Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 54 The official lord who climbed the window, the observation has changed greatly...


The dead house straightened up from the blood pool, and nodded slightly to the beautiful woman. The remaining blood in the blood pool was disappearing, being gradually absorbed by his body...

When the blood was completely absorbed and there was no trace left in the pool, just as the priest said,

Enyo's true "Age of Gods"... was born from then on!

"Before today, there was no real [Age of Gods] in our country... It can be regarded as witnessing an interesting thing."

The priest narrowed his seductive eyes, touched the cigarette holder with his red lips, and exhaled a large amount of white smoke.

"Unfortunately, there is still a puppet that can absorb it." Si Zhai shook his head lightly, a little regretful.

Before that,

The false puppet set by Ernio finds the agent of blood,

It seems that he was chosen as an agent, but in fact he was just used as a puppet, using his soul, flesh and blood, and everything else to warm and nurture the real [Age of Gods] dead house.

After that, the fake puppet approached Zhao Kongyuan, also wanting Zhao Kongyuan to become the fourth puppet, to follow in the footsteps of the agent of blood, and become the nourishment of the dead house.


"The ceiling of human beings, the 'Qingtian' official lord intervenes...but it doesn't matter, the official lord can't always stare at it."

The priest put down the pipe, and amidst the smoke, she stood up, moved lightly, and opened her red lips slightly:

"It's time to go, I'll leave the rest to you, I will keep an eye on you in the dark..."

between words,

The priest walked out of the door. In the smoke, her back was hazy, enchanting and moving...

this moment,

The rest of the people in the room,

They all nodded slightly, watching the priest push the door away.

After the priest left, the dead man's eyes flickered and his brows frowned slightly:

"Strictly speaking... this time is not perfect. Originally, the priest intervened and caused many mysterious and sneaky disturbances. I will have more opportunities to transform."

"But these mysterious sneaks were quickly resolved, and the three-stage [Fallen Seed] in the workshop couldn't even hatch..."

"All of this is related to one person." The animal pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, the lenses reflected the light,

He paused,

Say two words:

"Gu Qing..."

"An interesting newcomer." Si Zhai smiled,

He stood up, not a single drop of blood could be seen in the pool, and his body was firm and sharp.

"Get me some clothes, please?"

"Which one do you want?"

"Hmm... let's ask for Miku's, today is a day worth celebrating, and it's suitable to wear my natal paper man wife."

"Tsk tsk, you really have enough paper wives."


The next 477 days,

early morning.

Bang, bang, bang...

Gu Qing was lying on the bed, suddenly felt very noisy, there was a dull sound like knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

He asked in a daze, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and opened a small slit...

just this one look,

Just clean up Gu's spirits!


Outside the window, an old man who was about to be bald was lying on his stomach, raising his hand and banging on the window...

"Damn, you're sick!" Gu Qing was startled,

Quickly jumped up from the bed, opened the window, stared at the official with dead fish eyes.

"You don't go through the front door early in the morning, so you're playing Spider-Man?!"

"Don't you think it's easier to wake you up by knocking on the window than on the door?"

Master Guan turned in from the window and explained with a grin showing his missing front teeth.


As soon as he finished speaking, the waist of the official was stuck on the window...


Mr. Guan fluttered for a while, and found that the card was quite firm, and it just couldn't move...

"Haha, help me." Master Guan laughed dryly, looking at Gu Qing with full of help...

"Master, it's time to lose weight..." Gu Qing's mouth twitched, he grabbed Master Guan's hand and dragged him in.

"Hey, when I'm old, it really doesn't suit me to fly over the eaves and walls. I think when I was young, things like turning over the windows and climbing the walls were so handy..." Mr. Guan supported his old waist and recalled the past with emotion.

"Co-author, did you open the window because of muscle memory?!" Gu Qing's eyelids jumped,

How much criminal potential does this have! !

"Why did you come to see me so early in the morning?" Gu Qing forced the topic back on track,

As he spoke, he opened the refrigerator, took out a carton of milk, and threw it to Mr. Guan.

"Yesterday there was a divine breath." Master Guan took a sip of milk and laughed, intending to scare Gu Qing with this amazing news.

"Oh oh oh."

Gu Qing nodded, then in front of the sink, he began to brush his teeth and wash his face...


Master Guan was stunned for a moment, "Why aren't you curious?"

"God's business? I heard it from a senior yesterday." Gu Qing held a toothbrush, his mouth was full of bubbles, and he said vaguely.


Master Guan's eyes widened... Who, before he came, spoiled Gu Qing first? !

