
It should be this name. In ancient times, Moonlight once witnessed this mysterious Supreme Being entrenched in the depths of the frozen soil.

But she really didn't expect that the Goddess of the Sun, who herds the black hordes in the snowstorm, would actually have such an encounter with her.

On the other side, Alice was also stunned.


Could this young lady be the new love that His Highness Rhine met outside during the time he was away from Leta?

She is so strong! She is so beautiful! She is so cool! And she can actually call His Highness Rhine "Master" in public!


Alice is trembling inside...

She was actually a little envious!

Alice: "Yes, I am here to see His Highness Rhine. Please tell His Highness Rhine that one of his friends in Leta wants to see him!"


No, you are not just the master's "friend".

Mrs. Alice Philemon.

At the same time, Prosperity was also sizing up the two guests.

As a goddess, Prosperity was of course the first to sense Alice's intrusion into the imperial capital, and all subsequent developments did not escape her observation.

The two people in front of her,

One is the master's slutty fiancée who believes in Olivia, and the other is the master's slutty teacher who once believed in Olivia.

The same extraordinary divinity, the same majestic magic power.

By the standards of the Sixth Era, these two beautiful beauties were undoubtedly the pinnacle in combat power besides the gods.

They even have the potential to reach a higher level and become gods.

For the master, these are two more chess pieces that he has to keep in his pocket.


The maid made a gesture of invitation.

"My master is handling some official business in the Archibald Desert. If you don't mind, please let me entertain you first."

Alice: "Okay, I can wait!"

Alice sincerely thanked Euphemia again, and then walked into the mansion.

Euphemia watched Alice off with a smile, then turned around to leave.

But this time...

"Miss Euphemia."

Prosperity calmly asked: "My master has received a lot of care from you. May I have the honor to entertain you once to express my gratitude?"


Euphemia was stunned by this sudden invitation.


Do I want to go in too...?

Euphemia had no plans to visit the Rhine family today.

She was only responsible for escorting Alice, and came to see Rhine's only legal wife.

In her home, there is a student who is thirsty for knowledge and is waiting for her education. There is no way she could neglect that rare jade.

At this time, Euphemia should have politely declined Prosperity's invitation.


Euphemia couldn't say no, she simply couldn't refuse Prosperity's invitation.

Because that is!

Onee-sama! ! !

All punishment angels are not born out of thin air. They have the same identity - one of the countless possibilities of the goddess of order.

All angels are order.

And just like Shia in any timeline, she will fall in love with Rhine.

In all orders, there is a true love that will never be let down.


She is the only relative of Order, and it is this close relative who has been taking care of her and protecting her since the birth of Order. In order to save Order, she did not hesitate to betray the entire world and even joined the Netherland for this purpose. , and sacrificed his soul to the evil god.

When the soul extracted from the infinite world is injected into the body of the Punishment Angel.

Euphemia actually forgot many memories of her world line.

Order does not need a group of clones who are equal to her, but just a loyal legion.

Therefore, Euphemia only retained her fighting skills and life experience.

She can clearly and firmly make correct judgments on all difficult problems. But she can never remember why she chose this way.

But....even so,

But she never forgot,

Her sister...

"OK, all right....."

Without noticing, Euphemia had already nodded meekly, obeyed her sister's wish, and walked towards her sister.

This gentle, generous, graceful and elegant sister angel seems to always be able to control the rhythm of the situation.

At this moment, he was like a child, so well-behaved that he was even a little cautious, carefully following the prosperity into the mansion.



Qiyue: Alice, you deserve to be a better ruler. When the foundation of your country begins to shake, you must restrain your personal emotions and lead your people to complete the mission that history has given you.

Alice: As a dog? Where can I be a dog for His Highness Rhine? ?

378. Nun Bishop’s one-day girlfriend experience card

Hain Imperial Capital, Imperial Capital Church.

Beth looked at the clock frequently, feeling extremely irritable.

