Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 99 A dozen days later, the brand new Weilu City!

In the early morning, the intelligence was refreshed on time.

[1. In a dense vine area 23 kilometers northwest, there lives a group of red-headed pheasants, with delicious meat and easy to breed. (1 star)]

[2. 17 kilometers southeast, under a giant brown stone, there grows a white jade rose flower. (1 star)]

[3. 20 kilometers southwest, there grows a bitter seedless watermelon. (1 star)]

[4. 31 kilometers northwest, there lives a large group of wild boars in a field of reeds. (2 stars)]

[5. The secret method of revitalizing tree people controlled by the night elves, combined with the spirit of the green grass grandmother, can upgrade the swamp tree people to the 12th level of the ancient tree people guard. (2 stars)]

After reading this intelligence, Li Er's eyes condensed slightly.

This intelligence refresh is definitely the lowest value ever. Among the 5 intelligence, there are 3 1-star intelligence, and the remaining two are only 2-star intelligence.

There is not even a 3-star intelligence.

Could it be that after the last big explosion, it has entered a period of weakness?

These intelligences are not bad, but compared with the 4-star and 5-star intelligences, there is still some gap.

Only the last 2-star intelligence aroused some interest in him-

The secret method controlled by the night elves can transform the swamp tree people into the 12th level ancient tree people guards with the green grass grandmother.

The name sounds extraordinary.

Although the night elves have not been enslaved yet, these underground worlds have been hung on the wall of the city hall.

They are just lambs to be slaughtered, you can do whatever you want.

You can try it when you have time.

After reading the intelligence several times, Li Er lay down at ease and fell asleep.

The next day, the hunt continued.

Although he obtained new intelligence, he did not change his plan-he still let the scarlet queen bee and Hags lead the team to go out hunting.

Cultivating cold-blooded cavalry is the focus of the current work.

If he could convert all the more than 500 wetland lizardmen in his hands into cold-blooded cavalry, he would have enough confidence even if he faced those ferocious dark nagas head-on.

After the army went out, Li Er was not idle.

He gathered the wetland lizardmen warriors of 3 squadrons and headed northwest with the flesh slaughterer.

There are two pieces of information here - a red-headed pheasant worth 1 star and a wild boar worth 2 stars.

The scarlet queen bee has hunted in this area in the past few days, and it is quiet wherever she passes.

It didn't take much effort to reach the red-headed pheasant. A large area of ​​lush vines.

The intelligence shows that its meat is delicious and easy to breed.

It just so happens that the food at home is currently single, and catching these red-headed pheasants back to raise them can also enrich the food source.

The coverage of the vines is extremely wide, and those pheasants hide in it. It is not easy to catch them.

But Li Er smiled when he saw this, and looked at the graceful figure beside him.

Although he didn't bring the vine fairy, he did have the swamp banshee.

"Let them come out by themselves."

The moment the order was issued, these charming creatures immediately sang loudly.

In a moment, the red-headed pheasant hiding under the vines immediately made a clucking sound, and then trotted away from the vines.

They came to the swamp witch with a rustle.

Looking around, there were more than 200 red heads.

Each of them was fat and round, with black and white hair on their bodies, and blood-colored feathers and fleshy crowns on their heads, which looked very eye-catching.

Lear looked at the red-headed pheasants with blurred eyes and laughed a little.

He reached out and picked up one, weighed it a little, and the weight was at least 5 jin.

Not bad, a lot of meat.

I opened the attribute panel and took a look. These pheasants didn't have any special attributes. There was only one thing in the introduction-the meat was delicious.

My mood immediately improved. What attributes did pheasants need? Just being delicious was enough.

With a wave of his hand, he asked the wetland lizardman behind him to tie up the chicken's feet and wings, and then carried it away.

The goal was accomplished easily.

Next, we just need to go back and raise it.

After moving forward in this direction for more than ten kilometers, a large group of reeds appeared in sight.

Before we got close, we could smell the stench of wild boar feces.

This 2-star intelligence showed that there was a large group of wild boars here.

With the three-tailed pig, Li Er no longer had the need to raise wild boars, so he ordered them to be hunted directly.

The army surrounded them from several sides and slowly stepped into the reeds.

Soon, there were pigs screaming in fear.

Then there was blood everywhere. Hunting wild boars was really not challenging.

The battle ended quickly, and the slaughtered wild boars were dragged out one by one.

The wild boar was 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder, more than 3 meters long, and thin. It was roughly estimated that the weight was more than 500 kilograms.

The value of the 2-star intelligence was indeed not cheap, and a total of 350 heads were harvested.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to bring 5 bubble beasts, otherwise he would be scratching his head just to transport them back.

