Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 108: Surprise harvest, the undead who came to seek refuge voluntarily, the desolate grave! (

Dual race talents, dual hero talents!!!

5 4-star skills, one special skill.

After reading the attributes of the two-headed ogre chieftain, Li Er took a deep breath.

5-star hero, too powerful.

His first feeling was that this thing was really the two-headed ogre chieftain that even the plague fly general couldn't beat?

This transformation can no longer be described as metamorphosis, it is completely a re-creation of a life!

The goblin ancient god is simply invincible.

If it can be mass-produced, he can sweep across the wilderness!

At this moment, the goblin ancient god came with a somewhat tired voice.

"Sir Li Er, I integrated part of my own power into it and barely raised it to 5-star potential."

"But its upper limit has reached its limit. Unless you can get a high-level treasure that matches it, it will be difficult to improve it."

"This is a gift for meeting you, and it is also the reward for my deposit with you."

Now you have no choice. If you want to gain respect, you must show your value.

Only if you have enough value can you have the right to speak.

Looking at Lear's expression, his gift had achieved its purpose.

He turned around and sighed in his heart.

It would take a long time for the goblins to rise again.

Now, he could only temporarily bet on this human lord.

Lear understood after hearing this.

The two-headed ogre chieftain plus these energy cores obviously could not reach the level of a 5-star hero.

For a weak soul, this must have cost a lot of money.

"Sir Azaro, thank you for your efforts, I appreciate this."

The goblin god felt relieved and said in a weak voice.

"I will continue to fall into a deep sleep. The time of waking up is uncertain."

"But if you need me, you can wake me up."

Lear nodded, comforted the other party a few words, and said that he would provide him with stable divinity to let him feel at ease.

But in a flash, he thought of something again and looked at the mosquito queen who had been imprisoned.

"Can it also be transformed into a mechanical life?"

The goblin god said slowly.

"If we can get the mechanical limbs from before, it's certainly possible."

Li immediately gave up the idea.

This thing is not so easy to get.

Let it continue to produce blood essence

At the moment, he didn't say much, so that the other party could recover with peace of mind.

When the breath of the goblin ancient god calmed down, looking at the severed finger in front of him, his mood was a little subtle.

Who would have thought that this severed finger would hide such a terrifying existence.

I'm afraid no one would believe it if I told them.

The two-headed ogre chief was still excited at this time. He took a few deep breaths, with a face full of fanaticism, and bent the mechanical limbs like octopus tentacles.

He knelt on the ground with the most humble attitude.

"Lord, thank you for your gift!"

This favor is too great.

The grace of rebirth!

Power is everything in this world. Now, he has obtained power, and it is so powerful and so fierce!

"From now on, I will use everything I have to fight for the city of Wei Lu and your glory!"

"I will turn into a sharp knife, a sharp blade, and cut off all obstacles in front of you until they are broken!"

The two-headed ogre chieftain expressed his loyalty in a firm and crazy tone.

Li Er nodded, his eyes deep.

The two-headed ogre chieftain, who was strengthened by the goblin ancient god, became the highest-level hero in the territory.

It is no exaggeration to say that his combat power at this moment is not inferior to the divine life of the flesh and blood slaughterer.

If he is also resurrected, it is hard to say who will win.

I feel very comfortable.

The gains from this exploration of the ruins are too great.

I am very happy.

After waving his hand to let the other party get up, the two-headed ogre chieftain seemed to think of something and said in a deep voice.

"Master, I want to return to the broken star plane. The Red Stone Tribe still has tens of thousands of ogre warriors."

"All of these can be taken under the command of the city of Wei Lu."

Lier's eyes moved slightly.

That demiplane?

It has been a while since I subdued the two-headed ogre chieftain, but I have never had the opportunity to explore it.

Now that he has been strengthened, he can completely conquer that demiplane.

Subdue all the ogre warriors.

This is definitely a huge fortune!

"Okay, in a few days, after we eliminate the threat of the dark naga, we will open up the broken star plane."

He was also very curious about that demiplane.

He has been here for so long, and he has never left the main plane.

So many cold-blooded cavalrymen have died, and they also need fresh blood.

