After resting for a moment, Lear walked out of the tent, looked at the dazzling sun, and took a deep breath.

The further he explored, the more pressure he felt from all around him.

The enemies that have been identified so far include the smelly giant monster and the two-headed ogre.

↑There are more than 500 rotten centaurs 30 kilometers away to the north, and the level has reached level 9.

Hidden dangers - unknown giant three-toed footprints, a surprising glimpse of a flying dragon.

Now another half-murloc gathering place and a dark naga have been discovered.

Although the level of the wetland lizardman has been upgraded to level 7, and the strength in his hands has improved a lot, it is still far from being able to push across the swamp.

He needs to continue to strengthen the strength of these warriors while enslaving more troops in foreign campaigns.

The Swamp Banshee, Bubble Beast, and Vine Fairy all explore and conquer the outside world.

Although they all have strategic significance, they are still different from frontal assault armies like the wetland lizard warriors.

Lear thought for a while, and summoned the swamp banshees to accompany the army.

These banshees can be exploited now.

Their singing is perfect for attracting monsters.

Safe and efficient.

After thinking about it, I brought 8 more Bubble Beasts.

Since we plan to enslave more swamp life, these cute little guys are the best helpers.

The bubble prison they create is a perfect match with the skill of God's Remaining Power.

After the army gathered, they set off directly.

The gathering place of the half-murlocs is 25 kilometers south of Weilu City ↓, and it will take a while to get there.

Cross the farmland area and enter the unexplored area to the south of ↓.

After another four or five kilometers, the vegetation in the swamp in front of us was extremely lush.

Large tracts of weeds with slender canes clung to the silt, and loose silt accumulated beneath the grass.

From time to time, half of the yellowed bones can be seen exposed from under the grass.

Buzz buzz~

The sound of mosquitoes could be heard in the ears, which combined with the stuffy hot environment made people feel a little annoyed.

Stepping on the muddy ground, the wetland lizard man's webbed feet spread slightly to increase the contact area as much as possible.

Even in soft mud, these swamp lifeforms can walk easily.

Lear is different from them. Magic power wraps around his body, making him as light as a feather. He can even step on water plants and move forward.

In the swamp, his magic recovery speed is more than ten times that of the outside world, allowing him to maintain it for a long time.


Suddenly, a shrill scream brought the army to a halt.

Lear turned around to look, and saw a wetland lizard man falling in the mud, covering his feet and rolling back and forth with a twisted expression.

The wails of pain were particularly penetrating.

His body was shaking uncontrollably, and he even buried his head in the mud without consciousness.

Hagus stepped forward quickly with an ugly expression, held the opponent down and took a look, then raised his head and said.

"Master, it was bitten by the black-spotted red bloodworm!"

Lear frowned.

"poisonous insect?"

Haggis's eyes were serious.

"Yes, Lord, we are not immune to the pain caused by red blood worms!"

"These venomous insects are highly venomous and like to occupy large areas as hunting grounds."

"I'm afraid this place is already covered with red bloodworms!"

"They live in the mud underground. Once there is a big movement on the surface, they will retreat underground. Their holes can even go hundreds of meters underground, making them extremely difficult to deal with."

The dragon's excrement has bottomed out, and it is impossible to carry it with you all the time when going hunting.

Without the deterrence of the dragon, poisonous insects in the swamp may appear at any time.

The two wetland lizardmen lifted their injured companion over. Lear looked down and saw an exaggerated swelling in the gap in the leg armor.

The scales were bulging, and blood could be seen seeping out from the gaps.

Bounty of the Swamp.

Magic power surged, and a healing spell made the wetland lizard man's pain subside slightly, and the expression on his face relaxed.

"Come closer to me."

After the words fell, the remaining power of the gods radiated out.

You can faintly feel that the insects hidden under the short grass and mud are quietly escaping deep underground.

"How do these poisonous insects compare to swamp spiders?"

Haggis shook his head.

"Although the venom of swamp spiders is strong, it is still not as poisonous as the black-spotted red blood worms. It is said that these poisonous insects are mutated by devouring the flesh and blood of giant dragons. Although the level is not high, they are extremely poisonous."

How come any life can be related to a giant dragon?

Lear's mouth twitched.

He looked down at the ground, thoughtfully.

It seems a pity to let such a poisonous insect go.

While thinking, he turned to look at the Swamp Banshee beside him.

"Can you lure out these poisonous insects hiding underground?"

The Swamp Banshee nodded immediately.

"Master, let's try."

Although they have the inheritance of wisdom, they have just hatched and have far less experience. They are not sure whether the singing will be effective on insects.

The three swamp banshees slightly opened their red lips, and their white teeth set off each other.

The next moment, a melodious and soft singing voice came from the mouth.

It felt like a pair of warm hands massaging the soul to Lear.

The whole person was soaked in the warm water and felt comfortable.


The grass shook.

