Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 80 Tonight, the 10th intelligence update

The next day, when Lear woke up, the residents in the territory were still discussing the performance last night.

Almost everyone was indignant about the final outcome, and it seemed as if there was a fire hidden in their chests, making them feel uneasy.

Even the passers-by were discussing it.

An immersive performance blessed by the singing of the swamp banshees really opened their eyes.

It turned out that there were such interesting, novel, and unforgettable things in this world.

The performance on the stage was so close to them, but it seemed like another world.

It was really magical.

And I heard from Lord Bain that this was a drama that the lord personally taught to the swamp banshees, and even the human nobles could not enjoy it.

Whenever I think of this, I will feel a little proud and contempt for the human nobles.

The sense of identity with the City of Dew will also quietly rise.

When Lear saw the swamp banshees who had already started rehearsing outside.

I was surprised to find that the swamp banshees, who had been upgraded to level 6 yesterday, had another upgrade at this time.

Level 7! !

In just one night, it soared from level 3 to level 7! !

It's really exaggerated.

Although the lower the level, the easier it is to upgrade, but the doubling is still a bit shocking.

His previous level upgrade was using the soul of the half-fish god as nourishment.

But looking at the crowd, I'm afraid it won't take much time for them to be upgraded.

When the swamp sirens saw Lear, they immediately came over excitedly.

"Good day, master"

"Can we still perform on stage tonight?"

The great success of the first performance yesterday made them a little addicted.

Lear waved his hand.

"Put it on hold. Good plays don't have to be performed every day."

"Polish it first and make up for the shortcomings of this performance."

"In addition, you can also rehearse new programs."

He said meaningfully.

"How could the Wei Lu City Drama Troupe have only one play?"

The swamp sirens immediately became excited.

"Master, please reward me!"

In their view, drama is Lear's reward to them.

After last night, almost all the residents looked at them with kindness and excitement.

Before, because of the temptation of the swamp people, many people in the territory kept their distance from them.

Not as close as now.

And the benefits of the kindness of the crowd are also obvious, making the emotions emitted by the other party easier to be swallowed by them.

Once they resist them, even if they swallow the emotions, they will need a lot of time to digest.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get such a big improvement in such a short time.

Lear said slowly.

"This play is called Hamlet."

As one of Shakespeare's four major tragedies, this play can be said to be enduring.

But the story and background of Hamlet are more complex and grand than Romeo and Juliet, and Lear can no longer remember the details.

I can only give a rough account, which can be simply summarized in five words - the revenge of the prince.

The old king was murdered by his younger brother Claudius and usurped the throne. Later, the other party married the old king's wife as queen.

After Prince Hamlet knew the reason for all this, he took revenge on his uncle.

This involves betrayal, vendetta, ethics, the throne, power. Almost all of them are eye-catching plots.

The meaning behind them is also very profound.

This set of plots is somewhat explosive in the eyes of modern people, but it is definitely the most novel thing in this world.

After the story outline is described, Lear can only leave the plot setting, dialogue, stage layout, etc. to the swamp witches to design by themselves.

These succubi, who rely on illusions to lure enemies, have enough knowledge inheritance and are serious professional counterparts for storytelling.

This is also an exercise, and in the future they will have to weave more stories that fit this world.

To create on your own, you must have enough foundation.

The swamp witches have a strong ability to comprehend, and they have already tasted the sweetness of drama, so they are full of energy to learn.

After mastering the key threads of the story, they went down with great interest to fill this huge story with flesh and blood.

The prince's revenge to regain the throne has always been an enduring legend.

The performance will not be much worse than Romeo and Juliet.

After this matter was settled, Li Er was still a little worried about the evil god sacrifice.

He summoned a squadron of wetland lizardmen and asked them to go to the place of sacrifice discovered yesterday to continue searching.

The most suitable for exploration is actually flying life, but although the level of the mud swamp wasp is not low, its intelligence is not high, and it can only accept some simple commands.

If it is too far away from itself, the exploration effect will be greatly reduced.