The two-headed ogre chieftain nodded immediately, and the mechanical limbs behind him suddenly tensed.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

This time, all those damned rebels must be eliminated!

Moreover, the main plane is so rich and broad, with unlimited development potential. If they continue to stay in that barren place, there is no future at all.

He is leading his people to embrace new hope!

After the matter here was settled, Li Er did not stay for long, and turned around and left in a happy mood.

The two injured and sleeping heroes have both revived and have been greatly improved.

After the exploration of the ruins, we have several fierce cards in hand.

Next, it's time to take action against the dark naga.

That's the real challenge.

A living abyss duke set his sights on the swamp, and the dark naga was just its tentacle.

The other party is looking for something called the 'Heart of God Killer'.

This is the information provided by the Cyclops.

Just these simple pieces of information can make people feel great pressure.

It takes enough courage to fight against an evil god.

The dark naga is only 20 to 30 kilometers away from the city of Wei Lu.

It may appear in the city of Wei Lu at any time, just like the subordinates of the demigod Lord of Smell and Flies.

Not to mention that the Grand Duke of the Abyss is involved.

This threat must be eradicated as soon as possible.

With the increase of strength, the strength of the enemies faced by the city of Wei Lu is also increasing rapidly.

The wider the land occupied and controlled, the more inevitable conflicts will occur, and the stronger the enemy will be.

The difficulty of pioneering lords lies here.

While thinking, Li Er came to the pig farm where the three-tailed pigs were raised.

The scarlet carrion land was placed again.

Let the scarlet queen bee use the power of the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss to speed up the breeding of the bee colony.

Before, no one was left, and there was always a lack of security without soldiers.

After finishing the work here, I took a look at the pigs I raised.

After nearly half a month of feeding, the weight of the three-tailed pigs has increased a lot. They are fat and round, like a miniature elephant.

Under the influence of the Horn of Plenty, their upper limit of weight has increased by 30%, reaching nearly 800 kilograms.

And it can be clearly seen that many pigs' bellies have grown several circles, and they are round and pregnant with new life.

With the addition of the Horn of Plenty, these pregnant pigs are only a few days away from giving birth.

According to the two-headed ogre chief, the three-tailed pigs can give birth to more than 10 piglets per litter.

According to this data, at least 160 piglets can be produced this time.

Moreover, the growth cycle has been reduced by 50%, and it can soar to 800 kilograms in a maximum of one and a half months.

At that time, even if only half of them are sows, they can be used for breeding.

The number will also usher in an explosive increase.

In less than half a year, this area will become a pig farm.

And with the Horn of Plenty, a breeding artifact, it can also be immune to diseases, so there is no need to worry about swine fever.

As long as they are provided with food and water, the three-tailed pigs will grow meat.

Lear was in a very good mood.

The three-tailed pigs are strategic resources. With the development of the territory, the army's demand for flesh and blood is also increasing.

Whether it is used to feed the swift lizards or to train the army, it can be used.

Most of the wild monsters in the mud swamp have been hunted clean. If you want to obtain flesh and blood, you can only expand to the wilderness.

But these resources are limited. If the number of troops continues to increase, the flesh and blood required will be an astronomical figure. Relying only on hunting to obtain is extremely unstable.

Raising pigs yourself doesn't have to be so hard. When you need it, you can just pull out a batch and slaughter it.

The policy of raising pigs must be adhered to unwaveringly.

After encouraging a few words to the staff, Lear left.

Back to the city hall, he fell asleep with fatigue all over his body.

The next day, September 14.

Before the sun rose, the third burial ceremony was held solemnly.

The soldiers who died yesterday were placed in the Tomb of Heroes.

The broken bodies stimulated the hearts of all residents.

Seeing the tragic situation when the soldiers died, they could better understand the pressure the army faced outside.

It was the first time for the night elves to attend a funeral. When this sacred and solemn ceremony ended, they were inexplicably touched.

Looking at the crowds and the army around them, the strangeness and estrangement in their eyes quietly disappeared.

These are the companions who may help them carry the coffins in the future, and the comrades who share life and death with them.

Those inconspicuous residents are the people they protect. Similarly, the residents work for the territory, for the army, and also provide logistical support for them.

Complement each other.

This is an experience and idea that has never been experienced before.

