"She...is my beloved relative and friend, my brother and sister."



After leaving the insect swarm, Rhine called into the air, and Euphemia, who had been watching the show with her senses for a long time, appeared and took him back to the insect swarm with a smile.

Rhine originally planned to place the insect swarm in her home as a world-destroying natural disaster in the fourth era. She must have a lot to talk about with another world-destroying natural disaster in Rhine's family.

However, Zerg is very loyal and says that she is here to repay her kindness, so she will share the joys and sorrows with Rhine and go to jail together.

Euphemia used her power with great interest and opened a new cell for the swarm - right next to Rhine.

So Rhine and the swarm spent another half day in jail.

In the evening, Euphemia arrived as expected.

The beautiful archangel, the gentle smile on her face in the past was now a bit more charming. Before she walked into Rhine's cell, she showed an ambiguous smile and made a silent gesture to the insect swarm.

The swarm of insects living next to Rhine blinked, not knowing why.

Then, the door of the cell was closed, and the shielding barrier unfolded, isolating the small cell from the world...


At night.

In the Blood Bank Sanctuary under the Holy Royal Cathedral, Rhine met Beth again.

After only one day of absence, the Archbishop of the Holy Temple has undergone many changes.

She looked tired.

The bodies of demigods are protected by gods, and they will not tire until their magic power is exhausted.

But the fatigue inside is difficult to cure...

Obviously, what happened in the sanctuary yesterday had a huge impact on Beth. However, yesterday's damage had not been healed, and today she had to walk into the sanctuary again.

She walked into the sanctuary, glanced at Rhine, and said with hatred: "You already know, right? Xia won the divine judge for you... You should thank her for her efforts, although it is useless. significance."

Beth said coldly: "Xia firmly believes that you are innocent, but unfortunately, you and I both know exactly what kind of thing you are."

Beth: "The divine judgment is a judgment that can only be passed when a real miracle occurs, because the not guilty verdict here must be unanimously approved by all members."

Beth sneered: "Rhine, how many Imperial Guards and Angels can you bribe?"

"What's the use of bribery?"

Rhine smiled: "After all, I can't pass just your test, right?"

The divine judge is very cruel.

This referee must have the unanimous consent of all participants to be found not guilty. Even if it is a truly innocent person, if there is one member of the referee team who stirs up trouble with malicious intent, the person being judged can be put to death. .

Even if Rhine can convince the royal family, bribe every angel and imperial army, and win the representative from outside the world whom he has never met to his side.

But as long as Beth exists, there is no way Rhine can escape guilt.

Beth sneered: "You know it quite well..."


This is exactly the problem.

Rhine smiled and said innocently: "But because of this, Beth, don't you think you should thank me?

I am clearly destined to die, and I am still a believer in the evil god, yet I am willing to live just to complete Hai Yin's ritual. "

Rhine asked: "I have made such a big sacrifice, Sister Bess, but you still want to be so sarcastic to me?"

Rhine's expression and eyes suddenly showed a touch of coldness.

After a moment of silence,

He asked slowly: "Bess, have you forgotten what I taught you yesterday?"

When Beth heard this, her eyes suddenly trembled.

At this moment, Rhine's previous elegance and politeness were gone, and there was an unquestionable domineering authority in his tone.

Even the Archbishop's aura was completely incomparable.

Rhine emphasized every word: "Kneel down when you talk to me."

Beth: "......."

The archbishop also fell silent.

After a moment, Beth glared at Rhine with a look full of resentment. She gritted her teeth... and chose to obey.

The Archbishop of the Holy Church, who is revered by thousands of people in Hai-in, symbolizes the authority of the goddess, and is pure and flawless in the eyes of the public.

At this moment, his knees slowly fell to the ground, and he finally knelt in front of the blasphemer.

She still remembers the education Rhine gave her.

And she also kept in mind...the consequences of misbehaving.

At this moment, humiliation and pain surged in, but Beth was helpless. Her pride was ruthlessly destroyed by Rhine again.

"Please begin the Advent Ceremony..."

Beth's voice was trembling, as if she was crying:

"Dear, dear..."


Thanks to Fengqi Gudu, Holding a Wine for You to Persuade the Setting Sun, hszy for the reward, the boss is so generous!

