Rhine looked a little ashamed: "Actually, the reason why I am so curious about this matter is because... I have some worries..."

Olivia blinked: "Worried?"

Rhine nodded helplessly: "I signed a contract with the Goddess of Justice and swore to be her chosen one. If I break the contract without authorization, I will definitely anger the Goddess of Justice."

Rhine: "After all, I deliberately betrayed the contract. I took the initiative to abandon His Majesty the Justice. This and me being taken away by you are two different things - right?"

Olivia: "Yes..."

Rhine sighed: "So I guess that when our contract is reached, and then when the Lady of Justice returns in triumph, the Lady of Justice will probably... take revenge on me."

Rhine looked at his frail body: "If that day comes, I will be unable to protect myself now. I am no match for the Goddess of Justice..."

Olivia: "After all, you are only a mortal..."

"But I have no fear of righteous retaliation."

Rhine showed a smile, full of confidence: "Because when that time comes, Your Royal Highness, you will protect me, right!!"

Of course! !

Of course Olivia will protect Rhine! Defend Rhine to the death and prevent her chosen one from being touched by justice again!

If that bastard of justice dares to catch Rhine's attention again, Olivia will chop off her hand! !


Olivia's eyes first showed murderous intent, and then she couldn't help but reveal a hint of cowardice...

After a series of conversations with Rhine, Olivia had to start to reflect on herself...

Can Olivia really make a promise to Rhine so calmly?

She obviously couldn't do anything when she was taken away from her on the Rhine!

Could it be that she is like this?

Can Rhine really be protected? !

Will she really not betray Rhine's trust? !

Isn't there even a one in ten thousand chance that Rhine will be killed by angry justice? !



Olivia could no longer bear to let her beloved Rhine suffer for her sake.

"your Highness?"

Rhine looked at Olivia curiously: "Why did you suddenly stop talking?"

However, Olivia closed her eyes in pain and let out a sad cry.

"woo woo woo woo......."

In that case...


Olivia's eyes suddenly became firm. She stretched out her hand to stop the bleeding from Rhine's wound, and used magic to replenish the lost blood of justice back into Rhine's body.

"I've figured it out, you'd better keep your identity as the Chosen One of Justice for now!"

Rhine was shocked when he heard this: "Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

Olivia suppressed her sadness and pain and said softly:

"Don't question it, Rhine...you must do what I say, you must!"

Of course Olivia is not willing to share a Chosen One with Justice.

How despicable could she be to do such a shameless thing?

It is possible for Rhine to become the man chosen by her God.

Should Olivia still tolerate Rhine, accept her own oath, and make an oath to justice at the same time?

Wouldn't that mean...she and Justice, the two most powerful goddesses in the Nether Realm, serve the same husband together? !

no doubt,

For the proud Princess Gu Long, this is too difficult! !

Olivia should have appeared in front of Rhine, taking advantage of Justice's absence to erase all traces of justice left on Rhine.

Completely, let Rhine belong to her.

Olivia has already taken out her reverse scale,

This is a treasure that only has five pieces since birth. Now, Olivia wants to spend one-fifth of her dragon life to buy out Rhine.

Since Rhine can accept being the chosen one of justice, he certainly has no reason to reject Olivia.

In fact, Rhine would not reject Olivia.

He will only... risk his life and be loyal to Olivia! !

But the more desperate Rhine was to express his true feelings, the less Olivia dared to accept this passionate feeling.

I am a waste goddess...

I can't defeat justice...I can't protect Rhine...

Rhine took away the dragon eye. He has gained the power to tame the demigods. Obviously he can abandon me and embrace the strongest goddess in the Netherland to show his ambition...

But Rhine still has not forgotten me, and is even willing to give everything to me at any time...

A cowardly and incompetent goddess like me...

Only Rhine would admire me and like me so much! !

I, I can't be sorry to him! !

We must let him live a better life and get more help!

Rhine loves me and will never betray me!

He has shown me his loyalty,

Then I should too...

Olivia held Rhine's hand tenderly, and the blood of justice that had been released before flowed back into Rhine's body under Olivia's control.

With tears in her eyes, she personally sent the filth instilled by her enemies into the body of her beloved believer again.

Olivia: "Although the Lady of Justice hates me, she still loves you very much, doesn't she? This blood also has many benefits for you. Not only does it fit with your Shining Star weapon, it also allows you to deploy the Gospel Blood Cavalry to keep you alive. Just keep it...okay?"

