Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 82 Comfortable harvest, the first mine, treasure hunting (4700 words)

The caveman kept climbing up from the mud pit for about twenty minutes before stopping.

Looking around, there are people standing all around, more than 300 in number!

Lear was in a good mood when he saw this.

300 people means 300 labor force!

And he was born to dig, and he was born to mine the holy body.

They are all treasures, take them.

He glanced around and immediately spotted one of the cavemen who was taller and stronger than the other cavemen.

The moment he stared at the other person, his attribute panel appeared in his mind.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a heroic unit.

The level has also reached level 3.

His hero talent is also very interesting——

Caveman Specialization - When leading cavemen, the physical recovery speed of all cavemen is increased by 30%, and the digging speed is increased by 20%.

This is absolutely amazing!

Without them to mine, it would be a waste!

Lear thought about it and looked at the caveman hero.

The spiritual power surged away, leaving a mark on his soul with a somewhat pale face.

The soul strength of a level 3 caveman hero is not as strong as that of a wetland lizardman warrior.

But even so, after branding the other party, it still feels like it's overstuffed.

There was a bit of dizziness in his eyes.

It took a while to recover.

Taking a deep breath, she waved her hand to stop the Swamp Banshee.

The singing disappeared, and the cavemen with blurred eyes woke up one by one.

But in the next second, I felt cold all over my body, and my two limbs were trembling.

From the corner of his eye, he saw hundreds of ferocious lizard men looking at them indifferently.

Those cruel, cold eyes that showed no emotion were like a pack of hunting wolves.

Many cavemen could not bear the pressure and collapsed to the ground uncontrollably.

Some even trembled and knelt down to worship directly, with their heads on the ground, their postures were extremely humble.

"Please forgive us"

"Dear Sir, I am willing to serve you, don't kill me."

"Merciful and great being, my life is worthless, I beg you to forgive our sins"


The voices begging for mercy kept coming and going.

The fear in his words could not be concealed at all.

So timid?

Lear's mouth twitched, but he was relieved inside.

He doesn't need these cavemen to be warriors. It's easier to control cowardice. He's as stubborn and fearless as the lizardmen, which is a headache.

While thinking, he looked at the caveman hero in the middle with sweat on his forehead and a panic-stricken face.

Sensing his gaze, the other party felt something and immediately fell to his knees with a firm tone.

"Great Lord, obey your command."

"All cavemen are at your service!"

Lear nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, I like to deal with smart people."

As he spoke, he looked closely at the caveman hero.

"Tell me your name."

The other party raised his head slightly and said loudly.

"Tone, salute you!"

"Tone? Get up and come over here. I have something to ask."

The caveman hero then stood up carefully and quickly approached.

"Great Lord, please give me your orders."

Lear motioned to the ground beneath his feet.

"I need to mine the iron ore beneath my feet, can you do it?"

The caveman hero nodded.

"Master, digging is our talent!"

"No matter how hard the ore is, it can't stop our sharp claws!"

There was a bit of pride in his tone.

Lear took a look at the other party's extraordinarily thick arms and strangely shaped claws that were specially designed for digging.

Smile happily.

That's how it should be.

After thinking for a while, he continued.

"What do you usually eat?"

This place is not close to the City of Weilu, so it is a bit difficult to support them with the resources of the territory.

It's best to be like the people of Delsa, who can rely on plant roots for food, bring your own dry food, and don't worry about it.

Tone said immediately.

"There are many bugs growing underground, and there are also some unique underground plants."

"And no one is trying to fight us!"

The tone was very excited.

Lear found it interesting that there was little competition underground, so you guys went underground. This is considered to have opened up a new path, right?

Theory of evolution of life.

"Can this area support all the cavemen?"

"Yes, you only need to hunt for one to two hours a day."

Lear felt much better.

If you can support yourself, you don't need him to provide logistics.

This saves a lot of effort and resources.

"How much ore can you mine every day?"

"We have tried to dig holes and build nests in it before. Although the iron ore is hard, each of us can mine at least 300 kilograms per day!"

Lear has never mined, has no comparison, and does not know whether this data is more or less.

But if there are more than 300 people on the other side, then based on 300 kilograms, 90,000 kilograms of ore can be produced that day, that is - 90 tons of ore? !

This data should be pretty good.

Go back and ask Bain, this swamp hero should know better.

"Tone, can you control your people?"

"Great Lord, half of them are my descendants, they will definitely obey orders!"

Half of them are your descendants?

Lear glanced at the large area of ​​black cavemen.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

You can really give birth.

"Okay, I will appoint you as the CEO of the Weilu City Mine. You will lead the cavemen to mine iron ore."

"The mined ore is piled up on the surface, and I will come to transport it once a week."

