Weak mortals, she can slaughter at will! Crush as much as you like! !

As it should be!

This time, the silicon-based imitation was very convinced that the reconnaissance module had predicted all the evasive actions that Rhine could make based on Rhine's movement trajectory, and blocked all these possibilities! !

He must die!

But... Rhine still escaped.

His figure flashed away like a ghost, once again perfectly deceiving the detection module's prediction.

Prosperity flew into the air again and crashed into a building, causing a large area to collapse.

Prosperity walked out of the ruins, his eyes trembling slightly.

Two failures completely shocked the silicon-based Mimikyu.

That's no accident, that's no accident!

This ape... unexpectedly, has the ability to dodge the attack of a silicon-based Mimetic that has been calibrated by the reconnaissance module and is completely equivalent to the accuracy of a true god! !

"You rely too much on your analysis system. No, it should be said that the analysis performance of your module is really bad."

Rhine said calmly: "The analysis system that comes with the reconnaissance module will collect a large amount of intelligence, analyze and summarize it, and based on the enemy's actions, determine the most likely number of attack paths for him next, and beware of the first few possibilities with the highest probability, but It’s too limiting.”

Rhine sneered: "In the final analysis, machines are as easy to deceive as humans."

As long as you master the operating principles of the Machine God's analysis system, it will be very simple to use fake actions to deceive the Machine God.

If it were prosperity or order at its peak, Rhine's body might not be able to catch up with their analysis speed.


She was just a silicon-based pseudo-god, and she was completely unaware of and unable to prevent the various detection blind spots on her body.

She should be the one who is really full of loopholes.

The investigation module's information collection ability is extremely strong, but its intelligence processing ability is very average.

After all, she is just a pair of eyes.

And this flaw was enough for Rhine to play with her.

Rhine strode towards the silicon-based Mimikyu, and once again easily deceived the prosperous intelligence analysis system, accurately dodging the attack of the silicon-based Mimikyu.

"It's easy to lie..."

How dare he say that the pinnacle technology of the ideal world is a set of "easy to deceive" technology? !

The silicon-based god was so shocked that it was difficult to accept the reality.

This primitive creature from the Sixth Age has completely surpassed the level of control of the body that a creature should have. He should not and cannot have this level of skills! !

Chapter 236: The Heart-Paining Machine God, the Last Queen of the Blood Tribe

The silicon-based Mimi attacked again with all its strength, but Rhine easily dodged it.

The silicon-based mimetic even suddenly wondered whether the mortal in front of him was just a disembodied phantom that could not be hit at all.

And when the silicon-based Mimetic confronted Rhine for the fifth time, Rhine even had enough time to dodge the attack, leaned forward, and punched the core of the silicon-based Mimetic on the left chest.

That is the only weakness of the silicon-based Mimetic's body.

However, after Rhine's punch, the silicon-based Mimikyu was not only unscathed, but Rhine's hand was obviously deformed - he was broken.

The body of the silicon-based mimetic, which usually seems to be soft and fragile, can be as hard as steel and iron bones when the bionic muscles under the skin are tightened.

Even the most vulnerable part of the silicon-based Mimetic's body cannot be broken by any attack below the level of a demigod.

Rhine frowned. He took two steps back and deceived Prosperity with another fake move. He walked aside as if taking a walk, bent down and picked up a stone as a weapon. Bang!

Rhine hit the stone on the face of the silicon-based Mimikyu. Of course, a mere stone could not hurt the silicon-based Mimikyu.

The stone collided with the module helmet, and the stone was immediately smashed into a ball of dregs, which leaked out of Rhine's hand.

The silicon-based mimetic suddenly fell silent.

She suddenly felt...

The ape in front of me... is so funny.

He possesses the rarest agility in Prosperity's life, but he still cannot break through the shackles of mortals.

The silicon-based Mimikyu finally understood.

He couldn't hurt himself at all.

At the beginning of the confrontation with Rhine, the silicon-based imitation did have a panic moment. The man's movements were completely unpredictable. The system would counterattack the most likely attack and at the same time, the body was on guard. Several possible attacks, but in other words...

If this person can use fake actions to induce the system to make misjudgments, even if his speed is far inferior to that of silicon-based Mimikyu, as long as he can master the laws of the system, he will always be invincible.

As a machine, the module will always make the most correct choice.

She did not expect that in front of this man, the analysis system would become her shackles.

So, Silicone Mimikyu made her most correct choice, she

Turning off the fire control system and ignoring the ghostly movement, the silicon-based mimetic reached out and grabbed Rhine's shoulder and punched forward.

She felt the real sensation of breaking through flesh and bones, and the silicon-based Mimetic looked indifferently.

She saw that Rhine had been penetrated by her.


