at this time.

The girl's cage was suddenly opened.

The instructor who had been responsible for training her brought her a new set of clothes and a basin of warm water.

"Someone has bought you, come with me."


After freshening up and putting on new clothes, the girl followed the instructor in confusion and left the warehouse.

The girl was sure that she heard correctly.

Someone bought her and she had a new owner.

Sure enough, there is a reason why the girl has been locked in a warehouse since her first performance on stage and has never appeared on stage again.

Someone booked her.

Who will be her new owner?

Was it someone in the audience that day?

Is it that kind and kind old man? Is it the lady in the front row? Or are they the male guests whose eyes are full of surprise and greed for her?


It's him?

The young gentleman with extremely beautiful eyes who also looked at her intently?

The girl was extremely worried. She lowered her head and followed the instructor step by step.

She didn't dare to guess, but she couldn't help but want to fantasize.

Just like that, she and the instructor walked out of the warehouse. Suddenly, the instructor stopped.

"Hello sir!"

The instructor's attitude was respectful and he said to someone walking towards him: "The slave you want has been brought out for you."

It's my master!

The girl was startled and quickly raised her head.

What catches the eye,

He is a fat, middle-aged businessman.

The obese middle-aged businessman looked at the girl. He licked his lips and showed a greedy smile: "Ha, my sweetheart... after spending so much money, you finally belong to me."

Is he... my master?

The girl was stunned for a moment.

For some reason, she, who was clearly despairing of her fate, actually felt a sense of loss at this result for that moment.


What is there to lose?

The girl accepted the reality. She followed the instructor's training and tried her best to smile. Then she walked towards her master——

The obese middle-aged businessman strode towards the girl with the same ecstasy. Then, he pushed the girl out of the way and hugged the slave singer who was released from another warehouse behind the girl.

Businessman: "Oh! My sweetheart, after hearing your singing that day, I will never forget you again. I know that you are exactly the talent that the Kental Orchestra needs!!"

Slave Singer: "I will definitely live up to your expectations, Master!"

The obese middle-aged businessman laughed loudly: "Master? No, no, no, from today on, you are no longer a slave. Now, my sweetheart, please call me - boss!"

When the slave singer heard this, he was instantly moved to tears: "Boss!!!"


The girl looked at this scene and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"What are you looking at?"

The instructor's voice was cold: "Mr. Kental's orchestra only lacks a tenor. You are not that lucky."

Girl: "Yes..."

The instructor continued to move forward with the girl: "The people who bought you are a couple who live a dissolute life. I am very sure that they do not need sexual partners to replace each other, nor do they need mortals to be their bodyguards. Your selling point is in their eyes." It makes no sense, you better think about why they want to buy you. I mean - you better not refuse [any] orders from them."

Girl: "Yes..."

In this way, the instructor brought the girl to her real master.

This time,

When the girl raised her head again, what came into her eyes was a pair of gorgeous eyes as bright as the stars.

A gentle young man, with his wife, looked at the girl with gentle eyes.

"Hello, I am Rhine Hein, this is my wife Priphimus, because my wife is infertile, but... we still want to have a lovely child, preferably a daughter .”

The girl's new master said with a smile.

A new life for this unknown girl is about to begin.

451. The slave girl who cannot escape from servitude

"Madam, sir, this is the Seal of Ezekiel. According to the procedure, please give this slave a name, and then we will brand it on her body, so that she will not be able to disobey you until her death. Order."

"No need to brand, I said, what we need is a child."

"Yes sir."

"She does need a name though..."

The backstage of the slave restaurant,

Rhine knelt down in front of the girl. He looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

This legend will dominate the planet for the next three thousand years, and is the origin of the strongest empire and the strongest demigod system in the world.

The girl was also looking at Rhine. However, when she looked directly into Rhine's eyes at close range, the girl felt like a bolt from the blue. A kind of throbbing that she had never experienced before awakened in the girl's heart.

The girl suddenly felt at a loss and lowered her head in a hurry.

Rhine: "Unonia Hein, you will be called this name from today on, okay?"

"I understand, Master."

The girl nodded lightly. Even though she was not imprinted with the soul contract of a slave, she still abided by her identity: "From today on, Unonia will serve as the master's personal property and serve the master with all she has."

