Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 30 Spencer queuing up for a feast

Amid the cheers of the players, the Sea Monsters fled away in embarrassment. After looking back, they sped up in fear.

Although I had known that humans liked to eat monster meat, they had never seen such a scene of dismemberment on the spot. The legendary sea monsters felt that they were still young and did not want to gain such knowledge.

The demigod sea turtle, on the other hand, said nothing, passed by Bex who was watching, and directly hugged him and swam towards the deep sea together.

Spencer stood up and said to several archmages: "You can go out too! Just come back during your break.

I want to discuss the arrangements for the undead with His Majesty the King. "

Several archmages went out hesitantly. They wanted to meet the king a few more times and make an impression.

Spencer waited indifferently until they stepped out and closed the door neatly. He felt that William must be watching the live broadcast of the Dead now, and he didn't know what he would say, so it was better not to let outsiders hear.

"Naven, I think about it." William's first sentence after getting through the call left Spencer speechless, "So many delicious things!"

"Please remember your identity." Spencer said reluctantly.

"Ha! You can eat it yourself, so you don't care about your poor cousin?" William said exaggeratedly.

"If you want me to leave you a piece of food, just say so!" Spencer finally succeeded, "You're not afraid of someone poisoning you!"

"Dear Naven!" William said in a long tone, "There is no poison that is effective against gods in this world.

Of course, if the abyss entered in a big way, I wouldn't dare.

I have to save more food quickly before the door opens. "

"I know, I will leave you a copy." Spencer admitted his defeat honestly, there was no point in arguing with William about this.

"Do you have to decide on the merit recognition of the undead?" Spencer asked, "The reputation here is growing so fast, and there are so many people, it gives me a headache, how do I keep statistics?

Besides, just counting the ones with the highest reputation doesn't seem to be enough. Some people have been resurrected many times. "

"Ah, you don't have to worry about this." William said simply, "The space-time balance you have has a little bit of divine power added to it. It has very strong calculation capabilities. It will calculate statistics directly."

"When did you do it?" Spencer was surprised, "No wonder you didn't send the bishop over!"

"What kind of bishop should you send!" William said nonchalantly, "The Church of Time and Space doesn't need to be so troublesome. With so many positions and powers, who can be as powerful as God?

We don’t live by faith!

Under the scale, all living beings are equal.

No matter who you are, your devotion to God is better than doing more good deeds.

Your place is the most dangerous place in Salar. How could I let you face it alone?

Moreover, the goddess of literature and art also kept her divine power in her side hall. "

Spencer was speechless for a moment, as he seemed to be firmly protected.

"Ah! Wait until tomorrow morning, the scale will give the result, then you can go to the church to see for yourself!" William said impatiently, "I don't have time to talk nonsense to you! They have already started to divide the meat!"

As William resolutely cut off the contact, Spencer also turned to look at the tablet. Finally, he couldn't control himself and quietly slipped back to the ground, opening the big screen of the Lord's Mansion.

He was too embarrassed to go and see it live, couldn't he see it more clearly?

"The defensive knights will take the lead first!" the conductor's excited voice sounded, "and then the priests.

Other groups will be ranked according to my damage statistics!

Here comes the leader! "

Spencer listened strangely, didn't the warlock with the most powerful attack power receive preferential treatment?

Mages are generally the first allocators of resources.

The logic of the undead has always been incompatible with this world.

The commander stood on a temporary high platform, and under the platform was a large marble floor that had been specially flattened.

On the ground that had been cleaned repeatedly with purification techniques, mountains of fish meat were emitting an alluring light.

"This meat! The best ones are in every pile. But how good it is depends on your own eyesight!" the conductor said with a smile, "I asked a chef who specializes in seafood to cut it up! There is absolutely no difference. Big, but the defensive knights can get an extra small portion, as well as a large portion from the leftovers next to it!

The pastor only has a large portion of scraps!

After all, knights died too many times today! Without their performance, we wouldn’t be able to keep so much seafood!

As for other groups, divide your portion and then wait to buy the rest with the individual people who are not in a group.

Of course it’s not expensive, mainly to buy the utensils for today’s carnival dinner!

fireworks! beach! Great meal!

