Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 124: Building territory and developing comprehensively

Lier took a deep breath and collected his scattered mind.

He walked forward.

He looked around.

After nearly two months of development, the city of Wei Lu already had the most basic framework.

Residential houses, blacksmith shops, tailor shops, and alchemy workshops have all been built.

Buildings stand on the grass, and people shuttle through them, making it seem a bit lively.

At present, there are a total of 100 swamp people, 310 halflings, 560 Delsa people, and 530 half-elves in Wei Lu City.

Excluding combat troops, the total number of people has reached 1,500.

If 700 cold-blooded cavalry and 150 night elves are added, the number is as high as 2,350.

This does not include the more than 500 cave dwellers who have returned to the iron mine to continue mining.

As for the scarlet wasps and grave guards, they do not consume territory resources and cannot be considered normal lives. When Leer calculates, he often lists them separately.

With so many people, the territory with a small building area has a bit of a prosperous prototype.

When we arrived at the residential area, the three-story vine houses were rehearsing in teams, neat and tidy, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

And the verdant vines themselves also made the surroundings full of vitality.

At this time, the residents were working, and there were not many people here.

Looking up, many clothes drying on the balcony were floating in the wind.

The atmosphere of life was very strong.

Passing through the residential area, Lear went around and came to the south of the territory, and stopped at a building he had never seen before.

It was obviously built in the past few days.

This is a three-story house with a height of 12 meters, round, and covering an area of ​​more than 60 meters in diameter.

A large number of halflings were coming in and out at this moment, looking very busy.

Seeing Lear coming, they were a little frightened, and quickly stepped aside, respectfully holding their chests to salute.



Lear looked around and saw that most people were holding bundles of arrow shafts.

There were also a lot of thorny bush branches that had just been cut down and had not been processed yet.

These bushes are natural arrow shaft materials, and they only need to be slightly trimmed to make arrows directly.

Lear nodded.

"Now, who is in charge here?"

"It's Chief Tariq."

"Call him over."

The halfling immediately responded, turned around and ran away nervously.

It was very similar to the state when the superior temporarily checked the task at work, but the mentality was more tense.

If the superior did a spot check, he would be scolded at most if he failed to complete it, but if he made Lear dissatisfied.

A glance could decide their life or death.

As the master of this territory, his will was above everything.

Soon, a figure in his early forties, half a head taller than an ordinary halfling, and with an exceptionally strong body, walked out of the building and came to him with a bit of nervousness and excitement.

He bowed respectfully.

"Lord, Rian Tariq salutes you."

The tone was full of respect.

At first, the halflings were captured by the cold-blooded cavalry, and they were full of anxiety and vigilance about this strange territory.

But then, a series of unimaginable treatments made them change their hearts.

Especially the free imparting of knowledge, which made everyone fall into a frenzy.

How precious is knowledge, and it is so generous to impart it to everyone!

The mind of the master of this territory is amazing.

Seeing Lear at this time, he immediately showed his heartfelt respect.

Lear nodded.

"Tariq, how many thorn arrows can be produced every day now?"

The 2-star thorn arrows are not low-end goods. As consumables, arrows are basically the upper limit of the 3-star level if they are equipped on a large scale.

From 4 stars onwards, the production cost and difficulty will soar.

Without sufficient manpower and material support, ordinary forces cannot afford it.

"Sir, the manufacturing process of thorn arrows is not difficult. If we need to expedite production, we can produce tens of thousands of arrows every day!"

"But currently we can only produce thousands. What restricts us is not manpower, but raw materials."

Tariq explained softly.

"There are enough arrow shafts, but there is a shortage of red-headed pheasant wings."

Lear's eyes moved slightly, feeling something was wrong.

It's not too few, but too many.

There are only more than 200 red-headed pheasants. Even if all the feathers are plucked to make arrows, it is impossible to supply thousands of wings every day.

This thing won't have so many feathers even if all the feathers are plucked out.

Speak out the doubts in your heart.

Tariq was a little stunned, and then said carefully.

"Sir, we mainly use the outermost 10 feathers of the red-headed pheasant's wings to make arrows, and a pair of wings has 20 feathers."

"After plucking out the feathers, as long as sufficient food is provided, they can grow back in three days at most."

