However, it is only for one person.

If you need extra breakfast, of course they will prepare it, but you need to take the initiative to explain it.

When the waiter who delivered the food came to knock on the door, Alice naturally did not dare to open the door. She could only hold her throat and try to say the request in a different voice than usual.

And when she mentioned that she still had three sisters who were resting in the bedroom with His Highness Rhine, so they had to prepare breakfast for five people today...

The look in the waiter's eyes outside the door...

Very strange.

Looking at the still hot breakfast, the instructors were very grateful: "Your Majesty, please take the trouble!"

Alice could only smile bitterly.

She was obviously the noble Moonlight King, but now Alice has become a miserable maid keeping vigil at night.

She also had to prepare breakfast for Shuangwan's three mentors...

And for this,

The three mentors naturally felt guilty.

After a night of hearty release, when the three of them calmed down, they realized how outrageous their behavior was...

They actually left the Moonlight King outside the door and met the Moonlight King's future husband in front of the Moonlight King...

Thinking of this, the three mentors couldn't help showing regret: "Sorry... Your Majesty, we didn't restrain ourselves last night... and offended you and His Highness Rhine."

"No, it's okay."

Although I feel a little depressed.

But Alice is a sensible child.

Alice shook her head with a smile, and said softly: "Teachers and His Highness Rhine are in love with each other. Of course, it cannot be said to be offensive. As for me...this is the first time I have seen him since I came to the White Light Courtyard. It’s a good thing that the teachers are so happy.”

"His Majesty......!!"

The instructors were greatly touched. They were all moved by Alice's sincerity and her selfless spirit of sacrificing herself for others!

At this moment, in the hearts of all the mentors, their loyalty to the Moonlight King has been elevated to the extreme!

But...since Your Majesty doesn't mind, does that mean...

The instructors smiled eagerly, a little embarrassed, but even more expectantly and asked:

"So what His Majesty is saying...can we still come to visit His Highness Rhine tonight?"


The corner of Alice's mouth twitched violently.

These, these guys...they actually planned to let me listen outside the door all night? !

She was about to burst.

However, having just said those words, how could Alice refuse the sincere begging of her mentors?

Alice could only smile with an extremely forced smile:


never mind......

Alice, who was tired inside, had no choice but to comfort herself.

As long as everyone is happy.



Overnight, the capital of Letta changed.

The Moonlight Royal Court, which governs all secular power in Leta, has quietly undergone drastic changes.

General Lorraine, who was stationed on the southern defense line, led a team of dragonriders to land in the royal capital.

The glorious dragon that has been missing for thousands of years from the Ivin family has returned to its nest.

The host of Tingfeng Yuan announced a thorough investigation into the massacre of the Philemon family.

Thirty years ago, the imperial prime minister who was thought to have died in battle with the Moonlight King returned from the slit in space...

There was no bloodshed, nor any superficial conflict broke out. Leta's political situation was so quiet, ushering in a major reshuffle.

The dignitaries who attended the Prince Regent's party were proudly discussing the plan to assassinate the Moonlight King yesterday, but today they are hiding in their homes with fear, waiting for their judgment in fear of the unknown.

And today,

Rhine's plan is still advancing.

In fact, Rhine originally did not want to be so exaggerated.

His original intention was to give Alice a simple strategy so that she could practice on her own and become familiar with the operation of politics.

Although her current scumbag will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, as long as Alice can grow, it will be worth it.

But now Rhine thought about it carefully,

If he could straighten out Leta in one fell swoop and leave behind a group of loyal and reliable ministers and good generals, so that Alice, even a newbie, could take off from Wuhu as soon as she sat on the throne...

Seems good?

The end of the Sixth Age is approaching.

Rather than long-term development, what Rhine needs now is to accumulate as much strength as possible in the shortest possible time to cope with the coming catastrophe.

Moreover, the result of Rhine's personal involvement in this matter is that Rhine can also take the opportunity of rectifying the officialdom to work together with his mentors to enhance feelings and improve his favor.

Time passes little by little...

Rhine directed and the mentors executed. With the cooperation of the two parties, the dignitaries recorded on the list were arranged one after another.