It is difficult to distinguish between evil god worshipers and ordinary swamp life.

It can only be left to the wetland lizardmen to explore.

After receiving the order, the army immediately set off to the south.

Now that there are enough people, some things can be done calmly.

Before this, he could only lead the troops to explore by himself.

Li Er, who was in a better mood, thought of the swift lizard he cultivated yesterday.

He turned around immediately.

When he approached the breeding area, there was some surprise in his eyes.

The little lizard that was still the size of a palm yesterday has now grown to a full half a meter tall.

The hind limbs of the body gradually become thicker, supporting the entire body, and the development of the forelimbs goes to the other extreme - the claws become sharp and strong, but gradually become smaller.

Started to walk only on hind limbs.

The teeth in the mouth became as sharp as razors, making it very easy to bite flesh and bones.

As for the twenty corpses, most of them had been eaten at this moment, and there were still two or three broken corpses piled on the ground.

The lizard didn't pay attention to anything else, opened its mouth suddenly, and bit directly at the corpse.

He easily tore off a large piece of flesh and blood, raised his head and shook it a few times to adjust the position, and then swallowed it directly.

Blood covered the corners of his mouth and head, which made people feel terrified.

Haggis, who was guarding at the side, saw Lear's arrival and immediately stepped forward excitedly, holding his chest and saluting.

"Good day, Lord."

Lear nodded.

"How is the cultivation going? But are there any problems?"

"Everything goes well, you just need to provide enough flesh and blood, and it will take up to three days to transform into a velociraptor lizard."

Haggis's eyes were filled with excitement.

It feels so wonderful to be able to personally cultivate the legendary soldiers among the lizardmen.

Lear looked at the broken corpses on the ground, his eyes moving slightly.

"How many more bodies are expected to be needed?"

"The specific number is at least thirty or fifty, and we can't estimate it yet."

Talking about this gives Huggs a little headache.

As the top unit of the lizard people, it goes without saying that it is powerful and powerful, but it is also very difficult to cultivate.

Flesh and flesh are the best food, and food is a precious strategic resource in the wilderness.

Not only does cultivation require flesh and blood support, but food is also needed to maintain it in the future.

Even a powerful lizardman tribe can hardly afford to raise too many cold-blooded cavalry.

Lear felt troubled by happiness.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the three-tailed pig.

If this is the case, then you can only cultivate part of it first. It will take some time for the three-tailed pig to grow.

But as long as the pig farm can get on track, with colorful moss growing at an exaggerated rate, these won't be a problem.

"In the past few days, the hunting harvest will be provided to you first."

After saying that, people immediately summoned the two-headed ogre chief.

He looked at this level 11 hero who had not yet completed his transformation with burning eyes.

"Aite, you lead two hundred wetland lizardmen to hunt in the east direction. The range is controlled within 20 kilometers. Don't leave too far from the territory."

"Retreat immediately when in danger."

"The territory needs a lot of flesh and blood!"

The other party was also unambiguous and immediately took the order and left.

He is still in the process of transformation, which is expected to take about ten days to complete.

Blood and killing can make him gain more understanding and become stronger!

Ogres have never been cowards, the battlefield is where they belong!

After Aite left, Lear's mood improved again.

The feeling of having enough people is comfortable.

No more searching and calculating.

At this moment, Bain came excitedly to announce the good news.

"Sir, the farmland in the south has basically been developed and can be cultivated!"

Lear's eyes lit up.

↓Five kilometers away to the south is the farmland area, which has been intensively cultivated in the past few days.

A thousand acres is not a small amount.

All cultivated, it can provide consumption for five to six thousand people.

After obtaining the Horn of Plenty, this data can be greatly improved.

"Arrange manpower to cultivate swamp wheat immediately."

"We need enough food!"

After successively accepting the Delsa people and the wetland lizard people, the population has exceeded the thousands mark.

The demand for food has increased significantly.

The Noah's rice in my hand could last for half a year, but now I can't hold it at all.

