to offend the God of War.

Therefore, after the red-robed mages discovered that the allies hidden in their undead pets were exposed, they tacitly agreed to a ceasefire and ceded the battlefield to the other side.

Kelben and Laila looked at each other and stood ten meters to the left and right behind Alustriel... From that angle, they could jointly hold up a defensive force field at any time.

Although their preferred spells are different, they can act simultaneously using the silver fire.

Alustriel, who was holding the Silver Moon Unicorn Staff in his hand, looked at the pale bone dragon that turned into a purple-robed lich, and said calmly: "Should I call you Meng? Or should I call you Aigason Na?" Sere?

Ah, but this appearance really suits you better now... At least I can tell you are a human being at a glance.

I'm really curious, do you worship Tiamat or Bane now?

I don’t understand even more, how could Sammaster resurrect you before death? Isn't death enough to make him understand that it was you who turned him from the bright path of the magical elect to a path of death that will never see the light of day? "

"Alustriel..." The lich shrouded in purple robes, the purple flames in his eyes burned, "Shouldn't I be thanking you?

In Sammaster's life where he has always been given up, I am the only one who has never given up on him, as the person who is bent on leading him to evil, am I not?

So, what's wrong with only seeing me before he dies completely? "

"Is this...another lover of my old friend messing with Alustriel?" Nasr murmured to the Waterdeep City spectators who were looking at the tablet in the hands of the 'Old Sanda King'.

But what he said shocked everyone.

"What?" Luca was almost crazy. If Edna's soundproof circle hadn't been used well, his roar would probably have frightened the people fighting below. "But Sammaster's former lover wasn't Alustriel and Mystra?

How could he like such an ugly Nasre? "


A neutral good pseudodragon is about 1 foot long and has a tail 2 feet long. It weighs approximately 7 pounds.

Pseudodragons can communicate telepathically and emit animal sounds.

The pseudosaurus is capable of a ferocious bite attack, but its primary weapon is its stinging tail.

Radiation Mephit is good at spells that affect targets based on light and color (such as colorful spray or iridescent patterns). It is immune to fire damage and the blinding effect caused by shining colors. The Radiation Plane is full of positive energy, and as the only creature there, The appearance of the radiation magic bat will cause powerful damage to undead creatures representing negative energy.

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