It was approaching dusk, and Rhine figured that he could almost call it a day.

Let’s deal with the last order.

Rhine looked at the list, and his finger slid to the last target of the day.

[Prince Regent—Hamilton Adonis]


Is it finally his turn?

To deal with Hamilton, Rhine did not need his allegiance or take away the resources he possessed.

He is the representative of the old era. With the coronation of the Moonlight King, everything that represents his existence will be replaced by the Moonlight King without Rhine bothering.

Not to mention, the Regent and the Moonlight King also had a family blood feud, and Alice would not spare him, either emotionally or rationally.

The regent must die.

But the problem is,

How to make his death more valuable.

In fact, Rhine did have plans for the regent.

He is Sebastian's father.

The male demigod who cursed Hein's Crystal Seat was a cancer that Rin must eradicate no matter what.

The regent happens to be the only person who can wake up Sebastian.


Although the regent had to die, before he died, Rhine wanted him to reawaken Sebastian first.

Only when Eve Bastine releases his life-and-death relationship with the earth can Rhine have the chance to truly kill him and break the curse of the Crystal Seat.

For this reason, Rhine must put more pressure on the regent, making him more fearful and desperate... until he loses his reason, becomes crazy and desperate.

Disintegrating his political group was one of Rhine's methods of putting pressure on him.

But in addition, Rhine also plans to take a multi-pronged approach.

Now, Rhine wants to start with his family.

Rhine's eyes shifted to the three relatives named by the regent.

Those are his wife and daughter.

"Your Highness."

At this time, the instructors asked:

"Who's the next target?"

Rhine replied: "The next target is the Prince Regent. This time I will do it myself - Antoinette, can you cast a disguise spell on me?"

Objectively speaking, Regent Hamilton was not a bad ruler.

He was able to rise to power from a series of dangerous and complex power struggles and maintain his rule for a long time - this naturally shows that he has many extraordinary qualities.


His education for his children was indeed quite poor.

Sebastian, his legitimate son with his first wife, is a complete lunatic in the eyes of foreigners and locals alike.

As for the two daughters he gave birth to with his second wife, although these two sisters have noble status and are most beautiful, they have extremely bad personalities. Therefore, they are often ridiculed as "nothing except their faces."

But thanks to the Tingfeng Yuan and the law enforcement team, they were willing to help them for their father's sake.

Now, no one in the royal court dares to speak ill of them.

To be honest, Rhine liked this kind of arrogant and domineering girl.

Because they...

It's really easy to fool.


On a busy street in the royal capital, a pair of beautiful elf sisters, leading a group of servants, passed by in high profile.

Indirectly affected by the political situation in Leta, the two daughters of the regent family were in a very bad mood.

Sister: "I really can't stand that old man. He puts on a bad face every day and doesn't forget to get angry at us and my mother even after dinner!"

Sister: "And Patricia, Kristine...these little followers, how dare you refuse our party invitation? Really, what on earth is going on?!"

Sister: "Humph, now the entire capital is surrounding the new girl."

Sister: "New here? Who is it?"

Sister: "Alice Philemon, I heard she is the new Moonlight King."

Sister: "What? Didn't dad say that I would be the Moonlight King?"

The elder sister sneered: "It's a pity that Alice has taken the lead now, and she also used the last of the bones."

Sister: "Huh, let that Alice die!"

Sister: "That's right, tell her to hurry up - huh?"

The elf sisters were talking when suddenly a strong wind blew and a top hat rolled from a distance and landed right in front of the two sisters.

In the distance, there was a young male elf running after the top hat in embarrassment.

After glancing at the hat and then at the man not far away, my sister felt unhappy. She snorted in displeasure and stepped on the hat.

"What's going on? Walter, didn't I tell you to clean the street? Why is there still someone here?"

The attendant named Walter was carefully trying to explain something.

At this time, the owner of the hat trotted up to the sisters.

"I'm so sorry, ladies."

The elf male showed an apologetic smile:

"The wind is so strong today, my naughty hat seems to have flown to your feet, Miss..."

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