Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 90 Virtualization, you are human... or mysterious! (please subscribe)

Gu Qing, Su Yuejin, Liu Zhang... three lines of sight collided in the air.



The next second, the bank counter exploded, and all the people who were queuing on both sides were knocked into the air.

in chaos,

Liu Zhang didn't say a word, stepped on the floor, his body was like a thunder, and he turned around and ran!

"Want to go?" Su Yuejin raised her eyebrows upright, her right hand raised, and the rays of light bloomed——

【The Territory of Ten Thousand Rings】!

The transparent dome came down and quickly spread to the whole street, like a big net covering the world.

"Close the door and beat the dog." Gu Qing chuckled,

When the last word fell into his mouth...

The arc roams, the thunder is tyrannical!


The blazing electric light is faster than everything, and draws a bright track in the supermarket. The snacks on the shelves fly wherever they pass... Bag after bag explodes in mid-air, and the debris has not had time to fall, and was immediately melted into coke by the high temperature. ,

this moment,

The thunder roared, the electric light was blazing, and the momentum was shocking!

"Damn it, it really is catching fast."

At this moment, Liu Zhang, who had already fled to the street, suddenly heard Shen Lei rolling behind him,

He turned back sharply,

A pair of pupils were dyed blue by thunder!


The thunder light shattered the sky, more dazzling than any ray of light, and more scorching hot than any 507 thing. Just a wisp of aura emanated from the sky and turned the sky into discoloration, gray and heavy, like the pressure of a black mountain!


It can be seen that there is a vague human shape in the thunder light, and he is completely integrated into the thunder... Or, he is the incarnation of the thunder, and a pair of eyes are shining brightly!

"Want to catch me—?!"

Liu Zhang's pupils shrank into needles, and a lion-like roar exploded in his throat!

In the face of such terrifying thunder,

He took the initiative to attack,

The right hand pressed down toward the thunder!


In an instant, the place exploded, the endless turbulent thunder oscillated, the azure electric arc swept in all directions like a snake, the street lamp next to it was cut off by a cluster of electric arcs, and the glass of the car parked 100 meters away exploded, and the entire body was burning. Raging fire!


An astonishing scene appeared, and the bursting thunder began to disappear, as if an invisible vortex appeared on Liu Zhang's right hand, which was quickly absorbing the thunder!


In the light of thunder, Gu Qing raised his eyes, and in the dark and deep eyes, a azure arc flashed.

He found,

The thunder that he released, such as hitting the boundless abyss, is quickly being swallowed up...

"Take a taste of your own abilities!" Liu Zhang roared like thunder, his whole face was extremely ferocious, blood vessels bulging, and flowing... was actually a bright arc!

[Intake] - All energy can be taken in, stored in the body, and selectively exploded!

this moment,

Liu Zhang unreservedly released all the thunder that he had ingested! !


In the palm of his right hand, a cluster of bright light ignited, it was the same thunder light as Gu Qing!

"Can you absorb my ability? Exactly, give it a try..."

For a moment,

Gu Qing's lips were slightly opened, and his eyes were as calm as abyss.

raise your hand,

Gently caress the face...


In the sky and on the ground, within 10,000 meters, there are filthy and mysterious factors... at the same time, they are restless and active, rushing towards Gu Qing! !

Invisible to mortals, invisible, the red tide overwhelms the sky and drowns Gu Qing! !

a mask...

It is slowly condensing, covering his face!

Pure white, flawless... But the right eye is dark and deep, like a handful of ink spilled, evil and pure.

this moment,

Lightning disappeared,

Revealing Gu Qing's true figure,

He stood there, without any movement, his hands drooping naturally,

Wearing a black windbreaker, the hem is light, and the black and white mask covers the face, which looks like a ghost, can't figure out...

"Huh?!" Liu Zhang's expression changed slightly.

He senses...

Gu Qing's breath changed suddenly, giving people an indescribable depression, such as... a mysterious and sneaky humanoid? !

But at this moment,

Liu Zhang's actions did not hesitate.

The right hand shoots a turbulent and fiery thunder light, and immediately covers Gu Qing, trying to injure (ccbh) Gu Qing!


Gu Qing slowly raised his head, under the mask, a pair of pupils... The whites of his eyes have turned into deep black!


He stretched out his hand and collided with Liu Zhang's right chapter, which erupted with thunder, and the next moment——


Liu Zhang was groaning in pain!

In his palm, the thunder light was smothered. Those were Gu Qing's five fingers, like five peaks, completely ignoring the surging electric arc, crushing Liu Yi's entire right hand bone!

"My ability...you use...not very good."

Under the mask, a slightly dull and hoarse voice sounded faintly.

Although the truth is not seen,

But Liu Zhang instinctively noticed... Gu Qing seemed to be chuckling! !

"Are you human, or mysterious?!" Liu Zhang was stunned, ignoring his abolished right hand, and quickly backed away, staring at Gu Qing's eyes... bloodshots appeared!

His heart has already set off a storm!

He was clearly facing a yamen's arresting kuai, but he seemed to be fighting a mysterious and sneaky... The other party used his flesh to directly resist the thunder light reflected by him with [Ingest]!

And that mask... it looks like a mysterious and sneaky part of the body!

Liu Zhang's eyes are cloudy and uncertain. This picture is beyond imagination. Since he came into contact with the extraordinary world, the difference between people and mystery has always been clear.

People are people, mystery is mystery, and there can be no living thing in between... In essence, it is incompatible!

But today,

Liu Zhang couldn't tell... Is the Gu Qing in front of him a person or a mystery?


Suddenly, the ground under Liu Yi's feet trembled, and there was a roar in the sky... He turned around, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Su Yuejin came from the sky!

She is wearing a white battle uniform, and her whole body is emitting a faint light, like thousands of glowing fires converging on her body, with great power in her gestures,

Just stepping in the air, this simple action... makes the void tremble, the light distorts, and it is about to burst!

This scene is so terrifying,

Like a god stepping into the air, coming from a distant unknown land!

"Aqing, you started so fast, you almost didn't have the chance to play." Su Yuejin sighed softly,

Between words...

she raised her hand,

The scarlet long blade trembled and resonated with the void. This was a weapon Gu Qing had seen before. That night... Su Yuejin stepped through the darkness, came with this blade, and killed the Shadow Demon with one blow!

That night,

Su Yuejin did not use a knife.

And now... this knife is shaking slightly, it is already unsheathed, and the light of the sword is rushing into the night!

"You are... Nanjiang's 'Empress' Su Yuejin... 'Son of Heaven' Gu Qing?!"

In an instant, Liu Zhang was shocked, and he called out these two names in disbelief!

at the same time--

A touch of sword light has come!

For a moment,

Liu Zhang raised his left hand, which had not been injured, and wanted to absorb this spatula light with [Intake] again.


sky and earth,

Everything is still.

【Time stop】——! !


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