The two looked at each other, and there was a faint burst of electricity in the void.


The thousand hands desperately fused the body, but the body was completely liquid, stirring like flowing water, and it couldn’t be gathered together at all.

In addition, there is another point that makes him very uncomfortable.

Neither his brother nor Lan Qi looked at him squarely.

“Don’t take me seriously, do you?!”

Finding that he was like air so lifeless, he wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

Battles between big guys, who cares about cannon fodder?

“Mu Dun Wood Dragon Art!”

With an order from between the thousand hand pillars, a huge wooden dragon burst out from the ground.

The blood basin opened its mouth wide, carrying the whale to swallow the sea.

“The Art of Tudun Rock Fist.”

Lan Qi’s arm once again covered hundreds of meters of rock and counterattacked.


The wooden dragon’s head was brutally hit, and its huge body flew out.

Lan Qi couldn’t help frowning, not broken?

“Mu Dun Ji Bu Bag Technique!”

The Thousand Hands Pillar drank heavily, and Lan Qi was covered in groups of wooden hands in all directions.

Bang bang!

Rubble flew wildly in all directions, and the big wooden hands clenched into multiple giant fists, smashing the rocks’ arms.


Under the control of the thousand hand pillars, the wooden hand and the wooden dragon dragged their bodies and pounced.

Everywhere you go, smoke fills the air and the earth shakes!

Lan Qi didn’t panic in the slightest, and shouted lowly: “Tudun Great Ice Escape Technique!” ”

The cold air gushes, and the ice spreads around Lanqi.


The trembling earth returns to tranquility, and majestic ice sculptures entrench the earth.

The wooden dragon is still in the posture of opening its mouth and roaring, and the wooden hand is still the appearance of a fist.

Unfortunately, it froze before it touched Lan Qi.

“Did I hear you wrong? The Art of Earth Dun, Great Ice Escape? ”

The inquiring gaze between the thousand hand pillars fell on Lan Qi.

“This guy is so weird, I really want to dissect him!”

Senju’s eyes were full of morbid curiosity.

“I played well just now, but it’s a pity that I can’t hurt Lao Tzu.”


The earth dragon broke through the ground, and the energy in its mouth ejected, “Earth Dragon Bullet Technique!” ”

Qianshou suddenly panicked, and shouted: “Big brother, quickly use the fivefold Luosheng – boom!” ”

The devastation explosion engulfed the Thousand Hand Pillar, and its body shattered on the spot.

Lan Qi’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and his guard was undiminished.

The moment he was annihilated, he clearly saw some wood debris.

Other words… Wooden doppelganger?!


The Thousand Hand Pillar drilled out from under his feet without warning, and his massive Chakra condensed his right arm, and his strength increased geometrically.

The powerful heavy punch hit the chin, and under normal circumstances, the head is gone.

We all know that Tsunade is a strange power type fighter, and the actual strange power depends on the thousand hand pillars, and his almost infinite chakra all erupts, you can imagine how terrifying this punch is.

Bang bang!!

Lan Qi’s body immediately exploded, and the earth was all over the ground.

The expression between the thousand hand pillars froze: “Earth doppelganger? ”

“You look down on me as much as your stupid brother, do you think I’ll be deceived by this little trick.”

Behind the piercing voice, the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly felt bad.


The next moment, the rock spear shuttled through, penetrating the chest between the thousand hand pillars.

“Oops… Hurt your head, what a tricky little ghost. ”

Senjuju rubbed his temples, “I always feel that you are much trickier than that Madara.” ”

“In that case… Between my thousand hands and pillars, I will show my true skills!! ”

“Mu Dun Mu Ren no Shu!!”

On the ground, countless pieces of wood condensed and merged, turning into a wooden giant with a height of hundreds of meters.

Thousand Hand Pillar stood above his head, his injuries repaired.

“Big brother, I’ll help you!”

The voice of a thousand hands also came at this moment.

Fixing his gaze, he turned into a blue light and flew into the sky.

The Thousand Hand Pillar was slightly stunned: “Qiuma, why haven’t I seen you use this trick before?” ”

“Nonsense, you died early!”

Qianshou didn’t respond angrily, and at the same time glanced at Lan Qi with a slight smugness, as if he was silently telling – I didn’t expect it.

“Idiot, your trick is completely my prediction or something, or rather… I’m waiting for this moment. ”

“From now on, you are my slave, Senju Jiama!!”

Lan Qi let out an evil laugh, still clinging his hands to the earth: “The art of resurrection of the earth and immortality!” ”


The earth is torn and takes off from the black mud deep underground.

The Thousand Hands was like a black hole, attracting a large amount of black mud possession, and soon buried his soul in it.


The shouting between the thousand hand pillars was just a few breaths of effort, and a behemoth that was not weaker than the wooden man in the slightest appeared.

And the appearance is still the appearance of a thousand hands!

This move, with his soul as the core, and the body is shaped by a large amount of earth.

“Self-righteous fool, Lao Tzu can not fight you as a traverser? You think I didn’t know it was ‘Spiritualization’. ”

Lan Qi sneered, and he knew everything about the operation between the thousand hands.

In the original work, during the fourth Ninja World War, Sasuke Uchiha was killed by Madara and was about to hang up, it was he who used [Soul Confinement Technique] to extend Sasuke’s life, and Lan Qi had long known that he was good at soul art.

In addition, there is another person who has also used the art of spiritual transformation, Tsunade’s first love – Kato Broken!


PS: Ask for flowers to tip the evaluation vote, the little brother is grateful!


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