No matter which timeline they are on, Order and Prince Hein are unyielding enemies. They represent the second generation of the sequence. The war between the two sides will inevitably fight until one side dies.

But in today's world, this has not changed at all.

Order has gradually taken Rhine seriously, and as time goes by, her hatred for Rhine will become even more unforgettable.

As for Rhine,

What new tricks will he come up with this time to kill Order?

Since one of the two parties must die, who should Priphimus choose between Rhine and Order?

It’s not order anyway.

Priphimus tore a rift in space, and before today's trial could begin, she arrived at the bishop's home where the judgment documents were kept.

Ignoring the bishop who was diligently getting up early in the morning to work, he was attracted by the noise outside the window and shouted someone's name in a low voice, his body trembling.

At her home, Purephimus obtained a document, signed the acquittal, and put it back in its place.

This is the ninth not guilty verdict.

Rhine is only one step away from clearing his name.

After doing this, it was really time for Purephimus to leave.

With one last look in the direction of her sister, Purephimus took out the secret key and tore open the slit tunnel that led directly to the outside of the world.

All angels who can be promoted to the pinnacle wings are the top strong ones in all world lines.

Purephimus is no exception,

The true identity of Purephimus is that she completed her ultimate goal on a certain world line, defeated the nine sequence gods, and became the last survivor of the supreme existence on the planet.

However, in the end, when her ideal was finally realized, she desperately discovered that all her efforts were wrong. The ultimate goal she was striving for could never bring her any happiness from the beginning.

She just keeps hurting those who love her, doing exactly the same atrocities as she did in the ideal world back then, arrogant and crazy, pushing herself into the abyss step by step.

It also destroyed Prosperity, and her other sister.

And when she realized this, it was already too late.

In the parallel world where she lives in a container and transforms into a punishing angel, she constantly tries to remind herself of other worlds,


Priphimus's attempts to dissuade him failed.

As a mere machine god that is even weaker than the gods of the Nether Realm, if Order didn't have an extremely firm will, how could it be possible to defeat the God of Sequence and become the only one on the planet even just once?

Their will, even if it is just a completely wrong obsession, is still impossible to be shaken by Priphimus' prophecy.

The errors just keep looping.

So Priphimus didn't care anymore, she was going back to the outside world,

That is the last pure land in this universe.

She was going to stay there and never come back.

Then when the moon comes to life, he will just burp his farts with everyone and live out this fucking life happily.

But just then...


The sound of prosperity suddenly stopped Priphimus who was about to bid farewell to the mortal world forever.

Purephimus stopped.

This time it’s not boom drones, it’s real boom.

Prosperity looked a little disheveled at the moment, the nanomachines repairing her torn maid uniform and white stockings.

It sister must have noticed that Purephimus was leaving, so she hurried over.

Purephimus felt warm in her heart.

No matter what, prosperity is prosperity.

She loves herself forever...

Purephimus: "But by the way, um, what's in your mouth...forget it, you don't have to tell me."

Prosperity looked at his sister quietly:

"Sorry, Order."

Purephimus: "Sorry?"

Prosperity lowered his head: "Did I make you jealous? I didn't want to be with your husband in front of you..."

The corners of Purephimus' mouth twitched: "It's okay, if you like it, I'll give it to you..."

Prosperity: "Are you leaving?"

Purephimus: "Yeah."

Prosperity: "Before I leave, I want to show you something, is that okay?"

This was an invitation that Purephimus would not refuse.

She would never refuse to love her sister.

Then the space crack closed,

Purephimus smiled: "Yeah, okay."



There is less content today, more will be updated tomorrow. The first chapter will be released before 2 pm, but the CPU author is not updated enough.

419. Wrath of Heaven, you don’t want your sister to be sold to the Land of Dreams, right?

"my name!"

"It's Smedley, Florence, Black Fire Rose, Sisgrit!!"

"Our people call me the Queen of the Cliff People! The supreme judge of the Rock Council! The Coral Dragon Speaker! The daughter of the Earth who was lifted up and born by the God of Lava!"

