It's really... too overbearing.

The Grand Master gradually became excited, but at the same time he felt extremely aggrieved. In order to take advantage of me, this scumbag must at least... say a few more nice words.

The Grand Master's tone was a little weaker, and she said with resentment: "So what? just regard me as your tool."

Rhine's eyes were filled with confusion: "What else?"

Grand Instructor: "!!!"

Rhine actually admitted it without any remorse! !

The beautiful white-haired elf lowered her eyes and her heart was beating uncontrollably.

This, this man! !

As expected, Rhine...never wanted to treat her gently and kindly!

Everything is just lies, lies... Electra is just the most unloved pet in Rhine's hands!

Ha ha......

I'm just... among the countless tools in his hand, there is a despicable toy that he despises and that makes him unwilling to even show a perfunctory fake smile...

The Grand Master was filled with grief and anger: "Rhine Heine, how can you be so heartless..."

Rhine was unmoved after hearing this: "Electra, you really disappoint me."

The Grand Master was angry: "Just because I am unwilling to abandon my country to meet your demands?! This disappoints you? Rhein Hein... Do you think that all women in the world have obligations?" Is it all your private property to be obedient to you?!"

He was silent for a moment and asked calmly: "Electra, you won't take pleasure again without permission, will you?"

The great instructor was shocked: "Ta-cai, no one!!"

Rhine showed no mercy to the Grand Master: "You are really disappointing."

Grand Instructor: "Woooooooooo..."

Rhine: "Of course you have the right to reject me, but your current performance is really...disgusting."

The Grand Master's face was filled with an intoxicating blush, and he begged softly: "Don't, don't say it..."

Rhine: "After living for such a long time, your personality has become so perverted. Electra, you still have the nerve to bless those soldiers? Can a psychopath who only relies on his birth and status not insult those who will sacrifice their lives for the country? A warrior?"

The Great Master's body became increasingly hot: "Ha, ha...ha..."

Rhine's insults left the Grand Master helpless.

She could not be angered by this, nor could she really make up her mind to resist Rhine...

She could only accept Rhine's bullying in humiliation.

In the end, the Grand Master chose to compromise...

She knew that the aroused slave in her heart made it impossible for her to resist the master she considered in her heart.

However, just when the Grand Master was ready to agree to Rhine's request...

The gentle elves and gods not only did not dislike the great mentor with a terrible personality, they even gave the great mentor a heart-warming suggestion:

"Electra, try to resist again. If you reject him again, you will hear more insults, right?"

Grand Master: "!!!"

The Grand Master bit his lips, feeling complicated... The gods had good intentions, and they were thinking about the Grand Master, but how could she accept such a ridiculous suggestion.

At this moment, Rhine was looking at the Grand Master sternly through the projection of the communication spell, waiting for the Grand Master's answer.


"Rhein o Hein..."

The Grand Master gritted his teeth, suppressed the strong instinct in his heart, and said word by word: "A mortal who has gained power by selling his skin, don't order me!"

Rhine: "...?"

The great mentor's words stunned Rhine.

The future Emperor of Hein looked at the Grand Master in surprise, and his doubtful eyes gradually... became serious and cold.

The Grand Master's body trembled, and she felt the strong change in Rhine's aura.

The silver-haired beauty who was presiding over the sacred ceremony looked timid and excited...


Her cruel yet charming master...finally, pissed off by her?


Under the mithril altar.

The elf recruits who were about to go to the battlefield were silent and solemnly praying to the great goddess of compassion.

This sacred ceremony has been going very smoothly so far.

Above the soldiers' heads, the silver moon composed of liquid mithril, the moonlight emitted from the dim and melancholy at the beginning, became charming and gorgeous, bursting with divinity!

Bathed in this passionate moonlight, the soldiers received powerful blessings far beyond the normal value.

The soldiers looked gratefully at the silver plate covering the sky.

The Grand Master must be praying very hard for them right now.

The soldiers' respect for the Grand Master deepened.


Hein Imperial Capital.

After getting the almost broken slave declaration from the mentally dying Grand Master, Rhine finally showed a gentle smile again, and after comforting the Grand Master, he closed the communication.

It's not over yet.

After pleasing the Grand Master and getting her promise, Rhine's work was not over yet.