But it took a lot of effort to fill the bubble beasts.

When they returned to the City of Wisdom, they were all exhausted.

Lear left 50 wild boars as food, and took the others to the enclosure of the small lizards to continue breeding cold-blooded cavalry.

These 50 wild boars were enough to have meat every meal for the next month.

After finishing the work here, he immediately took more than 200 red-headed pheasants to find Bain and asked him to arrange people to raise these pheasants.

However, he had to slaughter a few first to taste them.

More than 5 kilograms of red-headed pheasants, half of which were boiled in soup and the other half were braised, which made Lear praise again and again.

Although it is not as delicious as the dragon blood red fish, it tastes first-rate and is two or three levels more delicious than the pure free-range mountain hens he had eaten before.

The magical fantasy world has a feeling of abundance and everything is a surprise.

Moreover, the chicken reproduces very quickly, and the entire process from laying eggs to hatching can be completed in one month.

It is normal to hatch 10 to 20 at a time, and even artificial incubation can be intervened.

It can allow its population to expand rapidly.

Moreover, the growth cycle of chickens is only three or four months.

With the addition of the horn of plenty, this speed will be even faster.

Even on the technologically advanced Earth, chicken is an extremely important source of protein.

Just after finishing the work here, the Scarlet Queen Bee and Hagus returned one after another, and the two teams once again captured a large number of corpses.

Similarly, all this blood and flesh are used to cultivate cold-blooded cavalry.

Lear is in a very happy mood.

Every day's hunting can finally be transformed into a real harvest. This feeling is too wonderful.

After a busy day, the Swamp Banshees came to the stage in front of the City Hall again.

They began to impart knowledge to the residents.

These banshees who have the ability to seduce people's minds have finally found their second battlefield at this moment.

Teaching and answering questions.

After two hours of long teaching, they can still keep everyone highly focused, and under the temptation of singing, their receptive ability is comparable to that of top students.

Lear's eyes were full of color.

According to this progress, it may not take long for the scarce talent reserve of Wei Lu City to be improved.

At least, the staff required for the establishment of various departments of the City Hall can be basically supplemented.

This has far exceeded expectations.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

On September 2, Lear went to the southwest 20 kilometers away and found the bitter seedless watermelon.

The value of 1 star is indeed not high.

After tasting its fruit, Lear didn't want to eat a second bite at all.

Finally, after bringing it back with the soil, it was handed over to Grandma Green Grass for cultivation.

These beings with a strong affinity for plants gladly accepted the task.

Directly give the seedless watermelon some spirit, giving it a unique spirituality.

Under the ability of Grandma Green Grass, its level soared to 1 star, becoming a magical plant.

The flesh began to turn red, and the taste was slightly sweet, no longer bitter.

Although it is not as good as the excellent varieties cultivated for dozens of generations on Earth, it has already preliminarily possessed the characteristics of watermelon.

Li Er was delighted.

Grandma Green Grass is like Bubble Beast, it is really better and better with use.

At the moment, let Grandma Green Grass use the seedlings split from the seedless watermelon to continue sowing and cultivating.

With these beings with a high affinity for plants, perhaps it won't be long before he can enjoy the same sweet watermelon as on Earth.

People live for a living, so it's okay if there is no WIFI, but with air conditioning, how can there be no watermelon?

No. 3, No. 4. The hunt is still going on.

With several cultivations, the number of cold-blooded cavalry in the No. 4 line has reached an exaggerated number - 15 teams.

A total of 150 people!

These cold-blooded cavalrymen stood in neat formation, fierce and murderous.

The three-meter-tall swift lizards, combined with the brutal wetland lizard warriors, gave people a strong visual impact.

This is the real killing machine! !

In addition to the troops in the ranks, there are 5 teams in training.

Lear's key training plan is progressing steadily.

The growth of the city of Wei Lu is like a snowball.

The changes are visible to the naked eye.

In addition to military actions, the vine fairy has also made efforts in territory construction these days.

Blacksmith shops, tailor shops, alchemy research workshops and other buildings have all been built, and at the same time, 100 three-story residential buildings have been built.

Each floor of the residential building has two rooms, and each room can accommodate a family of 4.

100 buildings means 600 rooms, which directly accommodate all the residents in the territory.

And what's interesting is that Grandma Green Grass began to add spirits to these buildings one by one.

The spiritual residences of residents immediately gained the same ability as the city hall - temperature control.

This is great. When the temperature is scorching in the summer, everyone is at home with air conditioning.

The happiness and satisfaction of the residents of the territory almost soared to the sky.

Almost everyone became fanatical about the worship of Lear.

