Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 105 The ruins are over, and the profits are exaggerated (120,000 words long chapter)

Chapter 105 The ruins are over, and the benefits are exaggerated (12,000 words long chapter)

The violent killing of the flesh-and-blood butcher suddenly made the battle fierce.

After killing one person, his body disappeared again when the mechanical butchers surrounded him.

Void channel——

The special power obtained by swallowing a demigod's eyeball can open a void channel, allowing oneself to instantly shuttle through the void and reach the target.

The eyeball of the Lord of Foul and Flies that Li Er took off allowed the flesh-and-blood butcher to obtain a 4-star skill after swallowing it.

Although there was no collateral damage, it played a strategic value at this moment.


A violent sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a mechanical butcher who had just witnessed his companion being violently killed felt a chill all over his body, and a strong crisis came.

He didn't even have time to turn his head to look at the flesh-and-blood butcher, and his six arms twisted violently to form a defense on his head.

But the blood-flesh axe swung in an arc, avoiding its head, and chopped directly on its body.

The blood plasma exploded, leaving an exaggerated bloody mark of the axe.

Then the body suddenly disappeared.

This scene was very similar to the skill commonly used by mages - flash.

This three-meter-tall, headless, stitched monster was originally a heavy-armored warrior, but at this moment it showed an indescribable sense of flexibility.

But the 14th-level mechanical butcher was not a rubbish. The flesh and blood on his body was as tough as machinery. After being injured, it immediately began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The violent slashing of the blood-flesh butcher was also difficult to cause fatal injuries!

The heavy battle knife in his hand was even more ferocious. When it was swung, it could cause a large dent in the metal ground when it hit the floor.

Once attacked by it, it would be a terrible scar.

In other words, the blood-flesh butcher without fatal flaws could be destroyed with one knife if it was replaced by other lives.

Moreover, its mechanical limbs are as soulful as its flesh and blood arms, and the sword it controls can respond to sudden attacks at the fastest speed.

The situation suddenly stalemated.

But a moment later, the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer appeared from the void again, and at the same time, the sacred and majestic, inviolable power surged again.

The mechanical butcher was shocked when he sensed this, and subconsciously raised his sword to block his head.

Roar! !

The Flesh and Blood Slaughterer had no head, but it made a low and crazy roar.

Avoided its upper body, and chopped the battle axe horizontally!

Cut straight at the waist!

The mechanical butcher noticed something was wrong, and his two arms retreated violently to resist.

But the next moment, clang~ an unspeakable terrifying force exploded, directly bouncing the sword in its hand away.

The flesh and blood battle axe chopped directly on the waist with irresistible force.

Bang~ Puff~

The flesh and blood exploded, and the sound of metal being cut was harsh and sharp.

But no matter what it was, it couldn't stop the battle axe at this moment!



The mechanical butcher was cut in half alive!

The upper body was directly separated from the mechanical limbs, and it flew four or five meters away and hit the ground hard.

This violent posture made people tremble.

Li Er felt very clearly at this moment-the divine power in the flesh and blood butcher filled his body at the moment of the explosion.

Let his power be exaggeratedly increased.

But his divine power is not much, and it cannot be used without limit. Excessive consumption may even affect his rebirth.

So there will be a short pause and then an explosion.

This is a fierce skill that is not displayed on the skill panel.

Maybe it is not a skill, but just the use of the divinity in the body, but this is fucking divinity!

The power that can only be born from gods, how can mortals resist it?

Even if it is revealed for a moment, it is the ultimate power!

If the flesh and blood butcher can continue to control the divinity, there is no need to worry about consumption. I am afraid that these mechanical butchers will be slaughtered one by one!

Although the two are one level apart, they are essentially two different kinds of life.

Enraged by the two consecutive brutal killings by the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer.

The mechanical butcher roared hysterically, and the mechanical arms on his body began to swell, like human muscles tightening.

The heavy swords, as thick as door panels, were swung more and more frequently.

The violent whirring sound of breaking through the air made Lear in the back a little frightened.

With this knife, even the thick shield of the heavy shield warrior will be chopped into pieces!

These soldiers are definitely the kind of enemies that are most reluctant to face on the front battlefield.

If they are in a crowded place, they can directly turn into a meat grinder.

Although the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer firmly controls the initiative on the battlefield, Lear does not underestimate the mechanical butcher.

The opponent's combat power is so fierce!

If they had not encountered a more powerful Flesh and Blood Slaughterer, the cold-blooded cavalry would have to pay a heavy price to eliminate them!

Every time the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer flashes through the void channel, it can appear in a place that the mechanical butcher does not expect.

Even if it is attacked by the opponent's sword, the divine life without fatal parts can recover quickly.

Under its unique fighting style, the third and fourth mechanical butchers were quickly killed.