In order to prepare for war,

Rhine still needs to contact a few more combat forces.

So, Rhine adjusted his mood and activated the communication technique again.

439. The depraved affairs of the elves and gods

The content of this chapter has not been approved

440. Beth: Your Highness, please allow me to pray to you?

[This is an abandoned decisive battle. There is huge controversy. The editor has been contacted to delete it. Please do not read or subscribe]

After contacting the great mentor, Laing did not call any more friends and came to the imperial capital to play in a group.

He just found a few powerful divine creatures and asked for one or two treasures from their territories - in exchange for his own genetic factors.

When Rhine got everything he wanted, it was already dark.

Next, after dinner, Rhine came to the study alone and sat at the desk. He was silent for a moment, and then he activated the communication spell and contacted several demigods in the imperial capital.

Perhaps because the decisive battle with the upper gods was about to come, Rhine wanted to recharge his batteries, so today Rhine was uncharacteristically not spending his night time to please the demigods, but just fell asleep early with prosperity in his arms.

Early the next morning.

After a peaceful night, Rhine got up and went to the Imperial Cathedral.

Here, Rhine met Beth Heine.

After the baptism of the night banquet, the nun sister's attitude towards certain things in Rhine has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But when working in the church, she was still the serious and dignified bishop.

Seeing Rhine's arrival, Beth took Rhine to the underground interrogation room without saying anything.


This will be the last of the eleven interrogations that Rhine has experienced.

A royal representative, a representative of the Imperial Guard, two angels, six Imperial Guards, and all the goddess-related people in the entire Haiyin who have the noble blood of God flowing through them have given Rhine a not guilty verdict.


Only the last person was left.

The chief bishop of the Hein Temple and the second most powerful person in charge of the world's most powerful empire—Bess Hein.


She will bring the final sentence to Rhine's judgment - the final word.

Although Beth already has her own answer in mind, she will not do whatever she wants like other referees.

She will complete the final judgment seriously and in compliance with the rules.

"His Royal Highness Rhine Heine."

In the interrogation room, Beth sat upright and looked serious.

She looked into Rhine's eyes and asked seriously: "In order to prove your innocence, please answer all my next questions seriously and honestly."

Rhine smiled and nodded.

"First of all, please answer me, what is your attitude towards the Heine Empire?"

Rhine: "Hein... this country is my hometown. I am familiar with every plant, tree, street, and even every person in this country."

Rhine said: "I love this country deeply. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I hope to protect her and let her last longer."

Good answer.

So next question.

Beth: "Please tell me your attitude towards the Goddess of Order."

Rhine: "Order...she is my lover's sister. I may no longer be able to worship and believe in her as I once did, but I will definitely do my best to love and protect her."

This is a very bad and blasphemous statement. the brother-in-law of the goddess of order, this man is damn qualified to say such things.


Rhine's answers to two consecutive questions satisfied Beth.

Of course Beth didn't just believe whatever Rhine said.


During these ten days of inspection, Beth watched with her own eyes how Rhine practiced what he said today.

He loves Haiyin deeply and is willing to fight conscientiously in his own way to protect Haiyin.

He also loves prosperity deeply, so he will never be purely hostile to order.

Then next,

That’s the last question.

"According to my observation, your words and deeds are consistent. You are indeed a patriotic, pious and qualified citizen of Heine."

Beth coughed twice and cleared her throat. She stared at Rhine and asked seriously: "Then finally, Your Highness Rhine, please tell me why you, so patriotic and pious, signed a contract with the Goddess of Justice and became the Chosen One? "

Rhine: "This is how I gain strength. In fact, without the blood of justice, when I faced off against the goddess of prosperity in the long night - I would have died."

Beth: "So Lady Justice is just a tool you use? Are you not the real fallen person?"


Rhine smiled and said sincerely: "Her Majesty the Queen is a being that I respect and admire."

Beth looked at Rhine's dragon eyes: "So, where is Olivia?"

Rhine's smile became more and more infatuated: "Your Highness Olivia is an even more special person to me. She is the benefactor and love who has changed my destiny. I can't let go of her in this life."

As soon as these words came out, a certain licking dragon in the Succubus Garden of the Nether Realm suddenly broke down after hearing the words. He was moved to tears and recorded the words and played them on a loop every day - but this is not the key.

Beth smiled.

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