Rhine sat down calmly in front of the two cat girls and demigods. In this era, just being able to get along with the demigods who are regarded as saints so calmly and almost arrogantly - Rhine is already a unique miracle in the entire world.

And the more treasures you have never seen before...

It's more valuable.

The two sand man demigods stood in front of Rhine with smiles, calm and without any anger. They just stared at Rhine lovingly, waiting for this unmanly man to speak.

Rhine's expression became serious, and he said seriously: "Let me tell you in advance, please rest assured that I do not intend to engage in any power transactions with you. Both of you are important figures in the Sand Capital. It would be too shameful if word got out, right?"

The two demigods nodded in agreement.

Rhine continued: "Even if I am lucky enough to become lovers with you two in the future, it will only be because we are in love with each other. But today, I just want to talk to you two calmly. I hope that my sincere attitude can make you take back your love for my wife." judgment."

The two demigods continued to nod.

Rhine's expression was serious and gentle: "Then, you two, please kneel down and let us have a serious talk about compensation."

Golden Gradient Layer \u0026 Cow Cat: "?——"




On the other side, Priphimus, who left the office with Unonia, remained silent on the way home. Her expression was a little distorted, as if she was suppressing sadness.

Hold it!

Purephimus told herself that she must hold back——

Can't laugh out loud!

Once she leaves the shielded office, she will be exposed to the surveillance of demigods.

If she laughs out loud at this time - her character will collapse!

However, unlike Purephimose who was in a highly happy mood,

But Unonya had a worried look on her face and kept staring at the office with the curtains drawn.

Unonia weakly asked Priphimus: "Master... what is he doing?"

Privimus showed a sad smile: "Your master is just talking to the demigods. Children, don't ask any more questions."


Master, what on earth is he talking about with those two demigods who covet his body?

Unoniya is not an ordinary child. She is too familiar with the dirty and ugly routines in the adult world. How could Unoniya not know what is happening in the office...

But what could Unonia do?

She really wanted to cry,

There is nothing she can do for her master!

She could only watch as her master had to make a shameful deal in order to give her a home and a future for her.

Unonya's heart was deeply touched,

It broke our hearts! !

For the first time since birth, the girl shed tears for someone else.

That day, Rhine's status in Unonia's heart became countless times higher.


454. The prince and his harem of ATM cat ladies

By early morning the next day.

When Lain returned home in disheveled clothes, all the living procedures for their family of three had been completed.

Rhine, his wife, and students have all become legal citizens of Sarawak.

Purifimos was even exempted from the process of establishing a brand with the goddess. The Golden Ling Team hired her as a special expert and gave her a legal and free idle position.

Not only that, the Golden Lings even generously introduced the Rhine family to a mansion located in the core of the city - just next door to the captain of the guard.

However, the scent of female perfume that stained every part of Lain's body was silently explaining what price Lain paid to obtain these benefits for his family.

A family of three that day,

Extremely silent.


This is not over yet, far from it.

Now Rhine has only solved the problem of settling down, but if it is just to find a place to stay, why does Rhine have to choose the Sand Capital?

He needs to be native, lots and lots of native.

His students also need a large amount of precious materials to make potions to regulate their bodies.

For the sake of the child, the handsome husband Rhine, there is still a lot that needs to be sacrificed...

That day, Rhine looked out the window quietly, recalling the humiliation he suffered last night, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart...

Cat girl is so cool...


Time passes little by little...

Unknowingly, the Rhine family has been living in the Sand Capital for more than a month.

Unonia has gradually adapted to her new happy and inhumane life.

During this time, Unonia followed her two masters and worked hard to learn magic.

The master’s hope is to pass on what he has learned throughout his life to Unoniya, so that Unoniya can inherit his mantle. Unoniya will definitely not disappoint her master. She will work hard every day, get up early and work hard at night, and dare not relax even for a moment for fear of letting her down. The precious learning opportunity gained by the teacher in exchange for soiling himself.

However, what makes Unonia ashamed is that she failed to live up to the teacher's expectations. She has no talent at all. Her magic learning progress is extremely slow. It is obviously the simplest low-level magic, but she feels that it is extremely obscure. , the learning process is difficult and half the result is achieved with half the effort.

