4: Because the pressure on the Crystal Ark has decreased, the maid is back online, and the princess hugs Yinzi, who is half dead.

5: Tian Ai was hammered by her sister, who was hugged by Huang Mao in a princess hug, breaking the defense.

6: Tian Ai's plan all failed, he was so messed up, he committed suicide and was reborn on the second Guiyi Sword. He made a final struggle, dueled with Yinzi, and was fucked to death.

7: The second Guiyi Sword was manipulated by two angels and Rhine to seize control. As a result, the second Guiyi Sword was a defective product and suddenly lost control before shutting down, and the three people traveled through it.

8: Gu Long, who was pooped in front of his house, finally waited until Zhen Haiyin's seal weakened, and came whining and cursing, only to find that everything was over. The trump card of Princess White Dragon was not used. Bai Long and the First Emperor met again and said a few words of emotion, and the next volume began.

9: Yasuko worked very hard to eliminate several punishment angels who invaded the imperial capital.

A new volume will be opened tomorrow!

447. Slave girl Unonia

Euphemia: "As long as this machine is turned off, everything will be over."

Rhine: "Yes, teacher."

Euphemia: "So Rhine, now, can you answer a question from the teacher?"

Rhine: "Please speak, teacher."

Euphemia: "Have you ever liked your teacher even for a moment?"

Rhine: "You have always been my beloved teacher, and... please forgive me, maybe I do have some evil thoughts towards you."

Euphemia: "Really, really? That's great, I'm so happy. Then when this battle is over, Rhine will make the teacher your woman, okay?"

Rhine: "!"

Rhine: "Teacher, I——"

Purephimus: "I told you to wait a minute and see why this thing is smoking?"

Rhine \u0026 Euphemia: "????"



Mortal world, three thousand years ago.

In a gorgeous high-end restaurant, a slave singer dressed in costumes sang hard on the stage until exhaustion. The guests enjoyed the elegant atmosphere and commented on the handsome slave singer.

And in a corner of the restaurant.

Rhine and Purephimus were having dinner.

The overload explosion of the Sword of Return sent Rhine and the two angels to the time and space where they were expelled.

As recorded in history books,

When Rhine and Priphimus regained consciousness, they had arrived in the mortal world three thousand years ago.

This mythical age is ruled by the gods and the Primordial Sequence.

After that, time gradually passed.

Rhine and Purephimus have been wandering calmly in the mortal world of this mythical era for two weeks.

In this world of gods, which is completely different from the future world, both of them showed unusual calmness.

As the Star God, the crystallization of all causes and effects on the planet, Priphemus is quite familiar with every history on this planet. Everything in the mythical age does not surprise her.

As for Rhine.

He had brought Sia here to cause trouble before.

Purephimus: "Interesting, what did you do when you traveled back in time?"

Rhine: "I came to find the Sequence Six in the reincarnation period. When the three sisters were recovering their humanity, their consciousness was emotional, and they were most easily deceived, I gave them poison and tricked them into seeking Sequence Three to die."

Purephimus' expression was subtle: "Wait, did I hear you correctly? You were in the most humane period of Sequence Six and were easily deceived by others - your choice was to kill them with poison?"

Rhine said matter-of-factly: "Those three sisters don't even deserve to be Star Gods. The purpose of living is to kill Shia. Of course I will kill them to avoid future troubles."

Purephimus: "It's so funny... I almost forgot that you were a pure love warrior before, so what happens after they die?"

Rhine: "I don't know, but the moment I killed them, I was gone."

Obviously, although the time travel of the Broken Saint can truly rewrite the future, it is also extremely uncontrollable and can destroy itself accidentally.

Rhine tasted the ultra-ancient rhinoceros steak from three thousand years ago and pointed to the plate in front of Purephimus.

Rhine: "You... don't plan to eat even a single dish?"

Purephimus: "What gives you the illusion that divine creatures need to eat?"

Rhine: "You brought me to this restaurant and spent all our money."

Purephimus: "Let me show you the beauty and reward you. The slaves in this shop are very good."

Rhine: "Yeah, but it's a pity that they are all decent men."


The slave performances in this restaurant are all to please female diners.

In a world where all the gods are female and the highest social demigods are all female, it is normal for women to have a higher social status than men.

And this is even more true in the ancient mortal world where demigods were everywhere and gods were rampant.

Due to the high-end price of the restaurant, most of the guests who can spend money here are of high status.

Wealthy businessmen, nobles, celebrities in the city...all kinds of grandmas with divine blood flowing through them tasted the delicious food elegantly. They changed from their usual attitude of appreciating objects. With a look of amazement, they whispered praises to the slaves on the stage. of stunning beauty.


They didn't seem to be discussing slaves.

Rhine felt that countless eyes were focused on him from around the restaurant.

Priphimus laughed: "That poor little slave is probably going to be beaten today. No one in the audience is looking at him."

Priphimus looked at Rhine's face, especially the pair of enchanting dragon eyes: "Olivia's blessing can also be used in this era?"

In the ancient mortal world, order had not cleared up the gods, and Olivia was still just the princess of the ancient dragon, and had not been elevated to the level of an evil god.

