Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 142 If you don’t have extraordinary abilities, you must have the courage to face death head

After finishing the matter here, Lear prepared to return to the territory.

With a thought.

The scarlet rotten land covering the ground slowly rolled up like a scroll and disappeared from the surface.

With the power in hand, a major knot in his heart was removed, and he could go into battle lightly in the future.

This time going back is a brand new beginning.

Even if the future journey is not smooth, it has a new and perfect beginning.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the muddy ground on the side.

His pupils shrank sharply.

The next moment, bang~ the ground suddenly exploded.

The sky was full of mud and the stench of mud rushed into his nose at this moment.

In the turbid mud and water, a black insect with a huge triangular mouth suddenly jumped into the air and bit him.

The body length is more than 30 meters!

It seems like an ancient giant beast.

This kind of life jumped out of the mud, bringing an exaggerated sense of oppression in an instant.

He could clearly see at this moment that this worm had no eyes, only a strange triangular mouth when opened.

The sharp teeth merged together, and could easily bite a long-nosed elephant to pieces.

Earth Center Blind Worm, Level 14

At this moment.

Lear stretched out his right hand, and the chain of fighting spirit lingering around him surged and condensed into a knife.

Five fingers held the handle of the knife in the air and swung it down.


The next moment, the illusory blade in his hand burst out with shocking power.

The giant worm that jumped into the air only felt a sharp pain in his mind, and his body stiffened in vain, and his soul was extinguished in an instant.

Like a candle that was blown out.


The huge body fell heavily on the mud, splashing a hundred meters high of smelly muddy water.

The turbid sewage fell again, like a downpour.

At this moment, puff~ puff~

The surface of the ground was torn apart again, and two terrifying giant worms suddenly appeared.

Like a fish attracted by bait, it wanted to swallow Lear.

He held the blade of fighting spirit in his hand and swung it for the second time!


Puff~ the invisible blade slashed into his mind.

The terrifying fighting spirit directly wiped out his soul.

His body was intact, but he was dead.

Bang~ the second torrential rain fell.

The last giant insect was now rushing towards him.

Lear's eyes condensed.

A mud hand suddenly rose from the mud below and stretched up to the sky.

It grabbed the giant insect directly, and it clenched suddenly.

The giant insect could not use force in mid-air and was directly pulled down and fell.

At this moment.

A sharp knife condensed from mud rose from the surface of the ground.

It extended to a height of more than ten meters.

The giant insect twisting in the void was grasped by the giant mud hand and slammed into the sharp knife.


Under the pressure of its own weight and the dragging force of the giant mud hand, the sharp knife exploded upward.

The mud knife directly penetrated the giant worm, piercing its body, revealing the tip of the knife full of green slurry.


A shrill wail of pain resounded through the sky.

The giant worm twisted wildly, and the mud was slapped with a bang, splashing mud and water all over the sky.

It was like a fish coming ashore.

But the sharp knife condensed by the mud was like an unshakable mountain, and it was useless no matter how it struggled.

But the vitality of the earth blind worm was also exaggerated, and there was no sign of stopping after struggling for four or five minutes.

Li Er raised his eyebrows.

The mud blade suddenly grew a spike from its abdomen, puff~ pierced through its abdomen and directly pierced its head.

The body stiffened instantly, and after twitching a few times, the breath gradually returned to calm.

14th level earth blind worm, 3 heads were killed in one encounter!

The ancient tree guardian below saw this scene, and the treetops trembled a little.

After taking power, as long as he was in the swamp, he could directly use the power of the entire swamp and show some of the majesty of God.

And God cannot be provoked.

Until this moment, Lear really had high-level combat power.

Looking down at the huge corpse that was as motionless as a city wall below, his mind moved slightly.

A small piece of scarlet rotten meat land unfolded, and several earth blind worms were directly swallowed into it.

This size of wild monster is as high as level 14, which is a big harvest.

Used to feed scarlet magic iron ore, at least hundreds of them can be produced.

Earth blind worms usually live hundreds or thousands of meters deep underground.

It is obvious that it also sensed the breath of power and emerged.

But it was too late to emerge, and a wave of heads were given away in vain.

Thanks to the little gift from my friend.

