Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 61 Squad 335, draw the sword here, and execute the action of killing [Hundred Ghosts and Res

under the moonlight,

The two pale and mysterious faces are like mountains and towers, and the two distorted and pale human faces are clinging to the edge of the [Wanjie Territory].

Those two pairs of dark eyes without pupils... staring at Gu Qing and the others in the barrier!

"That's..." Gu Qing frowned,

This is a human-shaped mystery. Their bodies are as pale as paper, and their limbs are long and slender, like a hundred-fold magnified worm, with human hands, feet and heads attached, which are quite weird and twisted.

"...This - is [Hundred Ghosts Resentment]?!"

In an instant, Xuzhou's pupils shrank slightly, and he said these few words in a low voice!

"Hundred ghosts?"

Gu Qing was slightly startled, and looked at the two huge mysterious figures, "This kind of thing is called Hundred Ghost Resentment?"

"No, the Hundred Ghosts Resentment is a whole, the two evil animals outside are, the things in this lake... the same!"

Xuzhou's face became a little ugly, "This kind of ghost will be hosted on something at first, it can be a string of beads, or it can be a mountain or a lake."

"When the boarding mother ghost grows to a certain level, it will start to split into child ghosts. They will continue to nibble and assimilate the surrounding area. In the end, even the entire mountain range, the entire city... become part of the grievances of hundreds of ghosts!!"

"This ghost in front of us has assimilated the entire lake and split into ghosts... Damn it, no wonder this evil beast just took away the limbs of the villagers, this is to keep them in captivity and keep nibbling away as nutrients! "


Liu Yi's face was also ugly, "I don't know how far this beast has grown. There are only two ghosts in front of us?"

"Or... the entire Fengquan Village has been completely assimilated?!"

this moment,

Wanfeng is very desolate, this kind of idea is too terrifying, if Fengquan Village has really been assimilated into a part of the grievances of hundreds of ghosts...


Several arresters present at the scene,

It is equivalent to taking the initiative to walk into the stomach of a ghost! !

"Don't think so much, kill the mother ghost, and all the child ghosts will die naturally."

Xuzhou remained calm. He looked at Gu Qing and asked in a deep voice, "Gu Qing, how long will it take? We will buy you time."

"Don't fight, three seconds is enough."

Gu Qing's voice came.

His eyes fell on the lake.


The mother ghost in the lake is resisting the fire, and the filthy mysterious factors are like silt, and they are rapidly gathering here, trying to extinguish the blazing fire.


In the lake, something is surging up, as if to drill out! !

to everything,

Gu Qing has only one action,

The wrist holding the handle of the knife was slightly raised, and a cluster of fire, the self-flowing blade was like the tip of the fire, and then... spread to the entire blade!

this moment,

Gu Qing holds the flowing blade like fire,

As if holding a bright scorching sun! !

[Flowing Blade Ruo Huo, Fire Burning the City]——!

boom! !

Endless flames, like raging waves in the sky, rushing endlessly, endlessly, cover this world!

in the fire,

All the filthy and mysterious factors that gathered together were burnt out,

The behemoth that was about to emerge... without even revealing its true face, it was completely buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, turned into ashes, and melted into a large amount of water vapor.

Three seconds?

No, less than a second, that's all! !

In the mist-like water vapor,

The fire gradually went out,

Gu Qing's black hair moves with the wind,


He frowned!


Gu Qing looked into the distance, at the edge of the barrier, the mysterious ghosts with pale white heads... were still shaking the barrier! !

The ghost is dead,

Are they still alive? !

"Second lost?"

On the other side, Liu Yi was preparing to surprise Gu Qing's powerful [Sacred Tool] to kill the lake mother ghost, but he didn't have time to surprise for a second, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

"We deduced wrongly, this lake is not the mother ghost, the mother ghost is something else!!" Liu Yi scolded, speaking very fast,

"Gu Qing, can your [Blood Eye] be able to find the mother ghost?" Xuzhou gritted his teeth, this situation was unexpected, they were put together,

Even the entire assimilated lake is not a mother ghost,

That real mother ghost...what is it? !


Gu Qing's pupils were stained with blood, the hooked jade circled the connection, and the deep pentagram appeared impressively!

"I'll try." His lips parted slightly, and when the words echoed, he jumped up.

Fall to the bottom of the lake!


After the entire lake was evaporated, the coke-like earth was exposed,

The hands and feet that were originally at the bottom of the lake have all turned into ashes at this moment, and there is not even a single residue left.

Gu Qing stepped on the scorched black ground, and his blood-like eyes looked into all directions.

In his eyes, blood is dazzling, there is a situation at the bottom of the lake, and the mysterious factor of filth still exists! !


At the same moment, the two pale white heads outside the enchantment ran away mysteriously, and the slender human arms swung up and slapped the [Wanjie Territory] frantically.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Their mouths were open, crying like babies, and in the dark eye sockets... blue-black blood tears flowed out!

Even more terrifying is that,

With the pale and mysterious beating of the two ends, the [Wanjie Territory] was trembling violently like a canvas in the gale!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"It won't last for too long, these two split beasts... I'm afraid it's close to the fourth stage of the [Falled Seed]!!"

Xia Rin's pretty face turned pale, her brows were bright and her spiritual power lit up.

Her mental power is burning fast, in order to resist the collision of the [Ten Thousand Precepts Territory].

"Let them in... Kill these two beasts first to buy time for Gu Qing!"

At this moment, Xuzhou drank lowly, and there was a bright light in his eyes, and he was decisive!


A hint of determination flashed in Xia Rin's eyes,

without any hesitation,

Her palms merged... [The Territory of Wanjie] was taking the initiative to open a hole,

Put those two pale and mysterious into it! !

They squeezed into the barrier, and those eyes with blue-black blood and tears suddenly turned... They stared straight at the scene to catch up!

They have only one purpose...


Kill these humans who are preventing them from eating! !


same time,

Two figures swept out of the sky,

It's Xuzhou and Liu Yi!


Xuzhou drank like thunder, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the backpack behind him exploded.

A black box appears,

Xuzhou smashed it with a punch... and grabbed a long black object in the palm of his hand!


mental shock,

The long black object in the palm of the palm deforms and expands like flowing water... It turns into a black knife that is half a meter long!

"Squad 335, which belongs to Nanjiang Yamen, draws the sword here and executes the mysterious [Hundred Ghost Resentment] operation."

Xuzhou held a knife with one arm, his tone was as cold as iron, and the blade pointed to the pale mystery that was rushing in the rice fields! !

at the same moment,

Liu Yi stood behind him, also with a black sword drawn from its scabbard, standing with a sword!

without any words,

They took the initiative to attack and kill the pale mystery!


The paddy field was completely blasted, and the wheat and grains were shattered into crumbs.

"Gu Qing, we will buy time for you, you can find the mother ghost with peace of mind." Xia Rin also pulled out her black knife and blocked the evaporated lake in front of her.

She looked tense, looked around vigilantly, and paid attention to any nuisance.

They don't know to what extent Hundred Resentful Ghosts have assimilated this village.


Only the two pale ghosts.

Or maybe...

Every stone is a ghost! !


There is only one thing they want to do, stand in front of Gu Qing and intercept any ghosts that may appear,

Until... Gu Qing finds out the mother ghost!


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