Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

558. The eldest sister’s pure love service (12)

The second expedition is over.

Because there were not enough troops left to guard the outer base of the hunting area, it was unexpectedly stolen by the sub-gods.

But fortunately, there is nothing important here. After it is bulldozed, it can be rebuilt with magic.


The dense forest ignited by the light spear is rapidly being eroded by the flames.

Thick smoke billowed and the sea of ​​flames billowed into the sky.

However, the goddess of compassion had no intention of stopping this fire that could destroy the entire forest.

On the contrary,

Instead, she is accelerating the destruction of the forest.

Huge tentacles emerged from under the earth, squeezing the ground and crushing the trees, just like big hands, changing the terrain of the hunting area.

Like a city wall, the mountains are piled up with tentacles, and the authority of compassion is burning on them.

On the mountains, the sub-gods looked up to the sky and roared, enjoying the unprecedented power brought by the unprecedented divine nourishment.

The goddess of compassion is transforming her garden into a battlefield.

At the same time, the size of the Divine Domain of Compassion is also rapidly shrinking and being greatly streamlined.

This is the embodiment of the change of tactics by the goddess of mercy who suffered a second disastrous defeat.

Shrink the front line, gather troops, and maximize the power of the remaining ten core sub-gods. If circumstances permit, even the goddess of compassion herself can directly participate in the battle.

She has lost the support of six sisters,

This was the greatest loss she had ever experienced.

She finally felt afraid and realized how difficult the enemy was.

Her lover is so wise and brave that she even feels danger...

The six missing cores are weakening the power of the sub-gods and making Mercy feel weak.

Because of this,

A goddess who bursts out with fighting spirit in the face of adversity will become even more terrifying.

Rhine watched the reconstruction of God's Domain from a distance, already feeling a sense of crisis in his heart...

Mercy has completely entered a state of war, and the prosperous light spear support has been exposed and turned into a bright card...

Next expedition...

I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult.

On the other side, while Rhine was watching the scenery, Hestia stood obediently beside Rhine, waiting for His Highness to lecture.

Looking away from the distance, Lain turned to look at his eldest sister:

"So...how are you doing recently?"

Histia thought for a moment...and nodded uncertainly: "Most of the time...it's okay."

With the Evil Dragon Reverse Scale, Histia's assimilation progress was completely frozen, but the freeze was a freeze, and the original progress would not fade.

Histia is still in the state of sharing the same body with that goddess...

Histia could sense the emotion of that being.

During this period of time, the great being's mood had been very calm.

She is a machine,

Now overlooking the ups and downs and struggles of everything under my feet,

There may have been some unsatisfactory developments, but none of it caused much turmoil in her heart.

Except...when the goddess of prosperity encouraged Histia to do bad things to Rhine.

Even though the world has undergone drastic changes, she is still the strongest person on the planet. She controls the most powerful army on the planet, calmly being a bystander and calculating her next move.

However, when Hestia had lustful thoughts, she couldn't help but hide in a corner where no one was paying attention to reward herself, especially when she thought about the appearance of His Highness Rhine...

And when Hestia, under the instructions of the Goddess of Prosperity, began to seriously consider how to serve His Highness Rhine...

This poor goddess who was tricked into a dog by her sister and brother-in-law...

I cry really loudly.

She possesses all of Histia's senses, and even in order to prevent her precious vessel from dying in battle, she is not shy about providing additional support to Histia when necessary.

most of the time,

Histia feels that she actually has a similar personality to that goddess...

In each conversation with her, Hestia could understand the thoughts and ideas of this goddess more and more.

And the goddess doesn't seem to be disgusted with Hestia's thoughts.

Except, really, when Hestia was thinking about His Highness Rhine's beautiful eyes as a reward... that Supreme's intense grief, anger and despair could always spoil Histia's mood.


"Yes, Your Highness."

Histia's thoughts were interrupted by Rhine's call, and Hestia came back to her senses.

Speaking of which...

Although Hestia has been inseparable from His Highness Rhine these days, but now, he seems to have something to say to Hestia.

Rhine: "I am impressed by your performance this time. You got a sub-god core, and you killed a god for our coalition... This can greatly help us win this war. What do you do?" Very good, Hestia."

"No...you're exaggerating."

Being praised by her idol, Hestia smiled lightly.

In fact, she didn't do anything... She just took a risk with the passion to do something for His Highness Rhine, relying on the protection of her goddess of order...

Rhine: "Thank you for all your sacrifices for me, Hestia. I know your loyalty to me... I simply don't know how to thank you."

"No...Your Highness, you are speaking harshly..."

Hestia smiled and shook her head: "Serving you is my mission in this world. If necessary, don't be stingy in using me in the future."

Rhine: "So, is there any reward you want?"

The smiling Hestia was stunned: "Huh?"

award? !

Hestia looked into Rhine's gorgeous eyes and suddenly blushed.

Histia subconsciously grabbed the evil dragon's reverse scale on her chest, blushing and heartbeating...

Because speaking of His Highness Rhine, the reward for this most beautiful woman in the world...

Could it be, that's it? !

"No...I don't need a reward!"

Hestia shook her head shyly: "But if... His Highness wants me to ask for any reward from you, that is, if Your Highness needs me to desire you, I, I will do it! Ah... .....Ah, sorry! What you just said was too stupid, please just pretend you didn’t hear anything!”

