And his father, because he was afraid of being liquidated by the new king, came to wake him up, hoping that he could help fight against the genius and steal the throne from her.

Xi Basting couldn't help but smile helplessly.

This is really, really embarrassing.

But fortunately, he has a way to deal with it for the time being.

"Don't worry, father, I can defeat that Miss Alice."

Sebastian said confidently:

"I have seen Miss Alice's weakness. It is obvious that she does not know what Leta really needs."


The regent was overjoyed. His son was indeed reliable! !

For a long time, Sebastian has always amazed the Prince Regent. Although his methods are terrible and often very cruel... But yes, Sebastian can always create miracles. !

Now is the time when the odds are against us and we must do whatever it takes!

So whatever the cost is.

The regent believes that Sebastian will be able to defeat Alice! !

"Let's go home, Sebastian!"

The regent turned and left with Sebastian. At this moment, he was full of fighting spirit and laughed boldly: "Next, it will be our father and son's turn to launch a counterattack!!"

And Xi Bastian silently followed his father.

His eyes were staring at the sword on his father's waist...

"Speak of it, son."

The regent asked with a smile: "What method do you plan to use to bring down Alice? If you want to achieve better results in the Holy Exam, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult, and if you want to win people's hearts, it seems a little too late. Now, if you have any good ideas, let me tell my father."

"Okay, Father."

Sebastian smiled.

"My solution is-"


The sword is unsheathed! !

Before the regent could react.

His sword has pierced his chest! !

The regent stared at his son in shock: "Xi...Ba..."

"Don't worry, my father, I will make good use of your death."

Sebastian held his father's sword and pierced his father's heart.

At this moment, the regent was completely stunned.

He did think about what crazy things Sebastian would do and what a heavy price Leta would pay.

He can accept these losses.

But he didn't expect it!

The price... turned out to be himself! !

The first thing Sebastian did after his resurrection was to stab the regent to death! ! !


Sebastian did not intend to disobey his father's request.

Of course he will do well and help his father defeat Alice.

However, he first needs some necessary sacrifices...

Now, Sebastian is looking at his father with a smile.

His eyes were so sincere and pure, without a trace of malice or guilt.

Of course, there is no such thing as sadness or pain.

as if......

He just did the natural thing.

"This is how I defeat Miss Alice, Father."


Chapter 152: At the feet of Moonlight King

Eve Bastine knew that his father must have wanted to know Eve Bastine's plan before he died.

As a filial son.

He would let his father die clearly.

Sebastian: "Father, it's safe here. No one knows what's happening here."

Sebastian: "Although the White Tower was destroyed, the shielding spell that was set up here that year was still in operation. No one can see what is happening here except with the naked eye. Of course, those half Neither can God.”

Sebastian: "That's why you boldly murdered the old man here and let him integrate into the spiritual veins on my behalf, right?"

Sebastian's voice was full of sincerity: "Thank you, father, for creating such good conditions for me."

The regent's eyes were ferocious, and he desperately wanted to do something.

However, the demigod Bastine has already blocked all his actions.

Sebastian continued to say affectionately:

"Father, do you know what Leta really needs?"

"It's hatred!!"

Sebastian's eyes were ignited with flames and his emotions were intense:

"The deep-seated hatred for Hein! Will make us stronger! Our prey includes not only Yagods, but also the Forbidden Army! And the entire Hein Empire!!"

"I have never understood why we should stick to the land under our feet instead of expanding? Instead of seeking revenge?"

"Will Hein's imperial army be more difficult to kill than God?"

"I don't think so?"

"But if we kill all the Haiyin Imperial Army, we can occupy the entire Haiyin Empire! Think about it! Father, endless wealth, countless slaves,"

"We need to ignite the anger in the hearts of the people, we need war!!!"

"And your death! Will make Letta become even greater!"

"Yes, that's it..."

Sebastian gently brushed off the dust on his father's shoulders:

"I will disguise your death as an assassination by the Imperial Guard."

"Think about it, the regent of the empire, you, the highly respected person, guarded the country for the Moonlight King. Until the new king finally returned and could finally hand over the baton with peace of mind, you... were despicably despicable. The Heine Imperial Army assassinated him!"

Xi Basting's face was full of sadness: "Goddess! What a tragedy this is! How cruel and vicious Hein's imperial army is!!"

"Once we cursed their queen, so they destroyed the White Tower."

"But what about this time? We didn't do anything wrong!!"

"Think about the reaction of the people! They will cry for you, fall into rage, and desperately seek revenge from the Haiyin people!!"

"But what a pity... Their Majesty Alice is a conservative. She actually advocates reconciliation with the Hein people?"

"At that time, will the people still accept this cowardly new king?"

"Then do they need an iron-blooded! Heroic! Moonlight King who is not afraid of the Hain people's power! Come and lead them!!"

Xi Basting couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"Don't worry, father... after you die, we will definitely defeat Alice, and we will also create a legend!!"

"But, of course, I know, Father, I absolutely know..."

Sebastian is not a fool. Of course, he also knows that there are risks in doing so.

"For thousands of years, the goddess of order has maintained the balance of the entire mortal world. Obviously, our slightly excessive actions may cause her dissatisfaction,"

"But so what? No matter how bad it is, it's just a few crystal spears for Laitae. Compared with the benefits of victory, this risk... is completely acceptable, right?"

Sebastian has always believed that Leta should have the pride and pride of an elf.

The crystal spear dropped by Order will only increase the fighting spirit of the people of Leta!

The more painful the wound of the beast, the more ferocious it becomes!

Leta is bound to be like an endless fire, burning up the sea and the world! !


Sebastian could not help but let out an intoxicated sigh.

How interesting that scene would be! ! !

"What do you think? Father?"

Sebastian asked respectfully: "What do you think of my plan?"


Sebastian: "Ha... this old man is dead."

Sebastian smiled nonchalantly. He packed the body of the Prince Regent and began to think about how to disguise this murder from the Imperial Army.

The death of the Prince Regent will be the first step in Sebastian's plan.


Sebastian must be carefully prepared.


Sebastian began to examine his situation and couldn't help but laugh evilly.

There is no doubt that his strategy... is impeccable!

This place is within the shielding barrier of the White Tower, and the demigods will not know what is happening here.

Although there are still many loopholes in this murder, Sebastian has a way to cover it up.

And the key is that even if Sebastian fails to concoct the Forbidden Forces murder case, no one will doubt him. He can still come up with a second plan, a third plan, and continue to work hard for his goal!

Until Leta is in a feverish war, heading towards even a moment of glory!

His father, in order to kill the bishop cleanly, would not expose his whereabouts.

No one knows where he went today.

And no one will know that all this has something to do with Eve Bastine!

unless! Someone! Being able to see it with your own eyes! Sebastian murdered his father in front of the ruins of the White Tower!

But even then!

Sebastian is a demigod!

Isn't it easy for him to kill people and silence them?

But speaking of it...

"This shielding barrier is really in the way..."

Xi Bastine sighed helplessly. The shielding barrier could block the detection of demigods from the outside world, but at the same time... Xi Bastine could not observe the outside world.

This is not good.

After all, what if, just what if, in front of the desolate ruins of the White Tower, some idle person happened to pass by and happened to witness the scene of Eve Bastine's father-killing?

Wouldn't that be terrible.

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