"So, great master, we have prepared a perfect body for you. She is only one person, but she can defeat hundreds of demigods!!"


A huge crystal was pushed in front of the Marigold King.

In the crystal, there is a white-haired beauty covered in dust.

The followers of Yuanji revealed the name of the person in the crystal.

"This is a time corpse, my master, the original servant who can control time and reverse cause and effect. With her, you no longer have to fear any demigod forbidden army!"

"You will transcend the long river of time and become the eternal anchor of the Holy Star!"

"As long as we have this body, the bond between the Holy Star and the mortal world will never be cut off! The victory of the Holy War has been captured by us!!"

The Marigold King nodded silently.

What these natives say is always nonsense, and Yuanji people will not believe what these madmen say.

For a ridiculous and illogical lie, they are willing to betray their country, betray their race, and with inexplicable fanaticism and loyalty, join a group of alien races that are completely different from themselves.

How stupid.

How despicable.

Even the Yuanji people who were loyal and worshiped by them were full of contempt for these ugly and miserable low-level creatures.


From this sealed body,

The Yuanji people really felt the supreme power.

That is the clone of the Creator...

Have the authority to change the world!

The Marigold King simply smashed his own head.

Just like Manthiya's anchor, in order to face the powerful enemy, he also abandoned the weak body of the King of Heaven.

Under the operation of Yuanji believers,

The crystal coffin that sealed the corpse of time began to melt, and the original servants who had been sealed in the crystal for thousands of years, perhaps even longer, reappeared on this day.

The compressed spirit body in the Marigold King also took advantage of the situation and squeezed into Shi Zhi's body.

Assimilation begins.

Tens of thousands of spiritual bodies, divided into multiple consciousness collectives, began to understand and digest the legacy of this creator.

Then they discovered,

This body has no soul.

The sacred body that contains supreme power has no meaning for its existence at all. She is just an empty shell, a natural walking corpse.

A specially made container.

Shi Zhi... Is that how this name came about?

Although the Time Corpse is a natural container without a soul, the assimilation work of the Yuanji people is still extremely difficult.

It is too difficult for them to master the original power, and this body is also rejecting their control, as if... this body already has another owner.


When this sealed soulless living corpse was released from the seal and exposed to the air.

Outside the world, in the high-latitude world outside the universe, there is some kind of indescribable great being that is attracted by this body.

As if water was flowing along gravity, a soul naturally fell and fell into Shi Zhi's body.

All of a sudden.

The Yuanji people who were working hard to assimilate the corpse of time suddenly discovered that this body came to life. She had a soul, awakened her will, and a memory was abruptly blasted into all Yuanji's souls! !

The distant souls residing in her body read the memory of this peer from another world.

This is an infatuated and innocent girl,

As a high-ranking demigod, she has no ambitions and a few desires. She eats fast and worships gods every day. The only desire hidden in her heart is to become someone's bride.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't become it, as long as he can be happy.

As long as she can still watch her lover from a distance, she can spend the rest of her life contentedly.

However, fate favored her,

That day, when her dream came true and she got his confession again, she was so happy that she almost fainted. After that, something even happier happened. She couldn't believe it was true - she was getting married.

She became the queen of the empire, the man's wife.

In the presence of the gods, they swore to grow old together until death.

However, on the seventeenth day of the wedding,

Her husband was murdered.

The gods did not favor her.

There is no doubt that that was the most painful day in her life. She held her husband's body and cried until her tears dried up and her throat lost her voice. A few days later, when she watched her husband being buried as dull as a dead person, she was riddled with wounds. There was only one thought left in Kong's mind.

revenge! !

This quiet and cowardly infatuated girl felt power burst out from her soul for the first time.

She began investigating and quickly identified the murderer.

Edgeworth Hein.

In the name of the queen, she executed Edgeworth.

She continues to investigate, only to discover that Edgeworth is nothing more than a puppet being used.

The person who really murdered her husband was Leta's Elven Court.


Without any hesitation, she immediately started planning. She convinced the sisters, roped in the bureaucrats, and ignited the people's anger - and then, the war began with great vigor!

