Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 40 Bubble Gives Birth to a Baby

The 5 pieces of information refreshed this time - the 4th Bubble Beast and the 5th Dragon Blood Red Fish have been obtained.

Now only the first few pieces of information with slightly lower value have not been completed.

[1. 5 kilometers southwest, there is a rose flower with 12 varieties. (1 star)]

[2. ↑ Five kilometers north, the stinking giant monster occupies an ancient ruins building. The building will only appear on the 15th of every month. (2 stars)]

[3. The corrupt orcs found that using black dragon broadleaf grass to dry and mix it with blood to ignite smoke can make the mud wasp fall into a coma, but the smoke can only cause a coma for ten minutes. They did not control the time well and suffered heavy casualties. Adding dragon feces can greatly enhance the effect. (2 stars)]

The rose flower is simple, just send someone to dig it back.

The matter of the stinking giant monster needs to wait until the 15th.

At present, there are only mud wasps left.

The queen bee of the swamp, which can improve potential and awaken talents, is a treasure that cannot be discarded.

"Bain, do you know Black Dragon Broadleaf Grass?"

"Black Dragon Broadleaf Grass?"

Bain, who was still thinking about how to plan the fish farm and how to feed the dragon blood red fish, looked at Lear with some doubts.

"My lord, this weed is said to have mutated from the blood of the black dragon. It can only grow in dark and humid places, and it has a bad smell and is also toxic."

"It is of little use."

He closed his mouth as soon as he said the latter sentence.

It is of little use to others, but my lord has great means, so it must be of great use.

"I will send people to find it now. Although the place where it grows is remote, there are not many of them."

Lear nodded.

"The more we collect, the better. Also, how much dragon feces are left?"

"There is still one and a half kilograms of dragon feces left, and it is currently stored in the warehouse."

"No one can use it without your order."

"Okay, keep it well, I will use it."

Bain immediately became energetic. This was the first time that Lear had given such a serious instruction.


Lear did not say much, and turned to look at the bright dragon blood red fish again.

These 2-star magical creatures swam in the clear pool, giving people the feeling of a dragon entering the sea.

I felt a little better.

Many people like to raise fish, just like to watch them swim and be full of vitality.

Not to mention, this is a delicacy on earth.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when I finished all this. Seeing that the fish pond had been optimized a lot, and several partitions had been built up, I felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

Raising fish, reclaiming land and farming, everything in the territory is changing in a good direction.

While thinking, I summoned the bubble beast.

"Bobo, we are too short of manpower now. We need you to breed new bubble beasts to help the territory."

"You are very capable and can take on more responsibilities. Can I give this important task to you?"

Bobo was stunned for a moment, and then he patted his chest with his chubby little paws and said loudly as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"Master, you can trust us!"

"Very good, go and select the first batch of bubble beasts willing to take on this important task. After the first batch recovers, the second batch will continue to breed."

"Bobo, your task is heavy and the responsibility is great. I need your help."

Feeling Li Er's serious attitude, Bobo's eyes became firm.

"Master, I will endure it no matter how painful it is!"

"I won't let you down!"

"Very good, every bubble beast that reproduces can enjoy the deliciousness of dragon blood red fish again."

After saying this, the chubby bubble beast swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes were full of color.

I can't wait to start breeding now.

Today's fish is so delicious, so delicious! !

Bobo quickly passed the news to other bubble beasts, and immediately selected 16 willing to reproduce.

The remaining 10 needed to maintain the fishing grounds and water sources, and after the first batch recovered, they would be the second batch of reproduction.

The 16 bubble beasts gathered around Lear with a little fear and expectation.

Lear was also generous in encouragement and praise.

You are the hope of the City of Weirdo and a role model for everyone.

In the future, we will call on everyone in the City of Weirdo to learn from you.

The various praises made these little guys feel like they had received the only little red flower in kindergarten, and their mood became very good.

Lear was also quite curious about the reproduction of bubble beasts.

After everything was ready, the bubble beasts were divided into groups of two.

These magical lives have no gender distinction, but reproduction requires two people together.