Thinking, he waved his hand, and a dozen swamp wasps fell from the sky.

"These are swamp wasps. You will weave a cage and raise them with insects later."

"Once you encounter danger, release them, and they will go back to report the news."

"I will lead the army to rescue!"

There is no need to worry about the safety of the lives hidden underground.

If it weren't for the swamp banshee, he might not be able to enslave the other party.

The other party found the threat and drilled underground. Unless you can drill into the ground like them, you can only stare blankly.

The earth is the best shield.

Torn looked at the swamp wasps like a treasure and shouted excitedly.

"Yes, great master! Your will is supreme!!"

This is a life-saving straw.

His chest subconsciously straightened a little. From now on, these humble underground lives will also be accepted by someone and have a backer! !

Praise the goddess! !

Lear smiled and turned to look at the ground.

The only thing that bothered him was that the city of Wei Lu did not have the ability to smelt steel now.

It would be difficult to use the ore after ten days or half a month.

After returning, we have to start building a blacksmith shop.

At this time, Thorn whispered.

"Great Lord, can I tell the tribesmen the good news that you are willing to accept our surrender?"

Lear laughed.

So, I am so happy to let you mine for me?

Innate Holy Body of Ox and Horse?


After getting the nod, Thorn immediately turned and came to the front of the trembling caveman who was being coldly watched by the wetland lizardman.

He said loudly.

"Great Lord, just accepted our surrender."

"In the future, we will be blessed by the Lord and be protected by the warriors around us!"

"People, we are no longer alone!!"

The cavemen below suddenly made a commotion, looking at the caveman hero in disbelief.

Would anyone be willing to accept these lowly beings who live in the caves and dare not even look at the sun?

And they are a force with so many powerful wetland lizard warriors?

Their eyes were fixed on the caveman hero, and at the same time they carefully glanced at Lear, as if they wanted to get confirmation from him.

Sensing the caveman's gaze, Lear strode forward, stood behind Thorn, and swept his majestic eyes around.

Endless divine power surged out of his body.

The caveman felt his body cold and his blood solidified.

Plop~ All of them collapsed to the ground uncontrollably, trembling.

That was the pressure from the depths of the blood, the great terror that went straight to the soul. Even a dragon would have to bow its head, and these humble lives could not resist at all.

Under the majestic momentum, a calm and heavy voice like a mountain slowly sounded.

"I accept your allegiance in the name of the Lord of the Mud Swamp and the Lord of the City of Weir. From today on, all cave dwellers will become my people and work for me."

"I will provide you with food and clean water, and protect your safety."

"This swamp is ruled by the City of Weir. Work hard for me, and no one can bully you anymore."

"In addition, every other week, I will reward some hard-working people and let them go to the City of Weir for vacation and watch the great drama."

The cave dwellers were suddenly excited.

Feeling the surging pressure, they were full of excitement in panic!

Really, this powerful human lord is willing to accept their allegiance and protect them! !

For the weak cave dwellers, even if they live underground, they lack a sense of security.

Being protected by the strong is like injecting a tonic into the heart.

The sense of security has increased greatly.

Seeing this, Lear slowly restrained the pressure.

It was originally to support this cave hero, and he would still be in charge of these subordinates in the future.

Ignoring the still excited underground life, he looked at the equally excited caveman hero beside him.

"Torn, is there any powerful existence nearby?"

The other party shook his head and said with some shame.

"Master, we have been living underground and don't know much about the surroundings."

When they encounter enemies, the first thing they think of is to hide, hiding deep underground. How could they come out to see who it is?

The earth is their best shelter!

Li Er was not surprised, this is very caveman.

Back to the topic.

"Do you need tools to mine the veins?"

"Our claws are the best tools!"

The caveman hero was a little proud, this might be the only thing they can show off.

Li Er smiled and said nothing more.

Directly let Thorn arrange the cavemen to go down and start mining.

In this way, he occupied the first vein of the city of Wei Lu, and at the same time had enough miners.

And the price he paid was almost zero. These cavemen didn't even need him to provide food.

It's comfortable for workers to bring their own dry food.

After this, it's time for today's second goal -

The body of the monster buried underground 30 kilometers west of the territory can increase Haggs' potential to 3 stars!

Li Er thought about it, waved his hand and called 100 cave dwellers to follow the army.

When it comes to digging holes, no one is better than them.

The caveman followed with some excitement and some fear.

After leaving Tone in charge of the arrangements, Lear did not stay and left directly with the army.

Keep marching.

With the guidance of the magic map, it is easy to know the direction.

After walking for about half an hour, the lizard people in the wetland ahead sent back news that they were encountering enemies ahead.

After hunting more often, the army has now developed a skilled response pattern.

