It didn't work at all.

In order to pursue sensory stimulation, the fallen ones still continue to use various crazy methods to harm themselves and enjoy the moment of heaven-like joy.

Not all of these fallen ones were fallen ones who had gone through the Battle of Caldera and been completely ruined by the high concentration of erosion values.

In order to explore another possibility, Rhine quietly captured a group of high elf death row prisoners from prisons all over the kingdom of heaven, and also picked up a group of people who didn't want to die in the mortal world, and threw them into Caldera together. Be a guinea pig.

However, these originally pure mortals still quickly went crazy in Caldera. In just one week, they almost lost their human form.


The power of the Nether Realm cannot be controlled.

The souls of mortals who have been corrupted by the evil god's power have been distorted and corrupted, irreversibly and completely irredeemable.


The toxicity of the netherworld corrosion will not change with the will of the evil god himself.

Even if Olivia remains awake and rational, she cannot bestow her own reason on corrupted sentient beings.

She can only spread chaos and chaos uncontrollably, making the whole world fall into madness.

Just like all the evil gods of the Nether Realm.

Just like that, Rhine had to announce.

The plan to use Olivia's power to corrupt the world failed completely.


Just clean up.

Rhine cannot leave behind this fallen kingdom of heaven. Even the souls of the fallen have been corroded and they no longer care about life or death.

Fortunately, Rhine had already prepared a method to destroy Caldera before setting off.


It should be said that Rhine rushed to visit this place at the last moment before Caldera was destroyed, and then looked at the situation to see whether he wanted to prevent the coming doomsday.

"Rhine, someone is coming."

At this time, Italian reminded Rhine.

Rhine naturally knew who the visitor was. He raised his head and saw the burly and majestic figure.

It's the God King.

The King of Heaven wasted a week cooperating with the Star Court, and now, he finally has time to purify Caldera.

The so-called purification means complete destruction.

What was about to destroy Caldera was the glorious spear in his hand, which was compressed from the burning starlight.

Star weapon.

It was the starry sky phenomenon that was triggered by touching the body of the starry sky elves, and inspired starry sky weapons that contained great power.

That dazzling light, with a breathtaking and powerful aura, solemn and majestic, shining like a mountain, oppresses every mortal's heart.

No divinity, but better than gods!

The God King at this moment was like a god holding a star in his hand, shining brightly.

There is no divine blood flowing in the God King's body. His own strength can only be regarded as the strongest among mortals, but he can never be compared with the demigods.

But with this magic gun, he can gain the same powerful strength as a demigod, and can even defeat most demigods!

The Star Weapon is almost the only top-notch divine weapon in the entire mortal world that can allow mortal users to rival demigods on the board.

Since Rhine and Italion were cast under the invisibility spell, the God King did not discover them.

After witnessing the tragic situation on Caldera, the God King looked helpless.

Finally, the God King raised the tangible starlight in his hand and threw it down towards Caldera.

The falling star gun is like a world-destroying fireball, carrying supreme power - penetrating the kingdom of heaven!

At the last moment, Etalion dragged Rhine back to the dawn at the speed of light.

Only Caldera was left, collapsing and disintegrating under the bombardment of the star gun, while crying like a baby from inside...

After being penetrated into the Kingdom of Heaven, filthy pus surged out, and deformed flesh tendrils squeezed out of the cracked rock, convulsing in pain.

But these shocking and bizarre scenes were quickly completely evaporated by the star gun.

When the Shuangxing weapon returned to the hands of the God King.

Caldera has been completely erased from this world.

The death of his people saddened the God King.

However, what made the God King feel even worse was the performance of the Shining Star Gun just now.

The God King looked at the star gun in his hand and couldn't help but frowned.

The power of the Shining Star weapon...has declined again.

Just destroying a kingdom of heaven actually used up all the energy stored in the Sparkling Star Gun.

The God King snorted in displeasure.

The only value of his beloved concubine's existence was to hand this peerless magic gun into his hands.

However now,

Her dereliction of duty has almost reached the point where the God King cannot tolerate it.


Back to the morning light.

In Rhine's eyes, a gap opened in the door to the netherworld, and it was Olivia.

This ancient dragon princess was squatting listlessly on the ground, mechanically grabbing the flowers and plants in the garden, causing the flowers and plants to bleed wildly, screaming in agony, and begging for mercy.