Lear clearly sensed that in the underground soil, lives exuding unique aura began to climb upward.

In a moment, a few meters ahead, a thumb-thick, 20 cm long, dark red worm covered with black spots crawled out of the mud onto the short grass on the surface.

Looking around, there were thousands of them densely packed in this area.

Just one look was enough to make one's scalp numb.

Haggs's face changed.

Fortunately, they didn't go too deep. If they all crawled out, half of them would have died here!

Black-spotted red bloodworm

[Level]: Level 3

[Potential]: 1 star

[Racial talent]: Highly toxic, can produce soul poison in the body, cannot be immune, after poisoning, the soul will gradually fester.

[Skill]: Poison sac (1 star) can store up to half of the body weight of venom.

[Evaluation]: A poisonous insect with terrible toxins.

It is indeed a poisonous insect, both the talent and the skill are highly toxic!

Although the level is not high, the attached toxin is not simple.

Li Er's eyes were delighted.

"Let these black-spotted red bloodworms gather here. Bring them back to the territory!"

Finding poisonous insects and poisonous plants is also one of the goals of exploration. The smelly giant monsters that occupied the ancient ruins are waiting to be enjoyed.

The swamp banshee is worthy of being a life with 3-star potential. Her singing is melodious and those insects seem to have found some sweet food and rush over quickly.

Lear saw a plant as wide as a banana leaf on the side, and asked the wetland lizardman to pick a few leaves and put them in front of him.

The black-spotted red bloodworms immediately climbed up by themselves. Thousands of insects crawled densely, which looked disgusting.

After the insects were not missed, the bubble beast spit out bubbles and collected them all.

Although these black-spotted red bloodworms are disgusting, they are also deadly means if used well!

At least, the smelly giant monsters are very suitable for these little things.

Lear's mood improved a little.

Let the army continue to move forward.

After this incident, everyone's vigilance was raised again.

During this period, they encountered a lot of poisonous mosquitoes, but they were not as valuable as the black-spotted red bloodworms.

When there were less than five kilometers left to the gathering place of the half-merfolk, the wetland lizardmen who were exploring in front sent back information--

A half-merfolk sentry was found in front.

Lear immediately perked up, and the fatigue caused by several hours of rushing was swept away.

Finally, the main show began!

In order to prevent accidents, he waved his hand and asked Hagus to go there in person and take down the sentry.

The wetland lizardman hero responded in a low voice and immediately disappeared from sight.

When he arrived in front, Hagus had two more half-merfolk captives with bruised skin and swollen faces in his hands.

These guys covered in mucus exuded a disgusting stench, which looked quite disgusting.

Lear turned his head and looked at the swamp banshee with light blue long hair beside him.

Needless to say, the other party immediately stepped forward.

Her red lips slightly opened, and the beautiful singing was lingering and melodious.

Several terrified merfolk instantly lost their minds and showed silly expressions, watching the swamp banshee laughing foolishly.

The saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths.

Seeing this, Lear couldn't help but take a closer look at the swamp banshee.

These 3-star potential magical lives are really more useful the more they are used.

It's a pity that there are only 3 of them.

And it takes 20 years to breed them, so it's too late to give birth now.

"How many people are there in your territory now? Where is your chief?"

"Everyone is in the territory, and the chief is leading the tribe to worship the Father God"


Lear raised his eyebrows.

The merfolk captives captured in the morning also said the same thing. Are these guys so pious?

They worship every few days.

The merfolk spoke in a fanatical tone.

"The great Father God will be revived, and the merfolk will eventually rise!"

"Everyone will submit to the Father God"

"This swamp will belong to the merfolk, and the entire wilderness will also be ruled by us!"

The piety of the believers is worthless, and the other party's almost crazy tone made Lear frown slightly.

When he was about to continue the interrogation, the intelligence system in his mind suddenly refreshed new information-

[You have heard the information about the revival of the merfolk god, and additionally triggered related intelligence-after the merfolk god fell a million years ago, only a wisp of residual soul remained sleeping, and it was not until last month that he woke up. ]

[The merfolk of the slime clan happened to be nearby. These merfolk were once again shrouded by the eyes of their father god and began to fight for the merfolk god. ]

[The residual soul of the merfolk god contains a unique divinity, and the gods cannot be killed by ordinary means. ]

[But the swamp godhood can erase the other party's residual soul. ]

Lear saw the prompt of the intelligence system, and his breathing suddenly condensed.

I just felt dry mouth and a surge of hot blood rushed into my mind from my back.

The merman's words about the awakening of the Father God turned out to be true? ! !

The merman god who had fallen for a million years was resurrected! !

The most important thing is that he can wipe out the other party's residual soul.

A word that made everyone in the Nor plane tremble suddenly appeared in my mind - God-killing!

The whole person's blood was boiling.




PS: There are more than two million words of fine novels: "Global Lord: Starting to Become a Desert Lord" is more exciting, everyone who likes lord novels can try it~

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