But soon, she restrained her emotional fluctuations.

The enemy is at hand, now is not the time to waver!

And compared to herself, it was probably the first time for Lain, who came from the ground, to see such a strange scene. The God Princess should hurry up and calm down Lain's emotions...

However, when the God Princess looked at Rhine worriedly.

However, she discovered that Rhine was totally fine. He was observing the situation calmly and calmly.

The God Princess had to sigh again.

...As expected of him.

The God Princess sighed and said: "Rhine, you must use the twinkling stars to destroy this place. Unfortunately, there is no way to save this place."

Having seen the same scene countless times, Rhine was very calm at the moment and was even in the mood to tease the God Princess.

He smiled: "That's right, then...my beloved concubine, are you ready for me to use you?"

The God Princess sighed, showing helplessness and shyness: "Please, please don't call me that..."

Even so, the God Princess obediently got into Lain's arms, unbuttoned her clothes, and took the initiative to cut the lace wrapping her skin, revealing the fair and tender skin on her chest.

The God Princess said shyly: "Please..."

Not far away, the fallen king of heaven had noticed the two of them.

The former "Humphrey" has now completely mutated, and the God Princess did not even recognize him at all.

And this fallen king of heaven has also lost the ability to communicate with mortal creatures. He whispered a strange language that the God Princess could not understand.


He raised his hand.

It is a commanding gesture, for when the fallen King of Heaven raises his hand.

The piles of living corpses looked at Rhine and the God Princess in a strange moment! !

That was the call to attack.

The mountain of corpses began to collapse, and countless corpses rushed towards Rhine and the God Princess in silence!

When these dead bodies gained a second life.

They have been completely changed beyond recognition,

The dead flesh and blood were torn and reshaped at will like plasticine, imitating the life appearance of those holy souls named Yuanji in an extremely simple and crude way.

As a result, more eyes grew on the corpse, and the body was forcibly torn apart, turning into a strange tentacle-like existence.

This is an army, the vanguard to crush the high elves.

The Demonic Star corrupted the King of Heaven, causing him to sacrifice the people of Nar, killing them, and their bodies were used to hold the thousands of wills in the Silence.

And now.

This army, originally intended to attack the Kingdom of Heaven, focused on Rhine and the God Princess, and launched a charge.

The sight of the corpses rolling in is truly shocking and heartbreaking.

But the next moment.

All these monsters and demons will be evaporated by the brilliance of the twinkling stars.

Rhine remained calm.

"Come and try my swordsmanship, are you feeling unfamiliar..."

He put his hand on the chest of the God Princess. In an instant, dazzling starlight burst out from the God Princess's chest. The cross sword composed of pure energy was pulled out by Rhine in an instant!

Facing the surging tide of corpses.

Rhine took action.

The combat experience accumulated over thousands of years and the vast amount of knowledge were condensed and refined at this moment, turned into a sword and swung out!

A not strong sword wind whizzed past, and the living corpses blown by the wind were chopped in half, and then burned to ashes by the high temperature of Shuo Xing.

This is a move that deals huge area damage.

The thousands of troops roaring towards us were all wiped out in this moment! !

The huge mountain of corpses was burned to death by the bright light of the twinkling stars.

All the dirt and filth disappeared.

The world fell silent.

All the ugly and twisted corpses disappeared, and Nar Heaven seemed to have returned to its past.

Lain nodded with satisfaction, and then returned the Shining Star Sword to the God Princess.

Rhine smiled: "Okay, Your Highness, the battle is over."

However, the God Princess was in a daze, and for a moment she couldn't muster the strength to catch the sword handed over by Rhine.

Rhine drew the sword too fast and too roughly... This was the second time that the God Princess naturally released Shuo Xing. Her body simply couldn't bear the intense stimulation.

The moment the Cross Shining Star Sword was unsheathed, her scabbard convulsed, and the joy that swept through her brain for a moment made her almost want to scream.

Just, this is the feeling...

Too intense, too exciting...

When the God Princess was used to refine the shining star from the Burning Star, her body was in so much pain that she felt so happy now.

The God Princess tried her best to cover her mouth, but she couldn't help but let out a few small whines.

She was glad that this was the last time she would be used by Rhine...

Otherwise, if she enjoys this feeling of naturally summoning the stars a few more times, she will definitely become addicted...

Maybe...she already...

The God Princess lay in Rhine's arms and asked foolishly: "Is it over yet..."

Rhine smiled and nodded: "Yes."

