Jiang Li nodded heavily.

"Back then, our human race was just a large race in the universe. Under the leadership of our teacher, we continued to grow and become stronger..."

The Lord of Darkness on the side said with deep respect in his eyes: "Teacher traveled across the original universe, invaded the cosmic sea, killed countless people, and is famous."

"In our original universe, there are several strongest people in the universe, but they can only bow their heads in front of the teacher!"

"Even if the strongest person in another universe encounters the teacher, he must stay away!"

"Teachers are truly invincible!"

The eyes of the Lord of Chaos City are also filled with glimmers of admiration, including the Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Dragon Walk, as if they are recalling the glorious years when the original ancestors conquered all races in the universe!

At that time, our human race was enough to be called the largest force in the original universe. Even if the Ancestral God Sect was guarded by the origin of the universe, we had to stay away from our human race!"

"When the teacher is here, that is when our human race is the most powerful!"

Listening to the sighs of the four masters of the universe, Jiang Li nodded repeatedly, while the master of Youhou was completely immersed in their description of the original ancestor...

An incomparably heaven-defying existence, from the primitive universe to the cosmic sea where powerful men gather, from this cosmic era back to the previous and even the previous cosmic era, it can be called an invincible existence like a monster...

How magnificent is this?!

"Jiang Li, you're not bad either..."

While the Lord of Chaos City sighed, he couldn't help but look back at Jiang Lidao: "In some aspects, he is even more defiant than the teacher..."

Regarding this…

The Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Darkness also nodded slightly, agreeing with the views of the Lord of Chaos City.

"I'm just lucky, I can't compare to the ancestor..."

After Jiang Li humbly hummed, he discovered that the endless chaotic airflow in front of him had become thinner. At the far end of the endless void, as if the clouds and mist were parting to see the blue sky, a towering and huge statue appeared...

It stands across the void, surrounded by air currents. With the eyes of the Lord of the Universe, he cannot see the end of the statue at a glance. It seems to be infinitely high, and yet it seems to be just that high...


Along with the voice of the Lord of Chaos City, endless laws fluctuated and flowed out... metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, light, thunder and lightning, space, time, metal sky, wood sky. Many laws, including all kinds of swallowing All the original laws surged out from the endless statues...

In an instant, Jiang Li seemed to have returned to the feeling he had when he had just stepped into immortality and his soul's will descended to the origin of the universe.

"As expected of an existence that dares to rob the original universe..."

When he felt something similar to the "origin of the universe", Qiang Ru Jiang Li couldn't help but secretly admire him

In the endless void, the closer you get, the clearer the towering statue becomes.

"Is this the original ancestor?"

Although he already knew about this person's existence, when he actually saw his statue, Jiang Li couldn't help but take a closer look...

Because Jiang Li knew clearly that the 'origin' that looked like a statue in front of him was actually his true self!

The statue is of a thin human man, wearing a simple white robe and smiling...

Just seeing a smile on the statue made Jiang Li feel extremely peaceful, and there was a warmth in his heart like returning to his mother's arms...

And his eyes seem to be able to see through everything in the infinite universe, into the past and future of time and space...

He is not tall and tall, but he is so majestic and tall!

The endless virtual universe operates with him as its core...





The Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Ice Peak, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Dragon Walk all stopped in front of the Endless Statue and bowed in salute.

"Teacher, now there is another Master of the Universe in my virtual universe lineage. He is also my direct disciple...the Master of Hanxia, ​​Jiang Li!"

The Lord of Chaos City introduced the statue with a respectful voice: "I brought him here to see the teacher today..."

As he spoke, the Lord of Chaos City turned to Jiang Li and said, "Jiang Li, come here to pay homage to your master..."

"Yes, teacher"

Jiang Li responded, came to the statue, and bowed to the statue of 'Yuan': "Disciple Jiang Li, pay homage to the master..."

Jiang Li still has considerable respect for the original ancestor...

If it weren't for this peerless figure who emerged from nowhere, the development of mankind in the entire universe would never have reached what it is today...

The creation of a virtual universe alone can be said to be of immeasurable help to all human beings!

"Disciple followed the teacher's instructions and guarded Chaos City for endless years without daring to slack off..."

The Lord of Chaos City looked up at the towering endless statues, his eyes flashing with a strange look, as if he was a child who had achieved good results and was eager to be praised by his parents: "But what makes the disciples feel extremely proud..."

"I accepted Jiang Li as my direct disciple..."

"He is extremely talented, even compared to his teacher. In just over a thousand years, he broke through the shackles and entered the realm of eternity. He was also recognized by the most powerful treasure in the original universe..."

"His combat power is unparalleled, comparable to the top masters of the universe. Disciples believe that we humans will become stronger and return to the top of the universe!"

The Lord of Chaos City tirelessly explained the pride in his heart

The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Ice Peak also bowed and spoke softly to the towering statue, but these voices were isolated by each of them...

The Lord of Longxing, the Lord of Youhou and Jiang Li were waiting silently behind, unable to hear their voices.

After a while.

The three masters of the universe once again bowed and saluted the statue of the original ancestor: "Teacher, this disciple has to leave now!"

After the six figures flew away, the majestic and endless statues still stood across the air current, just like they had for countless epochs.

However, those eyes seemed to have been opened vaguely...

There seemed to be a faint voice that sounded softly:


"Jiang Li?"

at the same time.

In the process of flying away, Jiang Li faintly felt a call and couldn't help but look back.

"Huh? Jiang Li..."

Seeing Jiang Li suddenly looking back, the Lord of Darkness on the side asked with a smile: "Did you find something?"

As a member of the Virtual Universe Company, as long as you step into the level of the Lord of the Universe, the Chaos City Lord and others will bring you to meet the original ancestor, and at the same time, they will also tell you the biggest secret hidden in the human race...

"Well, if I'm not wrong."

Jiang Li pondered, then said after a pause: "The Patriarch has not fallen..."

"You know?"

The Lord of Ice Peak, who had always been silent, couldn't help blurting out: "Senior brother told you? No..."

If others don't understand the Lord of Chaos City, how can he and the Lord of Darkness not understand him? The Lord of Chaos City has always been selfless. Before Jiang Li stepped into the Lord of the Universe to pay homage to the original ancestor, it was absolutely impossible for the Lord of Chaos City to tell him these secrets... .

As for the information about Virtual Universe Company, I can’t find any of this at all.


"How could such a powerful existence like the Master have fallen?!"

Jiang Li casually made up a reason, which he couldn't say. Just now: I heard the ancestor calling me.

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