Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 709 Edna’s Beautiful Life

Edna thrives in the company of her dream teacher and real friends.

And today, she even followed her friends to the Hidden Town in a magic ship with black roses after obtaining Laila's consent.

Then I saw the mithril elves that few people in the world had ever seen. They were indeed beautiful...especially those sitting in the store. Edna's first feeling when she saw them was that she was amazed.

Obviously, the appearance of these mithril elves was definitely not at the level of Lord Hill, but it still shocked her.

Is this what her friend said...when beauties of the same type appear together, it gives people a sense of shock?

Her friend 'Old Sanda King' likes the costumes of mithril elves very much... Edna can tell that she doesn't dislike the beautiful appearance of these elves, but she has a fixed partner, although she has not come to Toril. , but the Sanda King also hopes not to make the other party unhappy because of these little things.

Although the sister 'Cunlu' beside her said that she was just worried about the appearance of the informer... there was no need to worry at all. If the Sanda King really dared to do this, she 'Cunlu' would be the first one to do so.

Edna sometimes doesn't understand why the 'Old Sanda King' and her friends like to fall in love and kill each other so much, but she can still confirm that the relationship between these two people is very good... at least, each other's family members know each other, and they are in care. Riel, this is also a very close partner.

Edna is actually a bit regretful. She has a very good relationship with Sanda King, but Sanda King is taking care of her more like a big sister. She is still too weak and not qualified to say that she can take care of herself. friend.

She silently made up her mind to study hard with the teacher in her dream. Fortunately, she could also practice how to construct spell models in her dream.

She saw many tragedies caused by the failure of the memory spell model in the Black Staff Tower... Several magic apprentices even lost their lives because of this, but this is a process that must be experienced if you want to become a mage...

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Who let the goddess of magic die?

Edna, who knows the origin of her bloodline, is sometimes confused...Obviously she should hate the current Mystra whose willful behavior led to her own death and the destruction of the magic network, but Edna always seems to have a feeling that she also has. She had a hard time feeling.

She even knew that it was because of this strange magic goddess that her father was expelled from the Silver Moon Alliance. She and her mother could not return to Silver Moon City, and Edna could not curse her... Maybe it was because she had been subject to it since she was a child. Her education made her always remember that she was a powerful goddess, and she was the belief of most of the wizards in Silvermoon City.

Edna sighed softly. Fortunately, she could still learn in her dreams. Even if she failed, it didn't matter. Moreover, she felt that she was still very talented. As long as any spell succeeded once, it would not go wrong again.

Moreover, even now that the Magic Network cannot be used at all, she actually feels the existence of the network and can even sense the flow of the Magic Network.

Edna originally wanted to tell her mother...but when she mentioned it to the 'Old Sanda King', she was stopped by him.

Her friends don't think this is a good thing, after all she is the blood of her predecessor Mystra.

It would be bad if the voters of the current Magic Goddess felt that she was a threat. Even if the Trasil elves could help protect Edna, it would be best to remain silent if they could avoid causing more trouble for themselves.

Edna is very grateful to her friend, who really taught her a lot.

Edna, who was wearing an ice blue robe, quietly followed the 'Old Sanda King' and 'Cun Lu' into the Mithril Elf's jewelry store... This was when Laila would agree to let her come to the Hidden Town. The reason is that the mithril elves are actually nicknamed 'star elves'. The hairbands on their bodies are all attached to a strange light source, which is like a small star, constantly rotating around their heads, never stopping.

Laila was fascinated when she first saw this kind of jewelry worn by the Trasil elf, so Edna’s main purpose of coming here this time was to purchase goods. It’s really unimaginable how anyone could do this for this kind of jewelry. The reason is to give so much money to a 10-year-old girl!

However... Edna opened her mouth slightly in surprise: Her friends spent almost a lot of money to buy a headband of all colors... This is a 1,000 gold magic item!

Although the enchantment effect is only refreshing and can help restore mental power three times a day, in Toril, it is already a top-notch standard rare item!

Edna touched her small purse... and walked to the front a little embarrassedly and counted 3 silver, 3 purple, and a pink headband.

Only the pink one was was her payment for running errands, and Laila and her mother each paid half of it.

She looked at the 'old Sanda King' and 'Cunxu' who were already tying hair bands on their heads in front of the mirror and sighed silently. Her friend was not only powerful, but also so rich!