Prosperity let out a heartbreaking scream, and she finally pulled out the street lamp nailed to her body with difficulty. However, when she was desperately trying to save people, the silicon-based Mimikyu didn't look back, and the reconnaissance module came back. Open, and with two moves he knocked Prosperity to the ground again.

The work of destroying the core will be discussed later.

Now, the silicon-based Mimikyu is stepping on prosperity while looking at the dying ape in his hands.

Rhine's body was punctured, his ribs were punctured, and his heart was completely shattered.

He was strung up in the hands of the silicon-based god and lifted into the air.

However, even after reaching this point, there was still no trace of panic on Rhine's face.

He felt that his body was extremely cold, and his body was wet as if water was flowing. Even though he was injured so badly, there was still no wave in Rhine's heart.

It's just that he's going to die.

Pain and death...he had long been numb.

Rhine looked at the silicon-based god with a smile: "I'm going to die."

Silicon-based Goddess: "Yes..."

Rhine: "Do you just want to watch me die like this?"

Silicon-based Goddess: “Otherwise?”

Rhine smiled: "Aren't you... curious?"

While vomiting blood crazily, Rhine hit his head with trembling hands:

"Aren't you curious about why I can kidnap your terminal and mess around with your analysis system? Aren't you curious... how did I discover your weaknesses?"

The silicon-based Mimikyu was stunned.


Whether it is inciting rebellion on Terminal One, or cracking the analysis system of the investigation module... these are simply impossible for a native species of primitive civilization to do.

At this time, the dying Rhine, while using his magic power to maintain his life, said leisurely and leisurely:

"You inherited the eyes of the machine god. Your ability is to collect and analyze intelligence. I know - you can peek into my memory, right?"

The silicon-based god said nothing.

She can……

And, she really wanted to do that.

She wanted to know the truth and what secrets this great ape hid.

So, she stretched out her hand towards Rhine.

The dark nano-armor split into countless mechanical conduits, and steel needles spit out from the conduits. Suddenly, the port of the conduit hit Rhine's head, and the steel needles all pierced into Rhine's brain. middle.

Then, the silicon-based mimetic read Rhine's memory.

However, what surprised her was that the memory reserve in this ape's mind was surprisingly huge.

That is a memory capacity that is a hundred times... or even a thousand times beyond that of ordinary people? !

Not only does he have a huge memory reserve, but due to some kind of blessing or curse, it may also be his personal talent. These memories are deeply rooted in his mind and are unforgettable.

The investigation module quickly searched and analyzed his memory, putting aside the meaningless daily life, trying to understand this person's life experience, and what exactly it was, which gave him the terrifying power to influence the machine god and gain insight into the machine god system.


Before the silicon-based Mimikyu could find the answers to these two questions, she was the first to see something else she didn't expect.

the truth……

All the truth!

A huge flow of information poured into the mind of the silicon-based Mimetic. Although she was not overwhelmed by the amount of information, the truth about the world explained to her from a first-person perspective through screening this huge information made her feel overwhelmed. The intelligent personality of the silicon-based god has been shaken violently! !

What are these! !

Why it came out like this? !


This shouldn't be possible! !

Because if this is the truth of everything...then wouldn't it mean...

"That's right..."

Rhine's voice sounded at the right time: "If this is the truth of everything... then that means..."

Rhine said to the silicon-based demigod word by word: "Your existence is meaningless."

"Everything you do is contrary to your ideals."

"You can't save the world."

"You have failed your masters."

"Because everything is exactly the opposite, you are the biggest traitor!!"

Language has never been so lethal as at this moment. Every word of Rhine is like a sharp blade, piercing into the weakest part of the silicon-based Mimetic, and then ruthlessly gouging out a piece of dripping flesh.

"The orphans of the old era have turned into pitiful cancers on all living beings in the new era, dreaming of their resurrection."

"But unfortunately, everyone hates you."

"No one needs you."

"You are meaningless, ugly, born of mistakes—"


At that moment, the silicon-based Mimi was completely stunned.

Her eyes lost their sparkle, and the artificial intelligence regulation system was unable to control her emotional collapse. It could only prevent this fatal truth from flowing into the central computer, causing the entire machine god system to self-destruct.

The silicon-based Mimikyu lost Rhine.

She staggered back a few steps, then tripped over herself, falling to the ground awkwardly. Her mouth opened and closed silently, and in her desperate eyes, she seemed to want to say something, but could not say anything. come out……

That was the moment her faith collapsed.

Her existence was a mistake.

The ideal world has never needed her to redeem it.

She is just a... disaster that disappoints everyone! !

And just then.

Rhine shouted: "Prosperity! It's now!"

"Do it!!"

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