Olivia smiled. She suppressed the sadness in her heart and tried to comfort Rhine: "I'm sorry...Rhine, I can't fully protect you now...since that A woman's power is still valuable to you, so keep it. Even if one day you change your mind and want to join her, it doesn't matter... A good person like you deserves to have a worthy person. Your goddess woo woo woo..."

Rhine's eyes trembled violently at first, and he had many thoughts in his heart, but in the end, he understood Olivia's thoughts.

Rhine smiled: "I will never betray you, my princess."

"Well, I believe you!"

After Olivia said this, she suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and used Alice's body to gently kiss the corner of Rhine's mouth.

With this delicate position, it's hard to tell whether it's a lover's kiss or a simple expression of intimacy.

And Olivia moved very quickly, just a kiss like a dragonfly, and then quickly stepped back and distanced herself.


Although this was just a simple kiss, it meant a lot to Olivia.

Even though they kissed the corner of the mouth, even though the kiss was very fast, Olivia didn't even use her body at all...

But she also made it very clear that she subjectively made the action of "kissing" a mortal.

Olivia blushed and whispered:

"Except for my family...in these hundred thousand years, I, I have only kissed you."

"Why did the prince of Hein suddenly find me and sign a contract with me on that day? I still can't figure it out. But Rein, I have already felt your loyalty to me. I like you, you You are an excellent believer and I don’t want to lose you!”

"So this is my promise to you."

Olivia smiled sweetly:

"This is a goddess who has reserved the first kiss of a hundred thousand years for you."

After all,

Olivia held Rhine's hand again. At this time, Olivia could see a subtle change in the expression on Rhine's face.

There is a... feeling that is different from usual.

Could that be...the feeling of his heart?


It seems that at this moment, under Olivia's best efforts to seduce her, this devout believer finally had any unreasonable thoughts about his goddess?

The smile on Olivia's face became even brighter.

"Then Rhine...I'm leaving first. I'm not very good at this kind of synchronization technology. If I stay in the mortal world for too long, it will add to Alice's burden."

She asked softly:

"You have to work harder to please me from now on,"

"Then one day, you will become my...sworn one."



I wrote less yesterday, I have no inspiration, and I have never felt comfortable. The total number of words this morning and tonight is almost 10,000, which can be considered as enough for two days.

I really wasn’t trying to catch a fish. I didn’t even bother to watch Lonely Rock all day long, and I just wasn’t in the mood. It wasn’t until I figured out a plot point that I suddenly got enlightened and started typing furiously on the keyboard. That was it after I finished typing.


392. The Broken Saint’s decision to devote herself

At the same time as he offered his first kiss, the blessing of the Dragon of Color was immediately injected into Rhine's body again.

In Rhine's eyes, the closed door to the netherworld opened again.

Olivia takes up residence in Rhine's body again.

After doing all this and looking at Rhine lovingly, Princess Gu Long left the scene shyly.

The shocking and terrifying aura gradually left Alice's body.

After a while, Alice smiled at Rhine: "Her Highness Olivia has left."

Rhine nodded.

"It's really amazing..."

Although Alice's body was taken away, she still watched the entire conversation between Rhine and Olivia. After seeing another side of Princess Gu Long that she would not usually show, Alice was very emotional:

"Princess Gu Long is obviously the evil god in charge of sex, but it turns out that she has never even kissed a man."

Qi Yue sneered in Alice's mind, not surprised by this.

After all, Olivia is not an orthodox Netherland deity, nor is she naturally fond of pornography. She just happened to meet [Sex■], the most suitable prey at the time, when she needed a godhead to fight against order.

Although Olivia became like an idiot with a mind full of pornographic waste after being exposed to dirty things, she used to be actually quite serious.

It's normal to have no objects.

But even the ancient dragon king who can enter the Nether Realm and devour the Nether Realm goddess is not omnipotent after all.

Alice could tell.

Today, Her Royal Highness Olivia was definitely deceived by Rhine!

After listening to the conversation between the believer and the goddess from the perspective of a bystander, Alice even sympathized with Olivia.

With her man's character - it is impossible for Rhine to really worship any god.

In the past, when Alice and Rhine lived together, she would occasionally see this person planning how to defeat the goddess of order who gave birth to him.

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