This kind of pressure is very fierce.

Food is the foundation of everything. If you don’t have enough to eat, how can you maintain your territory?

If he hadn't obtained the Horn of Plenty, Lear would have been bald.

Only now did I understand why it was so difficult to develop a terrifying big city like Loland City in the wilderness.

Wandering, an unstable environment, and food restrictions make it too difficult to develop.


Not even a minute after the swamp hero arrived, he left happily.

Lear couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Suddenly, I thought of the information that was refreshed when I entered the swamp——

Under the territory occupied by the Rotten Centaur, there is a 1-star magic plant - Blue Heart Mud Fruit.

This piece of information is worth up to 3 stars!

Blue heart mud fruit is a special magical food like Noah's rice. After a full meal of Noah's rice, you don't need to eat any more food for five days.

One meal of blue heart puree can last you a whole day.

Although the effect is reduced, it is still much stronger than ordinary swamp wheat.

Perhaps, it's time to consider taking action against those rotten centaurs.

A group of more than 500 people can also provide him with enough flesh and blood.

Whether it is cultivating cold-blooded cavalry or feeding flesh and blood slaughterers, this flesh and blood is needed at this moment.

After calming down, he didn't stay here any longer and continued to patrol the territory.

I saw three-tailed pigs, dragon blood red fish, and pitcher plants all over.

The growth is very gratifying.

With the Corner of Plenty around, I can clearly feel the changes every day.

Especially the three-tailed pig, whose already huge size began to grow again.

A 30% increase in the upper limit of body weight is definitely not a joke.

Really fat as a pig.

After a walk, I came to the farmland area. I felt very comfortable watching the crowd busy sowing the seeds of swamp wheat.

Swamp wheat does not need to be planted. It doesn't take long for the seeds to break out of the shell and grow into wheat seedlings.

The original growth cycle of swamp wheat is 3 months per harvest, and four rounds can be planted in a year.

Now with the Cornucopia, the growth cycle has been shortened to two months!

Six rounds can be planted in a year!

It's simply exaggerated!

Whose food can be planted six rounds a year?

Moreover, the swamp has spacious land. When the population increases in the future, it will continue to be cultivated.

Unlimited development potential.

This feeling of watching the territory getting better day by day, Lear is a little addicted.

The internal situation is very good, but the wetland lizardmen sent out to investigate the evil god worshipers failed to bring back good news.

By dusk, the army returned, still without any results.

Hundreds of wetland lizardmen searched the area and could not find any trace of the evil god believers.

Instead, they found a sacrificial area that was even older.

This inevitably affected Lear's mood.

The sense of crisis became stronger.

Fortunately, the two-headed ogre chieftain brought back hundreds of swamp monster corpses, which gave him some relief.

No matter what, strengthening oneself is an eternal truth.

As long as the flesh and blood butcher can wake up in time, there is nothing to worry about.

When night fell, the crowd looked at the stage in front of the city hall from time to time.

Even though they knew there would be no drama performances tonight, they still didn't give up.

Lear didn't rush to sleep, but waited for time to pass silently.

Today is August 19th, and the intelligence system will be refreshed in the early morning. This time is different from the past. This is the 10th intelligence.

Every 10 intelligence will refresh a 4-star or higher intelligence.

I was looking forward to today early.

Finally, Lear, who felt that time was passing particularly slowly, waited until the early morning.

At the moment when the world went from the 19th to the 20th, a familiar prompt from the intelligence system appeared in my mind.

[The intelligence system has cooled down and can be refreshed. Do you want to refresh?]

[Note: This is the 10th intelligence refresh. A 4-star or higher intelligence will be refreshed.]

Lear's emotions instantly surged. He took a deep breath and silently said refresh.

The next moment, intelligence began to appear, and the first one made him excited.

[1. 25 kilometers northwest, there is a high-quality iron ore buried underground. There are cave dwellers who are good at mining ore. (2 stars)]

It's 2-star intelligence at the beginning? ! !

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