Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 5 The late night sister, Bidong! (For a new book, ask for flowers for evaluation tickets)


Gu Qing was taken aback.

He didn't taste any special taste. If he had to say it, it tasted like chewy wax, with a weird taste, and he could only taste the sweetness of honey.

so sweet...

"I knew I wouldn't wrap it in honey..." Gu Qing had a bitter face.

The taste is even more strange after adding honey, it is better not to add it.


With the flesh of the thunder fruit,

Gu Qing could clearly feel that some unknown change was taking place in her body!


He had an illusion,

I seem to be able to discharge myself?

So far.

Gu Qing raised his right hand,


Snap your fingers!

A faint blue arc appeared out of thin air between Gu Qing's fingers!

"This is the power of the thunderous fruit, if it is a little stronger..." Gu Qing watched the arc jumping from his fingertips, and murmured softly.

next moment,

Gu Qing closed her eyes, lowered her hands naturally, and let out a soft breath.


he opened his eyes,

In the depths of the dark pupils,

A touch of azure blue flashed away!


Hundreds of fine electric arcs suddenly erupted, spreading around Gu Qing!

The TV suddenly flashed a snowflake screen,

The incandescent light overhead flickered,

The glass on the bedside suddenly burst!

In this instant,

The blazing electric light illuminated the bedroom, although it was night, it was like day!


at the same time!

In the bathroom, the heat is hazy.

Su Yuejin was wrapped in a bath towel, her hair was simply rolled up.


She is holding a mobile phone, sitting on the toilet, editing a text message,

The recipient is the Nanjiang police branch.

[I made a mistake in my judgment, and failed to guide the awakening... Sorry, I will bear the loss with all my strength, and deduct it from my allocated resources for next month. ]

Su Yuejin edited the text message and clicked send.

[God's Missing Stone] As the optimal solution for awakening, it is naturally a rare resource.

Even the Nanjiang yamen will not be assigned more than ten within a year.

In other words, this is a cherished resource, with one less.

Failure of Gu Qing's awakening means a waste of resources...

Ding dong——

Su Yuejin's phone lit up,

Here comes the reply.

[No need, when everyone makes a mistake in judgment, how could they deduct your resources, not to mention that you are the only S-rank in our Nanjiang...]

[By the way, pay attention to the lower Nankai District, the mysterious factor has been detected to be abnormally active, and there may be [basic species]...]


Su Yuejin frowned slightly, her eyes flickered slightly.

Just as she was about to reply to the text message——

boom! !

There was a thunderous explosion, which appeared without warning!

"what happened?!"

Su Yuejin's beautiful eyes shrank suddenly.

in an instant,

She made a judgment, the direction of the explosion——

It's Gu Qing's room!


this moment,

Around Su Yuejin's body, the steaming heat and the dripping water were slowing down until they completely solidified.

[time stop]!

She subconsciously exploded with supernatural powers,

Arrived in front of Gu Qing's room!

However, the scene in front of me.

Make Su Yuejin completely stunned!


In Gu Qing's bedroom, a large number of azure arcs are swimming!

The ground was covered with scorched black marks, and the bedding exuded a scorched smell.

The incandescent lamp exploded,

The TV is belching black smoke,

It seems that even the socket has a problem, and it is still burning, as if a terrible electric leakage accident just happened!

But in the center of the room,

Gu Qing stood quietly,

The hair is slightly raised under the action of static electricity,

There is also a blue arc flickering between the gently swinging clothes corners.

Only he is safe and sound!

"Ah Qing..." Su Yuejin's beautiful eyes widened.

An unbelievable thought,

Uncontrolled emergence!

same time,

Hear Su Yuejin's voice.

Gu Qing turned her head,

In the depths of his eyes, there seemed to be thunder hidden, unprecedentedly bright.

"I... do I have awakened my ability?"


Su Yuejin's red lips parted slightly,

The wet hair is scattered on both sides of the fragrant shoulders,

Drops of water roll down the black hair...

Once the [God's Missing Stone] fails, it can be concluded that there is no talent, which is the consensus among the police.

No one has been able to break this common sense since the discovery of [The Stone of Omission of the Gods]!

but now……

Uncertain electric arcs flickered beside Gu Qing,

and the situation in the bedroom,

It's the same as the runaway phenomenon when I first awakened!

"How did you do it?!" Su Yuejin's beautiful eyes were bright, she stepped forward quickly, and knocked Gu Qingbi against the wall involuntarily!


The wall was even trembling slightly due to Su Yuejin's strength!

"Ah this..."

Gu Qing blinked her eyes,

Su Yuejin's exquisite face is close at hand,

sniff lightly,

You can still smell the faint scent of shower gel from Su Yuejin's body...

Gu Qing wanted to escape subconsciously.

But Su Yuejin is very serious,

The scorching gaze fixed on Gu Qing, not giving him any room to hide.

"I said, I feel a little constipated. I took a sip of honey water... My whole body is unobstructed and awakened, do you believe it?" Gu Qing had a strange expression, talking nonsense.

While speaking, he also pointed to the honey jar that was so shocked that it burst open.

Such a nonsense reason...

No one will believe it?

But he couldn't say that he 'caught' a thunderous fruit!


To Gu Qing's surprise,

Su Yuejin nodded vigorously.

"I believe!"

Su Yuejin stared at Gu Qing, her beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter, and she saw her red lips slightly raised, a smile that was not a smile.

"It's even more unreasonable not to awaken your bloodline..."


Gu Qing was taken aback, he vaguely heard what Su Yuejin said, but the voice was too low.


Su Yuejin smiled, put down Gu Qing's hand on the wall, and took the initiative to change the topic, "Come on, use your ability again!"


ps: The new book sets sail, please support me with all kinds of data, if you think this book is okay and suits your taste, please come to some flower evaluation tickets to support, please please please please! *

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