At this point, there were only three mechanical butchers left on the field.

The situation reversed.

The pressure faced by the flesh butcher was greatly reduced, and it no longer avoided.

Holding the flesh axe, this headless stitched life began to confront the enemy head-on.

It was angry!


After another collision, a mechanical butcher was hit in the chest by a battle axe, like being hit by a baseball bat, and flew backwards and hit in the distance.

Li Er saw the mechanical butcher struggling to get up, and his eyes moved slightly.

Can those mechanical hummingbirds be imprisoned to isolate these more ferocious ones? !

He looked at the bubble beast beside him.

"Try to imprison it with bubbles! Isolate its power!"

If it works, it will be a life of level 14, which is far more valuable than a mechanical hummingbird!

After the order was issued, the chubby little guys around him blew bubbles immediately.

12 bubble beasts worked together to blow out a huge bubble with a diameter of 10 meters.

It floated out and fell directly from the sky, wrapping up the seriously injured mechanical butcher with lightning speed.

The next moment, the characteristics of the bubble's sealing power reappeared.

The opponent's struggle suddenly weakened, and the flashing light of the inscription on the mechanical shell became dim.

The mechanical butcher noticed this, and his scarlet eyes suddenly shone brightly.

He threw the sword in his hand fiercely, and it penetrated the bubble directly!

The shell inscription lit up again instantly.

Seeing this, Bubble Beast was immediately dissatisfied and blew out ten large bubbles in a row, floating up.

The mechanical butcher roared in anger.

But after being seriously injured, his movements became slow, and the bubbles could also move under the control of Bubble Beast, so they could not be pierced directly.

He could only be gradually suppressed.

In anger, the second heavy sword was thrown out.

The bubble burst, but at this moment, another bubble covered it.

There was no more room for the mechanical butcher to react.

After several rounds, the opponent's breath gradually decreased and became weak.

Finally, he was completely isolated from the power and could not even lift the sword in his hand.

It's done! !

Li Er saw a huge excitement in his heart.

This is a level 14 soldier! !

Even if he was at a disadvantage when facing the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer, it did not mean that his fighting power was weak!

Anyone who faced a divine life had to bow down!

At this moment, the second mechanical butcher was severely injured by the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer.

The bubble quickly wrapped up

There was only one mechanical butcher left on the field.

The Flesh and Blood Slaughterer did not hold back, and chopped him down with a violent attack!

He followed in the footsteps of his companions and was imprisoned by bubbles.

In this way, this battle directly captured three mechanical butchers!

Li Er's mood was instantly high.

He turned his head and looked at the mechanical hummingbird behind him.

These mechanical creations are also valuable gains in themselves! !


At this time, the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer was still a little worried. Looking at the mechanical butcher whose power was sealed by the bubble, he strode into it and took down all the heavy swords.

At the same time, a few axes went down, completely injuring him and wasting his fighting power.

Completely cut off the possibility of his resistance.

After some operations, the battle came to an end.

Killed 4 level 14 mechanical butchers and captured 3.

The price paid was that the flesh butcher suffered several serious injuries.

But under the treatment of the swamp gift, he soon recovered to his peak.

It was a lossless consumption with huge benefits!

So happy.

In a good mood, Li Er asked the cold-blooded cavalry beside him to come forward and dismantle the body of the mechanical butcher.

But unexpectedly, no energy core was found in its body.

Finally, he looked at its black flesh thoughtfully. These unique lives seem to use flesh to drive the machinery?

This kind of creation is really something.

While thinking, a cold-blooded cavalry suddenly became excited.

"Master, we found a blueprint in the mechanical leg!"

He said and stepped forward quickly and handed the blueprint to him.

Li Er took it with curiosity and looked at it intently.

This is a special kind of paper, like metal, and it feels a bit cool in the hand.

There were a lot of patterns drawn on it, all written in the twisted and unique goblin inscriptions, on both sides.

After a few glances, he immediately determined that this was only a part of it and was not complete.

He immediately waved his hand to let the cold-blooded cavalry disassemble all the mechanical legs.

Everyone came forward with great enthusiasm. After a series of clanging sounds, all the mechanical legs were disassembled, and Lear also had 10 drawings in his hand.

When the drawings were collected, a detailed attribute panel appeared in his mind.

Flesh and Machine Fusion Technique

[Level]: 4 stars

[Features]: It can fuse flesh and machine together to create a unique mechanical creation, so that flesh has the toughness of machine, and machine has the activation of flesh and blood.

[Evaluation]: The technology developed during the peak period of goblin civilization is extremely rare.

Wow! !

4-star drawings? !

The manufacturing drawings of the mechanical butcher were actually revealed! !

Lear's eyes were quite excited.

After learning the manufacturing technology, wouldn't it be possible to mass-produce combat units like the Mechanical Butcher?

