Lear took a deep look at the night elves who were more excited than him.

You dare to conquer this land more than I do.

He looked at this dark world again.

In his sight, all the scenery was hazy and unclear.

In front of the exit of the underground passage, there was a rock platform with a diameter of 100 meters, about 40 to 50 meters from the ground, and the slope extended outward.

Below was a twisted dense forest, with trees and vegetation intertwined, with strange trees of more than 10 to 20 meters, and flat grassland.

The intelligence suggested that there was a magma coal mine and a big-mouthed scavenger beast at the exit of the underground passage.

But the specific location was not given, which required him to find it.

After a little hesitation, he looked at the night elves around him.

"Ishani, there is a group of big-mouthed scavengers living nearby, and there is also a special magma coal mine."

"You are familiar with the underground environment, take people to search it. Our goal this time is these two things."

Ishani was a little calmer at this moment, and nodded immediately.

"Yes, sir!"

At that moment, he led his men down the slope.

At the same time, the graveyard guards began to disperse and stand guard in the sky.

The big demon also flew farther away to be on guard.

At this time, Kalanis, who was holding a slender sword and had mastered a part of the tyrannical power, came in.

With some exclamation.

"Sir, this is the legendary underground world. It is indeed different."

Lear heard this and turned to look at the high-spirited warrior.

"This world hides a lot of secrets and countless unknown dark gods, all of whom have cast their eyes on this."

"We need to be careful."

Kalanis's eyes were firm.

"Yes, sir. But no matter who our enemy is, no one can hurt you!"

Lear smiled.

"You go too, go with Isani to search and get familiar with the environment of the underground world."

Kalanis nodded happily.

Step away.

Under the carpet-style search, time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Lear was thinking about going out to search for it himself, a shrill sound of bats came from a distance.

He looked up suddenly, but found nothing unusual, and the big demon was still on guard in the sky.

He relaxed a little, but after just a dozen breaths, he saw Isani riding a swamp giant horned deer and rushing at a very fast speed.

His face was full of anxiety.

"My lord, the bat tide is coming!!"

"Quick, let the army withdraw to the passage!"

Bat tide?

The unfamiliar term made Lear frown slightly, and he looked up for the second time, but he didn't find anything unusual.

But he had a high degree of trust in Isani, and without any hesitation, he immediately gave the order.

"The whole army retreats to the passage!"

The lizardmen around him immediately began to roar low.

The next moment, the cold-blooded cavalry retreated.

The night elves returned faster.

Soon, the army entered in a line and returned to the narrow cave.

However, the capacity of the passage was limited, and the speed of returning was slightly slower.

While retreating, a burst of sharp and piercing bat calls suddenly appeared.

Lear had a bad feeling in his heart.

He looked up again and saw a thick dark cloud at the edge of his sight.

Like a storm, it swept the world from top to bottom.

The dense forest was quickly swallowed up. Wherever it passed, there were bursts of shrill screams of wild beasts.

The storm swept in at a very fast speed.

It took a moment to approach within a range of two or three hundred meters.

Lear could see clearly at this moment that the terrifying storm was made up of bats.

The wingspan of those bats was longer than their arms, and their eyes were blood red, like light bulbs.

The fangs protruded from their lips, as if inlaid with daggers, reflecting a cold luster.

The back was covered with hideous stone thorns, like a large hedgehog.

At this time, there were still two or three hundred cold-blooded cavalrymen who had not yet entered the passage.

Sensing the rich breath of life, the bats suddenly became excited.

They made even sharper and piercing screams.

Whoosh~ Wings fluttered wildly, swooping down like arrows.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~

Directly hit the cold-blooded cavalry.


Waves of metal clanging sounded.

Many bats were directly hit to death, and their heads were cracked.

But more bats were just bounced away, and then screamed and fell on the cold-blooded cavalry.

Biting madly with ferocious teeth.

This terrifying frenzy covered everything!

In just a few breaths, these heavily armored cavalry were covered with bats.

The cold-blooded cavalry did not change their expressions, and swung the sword in their hands with the most brutal posture, puff~

Each sword could cut a large piece.

But there were too many.

Looking around, the sky was completely covered, as if it was swallowed by a sandstorm. Looking around, there was nothing to see.

There were only bats, countless bats.

"Grave Guard!"

Lear's voice became cold.

The next moment, in the back passage, the ghost that had just retreated came out with a sharp sickle in hand.

It collided with the tide of bats in the most direct way!

The sickle swung and harvested souls directly!

The level of these bats was all level 7, which was not high. What was difficult to deal with was the exaggerated number of the opponent.

These life forms without entities were not afraid of the human wave tactics.

Every time they attacked, they could see the bodies of bats without any injuries falling down.

Like a meat grinder rotating at high speed, they forcibly harvested the flesh and blood in front of them with a domineering attitude.

Even so, the two thousand graveyard guards could only guard a small area in front of the passage and could not go deep into it.

Like a reef hit by a terrifying tide, if they could not resist, they might be broken.

The cold-blooded cavalry was suitable for attacking, but they were somewhat powerless in the face of the tide of bats at this moment.