Once an enemy is discovered, he will try his best to detect it if he can find out the specific number and strength.

If the enemy is strong, they will immediately retreat and report the news to avoid alerting the enemy.

Then use the fastest speed to gather all the information to Lear, and then he will make a decision based on the intelligence.

The whole process is efficient, direct and smooth to the point of silky smoothness.

When Lear arrived at the front, he immediately saw a giant insect that was four meters long and more than one meter tall, with a gray-black hard-shell skin and a body covered with moss.

These creatures, like vegetable worms, are gnawing at the water plants below in the muddy water.

Seeing these frowning beings, he immediately thought of the ancient swamp life that was still chewing mud in the City of Dew, the flower of the north, Philena, who had given him a gift from the ancient swamp——


The little guy has grown from the size of a thumb to the thickness of an arm. He either eats mud or sleeps every day.

During this period of time, there is no sense of existence at all. According to the current progress, if the other party wants to recover, it will take a long time to chew on the mud.

Looking at it carefully, the attributes of those bugs appeared in my mind - swamp bugs, level 6, potential 2 stars.

The level is not high, there are about fifty or sixty of them, but such large bugs squirming in the mud look a bit disgusting.

Lear subconsciously looked at the Swamp Banshee.

"Do it."


A soft song sounded, under the surprised gaze of the cavemen behind.

The terrifying swamp bugs squirmed stiffly in this direction as if they had been deprived of their souls.

My heart was full of horror.

No wonder they crawled out of the ground for no reason. It turned out to be the power of these banshees.

Fortunately, the master accepted them, otherwise all of them would have shuddered.

Swampworms are approaching quickly, but Bubblemon's bubbles can't hold them. They're too big.

It cannot be executed silently like other lives.

Lear's spikes are also unambiguous.

Order four or five wetland lizardmen to stand next to each head. When ready, wave and order the execution.

The steel knives and sharp claws were waved in unison.

The terrifying pain struck, and the insects suddenly woke up from the singing, just about to resist.

But the next moment, the head was cut off and the head was torn apart.

Blood spurts~

Two or three were not executed directly and were killed in the second round of attacks.

There was no time to resist.

Lear glanced at the Swamp Banshee again.

These banshees are so easy to use.

With them here, the efficiency of the battle has been greatly improved.

The true harvest of flesh and blood is faster than harvesting wheat.

To cultivate, cultivate hard.

At the end of the battle, Bubblemon skillfully blew up bubbles and put all the swamp bugs in them.

Two or three swamp worms can completely fill a bubble, leaving no gaps in their plump bodies.

Each of these level 8 magic beings controls more than 5 bubbles.

They turned into a transport fleet, collecting all the loot.

Continuing to move forward, they encountered another gathering place of wild monsters, a group of dirty wild boars.

Outnumbered by two squadrons.

But unexpectedly, these quilboar people are immune to the song of the Swamp Banshee.

As the song rang out, the wild boar man remained motionless, as if he were playing the harp to a cow.

These swamp monsters are also quite novel.

Lear was also unambiguous when he saw this.

Directly let the three squadrons of wetland lizard warriors in your hand launch an attack.

Haggis leads the way.

Under the advantage of quantity and grade.

The opponent was quickly slaughtered.

But the wild boars were indeed ferocious, and no matter how heavy the casualties were, they still did not retreat even half a step.

After killing them all, the Bubblemon's bubbles increased to 80, with each person controlling an average of 10.

His face was no longer relaxed.

The bubbles no longer flew to high altitudes, but fell directly to the ground and began to roll forward.

Bubblemon can control up to 30 bubbles, but air bubbles and filled bubbles are completely different concepts.

But looking at the trophies full of loot, Lear felt quite happy.

There is some truth in the saying that there is a gold belt for murder and arson. Looting from outside can accumulate a lot of wealth in a short period of time.

However, this is not a sustainable development. It is impossible for these wild monsters to appear out of thin air the next day after killing them. They need time to reproduce.

In the future, the size of the territory will gradually expand. It is unrealistic to rely solely on hunting to meet the needs. In the end, farming will be the only way to solve the problem of territory development.

But this does not prevent him from making a fortune first.

Finally, at two o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the area full of red flowers, the burial place of the monsters, as indicated by the intelligence.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong in the area, he didn't hesitate and asked the caveman to start digging in the ground.

This area covers an area of ​​two to three hundred meters in diameter.

It is not easy to find the body of unknown size in unknown depth underground.

Let the wetland lizard warriors dig it out, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to find it within three to five days.

But now, he has cavemen.

All he needs to do is wait for these humanoid excavators to work.

Looking at the busy crowd, Li Er's mood became very bright.

As a lord, it's really good. This kind of hard work, just a word and subordinates will do it for you.

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