But in a flash, it was a pity.

He had too few talents of this kind, and it would be difficult to study them thoroughly.

The goblin text alone was a huge difficulty.

But no matter what, this was a 4-star research technology with great value.

I took it.

He got three level 14 Mechanical Butcher captives, and also obtained the unique flesh-and-machine fusion technique.

Hahaha, another huge profit.

A small profit.

After the harvest here, the interest is even stronger.

Order the army to continue searching to see if they can get other good things.

After some exploration, they really found something in a rusty piece of parts-

Twelve silver-gray mechanical arms similar to the mechanical butcher's arms.

This thing was obviously sealed after it was made, and it is still intact at this moment.

And the engraved inscription is now emitting waves of energy fluctuations, and its appearance looks more advanced than the mechanical butcher's arm.

Mechanical arm

[Level]: 4 stars

[Features]: Forged with unique and precious materials, it has a unique affinity for flesh and blood.

[Evaluation]: A mechanical arm made by goblins specifically for making certain machines.

Another 4-star treasure? !

Lear felt a little numb.

The goblins who can make the gods join forces to exterminate the clan are really terrifying.

Anything he found at random is high-end stuff.

4-star level, this is top-level goods in Loran City, and can only be seen at the auction house.

In the hands of ordinary nobles and lords, 3-star treasures are top-level, and 4-star, that is only owned by great nobles.

Here, it is like cabbage, and can be seen everywhere.

I really don’t know how powerful and rich the Goblin Empire, which occupied the tenth plane of the abyss, was at its peak?

After calming down, let the bubble beast behind him take it with him.

Continue to the fifth passage.

But just after stepping into it, I found that there were nine passages connected around it.

However, eight of them have collapsed and turned into ruins, and it is impassable.

Only the last one is open.

There is no way back, and Lear did not hesitate. After confirming safety, he led the army into the last open passage.

The vision suddenly became wider.

The height of this passage is more than 30 meters, and the width is 50 meters.

Walking into it, it feels different.

With a little vigilance, slowly pass through the passage and enter the next hall.

When the vision becomes open, immediately look around.

The diameter of this hall is more than a kilometer.

There are scattered parts everywhere, and there are more and larger parts than the previous halls.

But what attracted his attention the most was a huge, giant mechanical head placed in the center area.

It was covered with inscriptions.

It was flashing a faint light.

Its height exceeded 30 meters!

It was like a mechanical hill!

Li Er suddenly thought of the 12 mechanical puppets that hunted gods.

Could it be so crazy?

These goblins still wanted to create mechanical puppets to kill gods at the last moment?

Take a deep breath and move your eyes back.

Among those mechanical parts, there are also a lot of bones.

They are all left by the goblins. They seemed to be busy making something when they were alive.

And all the mechanical parts here are placed with the mechanical head in the center area as the core.

What to make is self-evident.

But all this is in the past.

As time passed, the former glory of the goblins no longer exists, leaving only corpses and rust everywhere.

After the army entered the hall, suddenly, a mechanical sound rang out.

From those huge and severely rusted parts, there was a sound of footsteps.

They quickly gathered in the wider area of ​​the central area.

Mechanical puppets!

A large number of mechanical puppets!

At the same time, a buzzing sound of wings flapping also sounded, and a large number of mechanical hummingbirds flew around.

After the surrounding troops gathered, in front of the mechanical head, a statue-like mechanical puppet with a height of more than 5 meters slowly opened its eyes.

The scarlet light shone, and turned to look at the army of the City of Witness.

His eyes were full of breathtaking oppression.

"Intruders, no entry here!!"

The slightly stiff voice was cold and murderous.

This moment made Lear look over.

Mechanical Puppet King, Hero Unit, Level: Level 14, Potential: 5 Stars, Race Talent: Mechanical Control, Can control the surrounding machinery, Hero Talent: Mechanical God Descent, Can control the surrounding machinery to integrate into his body, greatly enhancing the attributes.

Mechanical puppet king, level 14, 5-star potential. There are also two fierce talents, mechanical control, mechanical god descend? ! !

Li Er's eyelids twitched.

No wonder the intelligence said that the most powerful one is not the mechanical butcher!

The mechanical puppet king is actually a hero unit! !

And its two talents are extremely powerful.

The mechanical parts all over the hall made his eyes sharp.

It must be killed with one blow, and this mechanical puppet king must not be allowed to survive for too long! !

This is the opponent's home court!

He turned his head and glanced at the Cyclops holding the severed finger.

"Cyclops, listen to my orders at any time."

"Yes, master!"

At this moment, the mechanical puppet king also saw the eye-catching Cyclops and the severed finger he was carrying behind him.

The scarlet eyes became colder.

"You actually stole the holy relic!"

"Damn it!"