On the night of the 4th, the Swamp Siren performed another play - Hamlet.

After hundreds of rehearsals at night, this play was finally put on the stage.

Although the residents have watched it several times, this grand and complicated play still brought them a huge shock.

It turns out that drama can not only play emotional dramas, but also princes' revenge!

Everyone was trembling.

Interestingly, because the entrance of the city hall was just facing the stage, the tied-up night elves saw the play for the first time.

The plot of Hamlet also happened to fit the inner emotions of the night elves, and they watched it very attentively.

At the end of the curtain call, the night elves were still immersed in the play and couldn't extricate themselves.

Lear made slight changes and turned Hamlet into a purer revenge drama.

Residents who have not experienced too many baptisms have never seen this kind of thing. The scene of the prince kicking over the throne, pressing the king's head and slapping his mouth made everyone climax again and again, and they were so happy.

Everyone was excited and provided a huge amount of emotional food.

The level of the Swamp Banshee increased two levels in a very short period of time, reaching level 11! !

They were so excited that they wanted to kneel in front of Lear and lick his boots.

All this is rewarded to them by the great master!

If we follow our previous actions, how many people will we have to kill to reach level 11?

It would be impossible without ten or eight years.

But now, it’s less than a month.

This is the master’s unfathomable wisdom!

In the early morning of that day, September 5th, the intelligence was refreshed again, but this time it was worse than last time. 4 of the 5 pieces of intelligence were 1-star, and only 1 was 2-star.

All of low value.

Seeing this, Lear did not focus on this and continued to cultivate his ace - the cold-blooded cavalry.

In the next few days, he asked Haggis to start from the north and directly open the road to the wilderness.

Begin to clean up the life in its swamp more intensively.

After possessing enough cold-blooded cavalry, he was no longer as cautious as before, leaving only blood wherever he passed.

For three consecutive days, by September 8th, the entire northern area had been cleared, and even the edges of the wilderness had been trampled under the iron hooves of the cold-blooded cavalry.

Lear's conquest of the swamp has now entered a new stage.

The main force on the other side, the Scarlet Queen, directly led the swarm deep into the wilderness because the swamp could no longer meet the needs of hunting.

After entering the wilderness, the Scarlet Queen completely let herself go, and the number of corpses she acquired began to soar.

After several days of continuous corpse contributions, the total number of cold-blooded cavalry has exceeded an exaggerated 28 squads!

There are 7 teams that are still undergoing transformation.

This remarkable result made Lear even more motivated.

While letting the Scarlet Queen increase the scope of her hunting, she also divided the cold-blooded cavalry into two groups.

Haggis leads one half, and the Flesh Slayer leads the other half, both heads moving forward to increase the cleaning efficiency.

At the same time, each team brings a scarlet hornet with them. They can use the scarlet hornet to communicate with each other and seek help when in danger.

For several days, progress was rapid. Under the intense scanning and hunting, the time soon came to September 12th.

The information refreshed two days ago still contained nothing of value, and Lear's focus was still on cultivating cold-blooded cavalry.

And under such high-intensity hunting, this mission finally came to an end today.

Because the last batch, a squadron of cold-blooded cavalry, started their transformation with sufficient flesh and blood.

It is expected to be completed on the 15th.

These days of hard work have given him 45 teams of cold-blooded cavalry! !

This is a legendary unit of lizardmen with a level as high as 11!

A team of 450 people lined up, making Weilu City seem a bit crowded.

Looking around, they were all wetland lizard warriors riding ferocious and fierce lizards with a shoulder height of three meters.

Once this group of troops launches a charge, it will cause catastrophic damage.

Lear felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The hard work these days has paid off the best.

"Sir, what are your orders to me?"

Bain hurriedly came from the other side and looked at the cold-blooded cavalry who were devouring flesh and blood crazily. He looked with burning eyes at the heroic and majestic Lear beside him.

The army's crazy hunting these days has increased the military strength of Weilu City several times!

He watched all this silently in his heart.

With the leadership of the Lord, he firmly believes that Weilu City will definitely become a city on the top of a mountain that makes everyone tremble.

This is an almost blind admiration and trust that has been accumulated through every big and small thing during this period.

It had only been a short time before hundreds of cold-blooded cavalry were already on the line. He couldn't imagine what the city of Weilu would become after three to five years of development like this!

Lear came back to his senses, looked at the swamp hero with fanatical eyes, and said slowly.

"Go and bring the leader of the night elves over. I need him to hand over his secret method and cultivate the swamp tree people."

After the training of the cold-blooded cavalry was completed, it was time to focus on other things.

Let’s get the night elves’ wealth first.

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