What Li Er instilled in the residents through various means directly affected the night elves at this moment.

Every peck and every drink has a reason.

After the burial ceremony was dismissed, Li Er did not arrange any more tasks.

There were many casualties and losses in yesterday's battle, and everyone needed to take a break.

Especially the weapons, which were almost all damaged in yesterday's battle.

It must be repaired or forged again.

It is not pleasant to be crushed by the enemy's equipment.

The residents worked as usual and went to various places to work.

In the midst of busyness, the territory was thriving and full of vitality.

Lear also came to the north of ↑ to drink tea and feed the fish in a relaxed manner.

But not long after sitting down, several Delsa people who were responsible for managing the fish farm suddenly cheered excitedly.

This aroused his curiosity and he asked.

The leading Delsa people walked closer quickly, saluted, and said excitedly.

"Lord, we just saw the dragon blood red fish spawning!!"

Lear's eyes lit up.

These delicacies, spawning? !

He got excited and followed the other party to check.

After a month of construction, the fish pond was divided into dozens of fish ponds.

Each is a 10*10 meter square.

In the middle, it is surrounded and separated by dried hard mud.

It looks neat and tidy, and has a bit of appearance.

Following the half-meter-wide hard mud path and the Delsa people who led the way, we came to a fish pond in the central area.

Several dragon blood red fish more than one meter long were swimming happily in it, and their two dragon whiskers were floating with the clear water, which gave us an indescribable feeling.

The clean and clear water source created by the bubble beast made them feel very comfortable.

"My lord, look here"

At the signal of the Delsa people, Lear looked at the edge of the pool.

He immediately found that it was covered with red fish eggs the size of rice grains.

They were so dense that he couldn't count them.

There were thousands and tens of thousands of them.

Lear was also quite surprised.

If all these fry were hatched, his fish farm would be able to form a scale in an instant! !

When it comes to reproduction, they have to be them!

"Good, good! Well done!!"

"Remember your merit, go back to Bain to get the reward."

The leading Delsa people were also very excited when they heard this, but they still shook their heads firmly.

"My lord, the territory has given us too much. We don't need any rewards. It is our honor to serve the territory!"

Compared with the previous life of fear, in the city of Wei Lu, there is no worry about food and clothing, and there is a room of your own.

Even the most luxurious safety in the past is guaranteed.

Even now, you can learn precious knowledge every day, and there are wonderful dramas to watch every now and then.

Goddess, this kind of life is simply something they dared not imagine before.

They are satisfied.

Lear smiled.

"This is the rule, no need to refuse."

He thought of more.

After the population of Weilu City increased, many residents have made contributions during this period, but there is no established reward system yet.

Most of these people who have made contributions are praised verbally.

In the long run, it is inevitable to dampen their enthusiasm.

I should discuss with Bain about establishing a reward system.

Merit must be rewarded, which can further improve subjective initiative.

Even if nothing substantial can be given, honor should be given.

After another round of encouragement, Lear thought about it and asked the Delsa people to take out some of the fish eggs and put them in a separate fish pond for incubation.

The other half will continue to stay in the original fish pond to compare which method will hatch more fry.

The other party immediately executed, carefully took out some of the fish eggs, put them in the pond next to them, and protected them.

Seeing this, Lear did not interfere with their work, returned to the rattan chair, and drank tea leisurely.

After the work over there was done, he called them to call Bain.

When the swamp hero arrived, Lear first shared with him the good news of the dragon blood red fish spawning, and then his tone became serious.

He said seriously.

"The city of Wei Lu needs to establish a reward system to commend the residents who have made contributions."

"Now, there are many people who have made contributions, but there is no specific recognition. If this continues, it will inevitably hit them."

Bain nodded happily.

"That's right."

He hesitated again.

"But our resources are not abundant at present, and the living materials of the residents are also uniformly distributed by the territory. What kind of reward is appropriate?"

There is no commercial activity in the city of Wei Lu, and there is no currency circulation.

If you want a reward, it seems that there is nothing to reward.

Lear smiled.

"Who said that the reward must be material?"

"Most of the time, honor and spiritual rewards are more important than material."

Under Bain's puzzled gaze, he slightly organized his words and continued.

