Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 63 Redstone Tribe Demiplane?

The battle subsided, and Lear stood in the swarm of insects, turned his head and looked at the two-headed ogre corpse that had already been silent, and was a little surprised in his heart.

These are fierce level 10 warriors.

Even if they were placed in Loran City, they are elite!

These seventy or eighty people were drowned by the swarm in a few minutes.

The two are completely not at the same level.

He felt relieved.

This power is now completely under his control!

He waved his hand to let the wetland lizardmen who came from behind take back the two-headed ogre chieftain who temporarily broke through and became a hero.

The bodies of others were directly carried back to the territory.

The blood-eating flesh-slayer was still waiting for food.

The battle broke out suddenly, and ended even more suddenly.

When Lear returned to the territory with the swarm of bees, Bain was staring at the hideous mud wasps in the sky, his eyes full of disbelief.

"My Lord, these mud wasps"

He stuttered for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

It was true that he had the Black Dragon Broadleaf Grass collected, but he did not expect that Lear was not going to hunt the queen bee, but to enslave the entire hive.

Who could have thought of this?

Outrageous, too outrageous!!

Lear smiled.

He pointed to the swamp queen bee flying slowly beside him.

"Bain, this is the swamp queen bee - Akania. She will lead the bee colony."

"These swamp wasps will not harm our residents."

Bane immediately saluted the swamp queen bee.

"Bain, hello, Lord Akania."

"At present, the lord has appointed me to temporarily handle the government affairs of the City of Dew. You can ask for anything you need."

In this world full of magic, as long as life reaches a certain level, it will basically have strong wisdom.

They have long been accustomed to it.

Akania looked at Bain with her compound eyes.

The spirit emanated.

"Greetings, Lord Bain, I am the master's loyal servant."

Bain's heart trembled.

He secretly glanced at the calm Lear.

He shouted wildly in his heart.

Sure enough, sure enough.

The Lord must be the Son of God, he must be!!

Otherwise it would be impossible to be so outrageous. This is the cruel and tyrannical Queen of the Swamp Bee.

How long has it been since he became a loyal servant? !

But he was not convinced. In terms of loyalty, who can compare with him? !

Lear didn't know that this swamp man hero had so many psychological activities, and said slowly.

"You should communicate frequently. There are still many things that need your cooperation in the future."

Bain and the Queen of the Swamp Bee responded in unison.

"Yes, Lord."

"As you wish, my Lord."

Lear nodded, thought for a while, and said softly.

"Akaniya, send people to explore the vicinity of the City of Weird Dew to see where to build a nest."

There are 12 tall tree people in the central area of ​​the City of Weird Dew.

But compared to the towering tree of 70 to 80 meters high where the swamp wasps originally built their nests, it is still too small to support more than 90,000 swamp wasps.

Moreover, if they are stationed in the territory, tens of thousands of swamp wasps will rise and fall every day, which will produce huge noise.

He just experienced it deeply.

Being surrounded by insect swarms is cool, but the noise is really unbearable for ordinary people.

It is unbearable to have a mosquito flying by your ear, and tens of thousands of swamp wasps with a wingspan of 30 cm flying up can kill you.

"Yes, master."

The swamp queen bee immediately responded.

After leaving, she flapped her wings and flew into the swarm of insects in the sky, and ordered the worker bees to search for suitable areas for nesting.

At the same time, some swamp wasps were asked to go back to dismantle the old nest.

Lear didn't care about Akania. The queen bee was no less intelligent than an ordinary adult, so she arranged it herself.

As for the nesting location, he didn't have high requirements, as long as it was within 3 kilometers.

Swamp wasps are flying creatures, and they can quickly come to support even if they are a little far away.

The distance will not cause too much restriction.

After Akaniya left, Bain seemed to think of something and stepped forward cautiously.

Looking at the strange behavior of this swamp hero, he asked curiously.

"Bain, what else?"

Bain immediately said firmly.

"My lord, my loyalty to you is unmatched by anyone!"

Lear's mouth twitched, why did he say this for no reason?

"Okay, I know, go down to work"

Bain immediately turned around and left happily.

Look, my lord still needs me!

The impact today is a bit big, and this swamp man's mentality is unbalanced.

While thinking, Lear looked at the wetland lizardman who was carrying the corpse of the two-headed ogre.

He stepped up.

"All these corpses are sent to the side of the flesh and blood slaughterer."

The divine life that is transforming needs flesh and blood to complete the transformation.

He hasn't fed much since he got it yesterday.

At this time, Bubble Beast also returned with more than 100,000 level 5 swamp wasp corpses.

More than a dozen large bubbles were filled.