Seeing Hestia in a hurry,

The existence in Hestia's mind was a bit speechless...

As for...

Rhine smiled. Since Hestia didn't want anything, let's just drop the matter.


Rhine got to the point.

His expression became serious: "Histia, you know... we can't pretend that the Supreme in your body does not exist."

Rhine looked into Histia's eyes and seemed to have seen through Histia's eyes the will hidden deep in Histia's soul...

Rhine stared at Hestia and asked, "I want to know... what does she think of this war?"

——It doesn’t matter.

The Supreme's answer rang in Histia's mind.

The world is a chessboard,

She and her supercomputer made careful predictions about her actions in the coming war.

And in her plan,

The goddess of compassion is just an insignificant existence,

She didn't know why Rhine, an outsider who obviously had the same ambition as her, thought of starting with compassion...

She also knew that compassion could awaken Osagapo - but that was no longer important.

It can no longer be concealed that a special individual with the power of a creator has disrupted the development trajectory of civilization.

The awakening of the original gods is a foregone conclusion.

It's just a matter of sooner or later.

[Osagapo's Oath] As the most powerful god second only to the Three Supreme Beings, there is no benefit in letting her be the first to be resurrected.

But there’s no need to go out of your way to stop it, that’s it.

Rhine: "Maybe, we can join forces."

Rhine said sincerely: "I am originally a product of your creation, and your blood flows through me... I hope to get your help. Our goals should be the same."

Rhine does not want to go to war with Order;

Now, Order has been highly integrated with Histia, and it is impossible to eliminate Order without harming Histia.

This honest and upright eldest sister has always been very kind to Rhine.

Of course, she cannot be left behind in the last reincarnation.

As for order, she should also understand it.

Rhine and she are both people who want to end this reincarnation and save prosperity.

They should be comrades-in-arms and comrades.

Now is the right time. Rhine wants to use the Goddess of Compassion to strengthen his power. When the coalition is about to fall into a disadvantage, he will break the ice with the Goddess of Order for the first time.

Rhine: "The next battle will be more difficult. If I have the help of angels, I can rest assured."

His Highness Rhine is right.

Histia also saw the changes in the God of Compassion in the distance, and she deeply agreed with Rhine's words.


--no way.

The Supreme One flatly rejected Rhine's request.

Rhine's request was a bit excessive.


I want to help you?

Of my three pairs of pinnacle wings, one pair was destroyed by you, and two pairs will never come back to me again.

He took away her general, and even controlled her only vessel. Most importantly, this man also took away her sister.

She has too many reasons to hate Rhine,

No matter what she thinks,

There is no reason to show kindness to Rhine and lend him her resources, right?

She could see the change in the battle situation from Hestia's eyes...

Histia's safety is very important, and she will ensure that Histia can survive this battle...

But other than Hestia and her sister,

What's the value of her taking action?

Hestia listened to the goddess's determination and shook her head helplessly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to convince her, Your Highness."


Rhine smiled regretfully.

Histia asked: "Besides angels... Your Highness, do you have any other options?"

"I can't think of it for the moment..."

Rhine looked helpless:

"If our disadvantage is too severe, we may not be able to guarantee the survival of high-end combat capabilities. This is very troublesome... I have to think about it carefully."

"Your Highness..."

His Highness's pitiful appearance made Hestia very heartbroken.

Hestia couldn't help but hold Rhine's hand,

Seeing Rhine's sincere request being rejected,

Hestia felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't know when she started... She couldn't even accept Rhine being a little wronged.

Histia is the imperial guard of His Highness Rhine, and her duty is to help His Highness solve problems.


Is there any way to help His Highness Rhine and convince the goddess?


There is.

As the only container for the goddess of order, I want to make this seemingly invincible goddess surrender, but in fact she is full of flaws in her heart...

Actually... surprisingly simple.

But this requires great courage - the courage to blaspheme faith.

For His Highness...she can!

"It's okay, Your Highness Rhine."

Hestia said softly: "We may not be able to get support from angels, but at least..."

As she said that, Hestia put her hand on Lain's waist, then she hugged Lain and looked at him from a distance.

This radical move caused Hestia to start bumping into each other again...

But she still tried to say seriously

"Your Highness...you can have me."


Hestia mustered up the courage and said the boldest love words she had ever said in her life: "Kiss me, and then...please enjoy me..."

Hestia emphasized every word: "After all, I am just [a demigod], [without those angels], I alone cannot actually help you, so... please allow me to use [this body] Body] come [comfort you]..."

Histia: "This is...the only thing I can do..."

This is indeed the only thing Histia can do.

After all... Hestia had only seen the adult break through the defense in this related scene.

"Please relax your body..."

Histia tried her best to pretend to be very skilled in flirting, and said with a calm smile: "In order to relieve His Highness Rhine's worry about not being supported by angels, let me serve you."

The great being in Hestia's mind is going crazy...




Suddenly, Histia's eyes lit up. She stopped flirting and said in surprise:

Histia: "Your Highness, she agreed!"


Rhine smiled: "Then let's continue."

Histia: "Oh, Your Highness? Hmm——"

Although the deal was reached, Rhine still kissed Hestia.

Lips and tongues meet, affectionate.

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