Obito was so angry in his heart that he almost couldn’t help but want to gouge out these rotten eyes.

Damn it, isn’t it a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, how come you can’t even see the soil doppelganger, shouldn’t it be a fake and shoddy product?!

Lan Qi also took the opportunity to arch the fire, “Donate your eyes, give them to those in need in this world.” ”

Obito was angry when he heard this, his pupils condensed a large amount of blood, and his body was also covered by a light blue chakra.


It wasn’t the first time he had faced Susa, and Lan Qi was even more familiar with this skill than Obito who had just opened the Wanlu Cylinder.

Fugaku, Shisui, Madara and the others Susano, he has seen them all.

However, this light blue materialized Chakra cannot grow only by outlining the most basic skeleton, and its appearance is the appearance of a skeleton.

It was obvious that Obito’s control and proficiency of Hitomi power had not yet reached the standard, and this Susa looked very thin.

“This Susa, it looks a little malnourished, Obito.”

Lan Qi sneered, looking up and almost laughing.

Normally, Susa has two eyes, and I don’t know how to do this product with soil, but he has one eye for his mother.

A deformed version of Susano?!

“Don’t care if the nutrition is enough, just hit you!! 20”

Obito barely controlled Susa to raise his hand and threw a pure black shuriken in his hand.

Lan Qi clearly remembers that in the original work, after Kakashi opened the complete body Susano, he did use the “Kamui Shuriken” move.

Of course, this trick of taking soil is not, but it is also a little godlike.

Susa threw his arm vigorously, and his shuriken cut a precise arc in the air.

Lan Qi’s gaze froze, and the extra-large arm condensed in his hand blasted out: “The art of Tuduyan Fist!!” ”

The hundreds of meters long rock arm slammed violently, and strangely, the moment the two touched, the shuriken seemed to be transparent.

Then again, isn’t the ability to bring one of the eyes of the soil to be blurred?


The shuriken successfully hits Lan Qi, cutting a gap in his body.

“Hahaha… That’s all. ”

One hit succeeded, and Obito laughed heartily.

“It’s really commendable.”

Lan Qi looked at the gap in his abdomen, after all, Uchiha didn’t do this, but the green wheel eye with soil did.

What does this say? The green wheel eye is larger than the writing wheel eye.

The Uchiha family, really the greener, the stronger!

“But with all due respect, such a wound fart is useless.”

Lan Qi didn’t care, the shuriken just now did not break through the defense of the hardening technique at all.

“In addition… Your good fortune ends here, bring the soil. ”

“The Art of the Earth Escape Muddy Swamp!!”

The earth instantly softened, and with a pop, most of Susa’s body fell into the mud.

Obito struggled tentatively, and instead of getting rid of the mud, Susa sank deeper and deeper.

It was just a matter of time, and Susanoo completely melted into the ground.

“It’s good that there is Susa protection, otherwise…”

Obito looked at the dark underground world around him, and his face changed slightly.

Is this to send yourself deep underground?

It didn’t take long for a strong feeling of suffocation to come to my heart, making it dizzy and difficult to breathe.

There wasn’t enough oxygen underground for him to survive.

To say that the green wheel eye with soil, I still didn’t understand it, like I blurred myself like in the future, and nothing happened.

After a moment, his Susa automatically lifted, and his consciousness was about to collapse.

Just when Obito thought it was over, in the darkness, something seemed to bind him, dragging him upwards vigorously.


The world in front of you is suddenly open, and the fresh air is once again breathing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Obito opened his eyes in confusion, he had been taken out of the mud.

And the one who saved him was a black monster.

“Hey, hey, hey… You’re coming out now, isn’t it a little early. ”

Lan Qi was surprised, the black mass on the ground looked like a pool of oil at first glance, but it still had eyes and a mouth.

“I also think it’s early, but that’s no way.”

“It’s all to blame Obito, this fool doesn’t fight and disobeys.”

Hei Jue is full of grudges, to say that Uchiha is also blind, and found such a lover saint as a pawn.

Also claim that Obito has a lot of talent, is it the natural burden of the puff girl?!

“Shut up, even if you save me, it’s Madara’s consciousness, and you’re not qualified to preach to me!!”

Obito immediately went back, without the slightest gratitude.

“Hmph, do you now recognize how many pounds and taels you have?” Hei Jue snorted coldly.


Obito didn’t say a word, and his eyes were still eager to look at Lan Qi.

Anyway, he just thinks that he is very good and feels that he can save Goddess Lin.

“Dirt and earth!!”

The earth instantly lifted, and the amazing power slammed into the two of them.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters… Black and earthy, it was bombarded to a height of 10,000 meters, and immediately accelerated to fall from the air.

“It’s over!!

Obito’s heart is cold, if it lands at this speed, it must be broken.

“I regret it, I shouldn’t have done this.”

Obito suddenly spoke, and Hei Jue on the side breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: “You finally understand that Nohara Rin is not worth the risk.” ”

Obito finally realized that it is still too late, and young people should focus on their careers.

Just when Hei Jue was preparing to help bring the soil, this chess piece was too important to hang.

“I should have fought to the death just now to create a chance for Rin, maybe she still has the possibility of escaping, if she is free, I will wake up laughing when I fall to death.”

Obito was full of regretful self-talk, and Hei Jue almost burst out of his brain: “You are a stupid thing, you fell to death, how can you still wake up laughing?!” ”

“Silly lack, when can you wake up, others don’t like you at all!”

Hei Jue is also convinced, this teenager with severe love disorder seems to be incurable.

The pit daddy is that for the continuation of the Moon Eye plan, Kuro must also ensure the safety of Obito.

Obito Ruo is dead, Madara is cold, and his old mother Kaguya will also be cold.

At the moment when it was about to land, the black was like glue, covering the whole body of Obito.

Bang bang!!

The earthquake trembled, and the ground shattered into craters like spider webs.

The black juice splashed all over the ground, and the protected soil was unscathed.


PS: The big guys ask for support, and the little brother is grateful!!


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