Swallow the Earth System

Eight hundred and seventy-eight. Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land?

"long time no see!"

"Gu Feng, I really didn't expect that when I saw you again, I would become so powerful. It seems that we have all gone through a lot."

"That...how is our Huaxia Base, how are Hei Qiang and his fellows doing?"

Instructor Liu Qing laughed loudly. One of the three great blessings in life is to meet old friends in a foreign country. It is extremely gratifying to meet Gu Feng in a foreign country at this time.

Gu Feng's face darkened slightly.

This matter will always be Gu Feng's regret. He can't forget that when he was about to die, all his lovers chose to give up their lives, and those friends, those who believed in Gu Feng, all chose to give up the last sliver of their lives. Hope, pin it to Gu Feng.

They also knew that this hope was very slim, but in the end they still chose to believe in Gu Feng.

Gu Feng raised his left hand, and on his ring finger was the ring that gathered everyone's thoughts. It was the Ring of Hope that saved Gu Feng's life.

"They all sacrificed to save me."

Although Gu Feng's words were plain, through this indifference like water, one could see the deep sadness hidden under the calm lake. There was no need for words to reveal anything, and no need for anyone to see how sad he was. Everything was up to him. Gu Feng took it upon himself.

A sleepless night.

Tossing and turning again and again like angina, but they are only hidden under Gu Feng's calmness, God knows how uncomfortable his heart is.

Even if Gu Feng's soul is sitting in the center of the endless dark antimatter black hole, suffering from the pain of hell every moment, it can't make the pain in his heart lessen. Perhaps this is why he has tempered his soul until now. real motivation.

Tian Mengmeng... Xiaolan... L... Shen Mengting...

Each name is like a piercing steel needle, deeply piercing into the depths of Gu Feng's soul. Only by constantly becoming stronger and surpassing everything else, can he not disappoint their expectations.

Instructor Liu Qing trembled all over, his face full of disbelief.

Although she did not return to China's City of Hope, Instructor Liu Qing knew the power in that city.

Among other things, even Mr. Kun is strong enough. What exactly destroyed the entire city? ?


"The one who can destroy the City of Hope in China is obviously the mysterious organization that has existed since ancient times. They dispatched invincible powerful men with overwhelming strength. One of them is called Cain, and the other is the god in mythology. son—Jesus."

These two simple sentences once again shocked Instructor Liu Qing's heart to the limit.


Has the current war of gods reached this level?


That is the top god in mythology, the terrifying demon king who brings disasters.

As for the Son of God, it is even more frightening. He has countless believers on the earth. I really don't know how these two god-like existences in myths and legends came to be.

Obviously, the existence of this level can easily destroy the entire City of Hope.

Instructor Liu Qing swallowed and spit: "We Huaxia, are we really going to be wiped out, even the last fire is extinguished... Then, what happened later!!"

City of Hope, it is China's last hope.

Now that hope is shattered, Huaxia has become a thing of the past. Is there really no hope?

Gu Feng shook his head and rubbed the ring on his hand: "Hope still exists, and now I have China's hope on my shoulders, as for later..."

"Cain was devoured by me."

"And the Son of God has disappeared from this world!"

After all, Gu Feng gave Black Widow a look. Her hair fluttered automatically without wind, while her body was suspended out of thin air like a god. An absolutely pure light power bloomed from her body. This power is warm, kind and solemn Solemn, it seems to be the mother's arms wrapped around you.

Waves of power of faith gushed out from Black Widow's body like a tide.

When ordinary people see her, they will probably worship her involuntarily, develop the belief of worship, and believe everything the black widow says from the bottom of their hearts.

Sure enough, as soon as this light came out, Instructor Liu Qing frowned deeply. She felt that her consciousness seemed to be bent, and she still wanted to believe in Black Widow, believe in her, and worship her.

When "God" descends in front of you, no one can resist.

Instructor Liu Qing can still resist, but the others are different.

Those apes, they knelt on the ground one by one, and their faces, which were very human-like, showed expressions of worship and respect, as if the black widow was the supreme god in front of them.

Their thinking was originally very close to that of humans, but now the power of faith displayed by the black widow, as well as the softness and kindness of the light force, immediately assimilated these ape captives.

Not only these apes, but even those ferocious giant wolves had a similar reaction.

For the wolves approaching here, the beastliness and ferocity in their eyes quickly dissipated, replaced by a simple longing. It felt like a baby wolf was born full of curiosity about the world! !

They are worshiping.

They are full of kindness, admiration and faith towards the black widow, and they wish that the black widow would give orders so that they could betray their own race for the sake of faith.

"Black Widow, it's done, stop it." Gu Feng ordered, and the Black Widow immediately stopped releasing her abilities.

But... Although the black widow stopped her ability, the influence of the Son of God's power of faith still hasn't dissipated.

Whether it is those apes or hungry wolves, they all maintain their belief in the black widow.

Gu Feng's holy pupil looked carefully, and he could vaguely see that there was an imperceptible silk thread connecting them, which was the connection of the power of faith.

Because they directly faced the black widow, this kind of belief has been very strong, even to the point where they can output the power of belief infinitely. This is probably the strong impact of the direct meeting with the "god".

"Black Widow, she...she...has become a child of God??"

Liu Qing couldn't believe it, not only Gu Feng devoured Cain, but even the black widow gained this incredible power, and even became a child of the legendary god.

Gu Feng nodded: "It's not really complete, that's why we came to this place where the birds don't shit. It just so happens that you are very familiar with this area. I don't know if you have heard of the legendary beast called Beamon. ??"

Gu Feng didn't have time to reminisce about the past, what he said was straight to the point.

But upon hearing the name Beamon, Instructor Liu Qing's face changed again, obviously she knew it.

"There is no one here who doesn't know Behemoth Behemoth."

"But if you say you know the most, I'm afraid it's the patriarch of the orangutan tribe..." Liu Qing said, turning to look at an old man in the distance, who is the patriarch of the orangutan tribe with three eyes!



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