A year later, Leta destroyed the country.

She stood on the scorched earth of the capital of Leta, staring blankly at the city that had been razed to the ground.

The murderer received a bloody punishment that was thousands of times crueler than a murder.

Her revenge is over...

Will her lover rest in peace?

she does not know.

At the same time, during this process, she had unknowingly become Heine's new leader.

She turned around and saw that there were already people standing behind her who were willing to swear allegiance to her. Even her sisters looked at her with approval and waited patiently for her next order.

After a night of reflection, she made a decision.

She was crowned the Queen of the Haine Empire, inherited her lover's legacy, and began to rule the most powerful empire in the world.

When her lover died, the heart-wrenching pain caused her to awaken the power of the original sequence. Using her identity as the original gods, she gained many conveniences, allowing the Hein Empire to begin to develop rapidly.

She continues to grow stronger, and her empire has become more powerful than ever under her rule.

Then, it seemed that from a certain point, terrible disasters that could destroy the world began to break out one after another.

At this time, she was already a mature emperor. She led the empire to fight against the waves of annihilating natural disasters. She kept fighting and winning in the collapsing world. In order to protect the living world of her lover, she Even going to war with his own countrymen.


She protected the empire until the very end.

When the empire finally collapsed in the apocalypse, her life finally came to an end. The dying empress returned alone to the town where she first met her lover. She was alone, and when she passed away, she only held a hand tightly. Old pendant.

Her name is Shia Hein.

The last queen of the Haine Empire.

Sequence number——



When reading these memory fragments, the Yuanji people fell silent.

They were confused at first, then noticed, and finally started to be afraid! !

They suddenly realized the true purpose of this soulless body.

There is a soul that falls into the corpse.

That is the great soul of a Creator God! !

A calm question resounded in Yuanji's minds, roaring and deafening.

"Who is spying on my memory?"

This understatement made Yuanji, who was staying in Shi's corpse, feel unprecedented pressure and tremble with fear.

They have already felt the violent storm hidden in the plain words.

"You should not desecrate this body."

"This is offensive to me."

If you offend the original goddess, you will naturally have to pay a price.


Don't allow Yuanji to beg for mercy or explain anything.

A massacre at the soul level has begun!

The soul of the original goddess quickly merged with the corpse of time, and then resonated. A terrifying spiritual storm exploded among the souls occupied by countless Yuanji!

This is an apocalypse, a doomsday for the spirit beings!

Countless parasites were torn apart instantly.

The Yuanji people screamed and howled in pain.

Having lost their bodies, they originally thought they would never feel pain.

But they were wrong.

This empress who suddenly arrived used unimaginable means to attack them, using the most ruthless killing methods to severely dampen their fighting spirit and crush their sense of superiority.

Make them fear, scream, and start to crazily regret their bad and stupid decision! !

The compressed high-density spirit bodies died in pieces at an alarming speed. The shocking death speed terrified the survivors. They began to try to resist, and then quickly failed miserably. Then they began to beg for the original goddess. of forgiveness...

The original goddess did not stop her offensive, and the spirits were still dying miserably.

But her voice came from outside.

"If you are willing to obey me, I can forgive you and serve me. In the future, I will help you realize your wishes."

This is obviously a lie. Yuanji, who is about to be slaughtered in the blink of an eye, has no capital to ask the original goddess to fulfill her promise in the future.

However, the promise of this empress gave hope to the souls who were desperate for life and death in pain.

Now they are just like the natives they despised.

Under the terrifying authority, most of them began to deceive themselves and become self-paralyzed. They gratefully swore their surrender to the empress in the most sincere language.

As for the remaining rebels, they were immediately eliminated and crushed into nothingness in the soul storm.

"Looks like we can get along well, right?"

The empress's question immediately received crazy affirmation from her slaves. The Yuanji slaves who had survived the disaster looked up to the supreme empress and flattered them to the extreme.

The empress casually forged a crystal sword, and the slaves immediately understood it, so the Yuanji spirit body that filled Shi's corpse hurriedly began to move.

The Yuanji people all live in the crystal sword,

They were willing to be controlled by the Empress and became her vassals.

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