After an emergency was quietly quelled, Lear did not hesitate, flew in the air, and returned to the territory.

The remaining ancient tree guardians rooted in the earth slowly pulled up their roots and began to return.

This battle was a clash of high-level heroes.

The level 12 ancient tree guardians could only watch the battle from below.

Bringing them here was just to be on the safe side.

When Lear returned to the territory, several heroes had already led the cold-blooded cavalry to stop the wilderness monsters that stepped into the swamp.

In the territory, only the Naga King and the corrupted Naga stayed behind.

These wild monsters attracted by power were not strong, and a few heroes were enough to calm them down.

If he was not worried about destroying crops and destroying pig pens and fish ponds, he would not be so anxious.

And this incident gave Lear an extra idea.

As the territory expands and grows, the enemies will become more fierce in the future.

Although the swamp has been cleared now, the vacated areas are undefended.

In the future, can the entire swamp be armed and turned into a forbidden area of ​​death with no entry or exit?

Ubiquitous poisonous mosquitoes, man-eating vines, unknown monsters hiding in the turbid muddy water for hunting, powerful Cyclops, ferocious swamp dragons, and silt that collapses as soon as you step on it.

Swamp is synonymous with danger.

For most people, encountering swampy wetlands in the wilderness will avoid them as much as possible.

Now, it's entirely possible to enhance the characteristics of the swamp.

Lear thought of the black-spotted red bloodworm he encountered before.

Those poisonous insects that usually hide underground and crawl out of the mud to gnaw at enemies when encountering them are so poisonous that if not noticed, they can kill half of a person's life.

There is also the Lost Grass, which is used by the half-murlocs when sacrificing to gods. It can drive people into madness.

These are the specialties of the swamp.

For example, if the edge areas are planted with highly toxic substances and poisonous insects are raised.

Lay out some more traps.

Doesn't this form a natural defense circle?

If we encounter a situation like today, we don't even need to send out troops. The outer defense circle can easily swallow up all the wild monsters in the wilderness.

Moreover, such an arrangement can also provide a continuous supply of alchemy materials to the territory.

Thinking of this, Lear's mind came back to the idea that the valley where the Dark Naga was located was shrouded in fog all day long, and was filled with unspeakable mystery and danger.

As far as he knew, there seemed to be magical plants in the swamp that could condense fog, which was why there was often thick fog in the swamp.

If you arrange a circle around it, let the fog cover all directions, and then arrange various traps or ambush heavy troops in some key areas.

Then why worry about safety?

The ones who should worry about safety are those who trespass in the swamp!

After thinking for a moment, Lear asked someone to call Bain.

Informed him of the idea of ​​establishing a defensive area outside the silt swamp.


"Once the defensive circle is built, the security of Weilu City will be greatly improved, and the required guard force can be reduced a lot. There is no need to worry about the slightest disturbance like now."

"Our various industries can also have a stable environment to develop."

Bain said in surprise.

"Sir, this is definitely a good idea, and we have accumulated a lot of poisonous things in our hands, which can be used."

Lear nodded.

The 3-star alchemical poison black-spotted blood worm powder made before allowed Weilu City to destroy the nest of the flesh-and-blood giant mosquito and enslave the 13th-level mosquito queen despite insufficient troops.

He also made considerable contributions in the subsequent battle with the half-murlocs.

Therefore, collecting highly toxic items during this period has become a daily routine in the territory.

"How to arrange the specific arrangements? You go down and discuss the regulations. In addition, Granny Green Grass can also participate."

This is destined to be a big project and will take a lot of time.

This topic ended, Lear changed the subject.

"Bain, the territory needs to rebuild a teaching building. In the future, we will teach the knowledge of the goblin system."

Goblin knowledge?

Bain was stunned, and in his mind came the image of a group of cowardly people following behind the carriage who wanted to rob the carriage but were timid. The number of people was ten or twenty times greater than the target before they dared to take action.

"Sir, do goblins also have systematic knowledge?"

The existence of the ancient goblin god was not known to outsiders, and neither was Bain.

The murals the army saw in the goblin ruins were only circulated within the army.

The civilization buried by the gods has long since disappeared into the dust.