However, even so, three thousand years later, the evil dragon Olivia gave Rhine the blessing,

Now, it can still be used.

This was within Rhine's expectation. After all, the dragon eye given by Olivia to Rhine was her most high-end blessing, and running it offline was a basic operation.

However, the reality is even more outrageous than this.

Rhine smiled: "Guess what, not only can my dragon eyes be used, my beloved princess can also see me now."

As he spoke, the door to the netherworld in Rhine's eyes opened. Olivia greeted Rhine with a smile, wishing Rhine a smooth trip and a successful start, and he would be burned out in many days.

Obviously, as the warehouse manager of the original sequence, there should be some artifact left by the Broken Saint in Olivia's black iron warehouse that can travel through the time axis for communication.

Lai Yin, who possesses dragon eyes, combined with the original high-purity divine blood, all these make him, not surprisingly, the most beautiful kid in this restaurant.

If it weren't for the fact that there was an equally beautiful demigod boy declaring his sovereignty next to Rhine, these ladies would probably be tempted to chat with Rhine.

Among these ladies, Rhine noticed an interesting big shot.

That was the old woman at the table next to Rhine, who also chose a low-key corner.

Compared with those elegant celebrities, this old lady was dressed simply. She was accompanied by an equally old servant. The two of them were cutting and sorting the armored dragon tail meat with difficulty with knives and forks. It looked like... .....She must have never tasted this expensive delicacy before.

However, although this old woman seems kind and kind, and harmless to humans and animals, a knowledgeable person can already conclude that this person is a master just by taking a look at her habit of using the muscles of her arms while eating.

Although this old man does not have the strength of a demigod, he will definitely be able to fight with a demigod when he was young.

And there's a good chance he's a swordsman.


Playing with a sword?

"So...what are your next plans?"

While watching Rhine eating, Purephimus chatted with him:

"Look for your wife and teleport back quickly? Or go and fulfill your heroic deeds in the history books?"

Rhine asked, "What do you think?"

Purephimus: "According to the laws of time jumping, all jumpers have been a part of history since its creation - obviously, Rhine, you have no choice."

Priphemus smiled: "Unless the sword master who trained Unonia, such as the old lady next to you, can still twist her old waist to sell her butt to the elves and gods at this age."

Rhine: "...It's a bit difficult."

Purephimus: "Right?"

Priphemus: "But having said that, not only did your wife not come to see you, but unexpectedly... we actually lost Euphemia."

To be precise, since Priphemus and Rhine traveled through time, the two of them had not seen Euphemia.

"Teacher, she probably just landed at a different time. With the teacher's strength, nothing will happen."

It's very embarrassing. The poor angel who confessed to Rhine, who was eagerly waiting for Rhine's reply, and who was ready to have fun, is currently wandering alone in another timeline.

We should really change the positions of Euphemia and Purephemus.

In this way, Euphemia and Rhine would be happy, and Priphemus could find a place to fish in peace, waiting for Rhine to pick her up with the Broken Saint after she was done.

But of course,

Now that she is traveling with Rhine, she has no complaints.

Helping Rhine is helping sister,

Purephimus will not be stingy in providing support to Rhine.

Purephimus: "Speaking of..."

Rhine: "Huh?"

Purephimus looked at Rhine playfully: "Are you exhausted after walking with me for so long? Do you want to find a girl to relax for a while? I heard that the slaves in this shop can be rented out?"

Rhine: "This shop also sells female slaves?"

Purephimus: "Here it comes -"

While talking,

The unnoticed slave singer left the stage in embarrassment. The small stage in the restaurant was quiet for a while, and then the curtain opened again.

A new performance slave came to the stage.

The next program is singing and dancing.

However, this time it was surprising that the new dancer on stage turned out to be a young blond girl.

The girl's body is young and thin, and a dress tailor-made for her by the restaurant wraps up this humble body.

The girl timidly walked to the stage, and the moment she took the stage, the entire restaurant seemed to be lit up by her.

Her astonishing beauty, and her yet-to-be-formed facial features and bones indicate that when she becomes an adult in the future, she is destined to become an even more charming beauty than she is now.

And what's even more valuable is,

There is no divine blood in her body, she is just pure and beautiful, with outstanding skin.

Compared with the previous performers, her expression was dull, her movements were restrained, her head was lowered, and she walked stiffly onto the stage, and her eyes... had no emotion.

Like a zombie, she was driven to the stage by her master, with a stiff fake smile on her face that she was forced to show by her master.

This is a poor newcomer.

Completely unfamiliar with the stage.

However, newcomers often have different values ​​in this industry.

While the waiters were serving the dishes, they also lightly hinted at the few single male guests.

Today is the first performance for this beautiful and lovely girl.

At the same time, she also has another first time for guests to taste.

Priphimus admired this new slave very much: "The laws of this country strictly prohibit the use of divine blood nobles as slaves. A girl with such beauty is already the best on the market - it's just a pity that she is a little young. But it’s not bad, you can train it from scratch, and when it grows up, it will turn into the shape that the owner likes most.”

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