339. Beloved Archbishop, early morning kiss

early morning.

Blood Bank Sanctuary.

Beth, who was sleeping, gradually woke up.

Another ceremony is over.

On this day, Beth was not so tired at work that she fainted. Instead, after being exhausted, she got permission to fall asleep naturally.

She is very well-behaved, so Rhine was quite considerate towards her today.

Beth was half asleep and half awake. She tried to raise her eyes and looked around. She found that the sanctuary was empty and she was the only one.


That bastard is gone again.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a greeting from behind her.

"Did I wake you up? Beth."

Beth followed the sound and turned to look.

Rhine was sitting next to Beth at this time. Just now, he was admiring Beth's sleeping face.

Beth: "...what are you doing?"

Rhine smiled: "The work is over, and I was originally ready to leave, but Sister Bess, the way you sleep is so beautiful, I couldn't help but look at it for a while."

Beth: "..."

Beth lowered her eyes: "I'm not happy at all to be praised by you."

Rhine was still smiling: "I know, I just felt it."


Rhine stared at Beth:

"Bess, why did you change into an ordinary nun's uniform to attend the ceremony? Don't you usually wear pretty clothes?"

"I dress up to maintain the majesty of the goddess."

There was a hint of hatred in Beth's voice: "But you... are not worthy of my dressing up."

"Really...what a pity."

Rhine sighed helplessly: "Actually, your garters are quite nice. I really want to see you wear them once."

Beth: "Instead of what socks I wear, you should think about what the referee will do next."

Beth said softly: "One representative, seven imperial guards, two angels, one mother, eleven people. If anyone sees through the ugly face you hide under this skin, you will definitely die."

"You're right, thank you for your concern."

"I don't care about you!"

"So, do you want a kiss goodbye?"

"Don't touch me outside of the ceremony..."

However, after saying this, Beth still did not refuse Rhine's forcefully offered lips.

Then Rhine said goodbye to Beth and went to prepare for his first verdict.

Beth wiped her lips desperately, hugged the quilt, and stared at Rhine's leaving figure.

In my heart... there was actually a sense of emptiness.



Divine judgement.

In Hain, this is an almost forgotten legal procedure. It is hidden in the complicated oracle code and has been ignored for hundreds of years.

For Rhine, this is a legal loophole that allows him to escape the trial of the Holy Church. It is the only way that Rhine can clear his name within a reasonable and legal scope and make the name engraved on the holy stone no longer dazzling. .

However, due to the harsh review conditions of this program, it can only bring a glimmer of hope to Rhineland at best.

As the emperor's order was issued, the country's top dignitaries, representing royal power and divine power, all began preparations for the judging ceremony.

For the Imperial Guard and the Angels, this referee is of no importance. They never pay attention to the boring disputes between mortals, and this matter will not have any impact on them.

But now, there is a group of people who immediately collapsed after hearing the words "Divine Judgment".

The referee needs to have the royal family, the imperial army, the angels and representatives from outside the world to make a collective decision.

Three of them are demigods and divine beings.

And the only mortal force, the representative of the royal family, is the real victim of this referee.

Although the royal family is a mortal, they are also mortals with the highest purity of blood, and they are the soil that breeds all forbidden armies.

The person who referees on behalf of the royal family must be a noble person with high moral integrity and high prestige.

Not to mention, the person to be judged this time is the next emperor.

There are almost only a handful of royal families who are qualified to be elected as representatives.

And these few big shots felt extremely depressed after hearing the news.

First of all, these big shots know very well that

The only vote of the royal representative cannot actually influence the judgment of this divine meeting.

The opinions of the angels and the imperial guards were the key. The oracle left a place for the royal family, probably just to express some respect from the goddess to mortals.

So for the royal representatives, truth or justice is not important at all.

How to escape from this refereeing is the only question that the representative needs to consider.

The divine referee cannot abstain from voting, and a single veto vote can kill the prince.

From this point of view, it seems that being the acquittal judge is the only option for the royal representative... But that is not the case at all.

This vote is not something that can be fooled by a show of generosity and kindness.

This is an inquisition.

If the prince is ultimately found guilty, then what are your intentions in being the judge of innocence?

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