After all, she didn't know that her two wall-hanging owners would be so aggressive. Their children didn't even learn to understand lower-level magic, so they couldn't wait to mix private information related to the authority of the Nine Sequences into the teaching text, and taught their children every day. to autism.

Although in theory, Unonia's teacher should be Rhine.

But in fact, during this month, most of the people training Unonia were Priphimos.

The hostess, who was cold and distanced herself from Unonia as soon as they met, ended up taking on most of the teaching work responsibly.


What was Rhine doing during this time?

He is raising cats.

Raise a licking cat.


After a month of hard work, Rhine has won the hearts of many rich women.

On this day, Rhine had just fed the prepared potion to Unonia. Seeing Unoniya's physique sublimating rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, Rhine was delighted and immediately prepared the formula for the next dose of alchemical potion.

Of course, this is another masterpiece that combines all the top krypton gold materials in the ancient mortal world.

This bottle of medicine alone is enough to buy dozens of Unonia.

Rhine skillfully activated the communication magic, then glanced at his long address book and selected the leeks to be harvested today.

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying Short Film at the White House Ceremony Hall]

[Unread messages: 99+]

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying's short story at the White House Ceremony Hall: My dear, I miss you so much. Since I last parted with you, I haven't heard your voice for two days... Why does the man I love so much So cruel, one night of pleasure left me in the cold. 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying of the White House Ceremony Hall: My dear, I saw you sleeping with another woman again. I respect your choice, but please don’t have any contact with the captain of the Golden Ling Team, that woman. The method is very vicious, you can't control her... Wait, are you threatened by her? Tell me dear, did she threaten you? 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying of the Daytime Ceremony Hall: Dear, I have already gone to see Captain Heslet, and I can see that she is safe for you, because... Hehe, As soon as I heard the tone of her voice, I knew that she, like me, was crazy about you and couldn't extricate myself. As expected of you, my treasure! ! 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying's short story at the White House Ceremony Hall: My dear, you haven't talked to me for four days. Have you completely forgotten about me? You slept with a new woman today. Do you know how incredible your behavior is to the men in Sand City? But it doesn't matter, I'm just obsessed with your bohemianness, but...please remember me. 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying of the Daytime Ceremony Hall: Five days have passed! Rhein o Hein! You've ignored me for five days! ! Do you really treat your aunt like a pheasant on the roadside and leave after playing with it? I am the priest of the sacrificial hall! I have no shortage of men! I'm blind if I give you my first time! I tell you! I have no shortage of men! ! 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiao Yingdan of the White House Ceremony Hall: Still ignoring me! Haha, have you forgotten me or do you not even know how to use communication techniques? You stupid slut! 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiao Yingdan of the Daytime Ceremony Hall: I'm sorry for saying those extreme words to you yesterday. I meditated in the temple for a day and a night. God's teachings made me enlightened. Now I have completely let go of the relationship with you. You have a bad fate, Rhine and Heine. From now on, you will no longer affect me. Farewell. 】

After roughly scanning through the unread messages during this period, Rhine calmly replied:

[Rhine: Sorry...]

Then, just the moment the message was sent,

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying's short message at the White House Ceremony Hall: It's okay, my dear, I misunderstood you, don't blame yourself! ! In fact, I was wrong too! ! ! I misunderstood the oracle. My god never asked me to leave you. I should have pursued you more persistently. I love you! ! 】

[Rhine: My dear, I want to see you. 】

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiao Yingdan of the White House Ceremony Hall: Me too, my dear! Come on a date with me tonight and let me perform the daytime priest’s sun prayer dance for you on the bed?——】

[Rhine: But dear... I still have work to complete. Unonia needs an alchemy machine to condition her body. She only has a few ingredients to start preparing, but she is short of money... ...]

[Licking Cat No. 9, Xiaoying’s short message at the White House Ceremony Hall: It’s not a big deal, my dear! Tell me the materials you are missing and I will send someone to collect them for you! ! 】

[Rhine: "Alchemy Formula Table\

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