"Then do you know that the god number 002, Hercules, Hercules, appeared yesterday?" Master Guan asked again, not giving up.

"I know."

Gu Qing nodded again, rinsed his mouth, and spit it out, "It appeared in front of me..."


Mr. Guan snorted and deflated the whole milk carton...

Yesterday, he did feel the breath of Hercules first appearing in one place, and the second time he appeared in Nanjiang First Hospital.

That is to say...

The first time Hercules appeared, did he go to see Gu Qing?

"What did he do for you?"

The old man scratched his head,

Before Gu Qing was surprised, he was stunned first.

Didn't Hercules ask Zhao Kongying as his agent yesterday, why did he go to Gu Qing?

"Find me as an agent."

Gu Qing gargles his mouth and spit out all the foam.

"But...I refused."

Gu Qing wiped the water from his mouth with a towel.

"Ah? You refused?" Mr. Guan's eyes widened, and he forgot to drink a tube of milk.

"Yeah, do you want to eat an egg?"

Gu Qing said, he had already walked to the kitchen, put on an apron, poured oil into the pan, and was ready to start frying eggs.


The old man looked slightly startled.


There are too many benefits to being a [God Generation]. Although you will be asked to do some things by the gods, you will be able to get the [divine power] of the gods. The pay and the gain are absolutely equal.

"Eat?" Gu Qing turned around, blinked, and asked again.

"one comes."

Master Guan grinned, no longer bothered about Gu Qing's rejection of the gods, and sat down at the dining table.

"I didn't expect you to be a housekeeper." Master Guan smiled and interjected, quietly waiting for Gu Qing to make breakfast.

"No way, there is a foodie at home." Gu Qing pouted and glanced at Su Yuejin's door.

Hmm... Su Yuejin is still on a mission and didn't come back today.

"Su Yuejin? That girl is also very good." Master Guan smiled.

He knows more than Gu Qing, and now Su Yuejin has a heavy burden, and it is no longer limited to Jiangnan City...


Gu Qing came out with two plates of fried egg sandwiches,

Put one plate in front of him, and hand the other plate to Master Guan:

"Speaking of which, looking at your appearance, Uncle, do you know very well about the gods?"

"It's okay, as many as a billion."

Mr. Guan deliberately choked his throat and said in an expert tone: "For example... I know why those guys in mythology come out one after another like radishes after the rain, looking for their respective agents."

"...that's mushrooming, right?" Gu Qing was startled,

Is the word used in this way? !

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

The official laughed dryly, as if nothing had happened, and quickly waved his hand and continued:

"Actually, it's easy to say, that is, some changes are about to occur between heaven and earth, and even those gods will be threatened, so they have to take action."

"And there will be restrictions when they come to the world, so...there is the emergence of the [Age of Gods]."

"The agent gets the power of the god, and the corresponding thing is to do something for the god, it may be to find something, or it may... kill a certain existence."

heard here.

Gu Qing's eyes flickered,

Thinking of the words Hercules said when he persuaded himself, "The big change is coming".

"What's the big change... Damn it, how do you squeeze poop on the sandwich?!"

Halfway through Gu Qing's words, his eyes suddenly widened!

he saw,

Mr. Guan is holding the ketchup and squeezing it hard on the sandwich, and the shape of the pile... is almost no different from a lazy hairstyle! !

"...How do you talk, it's all your fault that you opened the tomato sauce too much, and accidentally squeezed too much."

The corner of Mr. Guan's mouth twitched, and with a flick of his hand, he squeezed out a pile of '(ccbh) baba' and piled it on the sandwich.


Master Guan stared at the two 'baba' sandwiches and was silent for three seconds.


He stretched out his hand and quietly exchanged his sandwich with Gu Qing's...

"The so-called big change, there are too few things that can be observed, I only know that even the gods will be afraid of this kind of change..."

"Don't think I don't know you're changing my sandwich while talking!!"

Gu Qing's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly made a 'bah bah', pretending to spit on the sandwich.

Seeing this, Mr. Guan,

Embarrassingly withdrew his hand...

"Why are you like a child?" Mr. Guan muttered.

"Who the hell looks like a child?!"

Gu Qing rolled his eyes and forced the topic back on track.

"Even the yamen don't know what a 'big change' is?"

"Of course, if you know everything, do you think the yamen still needs to be busy? You still need to deal with the mysterious sneaky cholera, which has been exhausted all the time?"

Master Guan explained with a bitter face while looking at the two piles of 'baba' sandwiches.

"makes sense."

Gu Qing nodded and thought of another thing:

"By the way, when Hercules found me, he said that his position was on the side of mankind. Is this true or false?"