"I am! The Lord of Lime and Earth Fire!!"

"Now, I hereby declare that I will always be loyal to Master Rhine. I will give up my dignity, property, and freedom for my master! I will devote my whole life to His Highness Rhine... .Your Highness...Your Highness...please order me as much as you want and use me to do whatever you want!"

In the prince's mansion,

There was another powerful demigod emperor who was fascinated by a scumbag and lost his mind. Finally, he was willing to seal all his power. Under the scumbag's guidance step by step, he surrendered to the Hein Empire and gave everything he had, including her country.

Not far away, Prosperity and Purephimus were admiring this historic moment.

Purephimus: "..."

The archangel's expression was a little subtle. what Prosperity wants to show her?

Well, Purephimus said she wasn't surprised at all.

In the current prosperity, besides the man she loves most, what else can she take Purephimus to see?

Prosperity looked at the grand scene of her master taming the proud demigod queen, and she couldn't help but smile intoxicatedly:

" master, you are so beautiful."

However, Purephimus became more and more puzzled...

Purephimus: "Seriously, what do you like about him?"

Prosperity smiled softly and did not answer.

In fact, Prosperity's answer to this is simple.

Like them all.

Although the time she knew her master was very short, Prosperity had surrendered to her true love from body to heart and became his loyal possession.

This kind of love needs no reason.

After all, her master was so perfect that any female would fall for him easily, and Prosperity was no exception.

So now, Prosper wants to know more about her beloved master.

Prosperity: "My master has been reborn many times in many worlds, is that right?"

Purephimus shrugged: "Absolutely."

Under the control of the Broken Saint, this mortal named Rhine Hein possesses a special ability.


To be precise, it's a time travel.

After dying on one timeline, the blessing granted to him by the Broken Saint will automatically transport him to the next timeline to continue his adventure.

Moreover, this blessing will automatically accompany him in a form that he will not notice, so that neither he nor other sequence gods will notice the true source of this rebirth power - thereby increasing survivability.

The Broken Saint's blessing to Rhine can be said to be a manifestation of her love, but...

In a sense, it can also be said...

The Broken Saint is forging a brand new god-killing weapon.

A super self-disciplined weapon with an everlasting obsession, a will as strong as steel, vast intelligence knowledge, rich experience in hunting sequence gods, strong hostility to sequence gods, and absolute loyalty to the Broken Saint herself.

If you look at Rhine this way, then he is simply the most powerful god-killing weapon in history, and it is the new series that deserves to be ranked number one.

Priphimus told all this to Prosperity.

Prosperity was not surprised. Apparently, her sister, who had the Sequence Godship and Rhine's trust, had pieced together part of the truth.

But there is one more thing that Prosperity is very curious about: "What is my relationship with him like in other worlds?"

Purephimus said calmly: "There is basically no interaction. You have been staying in the Ark, so he has no grudge against you."

Of course, if you really encounter one, you will still have to fight to the death.


Prosperity nodded silently, and then asked: "What about you?"


When Purephimus heard this, her expression was very subtle. To this question, which was natural but extremely difficult to explain, she only had two words to answer.

Purephimus: "Haha..."

The sister did not ask any more questions, but also smiled with Purephimus.

Purephimus felt that she was really happy.

Now, she and her dear sister are standing together, talking and laughing together, just like ten thousand years ago, in the world made of crystals, the two machines were at the end of their busy work. A precious encounter.

Her sister is by her side.

Just this was enough to move Purephimus to tears.

Purephimus: "Sorry..."

Boom: "Huh?"

Priphimus' eyes were full of remorse and sadness: "I kept you there until you died, and I didn't..."

"It doesn't matter."

Prosperity stepped forward and gently hugged Priphimus, his sister from the parallel world.

"At least now, we're together again, right?"

Purephimus: "Sister..."

Prosperity couldn't possibly blame her dear sister.

Not to mention, everything her sister did was for her.

Even if she might have gone in some wrong direction...

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