"In the future, the city of Wei Lu needs to establish a five-level merit system. Merit is divided into five levels, with the lowest level being 1 star merit and the highest level being 5 stars merit."

"Each level of merit has a corresponding merit medal."

"For those who have made merit, an award ceremony will be held the next night, and you or even I will personally award the medal."

"At the same time, the deeds of the people who have won the merit medal will be posted in the territory. The 1-star merit medal will be posted for 3 days, the 2-star will be posted for 5 days, and so on."

"Those who have made merits of 3 stars or more can be buried in the Tomb of Heroes after death, and their life stories will be engraved in the Hall of Heroes for future generations to admire."

"In the theater audience seats, a special viewing area for meritorious people will be set up."

"Only those who have made meritorious deeds can enter, and there will be seats divided into 5 levels of meritorious deeds."

"In the future, when there are material distribution and housing distribution, people with meritorious deeds can be selected first."

As Lear narrated, Bain's eyes became brighter and brighter.

This is a good idea! !

There is no need to pay any substantial rewards, but it can greatly satisfy the glory of those who have made meritorious deeds.

And it also has a strong positive demonstration effect.

A person with a medal can sit in an exclusive position under the gaze of everyone when watching a drama, and others can only watch.

What is this? This is a privilege!

Who doesn't want to have privileges?

This does not count the various preferential treatments that can be obtained in other aspects.

Want it? It's very simple, make contributions to the territory. The greater the contribution, the greater the privilege you can get.

And the party crushed by the privilege has nothing to say, who made you not make merit?

It's really a positive comparison.

There is no doubt that once the merit system is promulgated, it will cause a great sensation.

At that time, finding a few typical examples as examples will definitely greatly enhance the enthusiasm of the residents, mobilize them to take the initiative to do things, and raise the idea of ​​making merit.

"My lord, this is really a genius idea!!"

Looking at the excited Bain, Lear said calmly.

"This is just a rough framework, and you guys need to discuss the details."

"How to evaluate the merits of each level, the design of the merit medals, and the merits of the army. These all need to be gradually improved."

"Yes! Leave this task to me!"

If he still can't come up with a design after all this, then he should quit his job as the chief political officer.

Li Er nodded, and suddenly thought of something, and continued.

"In addition to this, in the future, we should also include the idea of ​​territorial unity in the evening education, and all of us should think as a whole."

"Increase the cohesion of the territory."

"And set up a bulletin board, and post any documents issued in the future."

"Let all residents clearly know the current work of the territory and what to do next."

The more he spoke, the more his thoughts diverged.

"In addition, the division of several areas should be clearer, especially the military area, which ordinary residents are prohibited from entering."

"We should also build several more warehouses for storing food and other materials, just in case."

"Finally, it will be built underground, so that the vine fairy can cooperate."

Li Er said whatever he thought of, without being too regular, and Bain tried to absorb it.

The City of Dew was a grass-roots team from the beginning, with nothing. It was a huge project to build it from scratch.

The previous system was very rough, just a draft, and now it needs to be gradually improved.

After another conversation, Bain completely understood Lear's idea and was excited to go down and implement it.

Then Lear thought about it and decided to give the residents who bred the dragon blood red fish a 1-star medal of honor.

Let them play a role model.

The 1-star medal of honor also set a tone - those who made outstanding contributions to the territory can be awarded.

The dragon blood red fish is very valuable. It can not only permanently increase strength, but also be a great delicacy.

Once the breeding is successful, it means that the territory has an important specialty resource.

The symbolic meaning is strong.

After the explanation here, Bain couldn't wait to get busy, while Lear continued to drink hot tea comfortably.

As the owner of this territory, he only needs to control the general direction and progress, and leave the specific matters to the people below.

He has to do everything himself, which can only show that the administrative system of the territory is very poor.

In the evening, the busy residents returned one after another, and the territory gradually became lively again.

It was a peaceful day.

On the other side, good news came. The scarlet queen bee relied on the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss to continuously provide energy.

Twenty thousand scarlet wasps have been reproduced again.

At most tomorrow, the sacrificed bee colonies will be able to reproduce.

This is very comfortable.

In the future, you can use the bee colonies more confidently and boldly.

You can also ask the goblin ancient gods what other magical uses the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss has.