The God Princess smiled: "I thought you didn't know how to use it... I didn't expect you to get started pretty quickly."

Rhine: "This shows that we are a perfect match, my beloved concubine."

God Princess: "Ugh..."

The God Princess punched Rhine lightly in embarrassment.

However, when she was in a daze, she gradually came back to her senses and was about to take the Shuangxing Sword from Rhine...

Out of the corner of her eye, the Godly Princess saw...

The fallen King of Heaven is still standing there, unscathed! !

The God Princess was shocked.

She quickly pointed to the remaining monster: "Rhine, be careful, there are still enemies!"

Although the God Princess did not recognize who this monster was, his strong physique, complex body structure, and terrifying aura made him look completely different from the ordinary Yuanji living corpse! !

This fierce Yuanji overlord did not dodge in the face of Rhine's attack. He just stood there and easily withstood the attack with his strong physique!

The sword wind of Shuo Xing Sword blew past him without causing any harm.

That's a powerful enemy! !

However, she did not wait for the God Princess to remind Rhine.

Something even more terrible happened.

The God Princess discovered that behind the throne of the fallen king of heaven... unexpectedly, there were three coffins standing.

Rhine's attack just now destroyed his throne, but it did not cause any damage to the coffin behind the throne.

That coffin... what is its origin?

The God Princess noticed that the three coffins exuded an aura that was extremely unfamiliar to the God Princess. After thinking for a moment, the God Princess reacted.

That's... divinity! !

next moment,

The three coffins suddenly opened! ! !

The three shriveled and decayed corpses had been dead for who knows how many years. However, now, the distant Holy Spirit possesses the corpses and brings them back to life!

The majestic divine power surges mightily.

The divine authority granted by the gods formed various gorgeous and deadly visions around the three corpses.

That turned out to be...the corpses of three demigods!

The God Princess finally understood what the "antiques" bought from the mortal world by the King of Heaven in Nar, after borrowing grain from the God King in exchange for money.

It is the corpses of these powerful men in the past!

The Holy Spirit of Yuanji can corrode the corpse, control the corpse, and alienate the corpse.

And when these corpses are revived by the strange power of the Demon Star, they will basically retain the power they had during their lifetime!

It is precisely because of this terrifying ability.

The kingdom of heaven has the value of its existence as the front line of defense against silence.

In heaven, there are no demigods!

In this country where there is no divine blood flowing, the highest level of combat power is the Star God Afterglow summoned by the Star Servers.

However, there will be no body left behind in that thing.

Because of this, when Yuanji's army begins to invade the Kingdom of Heaven, it will face a serious lack of combat power and the threat will be greatly weakened!

However, on the mortal land, there are too many strong men who have died there. Therefore, once the erosion of Yuanji spreads to the mortal world, the scale of the war will soar and completely evolve into a doomsday-level catastrophe!

but now......

Something incredible happened to the God Princess.

When the demon star attacks this time... Yuanji will actually control the king of heaven, find demigod corpses from the mortal world for them, and then bring them back to heaven, corrode them, and turn them into high-end combat power!

The God Princess became nervous and broke into a cold sweat.

Three demigods...

Coupled with a high-level Yuan Ji whose strength is unknown...

There are too many enemies! !

Shuo Xing's power is indeed powerful, but it is far from enough to cause a dimensionality reduction blow to the mortal combat power system.

When the God King entertains demigod guests from the mortal world, he often invites them to spar.

The God Princess is very unsupportive of this kind of discussion, but the God King is often extremely insistent on this matter.

The God Princess could only reluctantly agree.

Among these competitions, the God King's best record was to defeat two demigods at once.

Two against one, the God King will basically not lose.

But if there are three demigods, it will be impossible for the God King to win.

In a three-on-one battle, it is difficult for Shuo Xing Weapon to gain an advantage with its powerful output. Instead, Shuo Xing Weapon's weak defense will be continuously amplified.

However now,

Rhine, who used Shuo Xing for the first time, had to face three demigods who were corrupted by Yuan Ji!

Not to mention, there is a Yuanji tiger watching eagerly on the opposite side.

But Rhine has the burden of the God Princess next to him, who needs his protection.

Can't win...

The God Princess looked at Rhine worriedly:

"Your Highness Rhine, there are too many enemies. Don't be brave. Let Etalaine come to support you!"

However, when Rhine heard this, he showed a gentle smile: "Goddess, what are you talking about? The battle is over?"

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