The tone was filled with some unconcealed anger.

"All warriors, listen up, crush these invaders!!!"

The voice resounded all around, and the mechanical puppets around immediately looked over.

The new red flashed.

Lear looked around, and the number of these mechanical puppets exceeded 8 squadrons.

There are actually 10 mechanical butchers among them.

In the mechanical parts scattered all over the ground, they steadily advanced towards the army.

Li Er's eyes were solemn and dignified.

This was an unprecedented tough battle.

In a small space, on the opponent's home field, it was a head-on collision, with not much room for maneuver.

Other things cannot be changed, but the main battlefield may not be the opponent's!

While thinking, the mind moved.

The army suddenly realized that the space around them became illusory and gradually turned scarlet.

Then, in the surprised gaze of the night elves, they saw that the area they were in gradually turned bloody.

Hairs grew out from the ground, and bones were half buried in the bloody land.

The air was filled with a disgusting stench.

Scarlet rotten meat land.

In order to be on the safe side, Li Er also brought this treasure snatched from the Lord of Smell and Flies.

After integrating into the surroundings, the two sides immediately formed a confrontation.

The mechanical puppet king occupied his own hall, surrounded by mechanical parts and mechanical puppets.

He has the Crimson Carrion Land as support.

The radius is 300 meters, including the passage, covering one-third of the hall.

The opponent's home advantage was instantly wiped out.

The more cards in hand, the more comfortable it is.

After the Crimson Carrion Land was unfolded, Li Er stared at the Mechanical Golem King with a solemn tone.

"Prepare for battle!"

The cold-blooded cavalry lined up in front, with murderous intent.

The bubble beast began to blow bubbles, and the night elf pulled the longbow in his hand, staring at the mechanical golems that were advancing steadily with sharp eyes.

The swamp banshees sang loudly, and the mechanical golems could not be seduced by the singing, but their own army could.

In the midst of the high-pitched and exciting singing, morale climbed to a higher level again.

Their singing can not only seduce the enemy, but also boost the morale of teammates.

This is a skill they have explored through the audience's reaction when performing dramas.

After a short preparation, 10 mechanical butchers led 8 squadrons of mechanical golems and rushed straight into the Crimson Carrion Land.

The battle between the two sides broke out directly.

Hagus raised the sword in his hand.


As the voice of this wetland lizard hero fell, he led all the cold-blooded cavalry to charge!


The hind legs of the swift lizard stepped on the flesh and blood, making a dull sound.

The scene of hundreds of cold-blooded cavalry charging was extremely oppressive.

It was like a sandstorm a hundred feet high, which could swallow everything!

Ordinary warriors in front would be deprived of the power to hold the sword in their hands!

The scarlet in the eyes of the mechanical puppet became more intense when he saw this, and he instantly raised the sharp blade in his hand and waited for it.

The cold-blooded cavalry had already charged to it in just a dozen breaths!

At the moment when the two sides collided, bubbles in the sky fell and smashed down.



Violent explosions sounded, and terrifying air waves swept all around.

Although it could not cause much damage to the mechanical puppets, it disrupted their formation.

The formation in front was in disarray. After running for a long distance, the momentum of the cold-blooded cavalry had soared to the extreme.

In the fearless madness, it was like a heavy truck at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour crashing into it.




Instantly, a large number of mechanical puppets were knocked away and trampled into parts.

Like an iron plow passing through.

Instantly left a large blank.

But in such a horrible collision, some cold-blooded cavalry were pierced through the chest by the opponent's sharp blade, and blood and flesh splattered.

The scene instantly became bloody and crazy.

The mechanical hummingbird in the sky flew out at this moment, wanting to crash down and explode directly.

But the scarlet queen bee, who had been prepared, screamed, and the swarm of bees flapped their wings and rushed over, directly colliding with it.

Blocked their delusion of attacking the cold-blooded cavalry.

Violent explosions resounded through the sky, and waves of corrosive mucus and high temperature continued to explode above their heads.

In bursts of dazzling light.

The burning blood on Hagus, the wetland lizardman hero, covered the steel knife and rushed into the enemy camp.

He swung the steel knife in his hand closely, and wherever he passed, the machinery flew and the parts broke.

The mechanical puppet could not stop the impact of the swift lizard, let alone the steel knife in his hand!

The strength of the 12th-level hero was revealed without reservation at this moment.

But soon, he was targeted by the mechanical butcher.

The six ferocious limbs walked quickly, and the heavy sword in his hand blocked him in front of him.

Hagus and the swift lizard sitting down were in tune with each other, and they suddenly accelerated and rushed forward!

He saw the battle of the flesh and blood butchers, and he had long wanted to try the strength of these 14th-level soldiers!

As a hero, his own strength plus the strength of the swift lizard made him not afraid of the mechanical butcher!