What are you waiting for! let's start! "

Spencer looked at the conductor, then ordered some undead that were familiar to him, and went to tidy up the beach.

Most of the mages in their city are of the water and metal types, and there are only a few who are of the water and earth types.

Therefore, he was somewhat impressed by these few who also majored in the earth system.

Is this a plan to clean up the beach?

Spencer hopes that the archmages in his territory will be smart enough to help.

If they still plan to hide in the magic tower, care nothing about anything, and have no friendship with the undead, William will probably send them to Obastian soon.

Spencer had long realized that the mages and knights who could not keep up with the situation had gradually been sent to Obastian.

As the civilians in the north have gradually moved to the vicinity of the capital, Obastian's professionals will soon have no targets to exploit. Those who react by then will not be able to squeeze into the capital. Circled!

There are always fools who think it's okay to keep the legend. Aren’t those who have legends and worldly desires already arrived in the capital?

Spencer watched as the piles of meat on the ground dwindled, and the players took out an ingredient box and put it away.

He thought of Fran's grandson again. He didn't expect that he was really a warlock, and a nature type. He really didn't expect that he was obviously a very powerful alchemist.

Just like this kind of vacuum box made of space crystal fragments, it can hold a lot, keep fresh, and is not expensive. William's alchemy factory made huge profits as soon as it was produced.

It is said that William paid a large sum of money to buy out the method of making this kind of box, and collected all the space crystals there.

William even sneaked back halfway and dug a lot by himself to make up for the bill.

After thinking about it, diverting his attention, and almost drooling, Spencer finally saw the end.

The conductor who collected the money was soft-handed and laughed loudly: "Oh! I didn't expect that not a single piece of meat was left! Even the fish skin was sold out.

But yes, except for the bluefin tuna, the two are squid and sea bass, and they are both delicious! "

He turned around and asked a few questions, then spoke again: "The beach has been tidied up!

We built a food court next to it!

There is a box here with assigned stall numbers. Anyone who wants to set up a stall is asked to draw it yourself!

Of course, we reserved the best spot for our own seafood pot! Just bring your bowl and go grab a bowl!

This is our thank you gift to everyone as permanent residents of this city. "

Spencer watched as he called dozens of big family patriarchs to come over for support. They were discussing something, probably sharing money so they could go shopping.

The picture on the tablet began to move, and finally stayed at the top of the food court. The quickest among the undead were already making a feast.

The camera scanned the entire street and found that most of them were still cleaning fish. Finally, we stopped in front of the giant cauldron in the middle.

"This is the hot pot that we Wenjian Tianxia Youth Tour specially ordered from Hill!" A clear female voice sounded, and she said very proudly, "The octopus was originally intended to be a seafood that everyone can eat together. The pot is here, but it’s a pity that it’s not that big!

Although the octopus balls are also delicious, life is incomplete without seafood hotpot!

Sure enough, as long as you are prepared, you can make a big difference! "

She paused, not knowing what she was looking at, and suddenly said anxiously, "No! Although the young master is the gang leader, he doesn't care about our affairs!

When this family was first established, not many people from the university town came to play, so they all joined in!

When most people came in, they all followed the footsteps of their seniors and had no idea what happened back then!

Moreover, the young master and the people in the art school have nothing in common with our ocean universities, chef schools and the like. "

She paused for a second and then continued to answer, "The young master must be here! He just doesn't want to take care of things! He went directly to the Defense Knights.

Such an interesting thing, how could he not come!

We asked the sword and almost all the troops were dispatched! "

Her camera pointed directly at the huge seafood pot: "Your focus is so strange! Shouldn't this be the most important thing? Have you seen those chefs beside the pot?

Those are the teachers in our school, all of them are masters!

Although the seafood in this world grows bigger, it is no different from our world!

It tastes the same, just tastier.

A lot of teachers from our school come, and this is a top-notch ingredient that is rare to be able to cook all the time! "

The seafood pot in the camera is already shrouded in mist. In the gurgling soup, there are huge fish bones, frozen tofu, dried tofu, kombu, Chinese cabbage and sea cabbage.

"See! Frozen tofu! There is no such thing in this world, but according to our methods, it is easy to make! The teachers have all learned water magic, so it is very easy to make some dishes that need to be frozen!"

