The giant wasp nest has more than a dozen exits.

Feeling the movement in the outside world, a large number of wasps buzzed and flapped their wings and flew out of their nests.

But the moment it leaves the nest, it will be shrouded in thick smoke. It cannot fly more than three to five meters before falling straight down.

The black dragon broadleaf grass with the addition of dragon excrement has become a nightmare for mire wasps.

Ordinary people will only feel a little bit choking when smelling the burning of this plant, and will only feel slightly dizzy if they smell too much.

But the mire wasp smelled it as if it had swallowed poison.

The ground was covered with layers of swamp wasps, some of which were still crawling and twitching. They were densely packed and looked extremely scary.

People with trypophobia are afraid of exploding on the spot when they see this scene.

Lear calmed down and continued to order.

"Boobo, use bubble bombs to blow up their nests!"

The Bubble Beast beside him immediately blew bubbles.

Each giant bubble with a diameter of three meters was like a discharged cannonball, streaking across the sky and hitting the wasp's nest.


A thunderous sound exploded, causing waves of air.

Large areas of nests collapsed, and debris scattered all over the sky.

Buzz buzz~

A large number of mire wasps accompanies the nest to fall.

He flapped his wings crazily and wanted to fly away.

But the surrounding thick smoke has covered a hundred meters in the surrounding area, and the thick smoke is billowing, making it impossible to escape.

In the blink of an eye, he twitched and fell from the air, following in the footsteps of his companions.



Bubble beast attacks madly with bubble bombs one after another.

These 3-star potential, level 8 magic beings now show their powerful side.

Transformed into a magic fort!

The small city-like wasp nest was blown to pieces.

The swamp wasp that flew out was instantly enveloped in smoke and lost its power.

Such continuous attacks soon destroyed half of the wasp nests.


Buzz buzz~

From the upper half of the nest, a large number of swamp wasps flew out.

A giant mire wasp with a wingspan of more than half a meter, a black flesh crown growing on its head, and exuding an extremely dangerous aura was clustered in the center.

After these swamp wasps appeared, they flapped their wings frantically, creating a strong airflow that blew away the thick smoke below.

Barely got a place to breathe.

At this time, the swamp wasp hovering in the sky above the edge seemed to sense something and rushed madly into the thick fog.


The giant swamp wasps clustered in the center noticed this scene and let out a harsh roar.

The swamp wasps stopped suddenly, flew upward, and flapped their wings above the smoke.

Lear's pupils shrank.

His eyes were fixed on the giant mire wasp.

A strong excitement arose within me.

The prey has appeared!

Mire Queen

[Level]: Level 10

[Status]: Transforming

[Evaluation]: The queen who leads the swamp wasps has incredible power. The swamp wasps are not social beings, but after the swamp queen is born, they will automatically be ruled by the swamp queen.

The attributes of the Mire Queen Bee are surprisingly simple, with only one level and one state of transformation.

Other skills and talents are not displayed at all.

But the unknown is the most alarming.

Under the command of the queen, the mire wasps began to move around the smoke and join their ranks.

The fanning air waves became more and more fierce, and the smoke began to be gradually dispersed.

Seeing this, Lear's eyes became sharper.

After preparing for so long, you still managed to escape me? !

Just as the Swamp Queen was watching the situation gradually reverse, her compound eyes suddenly saw round, smoky spheres bursting out from the smoke below.

In an instant, he was close to a distance of about ten meters.

A bad feeling suddenly arose in my heart.

But there was no time to react yet.


The ball of smoke suddenly expanded and exploded.

Terrifying air waves mixed with thick smoke swept in all directions.

The newly assembled formation was instantly shattered, and thick smoke covered all the Swamp Hornets.


The swamp wasps fell crazily like rain, and the dense formation was cleared instantly.

The swamp queen was caught off guard and took a few puffs of smoke, and she was instantly shaken.

Lear's eyes were as bright as a torch and his senses were fully open.

Through the smoke, you can clearly see the situation on the field.

"Boobo, catch the swamp queen!"

The little guy beside him immediately spit out bubbles and silently approached the Bog Bee who was still struggling to fly away.

He accelerated violently and pounced on him, wanting to imprison him directly.

But the Mire Bee Queen swung her tail sting.