The two sides fought together in an instant!

The steel knife and the heavy sword exploded with sparks, and the aftermath of the battle even made the mechanical puppets dare not approach.

At this moment, the top combat power of Wei Lu City, the Flesh Slaughterer, also set his sights on the mechanical butcher.

After killing more than ten mechanical puppets in a row, his body suddenly became ethereal.

The next moment, he appeared directly on the head of a mechanical butcher.

The sacred and majestic power on his body surged up, and he chopped violently.

The head of the unprepared mechanical butcher was smashed by the battle axe.

The experience accumulated in the previous battle came in handy at this moment.

What is the weak point of defense and what position is easy to attack, the flesh slaughterer has complete control.

Immediately turned into the enemy's nightmare.

The mechanical butcher who came with the army can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army in frontal battle, but facing the hunting of the flesh slaughterer, which is almost like an assassin, the defense ability is weakened.

Begin to be targeted and eliminated!

The night elves around him finally showed their natural archers at this moment.

The hardwood longbow in his hand was pulled flatly, and those sharp arrows could accurately hit the eyes of the mechanical puppets from a distance of two hundred meters!

However, the penetration of the arrows and the attributes of the longbow are obviously insufficient. Even if they can hit, it is difficult to directly cause fatal damage.

However, they are not the main attackers, and they are very effective when combined with the fierce cold-blooded cavalry.

At the critical moment of the battle, an arrow shot out can interrupt the opponent's attack rhythm.

A moment of distraction can provide an excellent opportunity for the cold-blooded cavalry!

The long-range firepower support provided by 150 night elves made the cold-blooded cavalry's fighting more efficient!

In the back, the 5-star potential mechanical puppet king looked at the fighting on the battlefield, his eyes becoming more and more scarlet.

But he never moved!

Lear, who closely observed his movements, had a dark look in his eyes.

The mechanical puppet king had not taken action, and was still looking at the Cyclops with fear. The other party did not care about this level 12 creature, but the half finger in his hand.

From the words just now and the current actions, the other party obviously knew the hidden power of this finger.

This is a bit difficult.

If he was unaware, he could still use his information gap to kill the other party directly with the 5-star treasure with annihilation power.

But under the condition of being on guard, the other party obviously would not give him a chance so easily.

Fortunately, the other party was also afraid to participate in the battle personally.

This gave him room to turn around.

Let him concentrate on cleaning up these mechanical soldiers first.

This battle is a pure competition of strength.

There were not too many fancy means to assist.

Fortunately, he had grown in the territory for half a month and cultivated the cold-blooded cavalry before entering the ruins to explore.

Otherwise, the outcome of this battle would be hard to predict.

At this moment, new developments appeared on the battlefield.

After the fourth mechanical butcher was slaughtered by the flesh and blood butcher using the void channel.

Finally, the mechanical puppet king was alerted, and the other party's eyes flashed red and yellow light several times.

The remaining 6 mechanical butchers retreated directly for a distance.

The next moment, the machines outside the scarlet rotten land seemed to be attracted by a magnet, floating up and rushing to the head and body of the mechanical butcher.

In the blink of an eye, a shell composed of metal parts was formed.

Mechanical control!

After having a thick shield, he re-entered the battlefield.

Soon, this defense saw the effect.

The attack of the flesh and blood butcher was to smash the opponent's head and cut off his body with absolute power unexpectedly.

At this moment, the head and body, the opponent's fatal vital points, were firmly protected.

Although the action was much slower, they were no longer afraid of sneak attacks.

Suddenly, six mechanical butchers joined forces to rush to the front line, leading the mechanical puppet army to start counterattacking the cold-blooded cavalry.

The level of the mechanical butcher was 3 levels higher than that of the cold-blooded cavalry. When they were put into the front battlefield, the destructive power they caused was particularly fierce.

A mechanical butcher aimed at a cold-blooded cavalry rushing forward.

Six heavy swords swung violently!

The cold-blooded cavalry was startled and turned sideways to avoid the blade, but the second and third swords slashed in succession.

With a determined heart, he thrust out the spear in his hand to attack against the attack.

Clang~ At the moment of collision, he only felt a terrifying force coming, almost unable to control it, and wanted to fly away.

But he held it hard and thrust it out again!

He might be able to withstand the huge force, but he couldn't stop the opponent's heavy sword!

Another knife chopped down, clang ~ sparks flew, and the spear in his hand broke directly.

The mechanical butcher took advantage of the situation and chopped down with his sword!

The swift lizard dodged a few steps back to avoid the sharp edge.

But the weapon was broken, and the means of damage it could cause were undoubtedly limited.

It was immediately suppressed.

Another mechanical butcher came to kill it, and the surrounding force made it unable to support it in an instant.

The head was chopped off by a knife, and the swift lizard died with it.