Edna counted her savings: the storage tool her father gave her before leaving was a bracelet divided into ten compartments. Except for the first compartment, the others were locked. Growth can open up another square.

She only had 1,000 gold coins at her disposal, but when she was in the Black Staff Tower, Edna didn't even dare to use one... Those apprentices who were much older than her could only get 50 gold coins a year.

Although Edna is already a level 1 mage...but she knows very well that she is still weak in front of these apprentices.

Edna was too young... Even if Lyra punished those apprentices in the future, it would be meaningless, the damage had already been done... The most important thing was that the real owner of the tower did not have a good impression of her.

She was just an accessory of her mother, Charlotte. Edna had always known that Kelben was trying to bring her nephew and Charlotte together, which greatly angered Laila.

Kelben's purpose in doing this was obviously to extend his hand into Silverymoon City. You must know that Charlotte's father was in charge of the economic lifeline of Silverymoon City... and it was obviously because he was behind it that he let Charlotte was also expelled from Silvermoon City.

However, that was also the reason why her mother was determined not to give up on her. Charlotte knew very well that if she also gave up on her daughter, the child's future would be miserable. Although she was a spoiled young lady, her character was not good. , but there is still a little bit of maternal love.

Anyway, she has money and protection, and she is also a high-level mage. Alustriel will not let his daughter end up being bullied and take the child to live in an outer plane for a few years... ...She had already made up her mind and went to Selanie. The luxurious style there had always attracted this young lady.

Edna was very grateful to her mother, and she couldn't blame her father. Her father just didn't dare to take her away, it wasn't that he didn't love her. After all, no one knows whether enemies of his predecessor Mystra and the Mage God will intercept him on his way out of the Silver Moon Alliance.

She knew very well... Alustriel had nothing wrong, and she didn't want to hate the current goddess of magic, so the little girl Edna's heart was filled with hatred for Kelben... He had to deal with her family!

"Edna!" the 'Old Sanda King' shouted to his child, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Come here and ask my sister to give you a beautiful hairstyle!"

"Don't use other girls as experiments!" "Cunxu" complained, "Don't think that if Edna has a good-looking hairstyle, it can look good on you too. It depends on your face and temperament...

If nothing else, Edna's innocent face is so cute, and she looks like a sweet girl no matter how she changes her hairstyle.

If it were you have that temperament thing? "

"As long as I'm tough, that's enough!" the 'Old Sanda King' sneered, "Just like you, all you need is to be coquettish."

Edna, who was feeling a little depressed, was amused by her friend... She was already living a happy life now and didn't need to recall the darkness of the past.

Edna ran over lightly and handed out her pink headband.

She looked at the mirror in front of herself. Her long hair was tied into long double ponytails above her ears, but she only had one hair tie, and the others did not belong to her!

Edna was just about to turn around when she was directly held down.

"Don't worry, this is a gift from us... Although my sister is young, she is still an adult after all!" The 'Old Sanda King' spoke nonchalantly and kept moving his hands.

‘Cunlu’ bent over and carefully observed the movements of the ‘Old Sanda King’, and moved his hands accordingly, and finally said in frustration: “When my little girl needs to dress up in the future, you have to help me, you know?

I really don’t understand how you can be so clever with your hands! He's obviously so rude and beats people up every day..."

The 'Old Sanda King' glanced at her sideways: "I was practicing Sanda... Do you believe that when your little girl grows up, Nanfeng will send her to learn?

For a daughter slave... she would definitely rather his little cutie imitates me. "

'Cunxu' stopped saying anything. She couldn't deny this...and Nanfeng was actually more serious than the 'old Sanda King' thought.

Their child had just learned to play with other children, and Nanfeng had already thought about how he would break the guy's legs if a man like him showed up one day holding his daughter's hand.

The 'Old Sanda King' smiled at the little girl who kept observing them in the mirror, and braided the roots of her braids into two very cute heart-shaped patterns, and placed two very cute heart-shaped patterns at the tips of the two hearts. Tie up two pink hairbands underneath.

Edna kept turning her head in the mirror, looking extremely cute.

After the little girl stood up, she sincerely expressed her gratitude to the two elder sisters... She had been playing with the 'Old Sanda King' for a long time, and she also learned some of the communication styles of the Trasil Elf: Be sincere when receiving gifts. Thank you and give it back next time you have the chance.

As long as you don't think about repaying anything at all, you don't need to care about the value of the gift. The most important thing between friends is sincerity.

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