352. The fight for the royal palace, the declaration of cheating, and Tian Zhilian’s late-night visit

Beth felt a little unhinged.

She stared at the communication screen,

She could understand every word of the conversation between the teacher and Hestia, but when they were put together, the Archbishop was confused.

Is marksmanship satisfying?

Fascinating skills?

Want to try it yourself?

Looking forward to it? !

And with a heart? ! !

What is Teacher Euphemia thinking? !

She felt that she must have suffered some trauma from the battle with the underworld demon just now, which seemed to have caused some serious obstacles to her understanding of words! !

She actually saw the peak winged Tianzhi Lian and the teacher Euphemia coveting Rhine's body in the public channel! !

Then Histia was still there and agreed without shame! !

I must have understood this wrong, right? !

However, in the channel, Euphemia's teasing of Hestia was far from over.

[Eufemia: So, Histia has fully realized the power of Rhine and decided to swear allegiance to serve this man? 】

[Histia: That’s right, teacher, Your Highness Rhine is worthy of me. 】

[Euphemia: Till death do us part? 】

[Histia: Just as you said! I saw the potential of a wise king in His Highness Rhine, no, more than that... His Highness has the potential to create a new era! 】

In fact, Histia still doesn't understand Rhine very well.

She really began to understand Rhine during the half-day special training in the interrogation room.

Rhine did not mention his plans for the future or his ambitions to Hestia.

He just taught Hestia patiently, allowing Hestia to master the greatest power in the world in just half a day.

The power to control time.

Broken Saint...

The second sequence, the mistress of time and the infinite world, is a name Hestia can only hear in the carvings of ancient ruins and the legends of the race of divine creatures.

But His Highness Rhine obviously has a deeper understanding of the God of Creation.

In Rhine's words, Hestia could feel that he actually had a little... pampering for that great existence.

That is a completely different emotion from the worship and reverence of believers for gods.

Histia could sense the difference.

No, as expected of His Highness Rhine...

[Euphemia: Listen to what you mean... Histia, do you want to be the head palace of Rhine? 】

The main palace?

Histia was stunned for a moment.

Hestia had heard this term from Yincang before, but it shouldn't be used to describe superiors and subordinates, right?

Teacher Euphemia is really good at joking.

I always felt that Teacher Euphemia seemed to have become much more naughty when I saw her again.

But if Teacher Euphemia means to become a confidant of His Highness Rhine, a leader that the future Emperor of Rhine can completely trust...


[Histia: I hope so much! 】

[Eufemia: Really? 】

[Histia: I never lie! 】

[Eufemia: But...]

Euphemia seemed to hesitate to speak. She hesitated in the channel for a few seconds and asked:

[Eufemia: Then maybe Beth will be sad? 】

Hearing this,

Hestia was stunned for a moment.


Hestia suddenly thought of something important.


Had she forgotten Beth?

Although Beth is still somewhat prejudiced against Rhine now, as long as the divine judgment ends successfully and Rhine is cleared of charges, then with Beth's character, she will definitely ignore the past grudges and concentrate on assisting Rhine in the future.

After all, Beth had always cared about Rhine.

not to mention......

At that time, Beth already had Rhine's child.

Perhaps by then, the position of top leader will indeed not be her turn.

Histia was not dissatisfied with this.

She is very clear about her position.

Speaking of which, Histia is just a rude warrior whose only combat prowess is commendable.

She knows the limits of her abilities.

She loves her country and her people. It is not that she has never tried to rely on her prestige to take over the Imperial Army and assist the emperor in governing the country.

To give an example...

Although Hein's bureaucracy is relatively clean, bugs still exist. Hestia once couldn't stand the corruption and internal strife in Hein's political situation, so she carried out a top-to-bottom purge, including the two people in the family. The sister who was crazy about money was also severely punished by her.

But it didn't work at all...

A series of problems such as corruption and rebellion were indeed almost eliminated under Histia's suppression.

Histia's force and authority are unquestionable in Heine. In this country that worships the goddess of order, Histia's words are like an oracle, and no one refuses to follow them.

But after some cleaning, Hestia found that the results of her work were extremely limited.

The bloated bureaucracy has not become more efficient because of more honest officials or fewer traitors. The country is still plagued by frequent problems, which makes His Majesty Kaysers, who was seriously ill at the time, so busy that he vomits blood every day.

Later, Hestia understood that she could make an official honest and loyal, but it did not mean that she could make the official smarter and more efficient at the same time, nor did it mean that the workplace he was in could become streamlined and streamlined. The system becomes reasonable and efficient, mediates internal strife between various factions, and handles sudden natural and man-made disasters...

There are too many problems that cannot be solved by killing people or intimidating them.

Hein as a basically healthy empire,

What the bureaucracy needs is a wise leader, not a murderous executioner.

And Beth, does that very well.

Perhaps it was because of that purge that Hestia realized the shortcomings that she could not fill.

Since then,

She particularly likes smart people who are proficient in power but at the same time have a noble heart.

She had admired Beth and Cathers.

but now,

She found the sun in her heart.

Your Highness Rhine,

He is a perfect person that Hestia can worship.

His martial arts skills are unparalleled in the world, and his understanding of the country and politics is even more extraordinary.

He is a perfect being.

He has simply transformed into a symbol that only needs people to admire, worship and follow unconditionally.

But thinking about it, when His Highness is running the country, what he wants to see more is a smart person like Bess, rather than a reckless person like Hestia.


Regarding Teacher Euphemia's concerns, Histia answered modestly:

[Histia: I didn't think carefully just now. Bess should still be the "main palace" of His Highness. 】

Beth:? ? ? ?

At this moment, Beth was not feeling well.

who I am?

where am I?

Why did Hestia give up the main palace to me? ! ? !

Beth was very happy that Hestia could think of herself at this time. Her sister recognized her very much, which was an honor for Beth.

But the problem is,

Who cares? !

Who wants to be that asshole’s queen? !

What on earth is Hestia thinking? !

It doesn't matter that you and the prince are not on good terms, why are you still dragging me into this? !

I had an affair with that scumbag just for the sake of the country and to fulfill my obligations!

No, but...

Beth, whose inner emotions were running rampant, couldn't help but began to have some unrealistic reveries...

If...just what if, if the Legion Commander rescues Rhine this time, it is really just a unilateral wishful thinking on the part of the evil god.

And this time Rhine rescued Beth, it was really because he had foresight and obtained the whereabouts of the legion commander, and sincerely asked Hestia to rescue Beth...

That is to say...

If Rhine really has nothing to do with those evil gods...


She conceived his child through the Advent ceremony, and then naturally became his queen... Then in the future, Bess and her emperor raised their child together... If they lived in love together... ...



Beth's face was red with embarrassment, and all kinds of reverie appeared in her mind uncontrollably.

And at the same time,

The happy atmosphere in the communication channel has not dissipated yet.

The two bosses were still happily and shamelessly exchanging all kinds of obscene fantasies they had with His Highness Rhine.

[Eufemia: The power of that child's spear is really amazing. It seems Histia can't resist it at all. 】

[Histia: Yes...when His Highness trained me later, I had to beg for mercy many times, but His Highness did not relax his offensive. I like His Highness's strictness. 】

[Eufemia: After all, only by being strict will the "education effect" be better, and Hestia will know who is your "master", right? 】

[Histia: Ah, yes, the experience in the interrogation room made me understand that Your Highness Rhine is completely worthy of my loyalty. 】

[Eufemia: Haha... I really want that child to be my master. 】

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