Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 315: Parents of dazzling babies are always in danger of being beaten

Hill remembered something he had been thinking about for a long time, and quickly asked Hewelson: "Did you bring back a lot of fine gold? If it is enough, I want to build a large ring-shaped house here, and then use space crystals to expand it. Once again, so that each Earth Bear can have his own place to live.

The main house is still a bit small, with no independent space.

The alchemy hut used in the main house is already the best I have, but it can only be so big.

If you want to expand the space, you can only go higher, which is not suitable for the Earth Bear to live in.

If it is a house built directly with legendary materials, it will not be a problem to expand to tens of thousands of square meters. "

Hewelson smiled softly: "In the last period before it snowed, we have been collecting adamantine ore. The food was brought back from Aurelio's side and in leather bags. The space rings were all packed. Fine gold, enough for you.

If you need any other materials, just ask. As long as it is ore, the Earth Bear will never find it.

Hill, you are very capable. This is really great happiness and luck for the tribe.

But we still don’t want you to sacrifice everything for the clan, you are still a child! "

"What's this? It's not like I don't have anything." Hill said with a smile, "And the crystals this time were all obtained by selling semi-artifacts. As for the cedar saplings, that's the last thing I, as the Earth Bear bloodline, can do. Things that should be done.”

Hill felt that the value of the Ice and Snow Ring artifact that Aurelio gave him was much higher than all the materials he paid for it.

Not to mention that he still has several semi-artifacts in his hand that have not been sold!

Hewelson shook his head with a smile, stood up and patted his clothes: "We have more than a month to have a good communication. I'm going back first. There are some things that I have to deal with."

Hill felt that these earth bears had just returned to the camp and might still have many things to discuss and deal with, so he did not retain the clan leader.

He got up and sent Sea Wilson out.

Hill was a little surprised to see Hewelson return to his bear form and run straight into the main house. A few minutes later, he ran out with dozens of equally tall bears and ran headlong into the warehouse.

Hearing Hewelson growl and ask these earth bears to clean up the warehouse and put away all the things that the little bears could not touch, Hill couldn't help but smile.

Rather than requiring Hill to become a demigod before he could enter the warehouse to find things, Hewelson decided to put in the effort to clean out the warehouse first.

Hill didn't want to refuse the kindness of his elders. He just turned around and walked to the main room and took out the remaining fruit wine. This is something that little bears can't eat. After all, it's still a bit alcoholic.

As long as it is not food for the little bear, the Earth Bear will not save any good food for later.

Hill didn't know how long it took the Earth Bears to clean up. He didn't want to break the surprise and went back to the room very early to redesign the future ring enclosure.

Hill always remembered Grace's words. The Earth Bear also hoped to have a room where he could rest peacefully.

But apart from the main house, only the three families with cubs and Aurelio have their own separate houses.

Even if the remaining huts were empty, none of the Earth Bears would live in them. They would rather lie down together in the main house to rest.

Hill understood that this was to leave space for other female bears who wanted to have children. After all, they did not have much time to return to the clan area, so there was no need to waste time and energy building a house for each bear.

But he didn't think that the earth bear should live such a hard and difficult life during the short time he stayed here.

Because Hill felt that fine gold was very useful, they collectively stayed until the end. The Earth Bears who collected as much ore as possible deeply touched Hill's heart.

The things Hill did with fine gold were not actually necessary for these Earth Bears. This was a break they only had once every few years.

Hill held down the pendant and asked Liszt to find some of the best space crystals he had collected.

He wants to build a large building with 1,000 rooms. If ordinary space crystals are used, the external space of the house will also occupy a large area.

Only this kind of top quality can expand the space to the extreme of legendary materials.

Even William, if Hill's things weren't so good, he wouldn't have used this crystal stone to pay the bill. No matter how you calculate it, it's a bit uneconomical. This is a purely priceless thing.

Hill designed the main building according to the pattern of a circular temple, with a patio in the middle and a transparent skylight woven from the fibers of crystal flower branches at the top.

This is enough to withstand the flying snow.

Hill really doesn't understand why it snows where it doesn't rain.

If the elements are so disordered, why is it okay to snow?

If there is any problem, it would be best to have some mechanism to add a thick fine gold plate directly to the top, which should ensure sufficient safety.

Hill felt that if the ring house was built, the three bear families and Aurelio would also move in.

In that case, those huts would probably be put away, and a lot of adamantine plates would be saved.