After the graveyard guards held up the battlefield, they gradually retreated into the passage.

Li Er was also amazed at the scene of the endless bats attacking the graveyard guards' defense line.

Is this the underground world? It directly gave him a warning.

Yishani said with a bit of heaviness at this moment.

"My lord, these are rock bats. They live in the caves of the underground world and usually survive by gnawing rocks."

"Every once in a while, they will riot collectively, fly out of the cave, and attack everything around them."

"No one knows how many caves there are in the underground world, so the number of these bats is suffocating."

"Their teeth are extremely sharp and can easily bite through armor. They also contain the poison of crazy bats. If they are bitten by them, they will become crazy and lose their minds."

"Every wave of bats is a terrible disaster."

In this fierce area of ​​the underground world, danger and wealth are synonymous with it.

Lear nodded, and his heart has regained peace.

Compared to the endless army of fallen demons, the level of bats is slightly lower, but they are more threatening. They are flying creatures.

The surface defense line is completely useless.

But now is different from the past. The number of graveyard guards has increased to 2,000.

And defending the mountain does not require such great pressure.

It gives him plenty of room for operation.

At this point, Li Er became interested.

Half of the Graveyard Guards were recruited after the Graveyard was promoted, and the inscriptions on the sickle have not been lit up yet.

Graveyard Guards feature: every 100 souls harvested can light up an inscription, increasing the sickle's attack power by 20%.

This talent is very brilliant, but how much effort does it take to light up the inscriptions in the outside world?

And there are two thousand people to light up!

Now there are swarms of bats in front of us, so dense that we can't kill them at all.

This is not a danger, this is a god-given opportunity!

The Graveyard Guards obviously noticed this and began to slaughter more crazily.

In their madness, the sickle began to light up inscriptions one by one.

This storm lasted for 3 hours before it gradually subsided.

The bats gradually became sparse, and finally disappeared completely.

The storm has passed.

Li Er calmed down and turned his head to look.

The ground was already full of corpses, and in the center, they were piled up several meters high.

Two thousand graveyard guards slaughtered for three hours without restraint.

You can imagine how many bats were killed.

It was also called the Bat Tide, but even this did not have much impact on the tide.

And the high-intensity killing also brought the graveyard guards the most generous rewards.

The most intuitive. The first batch of graveyard guards, the inscriptions on the sickle have all been lit up.

20 inscriptions can increase the attack power by 400%, which is simply abnormal!

Although the level has not been increased, after this battle, the graveyard guards will definitely become the enemy's nightmare.

And the second batch of graveyard guards also have more than 10 inscriptions lit up.

The attack power soared.

Lear was satisfied.

From the graveyard guards, if the cold-blooded cavalry faced the three-hour uninterrupted storm attack of the bat frenzy, they might not be able to withstand it.

Even if they have 3-star armor.

When the number reaches a certain level, it is enough to cause a qualitative change.

And the level of bats at level 7 is not low.

No wonder Isani is so nervous.

Ordinary underground life, facing such a natural disaster, without sufficient defensive fortifications, will probably suffer a devastating blow.

But now, it is done for him.

He looked at the bat corpses piled up on the ground with burning eyes.

Unfortunately, he stayed in the territory to suppress the flying dragon in the scarlet carrion land.

If he carried a living life, it would consume a huge amount of energy.

The consumption of the 16-level flying dragon was so exaggerated that he had to stay in the territory. If he was forced to bring it out, the flesh and blood energy of tens of thousands of fallen demons could not be stopped.

But it doesn't matter. If you can't take it away, just digest it directly.

With a thought.

The black cloak behind him suddenly exuded a dark mist.

The mist dissipated and covered the entire battlefield.

The next moment, the bat corpse on the ground began to shrink visibly.

Until it was completely brittle, as if it had been dried by the wind for hundreds of years.

At this moment, the black fog suddenly became chaotic, as if it was twisted by an invisible giant hand.

Li Er's eyes moved slightly, and he could clearly feel that the black fog had undergone a wonderful change.

After the energy on the ground was completely swallowed up, the black fog quickly gathered and returned to the cloak.

At this time, it was like the night was flowing on the cloak, and a light silver inscription appeared.

It made it more gorgeous and profound.

Li immediately became interested, and with a bit of curiosity, he took a look at the attribute panel of the Mist Shadow.

He was immediately surprised.

The original level of 14 was now upgraded to level 15!


The energy provided by these countless bat corpses directly filled it up.

Hahaha, comfortable.

This cloak serves as his back-up, and the higher the level, the stronger the sense of security it brings to him.

As a result, the level 15 power in his hand increased to 9!

This is a serious high-level hero.

After these two harvests, Lear became particularly happy.

Exploring new maps is truly rewarding.

After calming down, he was not idle. He asked the barren grave guards to keep watch in the sky and continued to send troops to search.

Magma Carboniferous and Big Mouth Scavenger, these two goals for this trip have not yet been found.

In the second search, the army moved more decisively and quickly.

Ten minutes later, Ishani suddenly returned.