"This batch of red-headed pheasants can produce more than 4,000 high-quality feathers every three days."

Lier just heard the news.

This should be what he discovered when he was fighting the devil, right?

I couldn't help but marvel at it.

Growing long hair in three days? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

But thinking of all the things in this fantasy world, it feels reasonable for some reason.

If he can become a god, what else is impossible to happen?

"Very good, continue to maintain stable production."

"Stock up as much as you can, arrows are a necessity for war."

Even if it cannot be used up in a short time, it will not expire if stored. This is a strategic material.

Tariq nodded repeatedly.

As Lear spoke, he stepped into the three-story building.

After crossing the gate, he saw a row of half-person-high, unique workbenches made of wood in front of him.

A large number of parts were assembled, making it difficult to tell the specific uses.

Tariq saw his gaze and immediately introduced.

"Sir, this is the tool we use to make bows and arrows. We halflings have studied and improved it for hundreds of years!"

"With them, we can greatly improve production efficiency."

He stepped forward and demonstrated it.

Although it looks inconspicuous on the outside, Lear's interest was greatly aroused after the other party explained the operation.

Using these tools to produce is indeed much more efficient than manual labor.

Nodding with satisfaction.

"Very good. The blacksmith shop has obtained new longbow production drawings. I will ask Brin to come and study and improve your production tools."

"Maybe it will be of great use."

"Are you familiar with making bows and arrows?"

"Sir, the overall combat effectiveness of our halflings is not as good as that of other races. We can only use bows and arrows to make up for our weaknesses."

Tariq's face was a little bitter. This is a disadvantage that comes with the race and is difficult to change.

The height of an adult halfling is only a little over 1.2 meters, about the same as a six or seven-year-old human child.

If such a weak body wants to survive in the wilderness, it can only rely on other means.

Bows and arrows are the choice of halflings after experiencing countless painful lessons.

Lier nodded slowly.

"In the future, I will concentrate on producing bows and arrows for the City of Wisdom."

"Since you have joined the territory, you are no longer alone."

"Our army will stand in front of all residents and use the swords in their hands to protect everyone behind them, including you."

The tone was calm but extremely powerful.

The eyes of the halflings around changed, and their faces were excited and hot.

The wandering race has a strong need for a sense of security.

The reason why the halflings can change their mentality so quickly and integrate into the city of Weilu is not only because of knowledge, but also because their security needs are met here.

Now, Lear promised in person, and the impact of the scene of the army returning yesterday, his inner emotions are rising again.

Tariq bowed with his hands on his chest, saluting with the most humble attitude.

"I am willing to serve you until death!"

Lear nodded, patted the other's shoulder and said nothing more.

After inspecting it again and understanding the specific situation, he turned around and left without staying.

Industry needs to be cultivated slowly, and so do skilled workers and mature systems.

There is no need to rush.

Not long after leaving the house, I saw several Delsa people coming excitedly.

When they approached seven or eight meters, they immediately saluted with their hands on their chests.

"Good day, Lord"

Lear raised his eyebrows slightly.

"But what's the matter?"

"Sir, we are the staff of the fish farm. The dragon blood red fish eggs have hatched!"

Lear's eyes lit up immediately.

Ten days ago, the dragon blood red fish successfully laid eggs, and he was excited for a while at that time.

I didn't expect the eggs to hatch so soon?

I immediately asked the two to lead the way.

When they arrived at the fish farm in the north, a dozen staff members gathered around a separate fish pond, talking excitedly.

Seeing Lear coming, they saluted and quickly made way.

"Sir, look"

Lear stood by the fish pond and looked down.

In the clear water waves, the tiny fish eggs hanging on the wall of the fish pond are now mostly empty, with only tiny shells floating.

The dragon blood red fish fry, half the size of a grain of rice, are swimming happily in the fish pond.

They are densely packed in half of the pond.

It's so dark that it can make people with trypophobia scalp numb.

Li Er was in a very good mood.

The dragon blood red fish is a 2-star magical life.

It is not only a rare delicacy, but also can permanently improve physical strength.

This thing can be cultivated and developed as a specialty of the territory.

Now that these fish eggs are hatched, the scale of the fish farm can be expanded a hundred times!