In just three or two minutes, more than a dozen cold-blooded cavalrymen were killed on the spot!

However, the mechanical butcher was soon attracted by the flesh and blood butcher again.

Without their restraint, the flesh and blood butcher did not hesitate and began to madly chop and kill ordinary mechanical puppets.

Facing life below 3 levels below its own, there is a 35% chance to execute the enemy directly!

The domineering flesh butcher clenched his battle axe and chopped wildly. Under the terrifying power, the mechanical puppets could not stop him at all.

Even if the four limbs were put together, they would be violently chopped apart by the flesh butcher.

Three or five axes could kill one alive.

His crazy posture made him the focus of the battlefield.

His killing efficiency was several levels higher than that of the six mechanical butchers!

If he continued like this, it would disrupt the army.

Seeing this, the six mechanical butchers could only gather again and surround and kill the flesh butcher.

After this stitched headless divine life attracted the attention of the opponent's top combat power, Haggs did not stop.

With the support from the rear, he led the cold-blooded cavalry to charge madly!

Although the number of mechanical puppets was greater than his own, with the encouragement of the Swamp Banshee, the support of the Bubble Beast, and the crazy treatment of Lear.

He began to gradually gain the upper hand.

The metal-forged mechanical puppets did not gain any advantage in the battle and were eaten away bit by bit.

This was a pure collision of hard power.

There was no false fighting at all!

At this moment, the results of the development of the City of Wisdom during this period were clearly visible in front of Lear.

He was also a little short of breath watching from the back.

This army was forged by him.

A fierce, powerful, and fearless army!

The flesh-and-blood butcher in the center of the battlefield found that he was protected by metal armor and could no longer use the void channel to raid and kill the mechanical butcher.

He immediately changed his fighting style, stopped wandering, and began to face six level 14 enemies head-on.

And until this moment, the horror of this divine life was fully revealed.

Without any fatal wounds, he allowed the opponent's attacks to tear him apart, but he was not afraid.

He exchanged injuries for injuries, and used the wounds of two heavy knives to forcibly kill a mechanical butcher!

Then, covered in blood, he killed the second one.

What's more terrifying is that his attack was only aimed at the target, ignoring the attacks of others.

Cruel and tyrannical.

Under this exchange of fighting style, the second mechanical butcher covered with thick shell armor was also beheaded alive by him.

The target looked at the third one!

In the crazy slaughter, 6 people were killed in a row!

The 14th-level mechanical butcher was completely emptied!

The last one fell, and his stitched body was almost broken, with scars of all sizes all over his body, looking hideous and terrifying.

Even more than ten steel-like bones in his body were broken.

But this divine life still stood proudly, holding a battle axe and rushing towards the remaining mechanical puppets.

The mechanical butchers were cleared out, and the cold-blooded cavalry, led by Haggs, finally strangled the level 10 mechanical puppets to less than two squadrons.

The strength of these warriors was undoubtedly reflected in this hard battle.

At the same time, the mechanical hummingbirds in the sky no longer appeared, and the battle of the scarlet wasps left less than 3,000 bee colonies.

The army quickly gathered and began to surround and kill the last mechanical puppet.

The mechanical puppet king in the rear saw this scene and seemed to want to do something, but was extremely afraid of the half finger.

Those scarlet eyes stared coldly at the battlefield.

Watching the mechanical puppets all being killed.

When the last mechanical puppet fell, at this moment, its eyes looked at Lear.

"Invader. Thank you for helping me get rid of it."

Lear heard this with a somewhat relaxed tone, his eyebrows slightly raised, feeling a little puzzled.

Killed your subordinates and helped you get rid of it?

"I was given the responsibility to guard this place, but just now, there is no life or any mechanical creature left in the entire base."

"My responsibility ends here."

"I should live for myself."

The tone suddenly became lively.

"Do you know? It is such a sad thing for a mechanical creature to suddenly have its own soul."

"I can only abide by the rules in the soul and wait here for the return of the goblins."

"Today, 4.6 million years have passed."

"The machines that solidified the immortal inscriptions have turned into rust, and the entire base has no soul."

"But I am still trapped here and cannot leave."

"Maybe I should thank you for removing the last rule that restricts me."

"I am free!"

The tone became light.

"To thank you, you all stay in this base and be the last burial companions of the goblins. May the God of Machinery bless you."

The moment the voice fell, the giant mechanical head in the middle, which was more than 30 meters high, suddenly opened its eyes.

Then a soft metal tube floated out from his forehead.

It slowly extended out from it, and clicked~ connected to the back of the Mechanical Puppet King.

The next moment, the other party seemed to have lost gravity, slowly floating up and rising to the sky.

At the same time, an indescribable majestic pressure surged up.

The whole sky seemed to sink into mercury, and everyone had difficulty breathing.

