Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 68 Cleaning tools, fishtail grass, mosquito queen conquering ing

The excited Bain nodded repeatedly.

The growth rate of this thing is too exaggerated.

Perfect for making pig feed!

Immediately, people were summoned to cut down trees and build pig pens.

In order to speed up the progress, about two hundred people were directly ordered and the three-tailed pigs were driven to the flat land 3 kilometers southeast.

Building a pigsty doesn't have to be too complicated. You just need to keep the pigs in a pen, prevent them from running around, and prevent sneak attacks by wild beasts.

In the future, as the number increases, troops will definitely be stationed here.

With the strength of many people, enough trees were soon cut down to surround an open space with a diameter of a hundred meters.

It is more than enough to raise these 20 three-tailed pigs.

Lear looked at the three-tailed pig that was imprisoned inside, feeling quite happy.

He directed the crowd to open up a large open space in the mud next to the pig pen.

Divide the colorful moss into dozens of parts and place one piece far apart.

This piece of muddy land was originally fertile, and after the colorful moss was placed there, it started a show of crazy growth.

However, the fertility is still not as good as that of pig excrement. After half a palm grows to a full palm, it slowly stops growing.

After spreading it out, Lear saw it more clearly.

The colorful moss has absorbed all the fertility of the surrounding five or six meters of land.

The originally dark mud turned a little white, and even the smell faded.

These moss grow quickly, but their demand for fertility is indeed exaggerated.

But it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

While thinking, Lear thought of some key points and looked at Bain happily.

"Take some of it back to Weilu City later for planting."

Bain was a little confused.

"Return to the city to plant?"

This is a bit difficult to use. The territory is only so wide.

Lear nodded.

"The toilets in the territory are still temporary, right?"

"I will give you a rough drawing of the septic tank later, and you can have someone build one first."

"In the future, everyone must gather together to go to the toilet!"

"Beside the septic tank, build a planting area of ​​colorful moss."

"The daily waste of residents is all natural fertilizer."

As he talked, Lear felt more and more the magical effects of the colorful moss.

Don't talk about excrement like feces.

Daily kitchen waste and dirty sewers can eventually flow into colorful moss.

This thing is no longer fodder, it can completely become a cleaning tool for the territory.

It is also harmless and does not require any energy or resources.

And after it grows and reproduces, it can also be used to feed three-tailed pigs!

This is serious biological pollution control.

After opening my mind, my eyes changed instantly when I looked at the colorful moss.

Bain was stunned at first, and then he became excited after thinking about it.

I immediately felt like a new world had opened up. How could this thing be played like this?

"Sir, this is a wonderful idea!"

"Genius idea!"

"Perfect idea!"

"I'll make arrangements right away!"

Lear laughed.

"There is no rush. The most urgent task is to let the three-tailed pigs give birth to more cubs as soon as possible to multiply the group."

Three-tailed pigs can give birth to one litter every four months, with at least 10 piglets in each litter.

With this exaggerated reproduction speed, the number can increase dozens of times in just one or two years.

Once it reaches scale, it’s time to harvest.

After thinking about it, he summoned the level 11 two-headed ogre chief.

This person is an expert in raising pigs. After all, the three-tailed pig is a treasure that he needs to take with him when he flees.

Soon, Aite, who was nearly three meters tall and looked like a little giant, walked quickly with two heads on his head.

When he saw Lear, he immediately raised his chest and bowed respectfully.

"Good day, Master."

Lear nodded and motioned to the pig pen that was surrounded in front of him.

"Three-tailed pigs will be raised here in the future. You need to teach the staff here about breeding methods."

Bain has already arranged for 10 people to be responsible for future breeding.

Hearing this, they all looked at the two-headed ogre chief curiously.

The smaller sub-head on Aite's neck still had its eyes closed, like a sculpture, and the main head opened its mouth.

"Sir, the reproduction of three-tailed pigs is very simple. Just feed them enough and they will reproduce naturally."

"And their mating success rate is extremely high. They don't need to be managed at all. The only thing you have to pay attention to is not to let them starve."

Lear's mouth twitched, foodies are easy to feed, right?

After finishing speaking, Aite pointed to the nearest three-tailed pig and said.

"Those with erect ears are boars, and those with drooped ears are sows. Of these 20, 16 are sows, and all of them are pregnant with cubs."

"It is expected to be produced by the end of the month."

Lear felt it was amazing that he could tell how long he was pregnant and what kind of baby he would give birth to at a glance.

What kind of magical vet is this?

Looking at Lear's surprised gaze, Aite explained with a little pride.

"Master, this is all a long-term experience."

"Three-tailed pigs have faint lines on their abdomens, which appear every month or so. You can identify them if you look at them more often."

Lear gave a thumbs up.

When it comes to raising pigs, you have to be a pig.

I wouldn’t care to read The Book of Getting Rich without you.

Let the two-headed ogre chief pass on all his experience to the breeding staff.

After working for more than two hours, the first batch of glorious pig farm breeding experts were trained.

The meat on the table of Wei Lu City in the future will all depend on them.

After the matter here was dealt with, another good news came back-

The fishtail grass was caught!

Lear immediately took Bain to the fish farm in the north to check curiously.

At this time, more than a dozen vine-woven frames on the ground were filled with dark green water plants.

The leaves of these water plants looked like fish tails, which was very strange.

However, it was obviously just fished out, and there was still a lot of silt on it that had not been cleaned up.

The dragon blood red fish in the fish pond smelled the smell at this moment, and it kept splashing on the water surface, appearing quite anxious.

Fishtail grass

[Characteristics]: Contains relatively rich energy.

[Evaluation]: These water plants will take root in the deep mud to absorb nutrients.

Fishtail grass has no level and its attributes are also very simple.

Lear curiously stepped forward to pick up a handful, cleaned it by the water, and then threw it directly into the fish pond in front.


The dragon blood red fish with long beard, bright colors and slender body immediately looked like a wolf that smelled blood.

It swung its tail wildly, opened its mouth wide and began to grab food.

It was in sharp contrast to its previous appearance of not saying anything.

This large handful of fishtail grass was eaten up in a few bites.

It was obviously hungry these days.

"My lord, there is still a silt vacant land here. We can plant these fishtail grass here."

Bain's tone was a little happy. The problem of the dragon blood red fish was solved, which made him feel relieved.

These 2-star magical lives can finally be fed! !

Li Er nodded happily.

"Raise them all!"

Isn't it just like this to develop a territory, open up planting little by little, raise various livestock and poultry, and at the same time develop the army and strengthen yourself.

At present, everything is going well.

After these two things were dealt with, Li Er, who was in a good mood, looked up at the sky.

With a thought, he asked the swamp wasps flying above his head to call the swamp queen bee.

The internal affairs have been settled, it's time to do something bloody.

The life span of the swamp wasps is only three months, which is too outrageous.

And only the blood essence produced by the mosquito queen can prolong their lives. This matter cannot be delayed for too long, the sooner the better.

He is not sure how long these swamp wasps have lived.

If their life span expires in two days, and 30,000 or 50,000 are killed at once, it will be a headache.

First, attack the mosquito queen, stabilize the strategic forces in hand, and then plan other things.

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