Li Er waved his hand and asked these little guys to follow the wetland lizardmen.

The flesh slaughterer was placed next to the level 9 swamp treeman.

Since these treemen were conquered, their presence has been very low.

But as the last line of defense of the City of Wisdom, it has always been his safety guarantee for hunting during this period.

As long as the level of the swamp treeman is upgraded to level 10, it can leave the earth and walk freely.

The role it can play is completely different.

Unfortunately, it will take some time for authority to be revealed.

Now he cannot promote lives with potential above 2 stars.

Soon, the wetland lizardmen piled dozens of two-headed ogre corpses that were two meters tall and as strong as bulls next to the sleeping flesh and blood slaughterer.

The sturdy two-headed ogre instantly turned into a baby compared to the flesh-and-blood slaughterer who was over 3 meters tall without his head.

Massive swamp wasp carcasses were also dumped aside, piling up into a hill.


What a feeding.

Lear looked at the stitched monster and raised his eyebrows slightly.

I opened the previous intelligence prompt and looked at it a few more times.

Is it the same as improving the potential of the wetland lizardmen before?

In confusion, he suddenly saw a faint scarlet light emitting from the flesh and blood slaughterer.

Light surged out and enveloped the surrounding corpses.

The corpses seemed to have been soaked in high-concentration sulfuric acid.


Emitting puffs of smoke.

Then let it stir-fry quickly to dissolve.

It turns into residue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The speed was so fast, in just a dozen breaths, more than 100,000 mire wasps, and seventy or eighty two-headed ogre corpses were all devoured.

There were only fragments of debris left on the field.

Lear could sense that after devouring so many corpses, the aura of the Flesh Slayer became slightly stronger.

After eating so much, he only got a little bigger?

He was quite surprised and delighted.

The opponent's foundation is absolutely terrifying.

Cultivate, intensify cultivation!

And with the presence of these terrifying natural disasters like swamp wasps, hunting can be carried out on a larger scale.

Don’t worry about flesh and blood.

At this moment, a wetland lizardman warrior came quickly to report the news.

"Master, the captured two-headed ogre has awakened and asked to see you."

Lear was a little surprised.

How long did it take for the two-headed ogre chief to wake up after being so seriously injured?

Somewhat curious, he turned around.

Arriving at the holding area, Lear looked at the awakened ogre with interest.

The two-headed ogre chief was now bound like a rice dumpling by chains as thick as his thumb.

It was difficult to even breathe and I couldn't move at all.

Haggis stared at it coldly. Once the other party made any change, the wetland lizard man hero would immediately teach him how to behave with a steel knife.

Tap tap~ tap tap~

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the two-headed ogre chief lying on the ground, covered in bruises, with swollen eyelids and only a line of eyes exposed, looked sideways.

The heroic figure he saw before he fell into coma gradually became clearer.

His face became a little complicated.

"I didn't expect that humans would build a territory in this swamp."

Lear looked down at this creature with two heads calmly.

The opponent has a main head and a smaller secondary head growing next to its neck.

It was the main head that spoke, and the secondary head always had its eyes closed.

These lives are really interesting. In modern times, these are called conjoined twins. They are congenital defects that can be cured.

The two-headed ogre didn't wait for Lear to answer, and his voice became deeper.

"Great human lord, I am willing to use all the wealth of the Red Stone Tribe in exchange for my life."

"My revenge has not been completed yet, and I am not willing to accept it! Even if it means death, I will hang all those damn betrayers!"

Lear's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Red Stone Tribe? Where are your people? Also in the swamp?"

The two-headed ogre subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but couldn't move his head and his body squirmed.

After regaining consciousness, he said bitterly.

"No, the Red Stone Tribe is not in the main plane. Our tribe exists in a demi-plane."

As he spoke, his tone became excited.

"Those damn traitors killed my father half a year ago and took away the throne!"

"While escaping, my men and I accidentally came to the swamp."

"The Redstone Tribe has the wealth we have accumulated over hundreds of years. As long as you are willing to help me eradicate that damn traitor, I am willing to dedicate everything to you."

"Even if it means my life!"


Lear's pupils shrank.

These two-headed ogres are not from the main plane, but from a demiplane? ! !

This made him curious.

Outside of the main plane, there are countless dimensional planes.

These planes are dead and empty. Some are rich in minerals and have piled up into mountains. Some are buried with the relics of ancient civilizations. Some are the nests of some powerful beings.

But without exception, every time the dimensional plane connects to the main plane, it will attract countless prying eyes.

Because this means that there may be an unexplored treasure waiting for him to lift his skirt.

A demiplane is a world that has not developed into a complete plane.

But no matter what, he was very interested.

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