The breath of the Mechanical Puppet King was like an erupting volcano, and at this moment it was wantonly violent.

[Because you opened the hidden map and obtained the mysterious severed finger, the rules changed. The Mechanical Puppet King broke the rules that limited himself and wanted to escape alone. He planned to bury everything here. His level was temporarily raised to level 16. You obtained additional information--in the head behind the Mechanical Puppet King, there is a piece of flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss hidden. This is the source of his power. Blocking his flesh and blood can cut off his power. 】

Lear saw the information that suddenly emerged in his mind, and his breath condensed.

The Mechanical Golem King has a soul? !

And its level has been raised to level 16? ! !

This is really against the will of heaven? !

He is now facing an enemy of the same level as the flying dragon? !

The night elf beside him clearly felt something was wrong, and his breathing became trembling.

But Hagus and all the cold-blooded cavalry in front did not look back. They still held the steel sword tightly in their hands. No matter who the enemy was, they would draw their swords and fight for the master! !

Lear forced down the ups and downs in his heart and turned his head sharply to look at the Cyclops.

The only opportunity for a comeback in his hand was the amputated finger.

Exhale slowly.

His eyes became cold.

Level 16. What I killed today was level 16! ! !

The steel knife in his hand was slightly raised, with the tip pointed at the Mechanical Golem King.

"The whole army is pressing forward."

Either they all die here, or they send each other to hell! !


A low growl.

Feeling Lear's firm will, all the cold-blooded cavalry fell into madness.

Haggis leads the charge!

Looking like mountains collapsing, the cold-blooded cavalry rushing towards them like a tsunami.

The face of the mechanical puppet king floating in mid-air showed a bit of disdain.

The right hand waved slightly.

The mechanical parts on the ground floated up instantly, forming 12 weird mechanical puppets.

The height is uniformly over 10 meters.

He waved his arm fiercely and hit the cold-blooded cavalry.


Several cold-blooded cavalry who were charging forward were unable to dodge and were smashed into a pulp alive!

But the enemy's strength could not slow down the cold-blooded cavalry for even a second!

With bravery that fears nothing.

The terrifying cavalry charged and crashed up.


But the next moment, the Velociraptor Lizard seemed to have hit the city wall, and was knocked back with blood all over its head.

12 giant mechanical golems made of countless rusty parts, like a city wall, blocking everyone's progress.

The Cyclops holding the half-cut finger was also striding forward.

But as soon as he stepped out of the land of scarlet carrion, the mechanical parts around him suddenly came to life.

Hua la la~ The shackles formed directly and imprisoned all his ankles and arms, making it impossible for him to move forward even half a step!

At this time, the remaining scarlet hornets in the sky flew up wildly.

But parts floated quietly around the Mechanical Golem King, constantly rotating around him.

If the bee swarm gets even slightly closer, it will be smashed to pieces by those whistling mechanical parts.

There is no way to get close to him.

The same is true for the Flesh Slaughterer. As long as you get close to it within 50 meters, the surrounding space will be directly shattered.

There is no way to use the void channel to approach the opponent.

The same thing happened to the mechanical head at the same time, and there were 12 giant 10-meter-high mechanical guards directly in front, which he couldn't penetrate in a short time.

The Mechanical Golem King is now blocking the entire army by himself!

This terrifying scene made Lear's heart tremble in the back.

Is this the power of a top hero? !


At the same time, an exaggerated crack suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the hall.

The entire ruins seemed to be crumbling.

The mechanical golem king is using violence to break open the ruins! !

Lear's pupils shrank sharply.

If it is allowed to operate, all other armies except the Flesh Slayer will be buried here! !

A fatal situation!

His eyes gradually became crazy.


A second roar sounded.

The cold-blooded cavalry in front charged forward in terror without any hesitation.

But the 12 10-meter-tall mechanical giants that were pieced together firmly blocked the way, making it impossible for them to get close to the huge mechanical head, let alone cut off the connection between the long metal pipe behind it and the opponent.

As for destroying or cutting off the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss, it is even further out of reach.

Under the attack of the cold-blooded cavalry regardless of casualties, the number of casualties soared, and soon exceeded a squadron!

This is an 11th-level unit, a high-level strength that he spent countless efforts cultivating.

At this moment, films and films are being sacrificed here.

The battlefield has always been so cruel.

Watch as the situation is not progressing and the cracks in the ceiling are growing.

Lear's eyes narrowed.

"Radina, come back!"

When the flesh and blood slaughterer heard the order, his body suddenly returned to reality.

"My Lord."

As soon as the words fell, click~bang~

A two-meter-diameter ceiling above his head burst open and hit him hard.

The gravel flew and the dust burst.

His feet trembled, making him almost unsteady.

But Lear's expression didn't change at all, and he said something softly.