Rhine smiled and said: "I am not your master, child. You can call me father or teacher. Well... father is not appropriate, so you should call me teacher."

Unonia whispered to her master: "But... you bought me."

Rhine: "Yes, but that's not because I need your loyalty, but because your talent amazed me."


Unonya thought of the singer who had just been bought by the band owner.

I see......

Unonia nodded sensibly, then she obeyed her master's wishes, tried hard to overcome the instinctive slave etiquette in her heart, and said:

"Yes, old... ugh! ugh... ugh!!"

However, before the disrespectful title was uttered to her master, Unonia suddenly knelt on the ground, coughing and retching, and her body was shaking.

All kinds of nightmarish memories suddenly came to mind,

Unonya's eyes trembled, and her body curled up in pain.

As a top-notch slave with the most professional training and the highest quality, Unonia's loyalty to her master is engraved in her bones.

Not to mention betraying her master, as long as she is disrespectful to her master or uses inappropriate names for her master, she will instinctively have a stress reaction.

Seeing this, the instructor on the side explained helplessly: "I'm sorry, sir, the education this slave has received does not allow her to be equal to her master in terms of personality. It may take you some time to correct her..."

Rhine sighed. He did not force Unonia anymore. He smiled bitterly and helped the girl up: "It doesn't matter. Just take your time. Come with me now."

Unonya: "Yes, Master..."



After untying the collar around Unoniya's neck, Rhine took Unoniya and left the restaurant.

Unonya has a new home, but in this new home, her current identity is a bit complicated.

First of all, Unonia regarded Rhine and Priphimus as her masters to whom she swore allegiance to the death.

However, Rhine only wanted to be Unonia's teacher and train his ancestors on the right track.

But at the same time,

In front of outsiders, Unonia is neither Rhine's student nor his slave. Unonia's character is also the daughter of Rhine and Priphemus.

Of course, Rhine would not deliberately emphasize this matter to take advantage of his ancestors, but as long as Rhine, Purephimus and Unonia walked on the street, these three looks were amazing and their faces were vaguely similar. Basically, the three of them will become a family of three.

Just let others misunderstand.

After all, it would be convenient for many things if outsiders mistook Unonia for Rhine's daughter.

On the one hand, it makes it easier to explain to others.

And another point...

In this era where women's status is significantly superior to men, and the higher the upper class society, the more men are treated as accessories. A handsome husband with children is an excellent persona that can arouse the desires of powerful women.


His wife, daughter, and the ring on Rhine's finger are just tools for him to play husband.

that's all,

Rhine brought his ancestor back home.

After learning that Unonya had not eaten lunch, the three of them decided to go out to have a meal together.

In a tavern, Rhine took his wife and children to eat together.

On the road, Unonia followed the two masters obediently. At the same time, she looked at Priphimus from time to time with cautious and probing eyes.

She already knew the male owner of her new home, but the female owner... seemed to have some interest in her.

"Don't look at me."

Priphemus noticed Unonia's gaze and said calmly: "He will be responsible for taking care of you from now on. I don't have the ability or lust like him. From now on, just treat me as if I don't exist."

Unonya answered cautiously: "I was bought by two masters, and I will do my best to serve them in the future."

Purephimus seemed to be amused, she waved her hand: "He is the one who spends the money, it has nothing to do with me, do you understand?"

Unonya didn't dare agree.

Unonya had a vague feeling that Priphimus didn't seem to like her.

It's also true that... if the husband suddenly spends a huge amount of money to buy back a female slave, the wife will be unhappy... and it should be right.

At this time, Unonia seems to have seen her future life in dire straits between the male master and the mistress, but even so...Unoniya is still full of hope for the future life. .

Because her master, her only master Rhine, was a kind and kind man.

He would smile at Unonya, talk to Unonya in a gentle and patient tone, and give Unonya a nice name like a normal person. He would even be so generous that he refused to give Unonya a name. Leave a mark.

The missing mark on her body will not diminish Unonia's loyalty to Rhine.

No matter what difficulties or sufferings she will encounter in the future.

She will serve her only master, her compassionate master...


Although Unonya's determination was good, one thing was that she was simply overthinking.

Purephimus had no objection to her;

Because she treats everyone like this.

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