Lear nodded slowly.

"They have a dazzling past that once made the gods tremble."

"This is a major opportunity. If we can seize it, it can greatly enhance the foundation of Weilu City."

"However, relevant knowledge must be kept strictly confidential and must not be leaked or let outsiders know."

An ancient god who forged a civilization, and how much knowledge is hidden in his mind is exciting to think about.

We have a civilization in our hands that makes the whole world fearful. Once exposed, it will cause an uproar. But will we not use it because of the dangers that may arise in the future?

The swamp is his territory. God can't spy here even if he comes.

Bain also became curious. Are goblins really so extraordinary?

"Sir, I will make arrangements right away."

Lear nodded and continued to ask.

"How's the production of Spider-Banshee's armor going?"

"Sir, 30 sets have been produced."

"For 2-star level armor, the production process is much simpler and the efficiency is somewhat unexpectedly high."

"In addition, Lord Brin also forged additional weapons for the Spider Banshee, with a level as high as 3 stars!"

Bain was also very proud.

The blacksmith shop is now the chief industry in the territory, and he has also made great efforts to participate in its cultivation.

Lear is very interested in the Spider Banshee's territory.

Now that the first batch of goods has been cast, you can go to the other party's territory tomorrow.

He also wanted to see how rich his future partner was.

"Tomorrow I will lead a team to the Spider Banshee's territory. You arrange the goods today."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, has the location of the affiliated city been decided?"

"I organized 20 mire people to conduct a field trip and identified three locations. Please take a look."

"Well, what are these crosses and hooks?"

"Ahem, sir, this drawing is a bit sloppy. Look here, and here. The area we selected is 15 kilometers away from the edge of the swamp. It is not far or near. The swamp can be used as a barrier buffer and the distance to the city of Wei Lu can be shortened."

"I recommend this area the most. It is surrounded by muddy swamps. Starry vines are rooted here, and the surrounding area is a natural moat."

"That's good. I don't think the other two places have any advantages, so I decided to choose this place. Send 10 vine fairies to build it immediately and lay the foundation first."

"This building does not need to consider the living place of residents, but only the trade reception and defense of outsiders. It should be built with the standards of fortresses and fortresses."

"Yes, sir."

With just a few words, Lear decided on a new city.

After obtaining the power of the swamp, the entire swamp completely became his personal property, his back garden.

It can be planned and built according to the shape he wants. This feeling is too wonderful.

After Bain went down, the city hall immediately became busy, and several departments began to allocate resources for the affiliated cities.

At the same time, a new podium was built on the other side of the city hall.

The vine fairy has reached the maximum level, and the construction speed can be described as exaggerated. The three little cuties joined forces and completed the construction before dusk.

This building is isolated from the outside world and can accommodate two or three hundred people at the same time.

In the future, this will be a new point for the spread of goblin civilization.

But in-depth learning is no longer something that everyone can come to learn.

The specific selection of apprentices will be left to the goblin ancient god to investigate at that time, and he is too lazy to worry about it.

Anyway, it is all for the training of talents for the city of Wei Lu, so it doesn't matter who is chosen.

While busy here, suddenly an unexpected person asked to see him.

Li Er looked at the barbarian Azaken who was trembling in front of him, bending over and not daring to get up for a long time, and his eyes were a little playful.

This barbarian, whose name is only one word different from the goblin ancient god, was a life encountered when he went out hunting more than two months ago when the city of Wei Lu was still weak. (Chapter 34)

At that time, the other party was like a spider witch, claiming that they were looking for partners for foreign trade.

But at that time, the territory was still very weak, and even had nothing.

Although he also wanted to engage in foreign trade, he failed to do so, and the cooperation was delayed.

These barbarians became the extra-staff labor force of the City of Weir.

As the territory grew, the presence of these ten people became less and less, so low that Lear even forgot about them.

"My lord, the Hisham clan also longs to trade with the City of Weir. Can you invite us to our territory?"

"The Hisham clan will definitely welcome you with the highest etiquette."

The tone of the barbarian leader was extremely humble.

He watched the City of Weir grow little by little, and he knew better than anyone how terrible this territory was.

In just two or three months, it already had the power that the Hisham clan could not accumulate for more than ten years.