As for the toys outside, Earth Bear will never let the little bear stay in the safest place. Even if he plays, he must play in an environment where he can exercise himself.

Hill perfected his drawing little by little. The sky outside changed from white to black, and then back to white again.

The sun was shining brightly, but the snow was still falling. Hill could feel that the weather was getting cold very quickly.

Even he could feel the rapid cooling of his body.

This was not a normal cold. Hill suspected that the planet had rotated to a certain position and the sun's rays could no longer shine to the end of the world.

Although this place is not close to the end of the world, the impact is large enough.

He planned to ask the Earth Bear whether it was when it snowed heavily that it fell into complete darkness.

"Hill!" Hewelson's voice sounded outside the window, and Hill quickly opened the door and walked out.

"The warehouse is yours now!" The Earth Bear smiled heartily, revealing its fierce fangs.

Hill was not polite. He simply walked to the warehouse. Every bear he saw on the road smiled at him.

In such a big place, there is an atmosphere of friendship and goodwill everywhere. Hill has not felt this for a long time.

Hill smiled sincerely and returned the most sincere smile to everyone.

Until I walked into the warehouse.

Hill looked helplessly at the chaotic cave.

The warehouse is very large, not smaller than the main house, and the mountain wall higher than the main house is covered with small caves of different sizes, all of which are filled with not only various materials, but also the light of semi-artifacts. There are also dozens of pieces flashing.

It stands to reason that Hill should be happy.

But the Earth Bear's cleaning up was really about putting away all the things that could hurt him. The rest was so messed up that Hill couldn't even see it.

From top to bottom, various materials are piled up in a chaotic manner.

Hill understood why. For the Earth Bears, it was impossible for them to take the wrong ore. No matter how messy it was, it was always easy for them to take it.

But Hill couldn't accept it. He needed a tidy environment.

This is not the fault of the Earth Bears. In the hearts of these bears, if they can do it, Hill can do the same.

Hill is just used to the kind of routine that borders on obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He looked around the warehouse and found that the biggest advantage here was that the isolation in this cave was perfect.

This mountain range should be a miracle raised specifically for the Earth Bear. If there is danger, the entire clan can hide in this cave.

Looking at the thick mountain wall, Hill felt that even if the world collapsed, the Earth Bear might be able to survive.

After pinching his waist and looking at it a few times, Hill encouraged himself.

Smiling and expressing sincere thanks to Hewelson who came in to watch, Hill took a deep breath and got to work quickly!

Hill could only choose to release his usual puppets and let them start cleaning up the warehouse.

At the very least, separate the various common materials first.

Then I started to sort it out myself.

Hill placed various semi-artifact top-quality materials in the cave at the top according to the elemental attributes, and placed a name tag under the cave entrance to indicate the use of the semi-artifact or what the material could do.

And be sure to indicate what value these things have outside.

This is a big project.

But Hill has to do this. It is impossible for the Earth Bear to never deal with the outside world.

If one day they really need to do some business, with Hill's price list, they will not be underpriced.

Hill was very busy, but no matter how busy he was, when he saw Hewelson walking in with the puppet delivering food, he would stop and eat with the bear.

Hewelson would pass by the warehouse several times a day and stare at Hill for a long time with that satisfied look in his eyes.

Hill could occasionally hear Hewelson proudly bragging about Hill's abilities to other Earth Bears.

Of course, the leader of the Earth Bear who overdoes himself will be suppressed by other bears.

His IQ may be unrivaled among the bears of the earth, but his strength does not seem to be that strong.

Every ethnic group has a kind of being who sacrifices their IQ and puts all their skill points on force.

When this being was Aurelio's biological father, Hewelson's bragging might lead to a tragedy of being beaten.

Although Hill was surprised when he first learned that the number one warrior of the Earth Bear was not Hywelson, but Aurelio's father. He was even the first Earth Bear created by the Earth Goddess. .

But after several contacts, Hill understood clearly why he had to give up the position of patriarch to Hewelson.

When the Earth Goddess created him, she probably only thought about his worry-free survival and completely forgot about his IQ.

This is a completely straight-line bear. When it comes to anything, it will move forward bravely and recklessly.

The only thing Hill was lucky about was that Aurelio's biological mother had an IQ that was considered extremely smart among the tribe.

In order to prevent Hewelson from being beaten, Hill could only ask him to bring food to eat with him.



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