Heselia: "Wouldn't it be nice to change your appearance a little bit?"


At this moment, the shock in Italian's heart still did not subside.

I have to say that the education work in Rhineland is going really smoothly.

These demigod mentors were not only obedient to Rhine, but even had a friendly attitude toward Italian.

To know,

These three guys have fought against Italian more than once.

Although Laita's demigod mentor is not as good as Heine in blood, he has rich combat experience and has developed powerful combat skills in life and death fights, making him very difficult to deal with.

And the scariest thing is that they are not afraid of death.

Perhaps it was caused by fighting the demi-gods for too long. When these demigods faced powerful enemies with suppressed levels, the first thing they thought of was how to perish together with the opponent.

Italian fought with them and suffered a lot.

But now...

The demigod mentors were admiring their queen's gaffe. They were all talking and laughing, and they seemed to not take it seriously at all.

What was crazy criticism back then has now become pornographic criticism.

Not only did he have no fighting spirit, he even knelt down and became a dog to the Haiyin people...


think carefully......

Rhine Hein,

This man is perhaps the most terrifying existence in Hein!

Faced with the mentor's request, Italian couldn't refuse the invitation.

Etalaine thought about it carefully and felt that there was no reason to refuse the instructor's invitation.

Since she was one of the theoretical sisters-in-law, Etalaine thought it better not to refuse the kindness of her mentors.

Moreover, Italien is indeed very free. He doesn't waste much time when he goes out for a walk.

Italian waved his hand towards Rhine: "Okay, Rhine, then I'm leaving."

Just like that, everyone left one after another.

Soon after, Antoinette found Rhine with the purchased supplies.

These supplies include a large amount of spiritual alchemy materials used to treat Alice.

"Your Majesty, please come on."

Antoinette cast an encouraging look at Alice.

Then she walked out of the study and began to seal the study as requested by Rhine.

Moonlight King's study was shrouded in layers of seals, turning into an invisible copper wall and iron wall, completely isolating this place from the mortal world.

And in the quiet study,

Only Rhine and Alice were left.

"Your Highness..."

Xiao Shitu finally saw the hope of redemption in his almost collapsed eyes.


Chapter 155 Alice, do you want to meet my parents?

Four days later.

The Grand Master paid a low-key visit to the palace.

She came to unseal the Moonlight King's study which was sealed four days ago.

Although the regent is now dead and all ministers have surrendered to the Moonlight King, no one will order the law enforcement team to place Rhine under house arrest anymore.

But, equally, no one would order them to lift Rhine's house arrest.

As a result, Rhine Hein became one of the messes left after the sudden and long death of the regent.

This mess cannot be taken over by Alice and the White Light Courtyard yet.

After all, on the surface, Moonlight King and the mentors have no connection with this human prince.

Of course, only the Moonlight King and his mentors know what the truth is.

Just leave this matter alone for now.

Anyway, all Rhine needs is a legitimate excuse to stay in Leta.

After bypassing the patrolling law enforcement team, the Grand Master came to the Moonlight King's study. After a lot of effort, she lifted the seal around the study.

This study had been completely sealed four days ago, and a shielding barrier was set up by the demigod himself, enough to block out all prying eyes from the outside world.

Rhein Hein and Alice spent four whole days and nights in this completely closed and unknown environment.

In this study... there must have been many things that the Grand Master could have imagined, and many more things beyond her imagination.

bring it on……

Witness that tragic battlefield.

Finally, the Grand Master took a deep breath and opened the door.

As the door opened, a smell hit him.

It was...a fresh orange scent.

Looking towards the study, to the great instructor's surprise, the entire study was clean, tidy and spotless!

The early morning sunshine shines on the neatly arranged bookshelves, the orderly furniture, and the smooth and new floor...

There is no doubt that this is exactly what the Queen's study should look like.

"Great Master, are you here?"

Alice heard the noise and walked out of the bedroom.

At this time, she was also well dressed, her clothes were complete and clean.

Everything is so normal.

Grand Instructor: "..."

Looking at the astonished expression on the great mentor's face.

Alice smiled with relief.

--Very good……

——Finally, the room was cleaned up before the instructors came to open the door.

After four full days of non-stop partying, Alice's mental state has completely recovered.

The side effects of the evil dragon's blessing injected into his body at the beginning have now been violently released again and again, gradually assimilating with Alice and becoming a part of her body.


Although Alice could clean the room and be cleansed, she could not completely eliminate the impact of the past four days.

Just like the mental impact.


It refers to the two former kings.

After these four days, Alice only understood better that she loved Rhine and was willing to give everything for him.

However, the relationship between the two former kings has undergone earth-shaking changes!

To know,

The two Moonlight Kings can share their senses with Alice.

Alice is in pain, they are in pain, Alice is happy, and they are happy.

When Alice was tortured to death by the evil dragon's blessing, they were also tortured in Alice's mind, their will collapsed, and they longed for relief.

Now, the two former kings' views on Rhein Hein have undergone tremendous changes.

Maybe being ruined by the evil dragon's blessing was just an accident, or maybe even this accident was the plan of His Highness Rhine...

Alice smiled happily.

In short, it is time to start learning to summon the complete entity...

The Grand Master asked: "Where is Rhine?"

Alice: "His Royal Highness Rhine is asleep."

Grand Master: "Really? It turns out that guy also needs to sleep."

Alice smiled bitterly: "Of course His Highness also needs to sleep. His Highness is a mortal, and his body also needs to be carefully cared for."

After Alice said that, she stretched herself and said, "But in short, the temporary vacation is over, and we have to get back to work."

"Yes, many things have happened in the capital during my recent absence."

The Grand Master said calmly: "Subastin is at large, and the ministers have not seen you for four more days. They are already panicking. During this period of time, that lunatic..."

Alice: "During this period, he blew up the Mithril Temple, stole a large amount of original Mithril, crystallized a spiritual vein, and also captured a death row prisoner from prison, right?"

The great mentor was stunned for a moment.

Alice was absolutely right.

Of course, Alice couldn't have such a clever plan. Presumably, Rhine had already predicted everything that would happen.

Grand Master: "Did Rhine tell you?"

Alice nodded with a smile: "Yes."

as expected.

Grand Master: "In this case, I am a little curious, who is the prisoner that Sebastian captured? Did Rhine tell you?"

"His Highness said it."

Alice replied: "That prisoner is the illegitimate son of the Philemon family. The origin of the Philemon family's bloodline comes from the King of Qi Yue - what Eve Bastine wants to do is to resurrect the King of Qi Yue."

Resurrect the King of Qiyue?

No wonder he needs so much raw mithril and elemental magic.

The Grand Master was shocked at first, and then relieved: "...It's something that that person can do."

"Let's go, Grand Master, the Holy Test should be about to start. We must get the remaining two brands before Eve Bastine resurrects the King of Qiyue."

Today Alice seems full of energy and motivation.

Because just yesterday, Rhine and Alice agreed on something.

Alice couldn't help the joy in her heart and shared her happiness with the Grand Master.

"Grand Master, I can't believe it. His Highness promised me last night..."

Alice smiled like an innocent child, excited and excited:

"When I am officially crowned Queen of Moonlight, he will take me to Haiyin to meet his mother!!"

However, after saying that, Alice began to worry about gains and losses again.

"But... I am an elf, Grand Master. Do you think His Highness Rhine's mother would hate elves?"

Grand Master: "The current Queen of Heyin, Kessus, is a kind emperor. She will not mind your identity as an elf."


Alice almost jumped up with joy.

At this moment, Alice's fighting spirit was completely ignited.

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