"Hercules... What he wants the agent to do is not in conflict with us humans, so he can be regarded as a 'good' god." The official held his face depressed,

This is also the fundamental reason why he did not intercept Hercules and directly clashed with Hercules.

"So it is..." Gu Qing thought thoughtfully,

The words of the lord,

Let some of his previous speculations have been confirmed.

Gods really have the distinction of 'good' and 'evil'... Like Enio, who seems to be bad at all, he is definitely not a 'good' god.

"By the way, after you refused to reject Hercules yesterday, Hercules found another girl as an agent, and that girl happened to have something to do with you."

Master Guan sighed, finally overcame the difficulties in his heart, and ate the two red 'baba' sandwiches.


Gu Qing paused for a moment and thought of something, "Is that the child I saved?"

"Yeah, it's her." Mr. Guan stuffed a mouthful of sandwiches and said inarticulately.

"Is this plug-in still wholesale?"

Gu Qing leaned back in his chair and sighed, "To the stupid high school student today, to the cute little loli tomorrow... When will it be sent to me? Oh no, it's already..."

"Stupid high school student? You mean Eneo's agent?"

Master Guan glanced at Gu Qing, took a big mouthful of milk, and swallowed the sandwich, "That guy... seems a little weird, and it's a bit different from the general [Kindai]."

"Weird?" Gu Qing was slightly startled.

"Yes, but it's not very clear what it is."

"Is that so..."

Gu Qing's eyes flickered,

If there is anything weird, he really didn't see it. It was the first time that he had contacted the [Age of God], and he didn't even have a target to refer to.

But when Hercules saw him yesterday, he also said that unlike Enio, he would instill real power...

Although I don't understand it right now,

But Gu Qing still kept this matter in mind and paid a little attention.

"Okay, let's eat."

At this moment, Mr. Guan burped, ate the last bit of the sandwich, and wiped the grease on his mouth.

he stood up,

Show a smile to Gu Qing:

"I plan to leave Nanjiang this afternoon, old man."

"Huh? Are you going back to your hometown?" Gu Qing blinked, spending the past few days with Mr. Guan, he almost forgot that Mr. Guan was not a local.


Master Guan narrowed his eyes, "Old man, go back to your hometown to see..."


Mr. Guan's voice became smaller, and in a voice that only he could hear, he said the second half of the sentence:

"In the future... I'm going to get busy, and I may not have time to go back."

"Then I'll give you a ride?" Gu Qing didn't hear the second half of the sentence, stood up and said with a smile.

"...Why do you feel like you are going to send me to the ground?!" Master Guan's eyelids jumped wildly,

I don't want to say such a thing!

Before Gu Qing could speak again,

Master Guan has simply turned around and walked outside, waving his hand while walking:

"Go, little guy!"


Gu Qing looked at Master Guan's back, and couldn't help reminding, "Master, the direction you're walking... looks like my bedroom?"


Master Guan pushed open Gu Qing's door and turned his head, "Is there something wrong with the bedroom?"


Mr. Guan climbed up the window, turned over...and disappeared!


Gu Qing's eyes widened, "Are you addicted to walking through the window?"

Is this old man really catching fast, sure it's not... a fugitive criminal? !

"However, at least it's a little better, this time I didn't get stuck on the window..."

As Gu Qing was talking, he suddenly heard a 'bang' sound from outside the window, very much like the sound of something heavy falling to the ground...

"It's not a fall, is it?"

Gu Qing was startled, rushed into the bedroom and looked under the window.

but see,

Master Guan had already walked some distance and didn't seem to fall down, but when Gu Qing stuck his head out, he seemed to notice,

turn your head,

Chong Gu Qing showed a bright smile:

"What's the matter, can't bear the old man me?"

"...No, let's go all the way!" Gu Qing laughed dryly, hurriedly turned his head back, and slammed the window shut.

The old man stood where he was,

Looking at Gu Qing's room, with his hands on his back, a master-like smile on his face:

"Little guy, grow up quickly, old man, I will pay more attention to you."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Guan still stood there, posing as a boss, silently watching Gu Qing's room.

But just after Master Guan made sure that Gu Qing didn't look at him,

His face... can't hold back!

"I'm Cao Cao, who put the trash can downstairs, didn't you have it when I first came?" The old man grinned and covered his old waist.


at the same time.

Back to Gu Qing in the living room,

Suddenly, a system notification sound that I haven't seen for a long time came from my ears!

【Ding! The small peak season arrives, hurry up and fish, maybe you will make a lot of money! 】

[Current fishing times: 3 times. 】


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