“As the teacher said, the village and Konoha have been fighting for decades, and this time is the best opportunity, and it is not hesitant to miss it.”

Lan Qi said slowly: “But what Lao Zi said also makes sense, if the whole army is dispatched, the garrison force of the village will naturally be empty, and other villages may also take advantage of the void, especially Yunyin Village, which has a big feud with the village.” ”

“I suggest…”

Lan Qi’s eyes narrowed, and he said, “The village divided its forces in two, one part attacked Konoha, and the other part strengthened the defense. ”

Onoki frowned and hesitated: “If the troops are scattered, the strength of our army will be weakened, and it may not be able to take Konoha in one fell swoop, and it may even be counterattacked.” ”

“The teacher has thought about it a lot, with Konoha’s ability, it is impossible to counterattack.”

Lan Qi shook his head and said, “The village needs to guard against Yunyin Village, why not Konoha?” They are also old wrongdoers, not to mention that in addition, they also have a Shayin village that is at war. ”

Yes, the situation in Konoha is worse than in Iwahide Village.

It is quite sad to say, except for the fourth Ninja World War, the first three Ninja World Wars were all Konoha’s own efforts against multiple villages.

Especially this time the Ninja World War, Konoha late 1V4.

“In addition, the ninja troops that attacked Konoha do not need many people, and the strength is fine, not too many.”

Lan Qi said, and the hesitation in Onoki’s eyes gradually decreased.

“Then get out and fight with Konoha to break the net!!”

After having the resolution, Onoki flew away excitedly.

“Really, just leave me here.”

Lan Qi shook his head, and then went back by himself.


Lan Qi’s home is in the center of Iwahide Village, and because he is deeply valued by his teacher Onoki, his residence is quite luxurious, with a separate three-story building.

By the time Lan Qi returned home, news of the war mobilization had spread, and the elite ninjas of the village had been summoned.

Most of them are experienced upper Shinobi, and the most secondary ones are also middle Shinobi.

Including Lan Qi, this time is also in the mission.

“What are you doing, Deidara!!”

“Shut up your, Kurotsuchi!!”

Before the door was opened, two voices came from the courtyard.

Lan Qi’s face turned dark, and the lock on the door was still there, that is

He circled around the wall, and sure enough, the wall behind him was pushed down.

Deidara is Lanqi’s junior brother, and Kurotsuchi is Onoki’s granddaughter.

Although the two are immature, they are both types of small ghosts, and the black soil often pesters Lan Qi to play, which is normal, how can there be children who are not greedy for fun?

Deidara is more bizarre, and wants to exchange art with Lanqi all day.

What is Deidara’s art? Explosion! To put it bluntly, I just want to blow up Lan Qi, and then ask how the power is.

“It is estimated that this wall was blown up by Deidara.”

Looking at the blackened collapsed wall, Lan Qi rubbed his temples, wondering if he wanted to bury this junior brother alive, Tai Nima was disturbed.

This month, he built the wall ten times, an average of once every three days.

“Wow, Brother Lan Qi, you’re finally back!!”

Kurotsuchi rushed over with joy, little Loli was still young, and there was still a little pink baby fat on her face.

She jumped up and hung exactly around Lan Qi’s neck.

“Lan Qige, pay attention, Deidara planted a lot of clay bombs in your yard.”

Kurotsuchi’s little face rubbed Lan Qi, and immediately picked up Deidara’s small report.

“Hey, hey, hey… What do you smelly girl say!! ”

Deidara, who trotted out, cursed, and saw Lan Qi’s eyes shining: “Let’s have a confrontation between artists!” ”

Lan Qi looked at this little fart very speechlessly, “Deidara, you sneaked out again, the teacher found out, and he will definitely teach you a hard lesson.” ”

Deidara, this kid, is like Naruto in his teenage days, making a fuss around.

His bad influence is far stronger than Naruto’s, because he is making explosions everywhere, just like now, burying clay in other people’s houses, causing big trouble in Iwahide Village, and Onoki is forced to expel Deidara.

However, this kid was disobedient and always sneaked back to the village like he is now.

Lan Qi opened his mouth, and just as he was about to teach this kid a lesson, an unkind voice came.

“Hmph, the smelly fish and rotten shrimp under Onoki have gathered!”

An extremely rough and dull voice sounded.

Lan Qi turned his head and saw that it was Old Purple that came into view.

“What a noble, old purple.” Lan Qi’s voice was faint.

“Old Zi?!”

“Is Lao Zi your name, but the old man is your elder!”

Lao Zi rebuked loudly.


Lan Qi sneered in his heart, this old thing eighty percent came to find fault, and immediately did not give face, “Old immortal, what are you doing, let it go if you have a fart.” ”

“It’s worthy of Brother Lan Qi, so handsome!”

Kurotsuchi’s small eyes turned into a crescent moon, but Deidara, the kid, was panicked, and hid behind Lan Qi very wisely.

From Lao Zi’s body, he felt a strong killing intent, and now he was not the same him in the future, and Deidara almost suffocated.

“Uncultured guy!!”

Old Zi was furious, his eyes widened, and a thick aura erupted.

Old Zi is a four-tailed human pillar power, and his murderous aura is not comparable to ordinary people.

However, Lan Qi, who was locked by him, looked flat, and even wanted to laugh a little.

“Okay, don’t show here, your murderous aura is useless to me.”

Lan Qi spread out his hands and devoured many Chakras of Mount Everest, and Lao Zi could not pose a threat to himself at all.


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