Thousands of swamp wasps lay on it and stabbed the bubble without any damage, but it was directly exploded by the opponent!

Bobo was unwilling to give in, but several bubbles in a row were in vain.

At this moment, under the erosion of the smoke, the Mire Queen Bee has fallen to the ground.

Ordinary mire wasps will fall after taking one puff of smoke, but the queen was still struggling after taking dozens of puffs, and even tried to take off and escape several times.

After trying to no avail, the Mire Queen Bee exuded a special power, and a faint yellow shield quietly rose from the body surface, and actually began to block the thick smoke.

Once it calms down, the opponent will fly away immediately.

Lear's eyes narrowed and he waved.

"Come forward with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out of the bubble and galloped towards the Swamp Queen.

The Bubble Beast behind him followed without any hesitation and rushed into the smoke.

In the almost crazy run, the distance of two hundred meters passed in a flash.

The queen bee of the mud swamp noticed something, turned her head suddenly, and stared at the figure passing through the smoke with her compound eyes.

At this moment, Lear could clearly sense the cold murderous intent coming from the other party.

"Human, you are looking for death!!"

A spirit swept all around, and a curse full of anger sounded in Lear's mind.

The queen bee of the mud swamp already has a strong wisdom.

Lear ignored it, walked forward indifferently, and the surging power on his body burst out.

Sacred and inviolable.

The majestic and majestic divine power suppressed all directions.


Like a bell and drum vibrating in the mind.

The queen bee of the mud swamp trembled.

Almost out of control, the pale yellow shield floating on the surface of the body suddenly shattered.

The billowing smoke invaded, and the breath that had just recovered a little suddenly exhausted.

"Humans who don't deserve to die, no!!"

"No one can enslave the great swamp wasp!!"

A series of screaming spirits attacked fiercely, with an almost crazy roar.

Lear's face was stern and his eyes were like an eagle.

"Imprison it!"

The bubble beast behind him immediately blew bubbles and forcibly imprisoned the swamp queen bee.

But the trapped beast was even more fierce, and the sharp stinger swung and broke the bubble again.

The bubble beast was also angry.

Eight people blew bubbles at the same time, and then merged together, increasing the diameter of the bubble to 6 meters.

Covering from top to bottom, the lower part suddenly opened the mouth, like a bowl, and buckled it inside.

The weak swamp queen bee was twitching on the ground at this moment, trying to struggle to fight back, but she could no longer stab the bubble.

At the same time, the remaining 8 bubbles that were still emitting thick smoke also came over.

Three of them merged into the big bubble.

The exaggerated smoke directly filled the entire bubble.

The madly struggling swamp queen bee let out a painful wail.

The divine might rolled down.

Directly cooperated with the thick smoke to corrode the soul.




The endless divine might was like a mountain collapsing, like a tsunami hanging upside down under the sky.

The swamp queen bee wanted to resist, but she only felt the terrifying pressure coming, making her soul creak and almost crushed.

With the weakness of her body, she was no longer able to resist.

The breath of life gradually weakened, and her consciousness was also blurred.

When she was about to feel that her life was coming to an end, she was still unwilling to relax, but in the end she was exhausted and fainted in pain.

Then the subconscious could feel that there seemed to be something more in her mind, and the deep hatred for that human being dissipated at once.

I just feel that it seems that surrendering to the other party is also a very good thing.

[You use black dragon broadleaf grass mixed with dragon feces to create a super version of smoke, conquer the swamp wasps, and enslave the swamp queen bee, and get two additional pieces of information-1. You can use the swamp queen bee to control the entire swamp wasp, and imprint the breath of the residents of the city of Dew in the soul of the swamp queen bee, so that the swamp wasp can distinguish between enemies and friends. ]

[2. Swamp wasps will die quickly if they inhale excessive smoke mixed with black dragon broadleaf grass and dragon feces, but they can be detoxified by soaking in clean water for three minutes. ]

Lear looked at the refreshed information with a huge surprise in his eyes.

Hahaha. I am a Taoist!

This is a group of tens of thousands of swamp wasps.

What is a wave of fat, what the hell is a wave of fat! !

"Dispel the smoke immediately, all Bubble Beasts go to the pond to get clean water and soak the Swamp Wasps in it."

"From now on, these Swamp Wasps are ours!!"

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