This terrifying growth potential is extremely terrifying.

If he waited a few more months, he dared not imagine how far it would grow.

By then, the Hisham clan, which has thousands of barbarians, will probably be like ants in his eyes.

And it only takes four or five days to walk from the swamp to their clan.

If the two sides do not establish friendship, he dare not imagine what will happen in the future.

Even if it is not for trade, for safety, they must cooperate with the City of Wisdom.

Lear looked at the barbarian with interest.

"I remember correctly that the Hisham clan also produces ore."

"What do you need? Food, weapons?"

"My lord, both are needed, but the most important thing is weapons. You only need to use the equipment that ordinary humans can use to trade."

"We have accumulated a lot of precious and rare ores, which can all be used to trade with you"

He couldn't sit still before, and the appearance of the spider banshee completely ignited the crisis in his heart.

If he doesn't take the initiative to attack, there will be no chance at all.

The barbarian doesn't have much to show for himself

Lear reached out and patted the other party's shoulder.

Slowly said.

"Azaken, the barbarians have also shed blood for the City of Weirdo, and your two companions are still buried in the Tomb of Heroes."

"The City of Weirdo will not forget our hero, you and your people, who won this opportunity for your clan."

"My Lord, I, I."

The barbarian leader's eyes were slightly red, and his throat was a little blocked.

A strong warmth emerged in his heart, and he was deeply moved.

My Lord has not forgotten their sacrifice!

A feeling of dying for a friend emerged.

If he was not still shouldering the heavy responsibility entrusted by the patriarch, he really wanted to kneel down and pledge his allegiance.

It is definitely an honor for him and all the barbarians to live and fight in such a territory!

"Tomorrow you will go to the territory of the Spider Banshee with us. After you are done with that, go to your Hisham clan again."


Azaken was overjoyed.

These few months have not been in vain, and the task given to him by the patriarch can finally be explained.

The barbarian leader, who had come here with trepidation, left with brisk steps.

When he returned to a nearby place, several waiting companions could not wait to ask, and then cheered happily.

This attracted the people around him to look back frequently, as these barbarians were so happy to have picked up gold.

As soon as the barbarian left, the two-headed ogre chieftain came again.


This fierce warrior with 5-star potential and level 14 was hesitant.

Not as straightforward as usual

Lear looked at the obviously worried two-headed ogre chief curiously and asked.

"Et, what's the matter?"

"Master, can I ask for a leave of absence from you for a while?"


"You have given me powerful power. I think I should go back to the Broken Star Plane."

"My father's revenge has not been avenged yet, and that damned traitor is still sitting on the throne!"

"I want to go back and kill that bastard with my own hands, and control the Broken Star Plane for you!"

"I promise you that when I return, tens of thousands of ogre warriors in the Broken Star Plane will be waiting for your orders!"

The anger in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

The deep hatred was tormenting him all the time.

His favorite play before was Hamlet.

Although he is not a human prince, he will also complete his revenge!

Lear's eyes moved slightly.

Now that the matter of authority has been completed, it is time to take action on that demiplane.

Just as he was about to speak, an intelligence prompt suddenly appeared in his mind.

[The two-headed ogre chieftain, At, has triggered the fateful mission - the prince's revenge. His father was killed, the throne was taken away, and he himself was hunted down by his enemies and fell into a desperate situation. He could no longer bear it in his heart and was determined to complete the revenge! ]

[Note: This is a high-difficulty mission. The other party can only go alone. If there is external support, the fateful mission will automatically become invalid. ]

[If the other party can complete the revenge, he will further transform, completely release his potential, and conquer a demiplane for you. ]

[Fateful mission, a hero can only trigger it once in his life, which is extremely rare. ]

Fateful mission?

There is such a saying

Looking at the serious eyes of the two-headed ogre chieftain, he said slowly after a moment of silence.

"At, how sure are you?"

The two-headed ogre chieftain said word by word.

"Only death."

Lear was stunned and smiled.

"Go ahead. Take that plane. When you return victorious, I will award you a 5-star medal of honor!"

If you don't have extraordinary abilities, you must have the courage to face death.

And the other party has both. (End of this chapter)

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