There was a killing intent that was building up in her silence.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in Beth's hand, and the pen she was using was crushed into powder.

Ten hours...

A full ten hours have passed! !

Rhine Hein fled the imperial capital, and there is no news yet! !

Beth always believed that Rhine Hein should be a sane person regardless of whether he was guilty or not.

But he actually did something so stupid and absurd?

After Lilia gave her a not guilty verdict, he opened a space rift himself and left the imperial capital! !

Beth had to admit that she was indeed careless;

She only sent people to monitor Prosperity and the movements of foreign demigods, but she never thought that Rhine Hein was so incredible - he even used a mortal body to tear apart space with his hands and build passages in the slits of space. The technology has been developed!

Is this guy really human?

Italian: "Calm down! Take a deep breath! Beth, don't worry, I can track my brother's whereabouts, everything is under control, it's not a big problem!"

Italaine tried to comfort Beth during the communication.

In order to protect her brother's safety, Etalion, like Shia, placed safety measures on Rhine. She could see that her brother was still active in the mortal world and kept traveling to various locations.

"Not only can I see his clear coordinates, but I can also observe his heart rate. Guess what? He actually had several fights with someone in several kingdoms. Isn't it amazing? He's like a scumbag. He's worthy of it. It's him!"

After listening to Italian's quibbles, Beth's face became darker and darker.

Seeing that Beth had not moved for a long time, Etalaine felt that something was wrong.

Etalaine: "Um...Bess, you're not jealous, are you?"

Italian smiled and comforted her more gently: "Bess, that guy has such a personality. The wives he has slept with before can go around the imperial capital. If you ask him to keep a husband now, it will definitely be impossible. He Sleeping with a demigod outside is just business, a one-time deal, and once you take a bite, there will be no chance of a second chance. But he scumbags you and exploits you every day. That's not because - he loves you!

Look, why doesn't he develop Sia? He loves you more than his lifelong childhood sweetheart. He is already very infatuated with you. Are you right? ! "

Beth said nothing.

After listening to Italien’s ridiculous sophistry,

The eyes of this wise and wise Archbishop of the Temple,

It seems...

It really eased up a bit.

"Italian, you misunderstood."

Beth said word by word: "I'm not jealous."

The matter had nothing to do with Beth's personal feelings.

It's Etalaine's so-called comfort and the reason for her peace of mind - it's too pale!

Beth asked with sullenness: "Italian, do you know what Rhine Hein has done now?!"

"He is fleeing in fear of crime. He fled the imperial capital during the trial. He admitted his crime in disguise! No one can protect him if this matter is made public!"

Beth asked seriously: "Can I rest assured just by knowing his coordinates? But do you know what he is doing now? Can you guarantee that he is not contacting the righteous Blood Demon to counterattack Hein? Ita Ryan, tell me, how can you guarantee it!"


Etalaine asked cautiously: "Is there a possibility... If my brother wants to kill Hein, he could just tell his maid?"

Beth: "..."

Makes sense.

If Rhine really wanted to cause damage, he had more efficient means.

It was precisely because she couldn't figure out Rhine's motives that Beth could still sit in the office of the temple and quarrel and argue with Etalaine.

Instead of signing a wanted order to hunt down Rhine Hein throughout the world, he even requisitioned cursed containment objects from the ecological box and directly executed Rhein Hein remotely.

But it took too long.

No matter what Rhine wanted to do, he stayed too long!

Now Beth can no longer wait, and the church can no longer tolerate Rhine's behavior.

"Italian, tell me the coordinates of Rhine right now!"

"Okay, he is now in the Glimmer Land of Rutherford. The specific coordinates are...wait, don't turn on the teleportation magic yet, he jumped away again!"



The land of demigods, Rutherford.

The demigod queen who rules this country has finally experienced what mortals call "love" for the first time in her nearly thirty years of life.

This prince from Haiyin made her realize for the first time the unique charm of the opposite sex.

at the same time,

It also made her feebly admit for the first time that she was only a female.

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