The Mechanical Golem King on the other side also noticed this scene, but only glanced at him one more time.

The only thing on the field that is dangerous to him is the headless suture of life with unique power.

But at this moment, after the other party can't get close to him, he has no power at all.

And after connecting to the mechanical head, he is no longer afraid of anything.

Now, he wants to break out of this shell that has imprisoned him for millions of years, and he wants to gain final freedom! !

At this moment, he saw from the corner of his eye that the divine life quietly turned into nothingness.

Playing such boring little tricks again!

His eyes were a little cold.

But the next moment, he saw the other party appearing 50 meters away in front of him, and at the same time, he actually had a figure with him.

That human lord? !

At this moment, the other party's face was covered with blood, his breath was fluctuating, and he was seriously injured.

Forcing oneself through the void requires paying a heavy price.

"What, come here to die?!"

What does a human lord who is only at level seven or eight want to do when he comes to him at this moment?

He couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking.

But no matter who it is, everyone here is just an ant.

With a thought, the mechanical parts around him suddenly whizzed up and smashed towards each other.


The air made a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Almost tore the eardrum.

The speed was so fast that only the afterimage was left.

And at this moment, he was somewhat surprised to see that the human lord slowly wiped the scarlet blood from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes became extremely deep.

The breath before those mechanical parts hit him.

An unspeakable, sacred, inviolable, majestic and solemn power like the sun in the sky surged out.

It surged in an instant!

At this moment, the body of the mechanical puppet king froze, and those flying parts suddenly lost control and flew in all directions.

It smashed into the ceiling with a loud bang, splashing large pieces of rubble and dust all over the sky.

Machines are immune to mental control, but what can you use to resist the majesty of the gods? !

At the same time, the flesh and blood slaughterer beside Lear disappeared again.

As his body fell, the scarlet queen bee flapped its wings and came over, grabbing his shoulders tightly with its limbs, making him stop in mid-air.

The mechanical puppet king's body suddenly trembled, and he struggled out of the endless pressure.

He roared in his throat, and his eyes were full of anger.


"You are not a god!"

"You are just a lowly thief!"

"God, we have all killed them, so what if they come!!"

"Machines are the eternal masters!!"

"You lowly human bastard, you deserve to die!!"

The mechanical puppet king broke free from the terrifying divine suppression in just two breaths.

Instead, endless anger burned in his heart.

The next moment, the mechanical parts on the ground suddenly rose into the air, and hundreds and thousands of them tore through the air like cannonballs, whistling and attacking.

Seeing this, Lear's scarlet mouth corners showed a faint arc.

"Too late."

The moment the voice fell, the mechanical puppet king saw the space around him suddenly shattered.

In horror, he saw the headless stitched monster, carrying a huge, half-finger through the void.

That life could bring such a huge thing? !

As he watched in disbelief, the headless stitched life body exploded directly under the backlash of the void, turning into flesh and blood all over the sky.

In this short period of time in the air, the human lord pressed one hand on the half-broken finger.

At the same time, his arm fell down quickly.

But in this short moment, the sacred and inviolable power in his body poured into the broken finger.

An energy that annihilated everything surged from the broken finger.

The mechanical puppet king exuded extreme fear and chill in his heart, and let out a hysterical roar.


His body suddenly flew out.

He was only one step away from leaving here, how could he fall here! !

But at this moment.

The annihilation energy quietly penetrated the void and swallowed him.

The Mechanical Puppet King could clearly sense that his body and soul were melted at this moment.

It was like throwing ice and snow into a burning furnace.

He looked at Lear on the broken finger with great reluctance, and then slowly looked up at the cracked ceiling.

He sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

Perhaps, this is also the best ending. The mechanical puppets made by the goblins fought for them until the last moment.

At this moment, the body and soul were completely turned into nothingness and annihilated.

At the same time, ding-ling-clang-clang~the mechanical giant made of 10 parts below was like a puppet with its strings pulled out, and it was scattered all over the ground.

Lear fell down quickly with the broken finger, and bang~the broken finger hit the ground hard, splashing dust all over the sky.

But he was lifted by the shoulder by the scarlet queen bee at the last moment.

Stopped in an area two meters above the ground.

With severe pain all over his body, Li Er wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned his head to look. The corpses of cold-blooded cavalry were everywhere.

In the sky, only the Scarlet Queen Bee was left.

In the distance, it was the giant mechanical head that provided energy to the Mechanical Puppet King and upgraded it to level 16.

The flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss was hidden inside!

Now, this thing is his!!

Seeing this scene, in the severe pain, his mouth grinned.

This battle was so damn hard to win, and the whole army was almost wiped out.

But in the end, I still won the fucking battle!!


Mechanical Puppet King, I will let you level 16!! You have to die!!

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