At night, after the swamp banshee finished teaching the residents, she did not perform a drama, but began to rehearse a new program.

This was Lear's instruction. This drama mainly describes a resident who has just joined the city of Dew, who does not understand everything in the territory and has all kinds of questions and puzzles.

Even questioned.

Then, by accident, he became a warrior of the territory and began to receive training, and then met a beautiful girl in the process.

When the relationship between the two sides was heating up, a crisis suddenly struck, and a powerful enemy launched an attack on the territory.

In order to protect the territory and the lover, he had to go out to fight.

After a series of battles, injuries, and witnessing the sacrifice of his companions, he finally realized the preciousness of the territory and the greatness of the lord, and began to change.

Fighting desperately for the territory, constantly making meritorious deeds, and being promoted.

Eventually he became a general of an army and married his beloved girl.

A perfect ending.

Although this play was thought up by Lear and is relatively simple.

But it is more immersive than Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

This is a deed that happened around us.

And it can also be combined with the previous battles in the territory for performance, so that everyone knows how difficult it is.

It can gather people's hearts to a greater extent.

Swamp sirens are natural actors. After getting the general plot, they immediately start to add details to it.

This is what they are good at.

Swamp sirens do not need to rest and continue to rehearse in the night.

The territory also went from noisy to quiet.

In the end, only the vine fairy was still emitting light, cultivating vines and building buildings.

Lear stood by the window and looked down at the territory. Looking at this territory that had already begun to prosper in more than a month, he felt a full sense of accomplishment in his heart.

All of this was built on a blank slate.

Moreover, this territory was his private property, and he was the only master here.

His will could determine the fate of everyone.

That feeling was very wonderful.

Lear was not in a hurry to sleep while enjoying the moon and the scenery.

In the early morning, it was the 15th, the time for the intelligence system to refresh.

Although the intelligence of the previous few times was not of much value, each refresh was like a lottery scratch, which made him full of expectations.

When the time came to 10 o'clock, Lear suddenly felt a unique breath in his mind.

It seemed that something had a vague connection with him.

He turned his head suddenly and looked in one direction.

Scarlet carrion land? !

His brows were slightly wrinkled.

Why did he feel that there was suddenly an extra breath in that treasure?

But he was not hostile, but rather friendly?

In doubt, he did not wait inside.

He went out, took the Flesh Slayer and the Corrupted Naga and headed straight to the Scarlet Carrion Land.

The night was not as hot as the day, and the air was slightly cool.

Walking on the wet muddy ground, they soon arrived at the pig farm.

Standing in front of the unfolding scarlet carrion land, Lear immediately saw a strange scene.

The scarlet queen bee was flying in the air in frustration at the moment, and the bees were surrounding her, staring at the ground with some anger.

Following their line of sight, in the center of the scarlet carrion land, there appeared a circular grave covered with weeds, which looked like an unattended grave in the wilderness.

The mound of earth bulged three or four meters, and the diameter of the land was more than 10 meters.

Above the strange grave, there were hundreds of translucent, blue-colored, sickle-holding dead life forms - ghosts.

What is this? !

Lear was stunned.

Isn't this the desolate grave that was discovered when exploring → East before?

Those ghosts are the guards of the desolate grave.

After death, you can be resurrected again.

At that time, due to the other party's resurrection ability, I didn't dare to act rashly.

Why did it suddenly appear here now? !

And it feels so intimate!

Opening the panel of the Scarlet Carrion Land, I saw one of the characteristics——

Evil gathers, evil power is abundant, and it can attract powerful evil life. The other party has a chance to become a garrison and be loyal to the Lord of the Scarlet Carrion Land.

The status bar above——

Current garrison: Scarlet Queen Bee, Desolate Tomb.

That desolate tomb was attracted by the Scarlet Carrion Land? !

The joy in my heart exploded directly.


Good and good!!!

This is really an unexpected harvest!!!

Before, it had been so long, and no skeleton soldiers came to surrender. He thought this feature was useless.

Unexpectedly, a big one came as soon as it came.

In excitement, his eyes saw the position occupied by the desolate tomb, and he immediately had a few points.

The flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss is deep in that area.

