Orcs are indeed orcs, they are really tough and thick-skinned.

One of them had his neck cut in half, but he was still breathing heavily.

But what caught his eye the most was the big bump on his face that was as red and swollen as a peach.

Li Er asked curiously.

"What's the matter with the big bump on your body?"

The two corrupt orcs who looked at him angrily were going to say nothing, but when they heard this, their eyes suddenly turned red.

"It's all those damn swamp wasps!"

The orc whose neck was cut in half said in a hoarse voice.

"The swamp wasps gave birth to the queen bee! Human, do you know the role of the swamp queen bee?"

"After eating the queen bee, you can improve your potential and activate your hero talent!!"

"We were killed by those damn bugs because we were hunting the queen bee"

He said with a somewhat happy tone, and pointed behind him.

"Do you want to activate your talent? Go find the swamp wasps. It's half an hour away in that direction."

He said, and a leaky laugh came out of his throat. Then his body stiffened and he stared with his eyes wide open.

The remaining corrupted orc seemed to understand his companion's thoughts when he heard this, and sneered at Lear.

"That's right, the queen of the swamp wasps is the treasure that everyone wants to get. Go find the swamp wasps!"

There were three hundred of them, and only a few dozen were left!

If they hadn't found a special way to disperse the swarm before, they would have been destroyed long ago.

They didn't believe that greedy humans could resist this temptation. As long as they dared to go, they would be retaliated more crazily by the swamp wasps that had been angered once! !

The obvious intention was clear at a glance. Lear frowned slightly and turned to look at Haggs.

"What is the queen of the swamp?"

Haggs suddenly came back to his senses and said with a bit of excitement.

"Sir, the swamp wasps are extremely ferocious insects in the swamp. They usually hunt and survive alone and do not build nests."

"Only when the queen bee is born will they gather together."

"The queen of the swamp wasps is the leader of the swamp wasps and has extremely special powers. The most extraordinary thing is that they can enhance the potential of life and activate the heroic talents of people. Even if the talents have been awakened, they can awaken the second one!"

At this point, his face was full of excitement.

"This is not a legend, but it has been verified by many people."

After saying that, he added another sentence.

"After the queen of the swamp wasps is born, it will become extremely dangerous. Not only will the number increase rapidly, but it will also become more ferocious and powerful. I have heard that there are swamps completely occupied by swamp wasps, and outsiders cannot set foot at all!"

"These rotten orcs are luring us!"

Lear nodded slowly.

Looking at the rotten orc who showed a smile of revenge, he smiled.

To kill with a borrowed knife, these guys still know how to use their brains.

The interrogation continued, but the orc said nothing except the information about the swamp wasp.

Seeing the other party's breath gradually disappear, Li Er didn't waste any words and waved his hand to let Hags deal with it directly.

Swamp wasp?

The appearance of the rotten orc and Hags aroused his curiosity.

Awakening the second talent.

He looked at his blank hero talent and fell into silence.

Speaking of which, he is still a level 3 mage apprentice with a potential of only 2 stars. Although there is an evolution degree later, it has always been 1%, and there is no other movement.

The remaining power of the gods and the gift of the swamp are obtained after the fusion of the godhead.

It is not his own talent.

He is not a hero unit yet.

A little embarrassed.

The potential of this body is obviously limited. If it were not for the swamp godhead, it might not be possible to condense the seeds of magic power in this life and embark on the extraordinary path.

Compared with a true genius like Philena, the gap is far.

If all the godheads and powers are collected in the later stage, it can be made up.

Now, being able to awaken a talent of your own and become a hero unit is valuable.

Even if you can't use it yourself, it's enough to train another hero or strengthen Hagus.

While thinking, the corpses have been gathered.

Li Er's eyes are deep.

The godhead exudes a faint pressure, and the blue energy covers the corpse.

A stream of life energy is extracted and dissipated to the surrounding wetland lizardmen.

These fifty orcs turned into dregs, and the degree of evolution increased from 70% to 75%.

Increased by 5%.

The higher the level, the higher the life energy obtained. These orcs are obviously more than one level stronger than the half-fish and the Kelder ratmen.

There is another 25%, and the wetland lizardmen can complete the promotion.

At this time, Hagus approached with a blood-stained package with an excited expression and handed it over.

"Master, there are gold coins in it!"

Li Er took it with great surprise. Orcs still have this thing in stock?

Open it and see a large golden area.

He fished it out with his hands, and felt the unique texture of metal.

There are at least thousands of gold coins in this package.

Where did these guys get it from?

"Are there any other discoveries?"

Haggs shook his head.


Li Er felt better with the heavy gold coins in his hands.

These corrupt orcs not only became spoils of war, but also contributed thousands of gold coins. Not bad, very good.

If the monsters in the swamp were so sensible, the construction of the City of Wisdom would be easy.

After cleaning up the battlefield, continue to explore outside.

Look in the direction mentioned by the corrupted orcs.

Let the wetland lizardmen who are exploring the way ahead search in this direction first.

It's a pity that the intelligence system will not be refreshed until the 10th. If there is information about the quagmire wasp, it can save a lot of effort.

Continue to go deeper. There are still traces of the orcs retreating in this direction. Soon, a gathering place of wild monsters slaughtered by corrupted orcs was found. This is a group of half-murlocs encountered before, about fifty in number.

Li Er happily accepted the corpses all over the ground, which increased the evolution level by 1% again.

It's a little less, but a little adds up to a lot, and it will always reach the full state.

Passing through the murloc area, I saw an open space with more than 40 orc corpses piled up in a swamp.

There were huge bags all over their bodies, which was quite creepy.

Li Er showed a bright smile on his face.

Good fellow, this is not to patrol the swamp, this is to pick up treasures.

Collect corpses and extract life energy. After a set of combos, the evolution degree is increased again.


One step away from evolution!

Who doesn't love the gains that come for free.


Continue to explore along the path. Ten minutes later, the wetland lizardman in front sent a warning.

Li Er immediately asked everyone to restrain their breath, slow down their pace, and move forward carefully.

A moment later, passing through a haystack swamp area, at the end of the sight, a giant tree that was seventy or eighty meters high and covered the sky appeared.

Around this tree, the sound of countless wings flapping was breathtaking.

One by one, giant wasps with a body length of more than thirty centimeters, thin waist, poisonous stinger, and black and yellow were flying around the tree.

The dense number was like waves of dark tides, and it was impossible to count them clearly.

The center of the tree was covered with honeycombs built of black mud.

It was like a wasp city.

Just one look at it can send chills down one's spine.

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