Swallow the Earth System

Eight hundred and seventy-nine. The old man's invitation


In the Bible, one of the three fierce beasts, the overlord of the land.

Instructor Liu Qing and the others who live in the frozen region of the Far East are very familiar with the name "Beamon".

And the one most related to Behemoth is the old orangutan man in a robe with three eyes on his head, but his appearance at this time is quite strange.

The old man seemed to have seen the most exciting thing in time.

The originally wise eyes were bloodshot, staring intently at the position of the black widow, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

And the third eye on the top of its head, the mysterious eye that was half-closed, is also fully opened at this time, trying to see the black widow through.

Plop! !

The mysterious old man among the orangutans knelt on the ground, muttering to himself, as if speaking a mysterious word.

That's not a language invented by the apes themselves.

That kind of language is an ancient language that was once almost extinct and disappeared. Even the most powerful exorcist before the end of the world may not be able to master it—ancient Latin! !

It is said that the earliest version of the Bible was cast in ancient Latin.

"What is it talking about??"

Gu Feng frowned. Although he was so powerful, he couldn't understand all languages ​​in the world.

Instructor Liu Qing also shook his head.

Only Black Widow, she understood the true meaning of this word, these ancient sentences seemed to have been engraved in her brain long ago, and the words that the old man muttered to himself had only one meaning.

That is——"The Pure One."

the pure! !

This old orangutan man, the ancient prophecy that he said in his mouth turned out to be the meaning of "pure one" in ancient Latin.

It doesn't know where it evolved from, but it seems to have a special mission, and it is here to wait for the black widow.


"It seems that this old man who evolved from an orangutan is also a person who is responsible for guiding you. Maybe this is the so-called God's will?" Gu Feng said half-jokingly.

Often sacred things, there will always be various miracles.

Some unrelated things can be linked together strangely, just like all the believers in the world can suddenly receive the same instruction one day.

It's also like this unknown old man, although he evolved from a special creature, the genes hidden in his body have already arranged his current fate.

That is, channeling Black Widow! !

Liu Qing and the others looked at each other.

Was this really arranged tens of thousands of years ago, or even hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years ago?

The tribal mutation of this orangutan has been strengthened until now, which happened to trigger a special gene in the body, and only then did this unknown old man wait here.

This is the arrangement of the ancient gods.

They have already made many preparations for the next catastrophic apocalypse, but each invincible and powerful existence has different abilities, and this kind of preparation is also completely different.

Just like Cain's preparation, it was the jihad of the thirteen blood princes.

And this preparation of Jesus, the Son of God, is the challenge that the Holy One will face.

The old man chattered a lot more, and made a gesture of invitation, as if he wanted to lead everyone to the place where they lived.

Instructor Liu Qing said with a look of surprise: "These apes have a very strong sense of territory, even stronger than our wolves. Sometimes we wolf cubs will be wiped out immediately when we get close to the territory of the ape tribe, and we even don't hesitate to start a war between the tribes. war."

"Later, I restrained those wolf cubs not to rashly enter the territory of the ape tribe. After all, the two races often cooperate to hunt and kill some powerful monsters, and they are still in an alliance."

Instructor Liu Qing explained that the orangutan tribe was very exclusive, as if they were guarding some mysterious thing and did not allow anyone to approach their spiritual land.

But if they are the apostles who lead the pure ones, then all this can be explained clearly.

The black widow glanced at Gu Feng, she didn't dare to make a rash decision without the master saying anything.

"go together."

"Since someone invited you, go and see what they are hiding." Gu Feng signaled, and the black widow dared to walk in the direction pointed by the old man.

And when the others followed the black widow, the old man suddenly stood in front of them, showing a hostile expression.

"Ji Li Gua @ #¥......"

Obviously, the old man is refusing everyone to enter. He only welcomes the black widow and does not allow any other outsiders to enter.

Gu Feng showed a trace of patience.

The black widow was very discerning, and immediately yelled, and issued an order condescendingly: "They are all my friends, people who can be trusted, and I order you to let them in!!"

The old man was hesitant, but under the order of the holy black widow, he finally chose to obey, obediently retreated behind everyone, and continued to guide the way forward.



Twenty minutes later.

Led by the old ape man, the crowd came to their tribe.

This tribe seems to be very old, but in fact many defensive facilities are newly built. Giant trees with a height of tens of meters have been cut into fence posts and cast into a huge wall around the tribe.

And on these fence stumps, there are also many patterns carved, among them is the image of the old man's third eye, and various other rough biological pictures.

Those drawings seem to be depicting some kind of creatures. Most of them have radiant bodies, some have a pair of wings on their backs, like angels in mythology, and some have benign and solemn faces that make other creatures worship.

On the top of these wooden stake fences, the orangutans held their spears and looked down condescendingly. They were very wary of outsiders, until the old man uttered a strange note, and the orangutans knelt down to worship.

Entering the huge wall made of fence and tree stumps, people can see a mountain range that stretches for dozens of miles, and at the bottom of the mountain is a village that provides the survival of the ape tribe.

Although they didn't cast too exquisite houses, it can be seen that these apes are very intelligent just from the thatched huts made of stone and wood.

There is still smoke in many places, and the flesh and blood of large creatures are pierced on wooden thorns and grilled. The blood drips on the charcoal and makes a "sizzling" sound, and those apes tear off large pieces of bloody flesh before they are cooked Swallow it whole, even more savage than a savage.

"Ji Li Gua ¥#¥#@..."

At this time, the old man walked up to a certain totem stake, and it chattered a lot. Hundreds of thousands of orangutans knelt down and worshiped the black widow. .

The old man made another gesture of invitation, wanting the Black Widow to walk on top of the totem stake.

Gu Feng sneered: "Go, it's time to display your brainwashing ability."



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