The chefs are processing other ingredients at the table next to them.

There was a loud inhaling sound coming from the camera: "It smells so good! Our chef made the sauce!

It’s really the greatest good news for those who eat spicy food. "

She said with a smile: "Did you see the baffle on the side? I'll put it on when the soup base is ready! We are preparing a mandarin duck pot!" She took another breath, "Oh, this smell is really a pity. You can’t smell it.”

"Ah! There's a trick!" the commentator shouted, "Is it almost ready to eat?"

A large pile of crabs were thrown down. They were ordinary crabs collected from the shore, about the same size as his face. Spencer had eaten the ones cooked by the undead, and they were quite delicious.

But here, it’s just tidbits.

There were also a lot of small cuttlefish and smaller lobsters, all of which were poured in at once.

After waiting for a few minutes, the curved baffle was also put in. The chef threw a large pot of red sauce into it. The soup in the half of the pot was rolling violently, exuding an alluring light.

"Our commander said that although it's just leftovers, everyone can go and eat a bowl of it first to fill their stomachs before working!"

Spencer strangely heard the sound of the woman sucking heavily. She had already descended rapidly, landed on the edge of the pot, tied the plate directly to her head, took out the bowl and went to line up.

"Ah! It's the meat from the tail of the sea bass. The spines have been removed and it has been fried in oil. It is boiled in the soup for a short time and it is very tender. This kind of fish absorbs the soup very well!" Then he said dutifully, "There are also squids. They have been cut into flowers and marinated with ingredients. Both of these need to be cooked, so they are served early."

She jumped and looked into the pot. The people in line in front of and behind her were restless and drooling.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, "Even the tuna is about to be caught! It seems to be the belly! There are also king crabs and lobsters!"

Spencer watched the chef put the plates with these ingredients aside, holding a slotted spoon, and said, "Listen up! Just tell me whether you want a spicy pot or a clear pot!"

Each person can order 3 pieces of these 3 kinds of meat. You can choose which one you want. If you don’t say it, you will get all 3 by default!

alright! First! "

The commentator was ranked 6th, and he kept standing still, jumping anxiously.

After finally finding her place in the queue, she quickly raised the big bowl in her hand high above her head: "Spicy hot pot! I want them all! More! Please!"

For the undead, the so-called bowls can almost hold enough meals for four people.

Spencer looked at the 2 crabs, 2 lobsters, a pile of cuttlefish and vegetables that fell into the bowl first, and then 3 pieces of squid flowers and 3 pieces of sea bass tail fell into the bowl. He filled the bowl with soup with a spoon, and then used a slotted spoon. Gently shake it three times more, and gently shake the three kinds of meat on the top of the dish, so that these three kinds of meat do not slip into the soup.

The commentator stretched out his hands to hold the bowl, bowed respectfully, walked to the side, and didn't care about the people watching on the platform above his head. He sat down on the long stone stool behind the stall and buried his face in the huge bowl. I started eating with two chopsticks happily.

She quickly ate the tuna meat first and made a sound.

Then he ate the king crab very quickly and let out another sigh.

He clicked his tongue, stuffed the lobster meat in one gulp, and shouted in a long, twisting voice.

Holding a bowl that was several times bigger than her head, she took a sip of the soup and said loudly with joy: "It's so delicious~"

Spencer thought he could endure this appetizing seafood pot for a while, but now, without William's urging at all, he quickly ran to the kitchen and found a large soup pot, completely ignoring that it was for cooking for everyone in the Lord's Mansion. , anxiously went out to queue.

What's the point of watching that silly girl continue to bury her head in eating?

It’s true when you eat it in your own mouth!

There were 16 chefs standing beside the huge pot. In front of each of them was a long queue that stretched from the middle of the food street to the edge of the city. Spencer jumped into the air to observe, and carefully chose a line that seemed to have fewer people. A bit of a team.

He turned a deaf ear and didn't care at all. Aren't those muttering undead people beside him just curious that I, a native, would also queue up?

If you have the ability, don’t take credit from me! Let’s see who dares to drive him away!

It’s the 1st and Monday again!

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Nervous Nasiriya

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