A week has passed, and Olivia still seems to be in a bad mood. In other words, the failure of the experiment just now made her feel bad again.

Olivia asked: "Rhine, are you satisfied with those people?"

Rhine shook his head: "Your Highness Olivia, they are no different from ordinary degenerates."

Under Olivia's control, the fallen who had been corrupted by the Nether Realm did not change at all.

They have completely lost their qualifications as human beings.

They are just zombies seeking mental stimulation.

Rhine doesn't need that kind of thing.

Olivia sighed: "Ah, yes, I can see that too. I'm sorry to disappoint you..."

Rhine heard the deep frustration in Olivia's tone... and irritability.

Olivia continued: "Rhine... I should have understood a long time ago that I can't control the divinity of the netherworld in me at all. I am different from what you think. I am not really sane, I just think that I am sane. That's all... there is no difference between me and other Netherworld gods."

Rhine could roughly guess the reason for Olivia's depression.

During her previous inspection of Caldera, Rhine had seen traces of the ancient dragon's breath. She was probably...disliked by her family again.

"Your Highness Olivia, stop joking."

Rhine smiled: "The gods of the Nether Realm are not troubled at all. There is no doubt that you are an alien among the gods and the biggest cancer of the Nether Realm."

Olivia: "...Really?"

Rhine: "If you want to prove your sanity, do one thing."

Olivia blinked curiously: "You tell me."

"Do not kill me."

Rhine raised his hand: "The God King will destroy Caldera. I have known for a long time that I caused you to lose a kingdom of heaven, and I also watched your ambition to dominate the sky shattered. Expanding into the mortal world is the instinct of every evil god. , then...can you control this instinct?"

When Olivia heard this, she was silent for a moment, and then smiled.

Olivia: "Idiot, of course I won't kill you. You are my favorite believer."

Rhine: "Then it seems that you are not a qualified evil god."

Olivia smiled and tilted her head: "Probably!"

Then, Olivia asked: "What are you going to do next? Rhine."

Rhine thought for a moment: "Since His Highness spared my life out of mercy, then in return, I have to find you some fun that is interesting enough."

Olivia's eyes lit up: "Oh!"

Now the plan to use Olivia to rule the Kingdom of Heaven has completely failed.

Then there is only the last road left in front of Rhine.

Attack the God Princess with full firepower.

Slave his body and corrupt his spirit.

Take this star spirit wife into your pocket.


Crowned as the new God King.


6k, I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, so I went to bed early. In theory, this should be yesterday’s update.

Chapter 191: Caring for Domestic Violence Wife and Divine Concubine

The God King returned in triumph, and he brought the Star Spear back to the Star Court. The God Princess, who was gasping in pain on the altar, was finally freed.

The weak God Princess came to the wheat field again.

She used to enjoy overlooking the sea of ​​clouds in the wheat field, but now, she was not in that mood at all.


The God Princess sat there with a pale face and no expression.

Only she herself knew how painful it would be for her every time she was forcibly refined into a shining star weapon by that ritual.

It was as if someone had drained her blood, turning her into a mummy unable to survive or die, struggling miserably on the ground.

After so many years, the God Princess has almost gotten used to it.

Ever since she signed the contract with the God King, every time he used the Shining Star weapon, the God Princess would feel the same pain. Ten years later, the heartbreaking pain still tortured the God Princess, and it has not weakened, nor has it. No reinforcement...

All star elves should be like this when using twinkling star weapons.

So what can I complain about?

The God Princess encouraged herself in this way.

After being used normally, the God Princess would usually choose to lock herself in the room to rest, but this time, only this time... the God Princess couldn't help but activate the astrological magic, and spent a lot of energy to arrive. The edge of heaven. front of the wheat field she was familiar with.

She was expecting that handsome figure to meet her by chance and say a few words to her.

If would be nice to care about her a little more.


Could there be such a coincidence?

The God Princess sighed.

But suddenly, she seemed to notice something, and then the God Princess quickly turned her head, and then... saw Prince Hein walking towards her.

Rhine is actually here!

For a moment, the God Princess felt a wonderful sense of happiness in her heart.

However, unlike the Divine Princess who suddenly felt much happier, when Lain came to the Divine Princess as usual, he was shocked by the pale face of the Divine Princess.

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