Was he attracted by the breath of the Grand Duke of the Abyss?

But no matter what attracted him, this guy has now become a member of the Scarlet Carrion Land! !

What is a TM surprise, this is it!

However, the panel of the Crimson Carrion Land shows that the other party is a desolate grave?

What kind of life is this?

With a bit of curiosity, I looked at the circular grave covering an area of ​​more than ten meters.

The attributes quietly emerged in my mind.

Desolate Grave

Hero Unit

[Level]: Level 12

[Potential]: 4 stars

[Racial Talent]: Wandering Soul, can make the grave become nothingness, and freely shuttle in the void.

[Hero Talent]: Desolate Grave Guard, after killing the enemy, can devour its soul and cultivate a desolate grave guard 3 levels lower than its own level. After the death of the desolate grave guard, it can immediately consume the power of the dead to revive the opponent. The upper limit of the desolate grave guard: 1000, and each resurrection consumes 5 points of dead power.

[Dead Power]: 15,000 points

[Skill]: Soul Chain (3 stars) creates a soul chain to forcibly imprison the enemy's soul. If the enemy is killed in the process, the enemy's soul is directly extracted.

Land of the Dead (3 stars): The place where the dead are buried is a dead place. With the body as the center and a radius of 200 meters, outsiders who step into it will have all their attributes reduced by 20%, and will continue to be eroded by the breath of the dead until they are transformed into undead.

Haunted by evil spirits (3 stars): Those devoured souls will be imprisoned in the grave. Those who step into the land of the dead will be subjected to the endless painful wailing and curses of the evil spirits until their souls collapse.

[Evaluation]: A lich buried himself in a grave in the hope of resurrection, but his body and soul merged with the grave to form a unique life.

After reading its attributes, Lear felt that he had learned a lot.

This desolate grave is actually an undead?

The lich buried himself, and wanted to be resurrected, but in the end it turned into a grave?

This is really eye-opening.

The fantasy world really has all kinds of fantasy life.

And this desolate grave is a hero unit, with a level of up to level 12, and its potential is also very high, a full 4 stars!

The opponent's talent is even more explosive - it can create a maximum of 1,000 graveyard guards. As long as the graveyard guards die in battle, the opponent can be resurrected immediately.

This thing is an excellent troop for attrition warfare.

And with the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss providing energy continuously, this resurrection has really become an unlimited resurrection, and there is no need to worry about consumption.

The most important thing is that this thing is delivered to the door by itself, without paying any price, it is simply amazing! !

Who doesn't love the pie in the sky.

It is worthy of the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss. It has been placed for so long and nothing has been gained. This piece of flesh and blood has just been put in, and fish has been caught.

It's so delicious.

In a good mood, I stepped into it.

Came to the graveyard.

Around, translucent blue graveyard guards floated out of the grave.

They came close to me intimately.

Surrounded by a group of ghosts without entities, this feeling has never been experienced before.

Li Er reached out and tried to touch it. He could feel that his hand easily passed through the other person's body, and only a little bit of coolness came.

Quite strange.

In a moment, three squadrons of graveyard guards appeared in the sky.

Holding sickles, they were all level 9 soldiers without corpses.

They were definitely not lambs to be slaughtered.

Although the level was not high compared to the current Wei Lu City, it was also the combat power of the first-line legion in a top city like Luo Lan City.

Even a month ago, these were still powerful enemies that he dared not touch.

And the ability to revive makes this unit extremely valuable.

In a good mood, Li Er came to the side of the desolate grave, his mind moved slightly, and his mental power surged out, trying to touch the desolate grave.

The next moment, he immediately sensed a sense of intimacy from the desolate grave.

A young consciousness was showing closeness to him.

Like a three- or five-year-old child acting coquettishly.

Li Er was stunned for a moment, and tried to continue contacting, and only understood after a moment.

The lich had been completely annihilated after his death, and now a new life was born.

He was still a little grave, how could he not be young.

At the moment, a comforting emotion was transmitted, which made the desolate grave feel at ease.

The young consciousness was also very simple, and he immediately expressed happiness.

Seeing this, Li Er's mood became a little strange.

You may not believe it, but just now, a grave came to me on its own.

And it was a three- or five-year-old underage grave.

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