Standing on the shore, blowing a small bubble in his mouth, then gritted his teeth, blood dripped from the tip of his tongue, and floated in the small bubble.

The bubble flew into the air and slowly merged and overlapped with the bubble of another bubble beast that also contained blood.

The two bubbles became one, and the blood inside them merged together.

The next moment, the second bubble blew up.

After blowing three bubbles in a row, their breath weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all merged, there were 24 bubbles with blood left in the sky.

The bubble beasts were so tired that they had difficulty breathing. They used their last strength to control the bubbles to slowly fall to the muddy bank, like eggs laid by fish, arranged one by one, half buried in the mud.

"Two months later, as long as they are not destroyed, new partners will be born."

Bobo looked at this scene and felt a little sorry for his little partner, but also a little happy about the upcoming birth of the tribe.

They haven't had any new members for a long time because they are afraid of pain.

Li Er was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that 24 bubble beasts could be bred at one time.

And there are still 10 bubble beasts that have not been bred yet. Five pairs can be formed here, and there can be 15.

In other words, 39 bubble beasts can be added at one time!

If all of them are hatched, plus the original 26, the number can soar to 65.


Bubble beasts look cute, like children of four or five years old, but they are strategic forces.

Like vine fairies, they are extremely valuable to the city of Wei Lu.

Speaking of which, how do vine fairies reproduce?

I'll ask later. 16 vine fairies are indeed a little less. It's a bit difficult to build houses recently.

In the future, the territory will expand and there will be more buildings. These ten or so are far from meeting the needs.

Let Bain settle the bubble beasts that will be depressed, and let the kitchen cook a dragon blood red fish to replenish their bodies.

And praised them again.

After a series of operations, these weak little guys also recovered a little.

Then they went to the rest area to enjoy themselves.

The remaining 24 bubbles do not need any action. As long as they wait for time to breed, they can naturally hatch and become new bubble beasts.

This area was turned into a restricted area, no one was allowed to enter, and a team of wetland lizardmen were sent to guard it.

After all this, Lear came to the vine fairy.

After a week of hard work, the vines in the central area have grown to a height of eight or nine meters, and the area is even wider.

Under the guidance of the mud man, these vines began to gradually merge and weave with each other.

The prototype of the first building of the city of Wei Lu - the municipal hall has been formed.

In ten days, we can see the complete magnificent building woven by star vines.

Summon a vine fairy and ask about reproduction.

The vine fairy blushed and was too shy to look at Lear.

"Father God, um. um. We can give birth to babies by ourselves. After giving birth, the babies will be fostered in the vines and need to be nurtured by the vines."

The vine fairy does not need ordinary food, and does not even eat dragon blood red fish. The vine provides them with all their energy.

"Give birth to babies by yourself? Don't you need to cooperate with others?"

"Father God~ We don't need it."

The more she talked, the redder the vine fairy's face became, and she didn't dare to look at Li Er.


Vine fairies are all female, there are no males.

This is quite convenient?

Li Er laughed.

There are many parthenogenetic lives on Earth, which is not surprising.

"Then, can we give birth to babies now?"

The vine fairy became more shy.

With a red and round face and a pink and tender mouth, she flapped her little wings and flew to his side, hugging his arms and shaking back and forth unwillingly.

"Father God~"

Li Er's heart melted.

Which old father can stand this kind of coquetry?

Finally, under his inquiry, she whispered the secret of the next generation. The vine fairy can only give birth to a baby every year.

It needs to enter the vine to give birth to its own crystal and let the vine nurture it.

In this process, the vine needs sufficient nutrients and cannot be harmed, otherwise the baby will dissipate.

The gestation process lasts for half a year.

But giving birth to babies will not cause them to lose themselves, and it can even make the vine fairy more comfortable.

Because the vine fairy will give birth to a baby every year, if it does not give birth, it will continue to consume its own energy to maintain the baby.

Babies can be accumulated. After accumulating three or four, it is a huge burden on the body.

The vine fairy has accumulated 4 babies.

Li Er was quite surprised after hearing this, and hurriedly called all the vine fairies to let them nurture the next generation.

The construction of the future territory depends entirely on these little guys! !

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