One hand grasped the long hair on the neck of the swamp giant-horned deer, and the other hand held a figure covered in mud.

He is about 1.4 meters tall, his skin has an unnatural gray color, his muscles are extremely solid, and he has a long beard on his chin, which is tightly tied with seven or eight metal rings.

When swinging, they collide with each other and make a crisp sound.

Is this a dwarf? !

Lear raised his eyebrows slightly.

When the opponent got closer, he immediately discovered that although his appearance was the same as that of a dwarf, his aura was completely different.

He feels like a gangster wandering the streets with nothing to do.

"Sir, I found this gray dwarf in a bush."

Gray dwarves, a common life in the underground world, are a variant of dwarves. They are evil, selfish, and greedy. They are completely different types from the bold, stubborn, and righteous dwarves.

Lear became interested and opened the properties panel to take a look.

Gray dwarf, level: 8, racial talent: evil forging, forged weapons with a bit of evil will, which will make people's will and actions tend to evil.

Good guy, this race is really interesting.

Even talents tend to be evil.

As Ishani spoke, she took a few steps closer, then threw it casually, and with a thud, the gray dwarf hit the ground.

Before he could struggle to get up, the night elf turned over neatly and stepped on his back with one foot.


The body that had just been half propped up fell down again, and the face came into the most intimate contact with the ground.

Suddenly a blood mark appeared.

But the night elf didn't show any emotion at all.

There are no good people living in the underground world. The same goes for them.

Lear looked at the gray dwarf who was wailing in pain.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Hearing this, the gray dwarf looked up and saw Lear's heroic face reflected in his eyes.

My heart trembled.

Surface people? !

Are these life forms from the surface?

Glancing at the two big demons staying behind, I felt a little numb.

The army of this being is so disorganized? How powerful would it be to overwhelm them? !

While his thoughts were spinning, he didn't delay in replying.

"Dear Sir, great lord, shining master. I am a resident of Molten Iron City."

"I'm here because I saw a group of night elves entering the cave yesterday."

"They are members of the Psalm clan. In the past, they rarely sent out an army of this size."

"I suspect they found a treasure."

"You are hiding here to confirm this?"

"Yes. It's just that I haven't seen any movement after waiting for a whole day."

"I fell asleep in a daze, and when I woke up, I encountered a wave of bats."

"Fortunately, the stink flowers I got before are still usable, and those bats didn't attack me."

Lear was not interested in hearing this and asked directly.

"Do you know where the big-mouthed scavengers that live around here are?"

"Those lowly beings who eat everything? I know, I know!"

"Right over there, there's a sunken hole in the ground, and they're all hiding in it."

Lear's eyes lit up.

Do you really know?

Immediately he became interested and without hesitation, he asked the gray dwarf to lead the team from the front.

How dare the gray dwarves resist? They lead the way honestly.

He only peeked at the big devil behind Lear from time to time. When he was discovered, he trembled all over and became more honest.

Go down the slope and enter the twisted dense forest ahead. After winding for several hundred meters, you come to an inconspicuous area.

There are many rocks here and it is not convenient to explore.

The gray dwarf walked through a patch of stones and came to a large stone in the edge area, pointing to a low grass.

"Dear Lord, those scavengers are inside."

From a distance, it looks like an inconspicuous patch of grass. No one would have thought that there would be a cave hidden here.

Lear waved his hand.

The big demon behind him immediately stepped forward.

Lift it directly and lift all the weeds.

A cave about one meter wide appeared in the air.

"The great master, the lairs of scavengers are usually about ten meters underground. They will not dig their lairs too deep."

Lear glanced at the gray dwarf who had his hands crossed in front of him and an apologetic smile on his face.

This guy was quite clear about it, and he never told any lies along the way.

"Go in and catch those scavengers."

A one-meter-wide hole in the ground cannot accommodate large demons, but they are not ordinary beings.

The evil aura exuded from the big demon was poured directly into the cave.

After a slight perception, the figure became blurred and disappeared into the air.

After a while, it reappeared.

But the difference this time is that two 1.5-meter-long creatures with exaggeratedly large mouths, like four-legged lizards, have appeared on its hands.

The skin on its body is twisted and wrinkled like old tree bark, and it also emits a disgusting stench.

Big-mouthed scavenger, level: level 5, racial talent: gluttony, can digest all nutritious things, and its excrement can be used as high-level fertilizer.

Lear looked at its attributes and smiled brightly.

"How many scavengers are there in there?"

"More than 200."

"So many?!!"

"Okay! You guys go in together and catch them all!"

This number is completely beyond expectations.

The fertilizer for the city of Wei Lu is available.

At this moment, the big demon threw the big-mouthed scavenger aside, stretched out his right hand and spread it.

A charred stone appeared.

"Master, this is what I found in there."

Lear looked at it curiously, and before he checked the attributes, the gray dwarf next to him had already screamed.

"Lava coal?!!"

"God of forging, there is magma coal here?!"

Lear's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good boy, I didn't expect that the nest where the big-mouthed scavenger lived was actually a magma coal vein?! !

This is a double blessing. (End of this chapter)

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