And this is a swamp, and the last thing it lacks is water.

"Go and call Bain."


The Delsa man who was named immediately turned around and left. Not long after, the swamp hero came excitedly.

"My lord. The dragon blood red fish has hatched?"

His tone was extremely happy.

Li Er nodded with a smile on his face, indicating that the other party looked at the fish pond.

"The hatching rate of the dragon blood red fish is not low. Looking at this state, this time we may be able to hatch more than 100,000 fish!"

"At present, the scope of our fish pond is too small."

"We need to re-plan an area for breeding."

The reproduction of fish is very exaggerated, and thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of fish eggs can be produced at a time.

Fish have countless natural enemies in the water, and a large number of them are needed to maintain the population.

However, human intervention can avoid such losses, and the hatched fish fry are pure benefits.

Bain said in a brisk tone.

"This is nature. Lord, we have already made a plan before, and the fish pond will continue to move 5 kilometers to the north."

"There is a large area of ​​silt land there, which can be expanded to a thousand acres in the future."

"Enough to meet the breeding needs for a long time."

"And I have arranged people to plant fishtail grass in advance."

Lear nodded with satisfaction.

Bain's meticulousness was what he admired most. As the chief governor, he could coordinate everything in detail, which was quite rare.

"You go and plan it."

"But the fish pond here should be preserved and not abandoned."

"In the future, when the territory's buildings are expanded here, it can also be made into an ornamental pond."

"As you wish."

After explaining the matter here, Bain went down excitedly and began to arrange people to open up a new fish farm.

The planting area of ​​fishtail grass should also be greatly expanded. The previous cultivation was far from meeting the demand for raising tens of thousands of fish.

Lear was in a very good mood at the moment.

Three piglets gave birth, and dragon blood red fish were also hatching.

Everything was moving in a good direction.

The military strength was greatly improved, and the territory was not left behind.

After the matter here was done, he returned to the fish pond, sat down in front of his exclusive rattan chair, and began to watch the fish and drink tea.

After the high-intensity battle, you need to relax for a few days.

The physical pressure can be borne, but the psychological pressure needs to be relieved.

After resting until noon, Bain, who was busy all the time, came back with a happy face.

"My lord, good news!!"

Lear looked at the smile on the face of the swamp man and felt a little emotional. The other party never stopped from morning to night. He worked too hard.

He couldn't stand it.

He gave serious instructions.

"Bain, you have to do the preparations for the establishment of those departments as soon as possible. If there is no suitable candidate, you have to set up the framework first and fill it later."

"A real manager does not do everything personally, but does a good job of supervision and management, and leaves the specific matters to the people below to execute."

"The territory is growing, and the affairs in the future will be even busier. Even if you don't rest for 24 hours a day, you can't be busy enough."

Bain was stunned at first, and then smiled bitterly.

"Sir, I originally wanted to let them learn more knowledge before selecting personnel."

"It doesn't have to be so cumbersome. If they don't meet the requirements or their abilities are not up to par, just replace them."

"I allow you to make mistakes. You don't need to be so timid."

Bain's heart suddenly warmed. This feeling of being trusted is priceless.

Leer didn't say much. This matter needs the other party to adjust it himself.

"What is the good news you just said?"

Bain came back to his senses and became excited again.

"The half-elf who just worked in the farmland evaluated that the swamp wheat can be harvested on October 1st!"

The population of the City of Dew is increasing, and the food in the warehouse is falling sharply every day.

Bain's inner anxiety is almost written on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news.

The heavy burden on his shoulders can finally be lifted.

With these thousands of acres of wheat, there is no need to worry about food problems for a long time in the future.

After the harvest, the second round will be planted.

Swamp wheat matures once every three months a year, and it can grow normally even in the cold winter.

A maximum of four crops can be planted in a year.

After the first round of harvest, the pressure is reduced.

Li Er was also quite surprised.

With a fixed food output, the city of Wei Lu can be said to have gained a firm foothold in the true sense.

Even if the population expands significantly in the future, there is no need to worry about having no food to eat.

This is of great significance to the city of Wei Lu, which is now isolated in the wilderness.

In short, military, territory construction, industrial development, agricultural production, all fields are moving forward in parallel.


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